MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 1191 Battle

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"Brother!" Chen Rui looked back, Alice and Michelle came over, Alice also took the white wind, the surrounding elves retreat, and at the same time surprised to see the strange "elf" that can control the white wind Teenage girl.

"Brother!" Michelle excitedly came to Chen Rui and said: "I and Alice got the first place in the riding competition! Look, this is the prize we won!"

With the strength of the white wind, getting the first place is also reasonable. Chen Rui laughed and gave a thumbs up to Michelle and Alice: "You are amazing!"

Alice and Michelle smacked the high-five, Chen Rui looked at the unicorn, and threw a fruit. The white wind leaped a difficult jump on the not-showy grandstand ladder, catching the spirit. I am happy to chew it up.

Later, Chen Rui introduced Michelle to Lola. Lola clearly felt that the elf girl was a pure brother and sister's emotion to Chen Rui. Since it was a "little son" rather than a "sister", the attitude of "嫂嫂" naturally appeared very intimate.

At this time, there are more and more people in the arrow field. Many elves have heard the news of the first shooter and half-elf of the Magic Shooter Corps. What surprised everyone is that there are no wins or two in both games!

At the same time, the triangular relationship between the half-elves, Altani and Pang Luo was also excavated and spread quickly. Almost everyone present knew the vows that Altani had made with the moonlight goddess.

Chen Rui saw the appearance of the Elf Queen Liv on the VIP seat, and next to Liv Queen, he also unexpectedly discovered a familiar woman who is not an elf - the current Lan Yao Empire, Randy .

Both Lan Yao Empire and Yin Yue Xian are allies. Lan Bisi must have been invited as a guest to participate in the New Moon Festival.

Queen Liv's eyes are quite sharp. I have already discovered the existence of Chen Rui, and I also saw the little daughter who was excited to talk with Chen Rui. The eyes flashed slightly. Because the stands are all elves, Lan Bisi did not notice any abnormality, but whispered to the elf grandfather Fei Li, who was a former alumni of the Starlight College.

At this point the final contest in the field has finally begun. The archery battle uses three wins and two wins, 20 minutes in a game, killing each other with archery, and not using auxiliary weapons or weapons outside the bow and arrow.

Ten minutes can not be "dead" is a draw, if the three wars are flat, then add another battle, a game to win the game, and then flat again. And so on.

Pang Luo and Tylos walked into the final battlefield. When they first entered, neither of them could move. They must recover after the enchantment environment was generated. Both of them were secretly cohesive and quickly observed the environment.

This is a forest environment, which hides various traps and murderous machines. From time to time, there will be various kinds of imaginary Warcraft appearing to attack, even if the two sides stand still. It will also "death."

At the moment when the environment was completely generated and the restraint was released, Pontro and Tellos moved at the same time. Previously, due to the rules, the strengths exhibited by the two were limited. Now that the rules are let go, the magical shooting is immediately revealed.

Unlike the previous two games, the two men started the attack without thinking. The action is as fast as electricity, and a high-speed shot is started.

Pang Luo's rate of fire is quite amazing. A bow shoots three arrows and looks on the surface. One arrow is sparsely normal, and some people can shoot ten arrows at a time, but this kind of attack is too divergent. It is okay to face a large number of enemies with no difference, and the attack on a single enemy is limited, especially the opponent of the same shooting.

Pang Luo's three arrows are clipped in the gap between the four fingers, and are sequentially shot by the echo of the bowstring. Although it is "sequential", the speed is very fast, almost at the same time, and each arrow carries Different powers and trajectories. After three arrows were shot less than a second, three arrows appeared on the bowstring, and countless broken voices roared out, as if hundreds of thousands of tracking missiles, flying precisely to Tylos.

Tylos didn't have more than one arrow at a time. He was quite good at one bow and one arrow, but his shooting rate was still above Pang Luo. The attack was more refined and effective, and both sides were evenly matched.

The audience only saw that the two people were constantly evading in the forest, and when they moved, they made a fierce counterattack, and the numerous whistling sounds became the main tone in the battlefield. All kinds of difficult shooting techniques are amazing. These are not performances that show off the nature, but the real killing skills.

Chen Rui nodded secretly. As far as archery is concerned, the elves are indeed invincible.

After several rounds of violent storms, the frequency of the arrows on both sides began to slow down. It was not a reason for strength, but a certain degree of understanding of each other's characteristics. At the beginning, the attack of that form could not be effective. It will let the physical energy be consumed in vain, so at the same time slow down the rhythm and make the arrow more cautious.

If it was said that it was madly fired, then it is now a shot, although the intensity is not as good as the number of shots, but the degree of danger is still over.

The elves who watched the battle are all experts, knowing that the next will be a tough tug-of-war. It is not only the shooting, but also the tactics, will, physical strength and other aspects. Who can grasp the opportunity of a moment, Who is the final winner.

The swift figure flickers in the woods, and from time to time you can see the light of the arrows. The time passes by and the time is approaching the deadline of twenty minutes. At this moment, the jungle environment begins to become thin. ,

I saw a figure half-squatting on the ground, with a few arrows in it, it was Tylos, and across from him was Polo, with only one arrow and one arrow.

Tylos wins!

Altani was so weeping, and the elves were all in a hurry, unable to believe their eyes - the first shooter of the Magic Shooter Corps was actually defeated! Lost under the arrow of a half-elf!

