MTL - Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy-Chapter 18 Sing

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During this period of time, he has also checked a lot of information on various watches. Li Xin seems to have an entry-level Rolex model.

Although it is an entry-level model, it is a Rolex after all, and it takes 40,000 to 50,000 yuan to get it.

As soon as Li Xin came in, everyone was lively and seemed to want to say hello to him.

As for Wang Jie next to him, Cheng Xu didn't remember much, only that the two often played together.

Seeing that everyone has come, the monitor also suggested that everyone have a drink together.

He drove here today, naturally he didn't touch those beers, he just took a sip of the juice he had just drank.

Seeing that Cheng Xu didn't drink beer, but drank juice, Chen Yuan seemed to have found a way to get back the lost place.

In his eyes, someone as transparent as Cheng Xu can honestly endure being made fun of, and he dares to make fun of himself.

"Chen Xu, you can't do this, everyone drinks wine, why are you drinking juice as a boy?"

Chen Yuan, who said this, seemed to turn a blind eye to Li Xin, who was drinking the juice next to her.

"It's okay for boys to drink juice, don't you think Li Xin also drinks juice?"

This time, it was Li Mengqing who spoke in front of Cheng Xu.

"Mr. Li must have come in a car. It's normal not to drink. You also drive?"

Chen Yuan was quite proud when she said this, as if the car belonged to her.

She knew that someone would talk about Li Xin, who hadn't drank, but this was in her favor. Of course, she knew that Cheng Xu's family conditions would not be able to drive a car in college, so she deliberately brought the topic to this point. Come.

"Yes, I also drove the car."

Cheng Xu put down the juice and replied calmly.

Chen Yuan didn't seem to expect Cheng Xu to give such an answer, and for a while she didn't think about how to continue. The script she conceived was that Cheng Xu continued to mock him after he said he didn't have a car.

Such an answer made her stunned for a while. She couldn't say to go down to see his car now, in case he really borrowed a broken car to drive over.

Chen Yuan was defeated again, and she secretly decided to take a good look at what kind of car Cheng Xu was driving at the end of the show.

Listening to this, Li Mengqing also glanced at Cheng Xu with a slightly puzzled look, but did not speak.

The brief awkward atmosphere was quickly broken by the squad leader.

"It's okay, everyone comes out to play. The most important thing is to have fun. Don't drink if you don't want to drink."

After saying this, everyone became lively again.

It seemed that the squad leader's words seemed to be smoothing things out, but in fact he was still on Chen Yuan's side secretly.

After all, what Cheng Xu said just now was that he couldn't drink because he was driving, and he became unwilling to drink.

I don't know if he simply wanted to speak for Chen Yuan, or because he didn't quite believe that Cheng Xu would come by car.

After a round of drinking, the squad leader stood up and volunteered to sing a song "Broad Ocean and Sky" for everyone.

The song can basically be in tune, but the plastic Cantonese makes people a little dramatic, but everyone is still quite supportive, and they applaud him.

Zhang Yupeng sang a song at the moment with full of confidence, but the next song was sung by a female singer, and the high pitch was too high, otherwise he would have to complete two sentences.

When the classmates sing, no matter how good the singing is, Cheng Xu still listens carefully and does not play with his mobile phone.

When he saw the next song "The Words Don't Express Your Mind", Cheng Xu slightly adjusted his sitting posture, he knew that it was ordered by Li Mengqing.

Haven't you ever been curious

It's deserted and crowded around you

I was always here

don't say a word


Li Mengqing's voice is actually not as mellow as the original singer, but for some reason, Cheng Xu was really immersed in the song after listening to the song.

After a song was sung, everyone applauded, Cheng Xu looked at Li Mengqing, but also met her eyes.

Cheng Xu once saw such an article on the Internet. The article said that in a gathering of large groups of people.

If you want to know who in the crowd is interested in whom, you have to observe their eyes when everyone is laughing because of a certain thing, or when everyone is happy. In this case, everyone's eyes will be subconscious. look at the person you like.

Cheng Xu didn't know the authenticity of this article, but undoubtedly, when he looked at Li Mengqing, he was a little excited.

In the second half of the song, everyone basically started to play their own games. Chen Yuan, Li Xin, Zhang Yupeng and Wang Jie gathered together to fight the landlords.

Cheng Xu was originally listening to them singing quietly, but suddenly Li Mengqing came up to him and asked:

"Why don't you sing? Go and order a song, I haven't heard you sing before."

Cheng Xu was a little embarrassed, but he didn't know how to refuse, so he had to order the first Jay Chou's "Can't Open My Mouth".

He didn't think too much about this song, but he really listened to this song a lot, and it was a song he was good at.

The other two boys who were singing saw Cheng Xu ordered a song, maybe they were tired of singing, so they directly put Cheng Xu's song to the top. UU Reading

Cheng Xu was also more serious when he sang, and he didn't notice that Li Mengqing's face was blushing, but he found that Li Mengqing seemed to be the only one in the whole box who was listening to him seriously.

"You sing very well, why didn't you sing before?"

Li Mengqing looked at Cheng Xu curiously and asked.

Cheng Xu heard her praise her singing well, and for a while he replied shyly:

"Really? I don't know how I sing. I usually sing less."

Zhang Yulong, who was playing cards on the side, suddenly interjected: "I also think it's okay, basically it's about the same level as me."

"Is that so?"

Cheng Xu almost understood his singing level.

Listening to this, Li Mengqing couldn't help but laugh.

Looking at the situation of playing cards next to him, Cheng Xu guessed that Zhang Yulong alone would win more.

Wang Jie and Chen Yuan both looked a little unsightly, and they spoke viciously when playing cards, but Li Xin didn't seem to care at all, his mind didn't seem to be on the card table, and his eyes occasionally turned to Cheng Xu.

"What kind of bad luck is this? I'm not playing anymore, I'm a little hungry."

It was Chen Yuan who spoke, and Cheng Xu guessed that she had lost a lot.

Zhang Yulong also stood up and said with a smile:

"Okay, let's call here today, go to dinner, and you can continue to play after dinner."

Although the bottom bet in the landlord fight was only two yuan, it was not small at all, including the doubling and the bomb, and there were quite a few hundred-yuan bills on the table.

Cheng Xu glanced at the time, and it was past five o'clock, so it was okay to have dinner.

Everyone packed up, left the box, and moved to a place to eat.