MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 1118 Exchange condition

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"This must be Lord Sali, we have met." A calm voice sounded, and the eyes of the giant scorpion slowly moved behind the back of Augustus - the strength of the peak and the gods It seems to be the follow-up of the dragons, but the calmness and calmness shown in the eyes far exceeds the pseudo-god-level Augustus, as if this is the real head.

This person... have you seen it?

Although Sali's gaze made him feel the amazing pressure, Chen Rui was no longer Wuxia Amon, and he had dealt with the top peaks of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Satan, and Abyss. Afterwards, the pressure of Saliye could no longer make his heart half-hearted or shaken.

The most important thing is that he is here today and can only win and not lose.

Chen Rui showed a faint smile: "My name is Agulie."

The huge pupil flashed slightly and his eyes became more and more fierce.

"This is a very common name, not to mention history. Even now, there are not thousands of names in the devil world." Chen Rui said in a light way, "Is it special surprise to Lord Sullivan?"

"Just the same name as the impression." Shaliye finally spoke up, and the voice seemed to penetrate the soul and oscillate back and forth in the space. "No matter whether it is the same person or not, it is not enough for the ants."

Chen Rui did not hear the disdain in his tone, but looked directly at the evil spirit of Saliye: "I want to emphasize that this is the name of a father. Half a month ago, you took my daughter. From the hands of the dragon."

“‘She’s your daughter?” Sullivan’s pupils shrank and immediately gave a scornful smile: “It’s ridiculous!”

"I don't think it's ridiculous at all. I am coming today to bring my daughter back."

"Stupid ignorant ants! Since you know my prestige, you dare to say so much! In the power of the power of the moon, turn it into a fly ash!" The huge pupil exudes a powerful power, a silvery light. Shot from the giant eye on the left. Lightning rushed to Chen Rui, the space along the way seemed to be cut open.

The attributes of this attack are somewhat similar to "true red extinction", and the power is far above the "true red extinction".

The purple starlight shone in an instant, and the silver light suddenly slowed down. The whole country stagnated. After blinking, it returned to normal. There was a huge hole in the bottom that was barely bottomed. It was obviously just the giant eye. A blow. However, the figure that shines with purple starlight appears in the other direction.

"It turned out to be you, we really saw it." Sally said coldly, he had already recognized Chen Rui as the pseudo-god who wanted to **** the little girl with himself after the dragons that day - this person is still in the dragon Above, it is about the middle of the pseudo-god, with the power of speed, but the overall strength is still far from itself.

This "Agulie" is different from the servant who was killed by Satan. It must be two people. In fact, it is impossible, who is Satan? How can the attack fail? And the death of the servant is still seen by oneself!

"I can't think of your strength in the soul of my moon, so I recovered so quickly." Sullivan's giant eyes stunned. "You have the speed power. You also have... time power? You and What is the relationship between Sercored?"

"Not everyone who has time and power is directly related to Satan." Chen Rui shook his head.

"It seems that you are no stranger to me and Satan, the most powerful of the peaks, otherwise it will not directly find this country. The little black dragon has a broken eye of the dragon god, it should be the origin of Long Island. Or still The current Dragon King, and your strength is still far above him. Nowadays this age is like your strength. It is a rare existence, I am just curious, I have never heard of your name!"

"The name is just a code name." Chen Rui saw Shali Ye easily peeked at the identity of Augustus, not surprised.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!" sneer in the giant eyes: "Since it is a discerning person, don't deceive yourself. The little girl, I already know the secrets of her! The prey that can be enjoyed is taken away, I can understand Your mood, but this is a world dominated by the strong, I am stronger than you, so I am the master of the blood of God!"

Shali Ye took his own person and thought that Chen Rui was also "adopting" this little girl to the blood of the blossoming body, and lied to be a daughter.

Chen Rui did not explain, because this topic has no meaning, even if he can prove to be a blossoming father, Sullivan will not let go: "Where is she now?"

"Nature is in my real country!" A giant python in the sky turned into a mirror. In the mirror, a little girl curled up in a light blue sphere with her eyes closed. It was blossoming.

The blossoming body faintly emits red light, and behind it, faint things can be seen, seemingly the prototype of a certain kind of wings.

"She seems to have experienced a special baptism in her body. With my national strength and support, the blood will be perfectly awakened. That moment is the time for me to harvest."

Chen Rui is staring at the blossoming of the ball. The knuckles holding the fists are already white, but he knows that this is just a mirror image of the blossoming. The real place is in the core country of the false gods of Sali, so it is very Quick and calm down.

"Since you have the courage to enter my country, you should have the corresponding consciousness. Then there are only two paths before you, becoming my followers, or annihilating. With your strength, I will give you the highest power. And trust, especially you, I recognize your strength, even after I have swallowed the gods to a higher level, you can become my right hand and get further improvement under my guidance. Life will face the most wrong and the last choice."

