MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 1136 True heart

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Super system, the Temple of Stars.

"He is gone?" Looking at the vast expanse of the Milky Way, the pale silver pupil reflects the Yingying starlight, which is deep and distant.

"Yes." The answer is Veronica. "Two years. He will not come back before he reaches a certain level of power, nor will he enter the world again." Leave the familiar place and let go of all distractions. Think of each day as the last day before the final battle, and concentrate wholeheartedly on the practice. This is his original words."

"Get out of this most important world practice?" His eyes flashed with a splendid look: "I don't know if he really found the direction of the 'heart', but I am looking forward to his strength when he meets next time. You and his Has the soul fusion reached the final stage?"

Veronica’s face passed over the blush and nodded: "Well."

The blending of the soul has indeed reached the highest level of blending, although there is no body, it can be regarded as a woman who has completely become Chen Rui.

"I can see that you have already realized the power of a certain level of soul, but the mystery of the soul is endless. Although your soul talent is very good, but the level of understanding is still very shallow, I will teach several secrets now. Give it to you."

“Thank you, but I don’t seem to have any use, just want to stay here and manage the beliefs for the oracles of yours.”

"Do you not even learn the secrets of the soul reincarnation?" faintly said: "This secret technique can not only resurrect you, but also become a mother of a child."

Veronica had a slight shock. Of course, she knew what he was referring to. Chen Rui had the power to destroy and create two kinds of origins. These two forces can promote the birth of descendants. Before Athena's pregnancy was due to the destruction of the source, but the creation of the source requires a pure light system. So the girls in the devil have never been pregnant. The most promising candidate for this "child of creation" is Veronica. Because she was originally a human being, and she was basically accepted by the harem, as long as she was looking for a rejuvenation of the light system of the ground world, she would probably succeed in conceiving.

"I... want to learn." Veronica can't calm down or hold on. After all, the temptation to be a child of a beloved life is too great.

"Okay, but you must first practice the soul to a certain level according to the method I teach, in order to start learning the kind of reincarnation, not only that. When you and her practice the soul fusion, the effect will be better. ”

"Thank you, hehe." Veronica said with sincerity.

"You don't have to thank me, I just want it for him." He shook his head. "It's not the relationship or feeling you have with him. I can't explain it more clearly."

"Please forgive me a few words. What do you think he is? I have known him a long time ago. Although there have been some changes in the back, his memory has been reintegrated by some kind of inheritance. It seems to have become brand new. One person. For me now, who he is is not important... But I can see that 'who is who' is for you. It is more important than his true self...something or some Contradictions or difficulties..."

"I understand what you mean." Suddenly sneer, "The 'I' I see in your eyes today is no different from the 'I' who first entered the world. Your heart is really simple. ... I can’t think of someone like me who would care and be ridiculous. It’s ridiculous.”

Veronica bowed her head: "He always said that he is not that person, maybe it is my illusion... I just want to ask you. What if I am wrong?"

"That..." He was silent for a moment, and his figure gradually became thinner.

"No regrets."

I heard these three words faintly, and I completely disappeared into Veronica’s sight.

Dark moon territory.

"Are you still thinking about him? Athena." Isabella's voice sounded. "Stand up and get active, it is good for your child."

"Well." Athena stood up. "You don't want him? Ini."

"I certainly want to, but I think that everyone should be different in the way they want to miss."

"The way you miss?"

"Yes, like you. You protect yourself, nurse your body, and let your child be healthy and healthy. This is the best way to miss. When he comes back, even if there is no surprise, at least he will feel at ease and happy."

Athena thought for a moment: "I understand, thank you, Ini."

Isabella smiled a little, and Ji Ya was busy asking, "What about me?"

"My own affairs, only the most clear to myself, I only know that he prefers your high-spirited appearance, not to be listless. As for others, it depends on your own feelings."

"Understood!" The succubus little maid nodded and clenched her fist. "I will definitely get the spirit!"

"I also want the boss, my sister, what should I do?" Black Dragon chick looks like a meditation.

" should choose ‘relief’.”

"rest assured?"

"Because that 'upgrade bonus fund' is still effective... Before your boss left, I gave all the bonuses to me for safekeeping, depending on whether you have the ability to get it," Isabella laughed. The realm of 50,000 black crystal coins, 500,000 in the realm of the world, and the success of one star in the two stars, you have to refuel."

"I am now in the middle of the country. I have already won the boss's 50,000 black crystal coins. If I go to the peak of the country, it will be 100,000. If I go to the gods, I will take another 500,000..." The black dragon chick is in great spirits. The land is counted up.

"The biggest reward is the one million strengthened by the two stars." Isabella blinked. "In fact, this reward does not have to break through the realm to get it. I am the best example. Unfortunately, when I was successful, I still No such reward fund."

"Yes!" The eyes of Black Dragon Chick are all the sparkling light of the black crystal coin, and immediately took up Isabella's hand: "Sister, tell me, how did you complete the two-star strengthening?"

