MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 1185 Half-elves (trip is behind)

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Three days later, Pargoris and Sophia personally sent Chen Rui and others to the transmission line leading to the storm island. For this, the Dragon Valley also held a grand farewell ceremony. It is said that many dragons are spontaneously coming. Well, most of them are the parents of bear children, who have celebrated one of the biggest scourges and finally left the Dragon Valley.

However, Lalalia said, "I will definitely come back," and it scared many parents' faces.

Chen Rui’s harvest was quite rich, not only for Sophia’s wish, but also for Alice’s “Life”. The Super System added a second ambassador. More importantly, this time to come to the ground world to obtain The materials are almost complete, leaving only the last two.

Rainbow Calla Lily and Ice Chia.

Both of these places of origin are jade forests, and there should be in the hands of the elves. Since the elves have recently prepared a centuries-old new moon festival and have not seen any foreign guests for the time being, the dragons cannot directly negotiate with the elves.

From the mouth of the elf king, the old man, Spence, the new moon festival is the birthday of the legendary moon goddess, and one of the most important festivals of the elves, and the elves of all places will return to the silver moon fairy capital. At this celebration, the elves will hold a variety of activities, including a series of competitions and select the elites of the elves.

At present, the core activity of the New Moon Festival is that the birthday of the moon goddess is not long. Span has not returned to Yinyue Xiandu for a long time. This time, I plan to go on the road with Chen Rui and go to the jade forest to participate in the new moon festival.

Melia did not accompany her. It was one of the reasons why she was not seen by the elves in the emerald forest. The most important thing was that the Emperor Pargolis had made some reforms to the dragons. During this time, the elders frequently called and held meetings. . Melia, who is a great elder, cannot be absent naturally.

Before leaving, the fairy goddess mother sneaked her daughter-in-law to the side for a while. However, it is only to keep an eye on the old man and strictly derail the behavior. Especially in the old acquaintance of the year, there are Qi Lanya on the blacklist that is of great concern, etc., and when necessary, it can be put into force, "all the consequences of the aging mother bear"...

In this regard, Chen Rui can only express deep sympathy to his uncle in the heart, but he is vowed to resolutely complete the task.

After returning to the island of Stormwind through the portal, Chen Rui released the Datura, leaving the stormy waters, passing several countries and portals. Entered the Lan Yao Empire, the closest to the elves, to the most famous port city of Yageda.

Known as the "City of the Master", Jagda can see traces of elves and magical civilizations everywhere, and is also the most dense gathering place for the magicians of the ground world, especially the wizard Tallinn, an alliance controlled by elves and humans. The organization attracted a large number of magicians to join and became the most important "strategic weapon" of the Lan Yao Empire.

The Magician Legion of the Lan Yao Empire is also the strongest existence in the entire ground world, enough to compete with the Dragon Knights of the Dragon Emperor.

Chen Rui and Lola came here for the second time. At the beginning, they met Lille of the Master Tallinn here. Responsible for the evil half-elf mage Riordo, Lola in the battle of the Master Tallin and the elf elder Dulsa in the battle, to advance to the demigod.

But now, at this time, the wizard is basically unable to see the elf. The Span elf seems to be a bit more conspicuous, because the elves have returned to the emerald forest to participate in the new moon festival.

For the first time, Alice and Lalaria came to this city of wizards, and all kinds of novelty things were dazzling. Alice bought dozens of things in a row. There are quite a few toys that are meant to be given to the children of Duo Duo and Athena. Let Chen Rui feel moved for a while. But Alice is more fun to play with herself, and shopping desires are contagious. Especially for female creatures, Lola also bought a lot of things, even Lara Loli could not help but borrow a large amount of black crystal coins from Chen Rui to squander it. Anyway, Lalaria adults are not debts. body.

A few big circles turned down, Alice has some can't move, but the spirit is still exciting, finally there is a good prop for the space ring in this world, otherwise Chen Rui and Span must be full of big bags.

After the shopping, everyone left the port by boat and went to the emerald forest.

Two days later.

"Brother, how long?"

"About ten minutes."

"Great!" Alice looked at the dense forest along the way, her eyes straight and bright. "Right, my brother, I heard from people in Jagda that during this time, except for the elves, the rest could not enter the silver moon fairy. , do we want to dress up as a wizard?"

"Don't dress up as an elf? This idea likes it." Lalaria blinked, her hair flashed, her ears began to sharpen, her hair turned dark green, and the appearance did not change, but Lara Lori originally It is the type of clear tablet, so it looks like a somewhat neutral elf little loli (positive too?).

This is the deformation of the dragon, even the black dragon insulated from the magic, as long as the strength and skill are enough, it can be easily displayed.

Rolla did not use the deformation technique of the dragons. For the fairy dragon who is almost the master of the main plane, it is easy to change the appearance. There is no light, just as the water waves flow as naturally, and the roller has changed successfully. Her body and appearance have changed slightly, and she is more agile. With an intellectual temperament, she is an incomparable elf female scholar.

"Wow!" Alice's eyes flashed with little stars. "Lola's sister is so beautiful, can you help me change?"

