MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 787 Violating common sense

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After Wang Caidie’s appearance, Zhao’s two people recognized at a glance that they were the Wang’s forces in the six days of the emperor’s capital.

As for the king's family, it is not important. It is not important to know that people are so powerful.

The human domain is so big, not mentioning ordinary people. The number of comprehensions is also an astronomical number.

The forces of all sides are as big and small, and the surnames are repeated and repeated.

The surname Wang is the big surname, and the family of the surname Wang is also a good force. There are tens of thousands of minority.

Zhao Er and his four people are from the general comprehension company, not even the family.

In the case of the powerful group of Wang Caidie, they can only ask for more happiness.

Fortunately, the first round of the finals has just begun. They have zero combat power. As for the equipment they carry, they can’t look at it. They should not kill them for no reason.


Wang Caidie lost interest in them after asking Zhao and his four people for an answer.

Wang Caidie turned to look at the witch wolf controlled by the Taoist man, and immediately asked, "How many battles do the two demon spirits do?"

The Taoist man replied with a skeptical color. "Missy, is it wrong, the two demon ghosts are only 2 points."


Not only Wang Caidie, several young monks are unanimous.

Even Zhang Haotian looked awkward.

The spirit of the demon in the ghost is not low, equivalent to the Yuan Ying monk, the strength of the nine Xuan gods has also increased.

Actually, one is only 1 point?

One hundred thousand wars are enough to kill 100,000 soul ghosts.

Zhao Er and his four people suspected that their ears were wrong. They thought that the dementors were so powerful, at least they were a small boss. Let’s say a few hundred points of war.

What is this special battle?

Do you play with people?

"Dog dog priest, this lady did not have the time to play with you, how much warfare?" Wang Caidie does not believe.

The Taoist man looked innocent, lifted his watch and reached in front of Wang Caidie. "Miss, you see it yourself, do I have to play this thing?"

Wang Caidie looked at it at a glance, and the Taoist men’s watch clearly showed that he killed two demon ghosts and gained 2 points.

Wang Caidie has a flash of incomprehensible brilliance, and there are so few wars.

How much will it kill the witch?

Wang Caihua’s hand stretched out, and the Qinglong short sword that was robbed two days ago appeared in a blink of an eye.

Hey, Qinglong short sword, turned into a green mans shot to the wolf.

Under the control of Wang Caidie, the flying short sword will smash the wolf's head.

The witches dissipated.

Wang Caidie automatically showed on the wristwatch that he killed one of the gray and silver witches and won 2 points.

The gray-gray wolf is much more powerful than the dementor, and the battle is only 2 points.


At this moment, there was a scream in the forest of Yan Tieshu, and the sound in the valley became louder and louder.

The shocked people’s heads rang.

Being a weak monk is afraid that it will be fainted.

There was a noticeable shock on the ground.

Wang Caidie jumped in the heart, cold and cold to see the direction of the sound, Taoist men and Zhang Haotian at the same time close to protect in front of Wang Caidie.

In the first round and the second round of the finals, it is said that the fight is to win the battle.

The blame is the ghosts and ghosts.

But in the nine mysterious realms, these ghosts are not dead, they are not real domain creatures.

It is a kind of spiritual form hatched by Jiu Xuan.

In the end, Li Daochong is equally curious. Is Jiu Xuan Ling Zun created with a powerful mind?

Still some kind of great power? Or is it the energy body that is introduced into the nine mysterious world?

Killing the middle-level monsters can only get so little combat power, unexpectedly, but it is reasonable.

Li Dao, who was sitting cross-legged in the crown, touched his chin, smiled slightly, and whispered in a voice he could only hear.

"I already knew that the first round of the finals could not be so simple. One hundred thousand battles a year, hey, it’s not good."

Underneath Wang Caidie, several people realized that the war was not good, and immediately changed their action strategy.

Wang Caidie is reluctant to be willful, but she does not have no brains. She did hate Li Daohong and wants to teach her a bad guy who dares to offend herself.

However, it is light and heavy, and Wang Caidie is still clear.

Spending time on finding people will directly affect your own game progress.

"Go, hunt, the kid won't find it first." Wang Caidie was very reluctant, but could not help.