"This is..." Isabella showed a difficult color. "Actually, I don't understand myself. I am doing strange dreams every day. Later, I inexplicably completed this kind of reinforcement in my dreams."

"Dreaming?" Olivier reveals the color of thinking: "What kind of dreams are you?"

Isabella's face passed a blush: "You don't want to ask, everyone's sentiment is different. I remember that Rolla is different from me. She feels some kind of soul fission."

"What should I do?" Black Dragon chick still doesn't understand. The reward of the one million black crystal coins is so tempting, I think I am drooling.

"In my heart, just follow your own heart." A voice suddenly rang in the yard.

"Hey!" Isabella immediately heard the voice of the master, and said: "You finished the engulfment of the country of the month? Is it not half a year? It is a month ahead of time!"

"Because the power of the 'world' is stronger than I thought." The figure of the cockroach appeared in the courtyard. "I have completely absorbed the power of Sally, and the country of the moon no longer exists. Now that The country is called the disaster country."

"Oh sister, you just said... What is going on here?" Black Dragon chicks have always been a bit guilty. But for the high bonus, you can't take care of it any more.

"The so-called heart," he listened to the ear: "Like this piano..."

"This is Adeline playing the harp." The Naga girl is a good friend of the Black Dragon chick, and despite the sound of the piano in the distance, Olivis immediately judged it.

The rest of the crowd calmed down and listened to the sound of Adeline's piano. Everyone's heart came up with such a picture: under the moonlight, a quiet and beautiful girl shook the harp. I miss people who are traveling, and bless and pray for him with my heart.

"Is that the girl of the Naga Hai?" Hearing for a while, slightly decapitated, "It's amazing. If I guess it is correct, the next successful person is probably her."

"Is Adeline?" Even Isabella showed amazement, when the Naga girl was in a coincidence. Devouring the power of the demon, the strength reached the level of the emperor. However, due to the gentle nature, I don't like fighting. Over the years, the strength has been stagnant, and even the super-order has not entered, I can't think of being the most successful person who is judged to be the most likely to complete the two-star strengthening!

"This is the heart, her voice has been fully integrated into the soul, and the whole world is integrated into one, can clearly sense the emotions and strengths from the heart, this state is not simply 'seriously', but '虔诚'. Only true piety can understand the purest faith in the purest state."

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the succubus little maid suddenly lighted up: "As such, it is not necessary to practice a certain realm to complete the two-star strengthening?"

Nodded nodly: "Strength is not an absolute reference. In my understanding, the key to two-star strengthening is the perception of faith and life, not pure power. Power is one of the factors that promote success, but not the only one. The factor is that Ini is an example. Paglio’s strength is stronger than her, but the speed of understanding the evolution of the two stars is still behind her. The same is to the destination, there can be different ways. However, no matter which way It is not a simple matter."

"Understood!" Jiya's fighting spirit is unprecedented, and she has not been intimidated by difficulties. Since Aidelin can do it, she can!

Did Isabella not say "the way to miss"? Then the way the present maid is a secretary of the secretary is to surprise him!

Black Dragon chick still doesn't understand: "Do I have to go to Adeline to learn the piano?"

"Stupid girl." Isabella shook her head. "You are the most devout... What is your favorite?"

"Money." Black Dragon chick blinked, suddenly opened up, "Sister! You let me sleep in the money pile every day, I will succeed!"


At this time, the training cabin on the side flashed, and several figures came out one after another.

The front is Lalaria, followed by Lomon and Paglio, all three are swollen and bruised, especially Lomon, limping, miserable.

"Little Betty, come help me, this uncle can't hold it anymore." Paglieu just yelled, and he saw it, and the voice suddenly fell eight degrees. "That, big sister, you ...what are you..."

"I have absorbed the power of Saliye and basically restored my strength. Why, is it a surprise?" He showed a sneer.

"Of course." Duron Dragon's heart beat the drums.

"That will give you even more surprises," 贲薨 smile is even more sensational: "Now there is still a month out of the soul, in order to help some people to complete the absorption soon I intend to invite a few Volunteers went to my disaster-stricken country to practice, Paglieu..."

The poisonous dragon uncle shuddered and shook his head. This crazy woman was much more terrible than Lara Loli, and now she has fully recovered her strength. She is going to be practiced by her, only to be difficult to come back.

"I am going!" The initiative is La Laria, this chick is not letting go of any chance to become stronger.

Duron just breathed a sigh of relief, and he almost slammed him in one sentence: "Good! It's you, Paglio, Lalaria."

"When am I..." Paglieu said a few words and felt a terrible force coming, and suddenly lost the ability to speak.

On the side of Luomeng is about to gloat, his face suddenly white, because the aunt's adult said: "My sister, and my family's little Lomon."

Seeing nodded and nodded, Xiao Luo Meng almost cried out: captain, uncle adult... help!

"Haqiu!" A plain-looking man suddenly sneezed and looked at the bright sunshine above his head and continued on the journey. (To be continued.)