Chen Rui looks at the score, and Tylos has always been suppressed in the downwind, but the half-elves are very clever, deliberately use the injury to paralyze each other, and fight and go, a pair of gestures to delay the time to flatten, think that they have an absolute advantage. Pang Luo naturally refused to give up this great situation and pursued it. Under the rush to seek success, Tylos seized the opportunity. An arrow is fatal.

Turning the disadvantages of one's own side into a winning position and reversing it in one fell swoop. This is no accident, but a real tactical literacy. Pang Luo can be said to lose.

The enchantment of the jungle disappeared completely, and both Tylos and Pang Luo were sent out. Pang Luo smothered his throat and looked like a heart. If it was not inside the enchantment but another place, he was already dead. And died in the hands of this humble half-elf!

Pang Luo’s father, the elder elder Farr, looked at the son who was walking back to the side, and his face was blue. The pure elf lost to a half-elf on the shooting. And still on the most important occasion, it is simply a shame that cannot be tolerated!

This is no longer an ordinary arrow, nor a gamble for women, but a battle for the entire face of the Magic Shooter, the entire Sisley family and even the entire Elf!

Even Livre and Lan Yao are paying attention to this duel. In any case, Pang Luo can no longer lose!

Farr went to the incredible Ponlo, and he slammed his son in a slap in the face. Ponro shook, and the handsome face suddenly appeared five red marks. Even the bow fell to the ground, and the angry Farrer stepped on his foot and said: "It’s just the first game, and it gives me the spirit! The Sisley family is almost lost!"

Pang Luo was almost stunned by this slap in the face. Seeing his father's eyes to spurt fire, he immediately screamed and awake.

Farr looked at the ground and broke into two bows. I took out a bow and put it in the hands of Polo: "If you lose again, don't come back to see me!"

Pang Luo looked at the bow in his hand. The color of surprise swept past and nodded hard.

Chen Rui’s eyes smashed in the stands. Rolla said softly: "That bow..."

Chen Rui nodded and shook her hand, indicating that Lola would look at it first.

On the VIP table, Queen Liv also saw Farr’s bow to Pang Luo, her brow furrowed, what she wanted to say, but she finally did not speak.

The second game started very quickly. Although Tylos suffered a certain amount of consumption and injury in the previous test, Pang Luo had received a certain degree of feedback from the fatal injury, and the two returned to the same starting line.

The second round of enchantment is the hilly environment, the shelter is much less than the jungle environment, which makes the dodging of both sides more difficult. For this top scorer, arrow breaking will become the most important defense strategy. That is to attack and defend.

This will also be a wonderful battle against the previous game.

However, after the duel began, it showed a strong one-sided situation. The half-elf arrow could not intercept the arrow shot by Polo. Because the arrow shot by Polo was far superior to the first game, whether it was power or speed. In the case of a collision between two arrows, Ponlow's arrow usually smashes the arrow of Tylos and continues to fly.

"That is..." The little princess next to Chen Rui looked at the bow in Pang Luo’s hand and finally understood it. "Despicable!"

"Michelle?" Alice asked curiously.

"The bow used by Pang Luo is called the Xuan Yue bow. It used to be the quasi-artifact used by the Elf King Spean. One of the three arches of the Elf is amazing. After the crisis of the Elves in the year of His Royal Highness, in recognition of the Sisley family. Heroic, gave Xuan Yue bow to the adult of Tannis. Later, the adult of Tannis died, the bow was passed to the elder of the father of Tannis, the elder of Farrell. I can’t think of Elder Farle’s victory in order to win Pang Luo. The moon bow gave him the use!"

Michelle’s words made Chen Rui understand the origin of the bow. It was the treasure used by the Elven Wang Laozhang. At this time, the victory and defeat in the field was divided, and Tylos lost without suspense.

The elves cheered up, but some of the elves discovered the mystery and were not as happy as others. Although this is only a loophole in the rules, in any case, the contest of this top archery has changed.

After the enchantment disappeared, the half-elf looked at Ponlo and his eyes were intertwined with grief and contempt. As an opponent, he knew better than anyone who won.

Pang Luo turned his head in some guilty conscience, pretending not to see that kind of eyes, but holding the Xuan Yue bow to accept the cheers of the elves.

When the half-elves walked back to Altani with a gloomy face, they accidentally discovered that Altauni’s side had already had one more figure. It was the “master” who helped him enter the silver moon fairy capital. It is another big man of the Elf King!

For Chen Rui, the half-elf is still very grateful, and is about to salute, and Chen Rui’s voice has already sounded in his heart.

"Very angry?" This sentence made the half-elf bowed its head.

Chen Rui’s eyes swept through the VIP faintly said: “This is not a fair world.”

"I understand." Tylos looked up and there was no hesitation or embarrassment in his eyes. "Only a dead war."

"Yes, there is no such thing as blaming others. What we can do is to be unyielding and up-and-coming. Maybe there is a chance to live, maybe we can still catch the fate of fate..." Chen Rui paused, "Since you already have this kind of Enlightenment, then accept this arrow and shoot with the greatest courage and determination."

Tylos suddenly felt that he had held an arrow in his hand, which looked plain and plain, except that the arrow feathers were made of golden feathers.

When I look at Chen Rui, I have disappeared. From the expression of Altani, including the unknown elf, the unknown person seems to be a phantom that does not exist. Only the arrow held in the hand is a real existence. (To be continued.)

Ps: Double and fierce, all of a sudden rushed to within 100, I think now, was it too conservative or to be reserved? Anyway, and the next one will definitely ask for help, chastity and temperance guarantee. Hey.

Continue to add more tomorrow, seek the bottom of the monthly ticket, and praise!