MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 564 Huang Tielan's Persistence

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"Zhang Xiaoche."

He walked in the beast world south of the North Capital, and Huang Tielan suddenly called Zhang Che.


Zhang Che turned to look at Huang Tielan, not knowing what she had to say.

I saw Huang Tielan's self-confidence, and she said leisurely:

"Zhang Xiaoche, can you let me kill some strange beasts myself this time, I don't want to be an empty beast with no real strength."

Only then did Zhang Che feel that the original iron boy and girl also had their own persistence.

Yeah, even if she is a good nanny, she will be sent to Tier VI or even Tier 7 Beastmaster. In the final analysis, it was not her own spelling out. Compared with other Beastmasters, there is definitely a gap in strength .

Perhaps, my own thinking has been wrong, and I can't really understand Huang Tielan's idea.

谁 In this difficult time, who can be left behind?

I thought for a while, Zhang Che nodded and said:

"Okay, this time you are the main attacker, and I will assist you to give you as many chances as possible to fight the same beast. Anyway, you now have a Shadow Unicorn, and your strength is much better than before. There won't be much danger. "

As for this, Huang Tielan's promotion speed will definitely slow down, which is not a big deal.

Anyway, there is still much time left, so it's a big deal to stay in the other animal world this time.

Really waited for three years, when the fifth beast tide came, then there was really no time for Huang Tielan to improve his strength.

走 "Let's go, then let's set off and try to reach our destination as soon as possible!"

Seeing Zhang Che promise to come down, Huang Tielan suddenly smiled heartily, riding a shadow unicorn and rushing forward quickly. The speed was so fast that he broke through the speed of sound.

"Okay, then we will stay here for a while and try our best to give you more opportunities for actual combat!"

Zhang Che also laughed, and followed Xuansha Minglong closely.

Uh ...

The speed of the two flying beasts was extremely fast. Just after flying for more than half an hour, they have penetrated this place thousands of miles away.

Here, a large number of middle-order alien beasts have gradually appeared, and high-order low-quality alien beasts are not uncommon.

The two did not go too far, and stopped here. Zhang Che led his pets and royal beasts to guard him. Huang Tielan rode a shadow unicorn, holding a sword, toward a group of five stars. The Beast launched a charge.

Although the strength of Huang Tielan itself is still a bit worse, under the blessing of the shadow unicorns, it can be comparable to these strange beasts, especially the skills of the shadow unicorns can weaken the strength of these strange beasts. The pressure she faced was even less.

What's more, Huang Tielan is not an ordinary beastmaster. Since she was a child, she has followed Huang Yunyun to learn various combat skills, especially one-handed swordsmanship, which is much stronger than Zhang Che, a semi-slinger.

As soon as he rushed into the beast, Huang Tielan's sword turned into a ball of light and shadow, riding a shadow unicorn to rush to the left and right, constantly harvesting the lives of these five-star beasts. Signs.

In a battle, it only lasted less than ten minutes. The group of five-star alien beasts with more than ten heads was beheaded and killed by Huang Tielan.

The reason why Xi took so long is because the power of the sword in Huang Tielan's hands is still a lot worse for the middle-ranked beast.

Otherwise, she can completely reduce the fighting time by more than half.

Zhang Zhang Che nodded secretly, thinking:

It seems that the next step is to find an iron beast weapon for the iron boy and girl as soon as possible. Only the two-star mutant dolphin sword is still too bad.

In this way, the two of them hunted the alien beast while marching deeper into the alien beast world.

The hideous monkey is not idle, and it is now very powerful. Without the threat of too much strange beasts, it is entirely possible to go to the surrounding area to collect elixir by itself, so that Zhang Che has gotten a dozen ordinary elixir.

This is an essential program.

Otherwise, the two will definitely be staying in the beast world for a long time, and when they return to the Mercury world, Zhang Che will not be able to change out a lot of elixir out of nothing, and transplant it to the new Institute of Medicinal Materials .

If that's the case, it really doesn't make sense.

Now that Dongyi Hammer and Xiyi Hammer are like this, although there is not much elixir that can be obtained, when Zhang Che adds another part, there will be nothing strange.

Time passed quickly in the battle, and the rest of the afternoon of that day soon came to an end, and the sky in the Beast World quickly faded.

After half a day of slaughter, Huang Tielan has hunted more than three-figure alien beasts by herself. Although some of these mighty beasts were eventually killed by Zhang Che's pets and the helpers of the beasts, her own battle Experience is still growing rapidly.

At least, the match between Huang Tielan and his powerful beast, the Shadow Unicorn, has risen to a certain height. It is estimated that in a few days of fighting, it will be able to fully cooperate with the tacit understanding.

"Let's camp here tonight."

The two walked at the foot of a high mountain, Zhang Che looked at the surroundings, pointed at the mountain, and then commanded the amethyst turtle to rush over and began to make holes in the mountain belly.

For this, Huang Tielan has seen it a few times, and there is nothing strange, just waiting silently.

As for the diligent master chess element queen, at the moment, she is hurrying to open a book, and she is studying hard.

With this crazy learning momentum, the Queen of Elements must be able to make all the anthropologists in the world ashamed to death.

Uh ...

小心 "Be careful, that strange beast is very powerful, and it has the strength of five-star gold quality!"

The next morning, the two had breakfast and started another day of hunting strange animals.

Stuck in a valley, Zhang Che looked at a strange beast like a pangolin in front of her and reminded Huang Tielan aloud.

At the same time, he also secretly ordered the Xuansha Heilong, and once Huang Tielan was in danger, he immediately shot and required a skill attack to solve this strange beast, so as not to pose any threat to Huang Tielan.