Lola blinked, and Chen Rui immediately changed into a beautiful and lovely Elli Loli. The only thing that made Alice dissatisfied was that her chest was still poor.

"Span Dad, you have three daughters now," Alice laughed and looked at Chen Rui. "You should be your brother!"

"Well, since everyone is so happy." Chen Rui has been using camouflage to cover up his true face. Now he just changed his ears and hair a little, and he did it.

Chen Rui, who easily changed, looked at the strange eyes of everyone, and asked: "What happened?"

"Brother, your deformation is too bad." Alice shook her head in dissatisfaction.

Chen Ruiyi, this kind of camouflage is even if the peak of the false gods can not be broken, how is it worse?

"There are not many elves that have been seen," Lalalia said. "But you should be the ugliest elf."

Rolla first shook her head and said that she didn't care. Then I compared my handsome face to the old man, and thought about it. Resolutely nodded.

Chen Rui is speechless, this is also a good old actor's face is good, but I think that the elves are handsome men and women, it is too outrageous to change the public face, so simply restore Arthur's face, simply ps finally released, finally Let the three judges light up.

Span looked at the three ‘daughters’ of the haha, and smiled and said, “Okay, the elves. Prepare, this is already the water boundary of Zilan Port. After two turns, you can see the port.”

Soon, the mandala carrying five "elf" successfully arrived in Zilan Port, and the Zilan Port was guarded by the all-elegant elf guard.

Span took the four men off the boat, and the elf guards who were greeted were obviously new people. They did not recognize that Span was the Elf King 20,000 years ago, and Span did not reveal his identity. Instead, I simply followed the general etiquette of an elf: "May the moonlight goddess bless you, and our family is coming back to participate in the new moon festival."

The Elf Guardian felt the extraordinary momentum of Span, and saw that the line was an elf, and also a gift: "Welcome back to the goddess of the moonlight goddess. May the goddess bless you, please come here to register."

Just at this time, there was another team of elves in front. Headed by a blond elf male wearing a silver chain armor with a long sword. Handsome, with a mustache. This team of elves is holding a man. The man's body is slender, the facial features are beautiful, but there are many blood-red scars on his face and body. It is very strange. From the slightly pointed ears, it should be a half-elf.

Race: half-elves (variation).

Comprehensive strength assessment: a.

Constitution a-, strength a, spirit a, speed a.

Analysis: dark attributes, precise eyes, magic lines.

Danger level: low.

The half-elf is a hybrid of the elves and other races. Life is shorter than the real elves, but it is not recognized by the elves, nor is it protected by the Elven Treaty. It is a despised existence in the Jade Forest. Chen Rui knew it. This is the case with Blanche.

The half-elves in front of us are actually the rare dark attributes of the ground world, and the scars on the face should be the "magic lines" of super system analysis. However, the elf family has always been a perfectionist, saying that it is easy to take people by appearance, and the face of the dark elf is obviously quite disgusting.

"Askar Master!" The elf guard next to Span hurriedly greeted him: "Are you finally catching this despicable dark elf?"

"This guy is trying to mix into the New Moon Festival and hurts several of our brothers. Thanks to Askar for taking the shot." Another silver-haired elf bite his teeth: "You must severely punish this guy! Disrupt the New Moon Festival and hurt the noble elves." I suggest that he be executed immediately!"

The half-elf reveals the color of grief and anger, struggles to say what he wants to say, but is suppressed by some kind of power and cannot speak out.

Chen Rui saw that there seemed to be embarrassment inside. He thought that Branqi was discriminated against in the elves, his mind was fretting, and the invisible power was secretly released. The imprisonment of the half-elf language was lifted.

"Fijol, you shameless villain, lost to me than the arrow, said to let me go in, actually turned back!"

The Aska who wore the chain armor did not expect the half-elves to break free of their bondage. After hearing the contents, they frowned and looked at Figo.

Feigel sneered: "There is no use in sophistry! You are a half-elf, mixed into the new moon festival. It is clearly a deliberate test. I took you as a duty! Askar, now is the extraordinary period of the New Moon Festival. This kind of spies must not be tolerated!"

Aska was originally thinking about the color, heard the last sentence, and finally nodded.

"In the balance of the moon goddess there is no distinction between the nobles, whether the object is an elf or a half-elves, there should be a fair heart, you say? Aska 'Adults." Chen Rui, but Span.

These words suddenly attracted the attention of Aska, only to see Span, a look of surprise.

Figo did not expect that the elf actually spoke to the half-elf, and shouted: "Bold! Who are you, dare to do this to Askar adults..."

Not finished yet, Aska’s voice with anger seemed to fall into the ears of Figores: “Shut up!”

Under the gaze of all the elf guards, Aska, who was excited and excited, came to Span and actually bent down and gave a big gift: "His Royal Highness!" (To be continued.)

Ps: It was already twelve o'clock after I arrived at the hotel last night. The code word went to two o'clock. I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and finished the chapter. I slept for three hours last night. Look at the arrangement of Zhangjiajie today, in the Yuanjiajie scenic spot in the morning, Chinese food is eaten on the mountain, in the afternoon is Tianzishan, Shili Gallery, it should be very late to return to the hotel for dinner. If it is too late or can't be eaten, this is even more.