MTL - Director of a Suspense Film-Chapter 97 、97

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Yu Chenxue moved quickly.

After he opened the iron door, he closed it again. In this way, the female ghost outside cannot enter, and neither can other actors, which is extremely vicious.

But obviously, the S-level actor didn't think there was anything wrong with his behavior, and even clasped his hands back in a good mood. After confirming that people and ghosts outside couldn't get in, he walked slowly towards the monitoring room go.

The fifth floor is not big, or it can be said that it is not too big. Apart from the stairs leading to the roof, there is only one platform and a locked door.

This side is extremely hidden, and the door is the same color as the iron on the wall. If you don't observe carefully, you can't find there is another door here.

The platform is the small platform,? What is the locked door,? It goes without saying.

Yu Chenxue walked to the door and knocked on the door in a good mood.

"Tuk tuk."

The artist's mood is particularly bright when he thinks that behind the wall is the director Q himself whom he has been looking for for half a year.

Since entering this school, Yu Chenxue has been able to feel a surveillance line of sight that cannot be ignored. It can be detected in almost every place with a camera. This is the basic skill of every person who has experienced special training in anti-reconnaissance.

Coupled with the female ghost who chased and killed him for no reason and Anna who suddenly appeared, who is behind the scenes? He doesn't want to be anything other than the director.

Yu Chenxue became more and more curious about the identity of director Q.

A long time ago, he ruled out all the senior actors currently registered. Except for a few unpredictable lone rangers, it is difficult for other actors to match the director's schedule.

At this point, Yu Chenxue had no choice but to turn his attention to other people. For example, those old actors who successfully survived the copy of Pisces Jade Pendant more than ten years ago, and were unexpectedly lucky to untie the actor system.

However, even if Daoist Wu brought him breakthrough information, relying on the huge intelligence network of the Secret Mobile Team, Yu Chenxue still could not accurately identify the identity of director Q.

He had a hunch that the identity of the director in the end would definitely give him a big surprise.

That's why he looked forward to it even more.

"Tuk tuk."

The professor of psychology knocked on the door unhurriedly, as if he was not at all afraid that the people inside would escape temporarily.

When Yu Chenxue unlocked it just now, when she was being chased by the female ghost, she deliberately took a few seconds to observe, and found that the monitoring room was built on the fifth floor, and there was only one way down, and it was locked. Further up, it can only be the rooftop, and there is no second way to leave.

"Mr. Q, are you there?" He knocked on the door and asked hypocritically.

The door of the monitoring room remained motionless.

Yu Chenxue frowned, found a wire from his pocket, and skillfully pried open the lock.

"Sorry to bother you, but if you're not here, I'll have to come in by myself."

With a "click", the lock on the iron door of the monitoring room opened.

The artist's slender hand pushed open the cold iron door, and with the other hand he nimbly took out a dagger from his pocket, with the back of the knife against his thumb.

It's an easy-to-defend, hard-to-attack stance. If someone is standing behind the door, the gap left in the middle can be avoided just right, and they can respond flexibly to the enemy.

After seeing the scenery inside, even Yu Chenxue couldn't help but sink a bit.

There are monitoring screens in all directions here, the power is still on, and the pictures of other classrooms and corridors are even continuously playing on it, some of which have become monotonous gray and white lines or colored lines, making it difficult to see the specific appearance inside.

And the chair in front of the monitor was empty, without any trace of anyone.

Yu Chenxue stepped forward, staring at the folds on the chair, pursing her thin lips tightly.

If there is no one, how can this monitoring room be powered on, and how can there be traces of someone sitting in it.

His sharp eyes flicked across the screen, and his eyes dimmed slightly.

When seeing one of the display screens, Yu Chenxue narrowed his eyes suddenly.


Zong Qi was hiding downstairs at the moment, not daring to vent his breath.

Just now, he urgently started the reshooting procedure.

Before the reshoot, he never thought that after Yu Chenxue got the key, her first reaction was not to go to the rooftop, but to touch the monitoring room.

The location of the monitoring room is very hidden, and it is also the best place to observe the entire school.

In fact, Zong Qi can also directly monitor the entire school through the system, but he can't hide in other places, in case he is discovered. That's why he chose the monitoring room in the end. It's in a good location and hidden, so no one would usually notice it.

Nyarlathotep knew before that Zong Qi acquiesced that the evil **** cheated and would not pursue it. But why even Yu Chenxue knows, does he have any special props? ? ?

For the first time, when Zong Qi was blocked by Yu Chenxue in the monitoring room, he was sweating nervously. Especially after hearing the other party trying to pick the lock, he started the reshoot without any hesitation and jumped back to twenty minutes ago.

Twenty minutes ago, all the actors were still discussing clues in the classroom, and no one was wandering outside.

So Zong Qi came out of the monitoring room with his back bent, closed the door behind him, and ran to the rooftop in a hurry.

He contacted the grandpa and grandma and the ghost baby who had just experienced mental torture and looked a little depressed, and pulled him from the side of the roof to an empty classroom in the teaching building with the umbilical cord.

When he was in the empty classroom, watching Yu Chenxue skillfully pry open the door in shock, he couldn't express his heart.

"It also looks too skilled."

Zong prayed.

If he hadn't run so fast, the vest would have been stripped off by now.

Especially at the beginning of dating, when the horoscope has not yet been written, falling face to face, it is so dead that people's toes are on the ground.

Fortunately, Yu Chenxue didn't stay in the monitoring room for too long.

After a brief look around, he turned around and left. He didn't go directly to the rooftop, but went back to the iron gate in a very humanitarian way, opened the door, and then slowly went upstairs.

Seeing this, Zong Qi took a long breath, and quickly contacted Anna and Xiaohong to drive the other actors to the rooftop.

