MTL - Devil’s Son-in-Law-Chapter 805 Blood cave

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The discovery of this truth brought tremendous shock to Chen Rui, and the black hand of the mysterious church spread to the orc family!

To be precise, the orcs are also victims of deception, and their belief in the beasts is transformed into the evil spirits of the mysterious church!

As the saying goes, the frozen three feet is not a cold, from the situation of the Temple of God, the deception plan must have been implemented for a long time.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

At this time, God only gave the last phantom to the weapon. The rest of the three bodies have disappeared. Only the secret guard who was guarded by the domain of chūn has not dissipated. The power of the domain of chūn seems to be very targeted. The speed of disappearance of the virtual shadow of the weapon has also been alleviated, so this secret agent will not be annihilated for a while. ..

"I don't think you are a Black Death! This is the southeastern part of the mainland. That Long Meir is not the Southern Archbishop. No, it should be higher than the position of the Archbishop..."

The secret agent shocked, and lost his voice: "You...what are you! You know the secrets of so many churches!"

"Speak the whereabouts of Longmetil and the half-Jīng spirit!" Chen Rui's eyes looked extremely cold, and the strange power that made the soul tremble, "I will take your soul out now and slowly torture. Even if you It is a believer in the abyss, losing the soul, and there is no possibility of a so-called rebirth! Then, I will give your soul to the Church of Light, and you should be clear about the means by which they deal with the Black Death. By then, death is for you, only But it is extravagant!"

Although Chen Rui’s remarks were intimidating, he learned from Shura about the relevant internal conditions of many mysterious churches, such as the interpretation of the rebirth of the soul in the teachings of the Black Death, which is the key to the other side. The secret body suddenly trembled, watching Chen Rui gradually approaching his hand. I couldn't help but screamed: "The big wizard took the half-nine spirit to the blood cave!"

"Blood caves? Where are you?"

"The secret cave of the nightmare volcano is the highest place of sacrifice for this club... There is a transmission array behind the statue that can be reached directly. But only the adult of Long Meir can be opened." The secret agent bite his teeth: "I have already known All said it, give me a good time!"

"The last question, why is Longmeier going to arrest the half-nine spirit girl?" Chen Rui’s hand has already had a force to destroy xìng.

"The blood sacrifices dedicated to the Lord God require the Lord's sacrifice. The sorcerer's search for the eyes of the Blood Sea by Long Meyil has just sensed the special physique possessed by the half-nine spirit girl. It is the best main sacrifice, so it was released. a reward order."

Although Chen Rui did not quite understand how the eye of the blood sea searched for Blanche, but finally understand the cause and effect, now must feel the blood of the nightmare volcano as soon as possible to save half of the girl. The mind was moved and the power of the domain of chūn was collected.

The secret agent who lost the domain protection of chūn suddenly began to lapse, and the body gradually flashed. At this time, the illusion of the "whip" was weak and invisible, and the secret agent would soon be annihilated like the three companions.

"It’s too late, the first phase of the blood sacrifice should have been completed..."

The last sentence of the secret agent before the annihilation made Chen Rui's heart tight, and quickly stepped up and walked toward the three-layer relief, after a while. A secret door was opened, and a two-way transmission array was found in the secret door.

The secret agent once said that only Long Meyil himself can open this transmission array, but Chen Rui’s engulfed Long Meir's jīng **** brand also deliberately retains no “digestion” and ample faith. In theory. He is another Longmetil, able to freely enter any "rights" of the Doom Marsh.

It turns out that this theory is completely in line with practice. Turning on the transmission array did not consume Chen Rui too much time, very quickly. He came to the blood cave by transmission.

If the doom swamp is the danger of the original dream, then the nightmare volcano is the Jedi. Almost no life lives in the volcano. The blood cave is in this Jedi nightmare volcano, surrounded by boiling melt, the terrible high temperature is suffocating, even the sight has a twisted illusion.

Chen Rui walked forward step by step, walked through two corners, and came to a large cave, his eyes solidified.

The corpse, full of corpses, piled up, almost covered with the flat land in the middle.

The flat land has the size of the cāo field, which is like an island wrapped in a sea of ​​molten mud. The ground is full of dried blood. From the perspective of the ground, the number of people killed in this place is far more than what is seen before. Due to the evaporation of high temperatures, the bodies of men and women who have lost their moisture have become so dry that they look even more awkward, but they still recognize races, humans, orcs and half-orcs.

The strange thing is that there is no breath of life here, and there is no trace of the great wizard Long Meir.

These corpses are in the middle of some strange pattern circle on the ground. The concave part of these pictures is blood red crystals. It seems that the blood of these best products is solidified, which is like one by one. Text.