The Taoist man and Zhang Yutian looked at each other and smiled. The young lady finally had some brains.

The group immediately flew away.

Zhao Er and his four people sighed with relief. These guys were terrible to them than the wolves.

After all, people are unpredictable. If they are not happy, they will only be minutes.

"Boss, this place should not stay for a long time." Yu Yao was undecided.

"Grandma's, the ghosts in Jiu Xuan's realm are too strong. For safety reasons, we still go to the area where there are many people near the emperor. The ghosts appearing there may be weaker." Zhao Eryi said.

The boss did not have any opinions, and the emperor asked if the situation was good.

Then the four took out their magic weapons and flew away.

Treat people all away.

Li Daohong on the tree stretched out and stopped slowly.

Li Daochong looked lazy, but his eyes flashed through a murderous machine and swept through hundreds of hot iron trees, falling in the shadows of the deep forest.

The shadow was formed long before Wang Caidie came, but it was not completely formed.

Plus, there is no deadly at all.

Without Li Dao Chong such a powerful mind, it is difficult to find its existence.

Li Daochong’s thoughts were suppressed in the Jiu Xuan gods, and the scope of detection can only cover dozens of kilometers.

In addition to the accuracy of the other is very compressed, it seems that Jiu Xuan God is consciously weakening the monk's mind.

In the shadow of the group, two pairs of eyes gaze at Li Daochong.

The genie killing entrants here can also become stronger. The immortal genius narrates that it is the martial arts that makes the singer stronger, but it does not say the whole. It is not only the martial arts, but also the slayer can kill the entrants.

It was not unilateral from the beginning.

Jiu Xuan Ling Zun projected not the game field, but the battlefield, the battlefield between the Terran and the Bane creatures.


A black man suddenly came in a sudden shot, aiming at the back of Li Daochong.

Li Daochong did not move, and the black mang fell directly into the back of his head.

Then Li Dao Chong is in the same place, as if it were set.

In the shadow of the deep forest, a tall figure of human form came out.

The human figure is full of muscles, his face is wide, his teeth are extended from his mouth, his face is blue.

It is a variant of a deadlock.

The stag ghost is a ghost with few purely fleshy ghosts.

But their flesh is actually a dead body.

This stag ghost has evolved into a stag ghost king, and there is a thin and thin woman beside it.

Not looking carefully, I thought it was a human woman dressed in a rag and white coat.

In fact, there is no entity, and the feet are suspended and sinister.

Prostitute, the big ghost king among the ghosts.

These two ghosts, Li Daochong, had met before, when he was still in the Blue Bay Star, or the stupid young master in the eyes of others.

The final boss who followed the old ghost into a ghost shuttle quarry was a prostitute.

The stag and the prostitute are a pair of parasitic ghosts. There must be prostitutes in places where there are stag ghosts. The place where prostitutes are also will attract the stag.

But outside, prostitutes and stag ghosts are just ghosts of the big ghost level, and the foundation monks can deal with them. The Jindan monks can be destroyed.

However, here, we cannot judge the standard by external strength.

When two ghosts appeared, they caught a big fish, and a smile appeared on the unsettled face.

They detected the monk who was controlled by them, and they had the peak of Yuan Ying.

Killing them is enough to take them to the next level.

The stag and the prostitute walked forward like a walk, but every step of the way, the second ghost figure jumped tens of meters away like a teleport.

However, a few steps have already come to Li Daochong.

The stag ghost looked at the unfortunate monk in front of him, and a mouthful of water spouted out of his mouth and mouth, and a squeaky voice in his throat, his eyes shot a greedy brilliance, and he eagerly glanced at the prostitute.

The ghost is making a request to the prostitute and wants to eat the prey.

The prostitute looked up, and the pale black face passed over the anger, and the cherry mouth suddenly opened, as if it was torn.


The prostitute made a horrible roar, meaning very clear, is to let the devil go away, this prey is her.

The stagflies are scared to take a step back and are extremely afraid of prostitutes.

"Qian Daoyou, there is goods here."

Suddenly there was a shout from above.

Immediately, three young monks flying in the swordsmanship came flying in the air and fell in front of the zombies and prostitutes.