"Death or surrender," Chen Rui shook his head calmly. "I believe that Lord Sullivan has experienced countless such choices in his practice. Don't you think it is too old-fashioned? And you should be able to see that we are When you come here, you will have a life and death. What life threatens is naturally not in your heart. Everyone understands people, and some words naturally need not be said. Let us talk about the third choice. Exchange. ”

"Haha..." Sally's sneer turned into a loud laugh: "Do you think that for me, what else in this world is more important than the blood of God?"

"The blood of her **** is actually very thin, even if your swallowing is really successful, it has a limited effect. Of course, for the strong ones already at the peak, it is very difficult for every small step. If you can get a certain level of breakthrough, and even make the road to be smoother in the future, it is indeed a rare opportunity. However, this kind of engulfing also has certain risks and failures. If it fails, it will not only be abandoned. It will also bring back the power that hinders power. Even if you are Lord Sullivan, you can't have 100% confidence in success."

These are the knowledge gained from the mouth of the embarrassment. As the experience of the former peers, Chen Ruizhen came. Sally's gaze is amazed: "Yes, your insight seems to be more commendable than your strength, but I don't have time to turn around with you, what kind of things you can come up with. It can be compared with the gods." ”

"This thing has absolutely such value, even... still on it." Chen Rui is calm. "First, please allow me to be rude. Play a little trick of space."

In front of him, there was a light door. Then went in, the whole person disappeared, and only Augustus was left.

The giant eyes of Saliye passed a trace of color, and the door of this space completely ignored the power of his kingdom. Moreover, it seemed that without any interference, even if it was a secret force, it could not trace the place of "Agulie". .

When his country's power touched the light door, he could only wear it, as if the light door was only a transparent illusion, but Sally clearly felt that "Agulie" did indeed disappear into the light door. Then say that this door rejects any power other than the master, even if it is stronger than the existence of its Lord.

It should be a special talent, and it is also the embarrassment of the other side, but it is indeed a tricky talent.

The image of "Agulie" quickly re-entered from Guangmen, with a square package in his hand.

"It's this thing."

"Are you sure you can use this kind of thing for the little girl?"

"I am very sure, because this thing, not only the Lord Sali, even Satan, is always in the air." Chen Rui slowly opened the package.

"Hey! District..." Sally did not finish, and the pupil suddenly shrank because he had already seen the thing in the parcel.


Silver scorpion.

Is it...

"One-seventh of a thing is also one-half, which sounds a bit contradictory, but for Lord Sally, there is no need for me to explain more." Chen Rui slowly opened the silver plaque The entire space was instantly filled with a terrible destruction.

This breath disappeared in an instant, because Chen Rui got together.

Did not wait for the Shali leaf to react, Chen Rui disappeared in the light door for the first time.

By the time he appeared again, the silver scorpion was no longer there.

"I don't know, is this thing enough to exchange my daughter?"

" have this thing!" The voice of Sullivan became excited. He couldn't think of it. The chip that the other party used to exchange was actually the book of destruction!

At that time, he had tried his best to compete with Satan, Dai and others for the book of destruction. For the first time, he did not hesitate to abandon his body and look at him with silver cymbals. For the second time, he was shackled by Satan because of his mistakes. Going to the silver scorpion that is almost to be reached, the two defeats were regarded as the biggest defeat. This time, someone actually sent the silver scorpion to the door!

Satan has already got two silver scorpions, and Satan can never exchange silver scorpions for the exchange of gods. This must be the silver scorpion that was taken away in the first place, and it has turned into the hands of this person!

This is the last part of the book of destruction. As long as it is obtained, it has the power to compete with Satan. It is not only the powerful power to destroy the source, but also, if possible, the cooperation with Satan, using the complete book of destruction. Imitate Rafael and others, stealing the gods' beliefs for their own use, and thus smashing higher There are no eternal friends or enemies, only eternal interests.

This sentence is equally valid for Satan, and Sally is very clear.

"Lord Sullivan, can we give up some unnecessary choices and talk about it?"

Chen Rui’s voice made Sullivan quickly return to God. Yes, from the point of view of value, the book of destruction is a longer and more stable thing than the blood of the gods who are likely to fail and bring back. .

The two months gradually recombine into a figure, curly blonde hair, faintly giving a delicate sense of vague facial features, wearing a robes, is the body of Sally.

"Of course." Sullivan smiled. This opportunity is a rare event - it is likely that he will actually set foot on the highest road and become a new **** after the silence of the gods.

It is not only the book of destruction, but also the blood of the gods that can open this path for him. (To be continued.)

Ps: Today, I will accompany my wife and children.