On the rooftop, the npc is ready.

Zong Qi felt that the most worry-free thing was the NPC. He didn't need to tell the show, he only needed to direct, and the other party would follow the instructions given.

It would be nice if all the actors were npcs.

This is what the other actors saw when they opened the roof door.

The artist in a white shirt and windbreaker stands at the door, looking up at the rising sun in the sky, the fiery heat on the horizon, and the frightened birds hovering and flying in the distant sky.

His side face was indifferent and calm, his azure blue pupils were darkened by the shadows, silent like a green hill in the distance, motionless, but a long-premeditated storm was brewing above.

A little farther away, a young man in a basketball uniform squatted on the ground. There were traces of burning on the ground. When he got closer, he found that the burning ingots and jade coins were all made of tinfoil.

A gust of wind blew up the ashes, scattered them in the air, and then fell down one after another.

"You are Xu Jingshan."

It was Yu Chenxue who spoke.

The young man in the size 18 basketball jersey stiffened and threw the yellow paper in his hand onto the fire.

"You are the detectives sent by Xiaomeng's father."

His tone was firm, "Yesterday was Xiaomeng's death day, so I knew that he would not give up."

The others all frowned, not understanding what he said.

Xu Jingshan didn't intend to explain, but told them a story.

Wen Fanmeng is the kind of child that everyone envies, someone else's.

She has been the best ever since she was a child.

Ballet needs to be built from an early age. When everyone else is crying, she has been able to straighten her toes and make herself stand up. The teacher praised her for being excellent, but in fact her tears were kept at home.

Good academic performance, that's because there is never any rest time, piles of homework and whipping.

In the election of class cadres, the class leader must be selected. The three good students have to get it every year, and it is not enough to have less than one excellent award.

Her parents bought her beautiful and expensive dresses and dressed her up like everyone envied her. It's not like a person, but like the products that parents carefully choose and dress up and put on the window to show the superiority of their family and teach their children well.

After their relationship, Xu Jingshan found that she had many wounds on her body.

It's just that it's usually hidden under the school uniform and can't be seen.

He asked several times, and Wen Fanmeng said that some of these wounds were made by her father, and some were left by her.

"Actually, I don't like ballet at all. Once I sprained my ankle while dancing. They didn't care that my blood turned my dancing shoes red. Instead, they asked the doctor if I could do ballet again. Because at that time I was participating in teenagers. In the ballet competition, what they care about is the champion. After returning home, my father still whipped me with a belt, saying that I had a problem with dancing and ruined my future. Is it my future that was ruined? It’s just that they lost a way to show off.”

"When I failed in the exam, they would beat me. I was so afraid of them. Sometimes I couldn't sleep at home after returning from high school. I could only pretend to be very good in front of them, pretending to be very good. .”

"I know they are actually doing it for my own good, but this love is too heavy and suffocating. In order to repay this love, I do my best every day, so tired."

Xu Jingshan still remembered that Wen Fanmeng was sitting next to him with his legs hugged.

They leaned on the roof to blow the wind, even if they didn't do anything during the short time after dinner and self-study every night, they would be very happy staying together.

"I really want to become a bird, carefree, and fly down from here."

Later, during the final exam, Wen Fanmeng had an emotional breakdown. In the middle of the exam, he suddenly rushed out of the exam room and onto the rooftop.

Almost all the teachers in the school came to persuade her. The principal contacted 120 and the ambulance was on the way. Seeing that she was emotional, the head teacher turned around and asked Xu Jingshan to be called over.

Xu Jingshan still remembered kneeling on the edge of the roof, begging her to get off the railing.

She said she couldn't take it anymore.

"I just found out that my dad would peek at my diary. He already knew about our relationship."

Wen Fanmeng kept crying: "Today's exam, I can't do the extra questions. They will scold me when they see the results back."

She said that it may be a small thing, but the accumulation of years of despair has become the last grass that broke the camel's back.

She also said, begging him not to save her. Because although she acted impulsively today, the matter has become a big deal now, and the whole school knows about it. The teacher and the principal notified the parents immediately. Although it may look like nothing on the surface, after she was taken home, she must have been severely beaten.

"Dad wants to save face very much. If he knows that I have humiliated him so much, he will kill me. Every time they will only say that it is for my own good, and I love them too, but being kidnapped by such love again and again is really too much." tired."

"Please don't save me, I'm just too tired to live. If I can't choose my own birth, please let me choose my own death."

"Then," Xu Jingshan said, "she laughed and jumped down."

He covered his face and knelt on the ground, "Obviously I could hold her back, but she begged me not to save her, she begged me hoarsely."

Like a bird, freed from its bondage, light and happy.

The body is falling, but the soul is rising.

Anna stood at the back of all the actors on the rooftop with a silent expression.

She didn't read the script, but only knew the specific process of Zong Qi's rehearsal, and she didn't know anything about what really happened in this big movie.

Now that I heard it, I realized that it turned out to be the case.

No wonder there are no ghosts in this show from the beginning to the end, and only resentment is left.

Xu Jingshan's voice was hoarse: "Go back and tell Xiaomeng's father that she died like this. Don't hire detectives, and don't hire people to perform tricks. Even if she goes to reincarnation, she will turn into a little sparrow in her next life. And it won’t fly past his window sill again.”

The author has something to say: Alas, the prototype of this story is the suicide incident of a female college student in Jinan. The last letter she left made me see emo several times. Even when she died, she was so gentle, she told people not to save her, and told the students in the dormitory not to be afraid, she just fell asleep, and hoped that all the people she loved and those who loved her were well.

The most painful thing is not to treat you badly, but to be kidnapped by love.

I hope she will live happily in heaven and be a carefree little princess in her next life.