The three young monks wore different vestments, and each one was not weak. Compared with Wang Caidie, they were not much different.

The cultivation is the late stage of the god.

It is a strong player among the ordinary players.

"Hey, stag, niece, stuffy teeth are not enough." Huang Yi youth looked disdainful.

Just three of them joined forces to kill a lot of ghosts, most of them are the devil and the wolf, the strongest is a horse.

Killing so many powerful ghosts, the average of three people only scored seven points.

How many can be a stag and a prostitute, fearing that there is not even a single battle.

For a time, the three people lost some interest.

But all came, the mosquito legs are also meat, and it is easy to get rid of other good goods.

"Yin Daoyou, there is still a bad luck, we are better to solve it, Yuanying monk only, it is estimated that there is no good thing, earning a point to restore the elixir." Green Youth monk is not tasteless.

"Qian Daoyou, Yin Daoyou, let Sunmou come this time, so there is no need to divide the battle." Another young monk dressed in a brown vest.

"Please, please." Huang Yi youth shrugged.

The young man named Sun is also unambiguous, and his fingers are empty. "Yuhuan flying rain breaks through the clouds."


Flying swords like electricity, flying toward the heart of the stag.


The flying sword is in the middle of the target, and it makes a harsh metal collision. Listening to this power is not small.

However, Feijian did not even smash the skin of the stag.

When the zombies and prostitutes fall from the trio, they look at the trio as you look at me.

"What?" The young surnamed Sun was taken aback. His "Yuhuan Feiyu Jianfa" actually had no effect on the zombies.

What is this ghost?

Even if there is a deadly million-strong army outside, the young surnamed Sun can be destroyed by a finger.

He is the late monk of the gods, but the ghost is a big ghost. It is the thing that the foundation monk handles.

In the frontline battlefield, the gods of the gods are the backbone, it is absolutely impossible to confront the big ghosts, because they are not needed at all.

Turning the gods to solve the zombies, this is not an anti-aircraft gun to fight mosquitoes, it is an atomic bomb to fight mosquitoes, purely nonsense.

But this is not the real world, it is the nine mysterious gods.

Not only did the young surnamed Sun be shocked on the spot, but Qian and Yin were equally unbelievable.

The gods of the gods can not deal with the ghosts?

What is rhythm?

The three men have not recovered from the horror, and everything that happened in the next scene made them see the ghost's nth power.

The zombie grabs the flying sword, hey, his hands are smashed, and the flying sword is broken. The three young monks who are absolutely worthy of the human genius are completely dumbfounded.

The Feijian, the young man of Sun’s name, is made by Yang Xuanjin, and belongs to the top quality of Tongxuan.

It’s hard to be a hole in a witch and a witch. It’s so hard to be cut off by a zombie.

The prostitute stretched out the scarlet tongue and rubbed her lips to catch a big fish and three super big fish.

It’s hard to think about not eating.

"Oh." The prostitute could not control the horror laughter.


The prostitute's phantom disappeared.

At the same time, the zombies slammed into the ground, and the cannonballs shot at three monks.

The three people are not well-informed, but after all, the strength is not weak, and they are not scared, they dare not care, and the body's aura bursts open, and they must fight hard.


However, the young man surnamed Sun has not had time to display his magical powers, and the giant claws of the stag, such as the black iron, have been photographed on his heavenly spirit.


The young man surnamed Sun instantly stunned.

Hey, followed by a broken bone.

Hey, the head of the young surname of Sun, such as watermelon, fell to the ground and was crushed by a stag.

At the next moment, the young monk in the late stage of the gods dissipated, dropped a pile of items, and went to the resurrection point.

Both Qian and Yin were stunned, and realized how terrible they were about the stag and the prostitutes.

Just wait for them to respond, the light in the eyes of the young people of Qian’s eyes suddenly dimmed, and immediately hugged his head to reveal a painful expression.

"Qian Daoyou." Yin’s youth is unknown, just called.


The young man surnamed Qian suddenly raised his hand and slashed the head of Yin’s youth. The former had no white eyes.

The prostitute is possessed, and the young man surnamed Qian becomes the carrier of the prostitute, incarnate and demon, and the strength is even higher.

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