These patterns give Chen Rui a familiar feeling, right! The slate of the magical master of the Starlight Academy, Sukladi!

The slate is still in the hands of the Jīng Lingzong Fenoah, and the original concave connection of those patterns is the real mystery...

Is this a kind of text that the mysterious church has carried out evil sacrifices, or can it be called... the language of the abyss?

Chen Rui was hung with a heart and tried to find the body of a half-nine spirit. Fortunately, he had never found it. He found the **** red altar in front of the corpse.

There are also several corpses under the altar. The strange thing is that these corpses are not as dry as the circle, and their expressions look lifelike, as if they saw something terrible.

From the attire, the identity of these bodies should be the guards of the altar and the assistant wizards. Could it be said that Longmetil sacrificed his subordinates for the sake of sacrifice?

Chen Rui stepped on the altar and stepped on the altar. His eyes focused on the corpse of the altar, not Blanche, but... a tall woman wearing a black cloak with a thin face. There is also a silver scepter on the ground, and the top of the staff is the shape of the animal skull, with two corners.

Look at the appearance and attire of this woman. It is clearly the great wizard Long Meir!

Is Longmetil dead?

This blood sacrifice is a sacrifice to the "Lord God", and the main sacrifice is Blanche. So now, how does Longmedil take his life?

Like those guards, Longmetil has no scars on his body. It seems that the power of the soul suddenly disappeared in an instant, but her expression was a bit strange. Except for the horror, it was more unbelievable. It seems that there is still some fear.

Perhaps it is an illusion, Chen Rui shook his head, then what about Blanche?

Where is Blanche?

Chen Rui’s heart ignited a glimmer of hope and began to look carefully for the whereabouts of the half-nine girl, at this time. His pupil slammed for a while, staring tightly at the ground behind the altar near the edge of the magma, where there was a thing, glasses.

He gave Blanche's magic glasses to him!

This is a quasi-artifact that can ban the **** changes of Blanche. If there is no half-nine spirit girl's own will, no one can take it down!

From the attitude of Blanche last time, glasses should be one of the things she cherishes, and she will never give up easily.

Glasses are left here. Then...

Chen Rui stepped forward and looked down at the rock wall, but there was no trace of Blanche. Only the raging hot magma.

In his mind, there seemed to be a scene in which Blanche took off his glasses at the end of his life and killed the Longmetil and others who wanted to kill her sacrifice with blood. But because of the other side's counterattack or other reasons, they fell into the melt...

Chen Rui bent over and carefully picked up the glasses, as if picking up the strong and weak girl. With the final luck, I searched every corner of the neighborhood over and over again. Unfortunately, there has never been any gain.

This cave for secret rituals is simple and secret. In addition to the transmission array, there is no other way out. It is a dead end, which makes him have to give up the last hope.

He fought all the way and desperately rushed here, which was such a result.

In fact, from the time of acquaintance, his dialogue with Blanche is very few. The half-nine spirit girl seems to be incompetent, and even less good at expressing his own emotions. Only those three words are unshakable.

I wait for you.

"Blanc!" Chen Rui only felt a pain in his heart, roaring, a boxing on the ground, bathing in the magma, countless years of hard ground suddenly appeared a large area of ​​collapse.

Black Death! Mysterious church! Chen Rui’s figure whizzed and flew outwards. The knuckles of the fists were blushing because of excessive force. You must completely uproot the cult! Revenge for Blanche! Revenge for all innocent people!

When Chen Rui’s figure disappeared into the transmission array, the magma in the blood cave suddenly surged, forming a huge vortex.

In the center of the vortex, a flaming magma swelled and slowly rose, and the layers bloomed as if it were some kind of flower. The part of the flower zhōngyāng began to appear extremely pure blood, and gradually, all the magma stopped moving and began to crystallize and solidify.

That group of blood is running fast, turning into a human form, this is a whole body of female xìng body, the skin of the reddish sè is cracked like a spider web, the texture is golden red, as if the whole body is not circulating blood. It is a melt.

The woman's face is vaguely visible to the delicate five senses ~ ~ double 瞳 one blue and red, gazing at the direction of the transmission array.

She slowly regained her gaze, bowed her head, and looked at the terrible skin and knife-like nails on her raised hands. In the pupil of the blue sè, a drop of flame-like tears slowly slipped.

The drop of the "flame" falling straight down the solidified crystal, and in a flash, all the solidified crystals shattered at the same time and returned to the rushing magma.

The magma seems to be violently tumbling with some kind of intense emotions, engulfing everything including the transmission array and the sacrifice platform.

After all the things were turned into ashes, the woman slowly closed her eyes, and the rising blood column slowly sank into the magma, just as the falling angels fell into the darkness of the darkness... (to be continued.)

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