MTL - Different Dimension Game-Chapter 8 New York at 7:30

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Wang Hao was a little tired from playing. After taking off his helmet, he rubbed his eyes and savored it carefully.

Good things always have to be tasted for a while...

And a little bit still, this is the real game...

For a game that combines degrees of freedom, decryption, gameplay, and action, it is not too much to call it "yyds".

At least, a novice script can score 99 points, not scoring 100 points is afraid of the pride of game manufacturers!

I was a little dissatisfied. I used the role of "Xiao Bai" to clear the level easily, and also saved a friend "Li Qingshan".

But Xiaobai is a female character.

Wang Hao doesn't like using female characters very much.

And poor little Hei, who spent 20 lives still wandering at the gate of the building, is still fighting wits and bravery with the "enemy of his life" mustache, and he has a feeling of a crouching dragon and phoenix.

[The task is being settled... It is estimated that it will take 24 hours. 】

[The remaining time in this chapter is 5 hours, 45 minutes and 29 seconds. When the deadline expires, you can choose to repeat the game. I wish you a happy game. 】

"It actually takes 24 hours to settle a task? You're starting to play monkeys, right..."

"However, it's nice to be able to play again and again."

At the same time as Wang Hao complained, he read the file again and began to try again and again. First, he burned the golden kid who scared him with the "C-9" in his hand.

In the end, the little ghost just stomped a few times and then remained motionless, far less scary and scary than "blood ginseng".

emm... Could it be that the kid is much weaker than "Blood Ginseng"?

Then read the file again, and burned the third "strange thing" - a crystal skull.

The crystal skull burned, and a huge amount of black smoke came out.

It was a real mass, polluting a small half of New York, and affecting millions of people. Wang Hao was stunned.

What is this thing?

It's so fierce!

In the end, he manipulated the "Little Hei" who had never forgotten, and started a lawless action.

I don't believe it, I can't use Xiao Hei to clear the level!

At 7:30 in the afternoon in New York, everyone is busy. Busy living, busy dying.

Today was a lucky day for homeless Joe James, because he saw the most beautiful woman in his life!

He swears that this is definitely the most-beautiful woman.

On the incredibly delicate face, there is a confident smile, the slender and strong legs are well-proportioned and powerful, the plump and graceful figure makes people want to indulge in it, and the high-heeled shoes sound of "DengDengDeng", step by step. It hit Joe James' heart.

In this age of fat people per capita, it is extremely exciting to suddenly meet top beauties on the roadside alleys.

He couldn't help but miss the time when he was in college.

Life at that time was really colorful, full of passion, full of hormones...

Where is it like now, life has lost hope and can only rely on his own dog.

Joe James greedily sucked the fragrance in the air, and began to beg deep in his heart: "Oh, God, if I can have a spring night, I am willing to give the rest of my life!"

"God, please, let me kiss her toes, even if it's just a lick!"

Unfortunately, God did not respond.

The only one who responded to him was the dog on the side, and its **** was tight and tight, which was a sign of wanting to poop.

If you don't walk the dog again, it will put its **** on the begging sign.

"Oh my god, if you do pull out the shit, I'll kick your **** with my boots!" Joe James complained to the dog.

The beautiful and outrageous woman left in a hurry. She walked in such a hurry that she didn't even look at him.

Who is willing to pity the homeless? !

"Puff, let's go!" Joe James called his dog Puff.

Since God did not respond to his request, he took the dog and sneaked behind the woman, looking for an opportunity to sin.

Loving her is worth a lifetime!

But the unexpected happened, Joe James was dumbfounded watching the woman walk into the parking lot, knocked out the owner of a Lamborghini, and robbed something.

"Oh, is she a black widow? I'm as stupid as apple pie, I actually want to commit a crime against the black widow!" Joe James shuddered, imagining the scene where his **** were kicked.

But he doesn't call the police.

Instead, he stole the Lamborghini owner's wallet, happily took out the green paper in it, and threw back the documents in the wallet.


If you don't take it, you won't take it for nothing.

The next thing is even more outrageous!

Joe James took the stolen money, bought a piece of fried chicken and chips, and lay down on the ground to enjoy it with his dog.

He likes the feeling of sharing food with Poof.

This yellow dog is always so loyal, even if he is poor and his wives are separated, he will never leave him and will never leave him.

Sometimes, life is not as good as that of a dog. At least a dog is easily satisfied and can sleep soundly when he is full, but it is difficult for a human being to feel satisfied. They have all kinds of desires, and desires are the source of troubles. Having seen such a beautiful woman, the fast food in the red light district has become a pig-like existence.

Suddenly his eyes flashed. UU reading www.

Joe James saw a very strange scene in the upper floors of the Imperial Building: in the bright neon lights, there seemed to be a gray fog?

A pair of strange sparks loomed in the fog, attracting his soul like a black hole.

His hands and feet were cold, and fear grew from the depths of his heart. He didn't know what was going on, but it was hard to look away, and he kept breaking out in cold sweat.

It lasted for more than ten seconds.

"Wow!" Poo cried a few times when he realized that he didn't have fried chicken.

Joe James regained his senses and found that the strange situation just now had disappeared.

Did you read it wrong?

He shook his head viciously, and took a sip of wine into his mouth: "I must think that women are going crazy, but I saw colorful black?!"

Empire State Building, 102nd floor, bathroom.

Black Guard C-level investigator, Li Qingshan.

Slowly woke up from the coma.

In the dark and dry environment, there was a faint scent of perfume.

"what happened?"

"I just got knocked out..."

He looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with some vigilance, with delicate and elegant features, a pair of golden glasses on the round goose egg face, and the fluffy and messy golden waves spread out, which had a lazy and elegant connotation. Even if the current light is only the neon lights outside the window, it can still be seen that the other party is a beautiful woman.

"She knocked me out."

The body was bound by ropes.

"What does she want to do?"

In the next instant, his pupils shrank slightly, and he discovered a very terrifying thing.

She... is not human!