Looking at the giant crawling beast that is similar to a pangolin and has a body length of more than three meters, Huang Tielan is wary, and he looks back at Zhang Che without looking back:

"Zhang Xiaoche, let me do it myself this time, I want to see how powerful a five-star gold-quality beast!"

Although the sword in his hand has been difficult to hurt this level of strange beast, Huang Tielan has to try it out and see if he can defeat this level of strange beast with the help of the shadow unicorn.

Besides, although this strange beast is powerful, it is not without its weaknesses. Whether its eyes or ear holes are actually parts that cannot be protected by scale armor, as long as the sword speed is fast enough and accurate enough, Still sure to stab this strange beast.

Seeing Huang Tielan insist, Zhang Che groaned and agreed.

好 "Okay, then you have to be careful. Once there is something wrong, don't be stubborn. The Shadow Unicorn will protect you for the first time."

"Relax, it's up to me!"

铁 Huang Tielan replied, immediately driving the shadow unicorn under her seat, straight toward the five-star gold-quality strange beast ahead.

异 That strange beast is also extremely intelligent. Knowing that you are surrounded by powerful and unbeatable beings around you at the moment, it is impossible to rush out.

Since the relatively weak guy in the front wants to be singled out with himself, of course, he is desperate, and immediately screamed, and rushed towards Huang Tielan.

Even, the first time, this strange beast had used his attacking skills, and a large sharp metal spike suddenly appeared beside him, turning into an arrow rain like yellow iron orchids.

Huang Tielan had already expected this. People were hiding in a beautiful urn on the back of the Shadow Unicorn, and the slender body was completely attached to the side of the Shadow Unicorn. Protected.

Shadow Unicorn is a legendary beast after all. Although the level of this alien beast is superior, it still has a lot of strength, even if it is not known for physical defense, it completely ignores these metal spike attacks.

Suddenly, a thick black light burst out from his body, and then covered evenly on the body surface.

The next moment, all the metal spikes screamed and slammed into the shadow unicorn, and immediately made a clanging sound.

Although some of these metal spikes basically penetrated that layer of black matter, after all, they did not hurt the body of the Shadow Unicorn.


With a clear sound of reprimand, Huang Tielan suddenly appeared from the side of the shadow unicorn. The sword in his hand was like lightning. A straight piercing rushed to the left eye of the strange beast that was close by.

I felt that the danger suddenly came, and the other beast did not respond slowly, and the huge body let it immediately shrink into a ball, like a discus, relying on the thick scale armor to protect all the weaknesses on the body.

Although the speed of Huang Tielan's sword was extremely fast and unexpected, it was still poorly fired after all. It did not hit the weak spot of the other beast. It just stabbed the opponent and hit the scaled armor with a sound. The sound of crisp golden iron clashes, and a piercing spark came out.

"Break it off me!"

Huang Tielan was also not discouraged. She also knew that she could not kill such a five-star gold-quality beast with a single blow, screamed at the remaining imperial beast, and then the shadow unicorn kept popping forward. Just kicked directly on the huge discus in front.

There was a bang, and the discus that was transformed by that strange beast was immediately lifted up by this immense force, and directly hit a stone wall in the back, rebounded back, and Rolled several times on the ground.

This time the violent collision directly knocked this strange beast into an awkward place. The defense posture could not be maintained, and the weakness of his body was exposed.

Huang Tielan was unreasonable, riding the shadow unicorn quickly forward, the sword in his hand turned into a ball of light and shadow, and at the same time stabbed at the weakness of this strange beast.

The strange beast also felt that the imminent danger was imminent. At the critical moment, a dead fish turned over, barely turned over, exposing his belly to the attack of Huang Tielan.

In the face of some powerful enemies, this strange beast is undoubtedly seeking its own way.

But after all, Huang Tielan ’s attack power is still a lot worse, even if the scale armor on his belly is much worse, but in the face of Huang Tielan ’s stab, in addition to making a jingling sound and splashing out a spark , There is no greater harm.

Zhang Che helplessly sighed while watching the battle. Sure enough, the damage of the mutant dolphin sword is still too much worse. If Huang Tielan can possess a weapon of about mid-level legendary quality, it would be a bit difficult to kill this strange beast. nothing.

Hmm, it seems that we must find a weapon-type alien as quickly as possible to help the iron boy and girl increase their attack power.

After all, although her shadow unicorn is of high quality, she can only be an auxiliary royal beast after all. Of course, she can be crushed in the face of ordinary beasts. However, if she encounters some stronger beasts, her attack will be weak. , Can not effectively help Huang Tieylan.

A battle lasted for almost half an hour. In the end, the pangolin-like beast was almost tired and laid down by Huang Tielan. After he could not continue to escape, he was seized by the opportunity, and a sword straightened from his eyes. Stabbed in the brain, resulting in life.

"Zhang Xiaoche, my weapon is still too bad now. Just say that this strange beast, if it wasn't for your Royal Beast and your pet that blocked its escape route, even if it couldn't hit it, it would run away. . "

Although he killed a five-star gold-quality beast in person, Huang Tielan's face did not have the slightest excitement.

She can understand that all these opportunities were actually created by Zhang Che for her.

In any other scene, I have no way to leave such a powerful defensive beast. The opponent can't fight, but don't you know how to run?

I am also Zhang Che ’s horrible royal beasts. They looked around and left this strange beast with no way to escape. This gave me a chance to grind it to death.

Zhang Che nodded and said:

"You can also see that if you want to say combat effectiveness, in fact, your level is already stronger than most of the mid-level beastmasters, but it is only limited by the restrictions of weapons ~ ~ .

Therefore, in the past two days, we still have to change our plan. First of all, we should find a weapon-type alien beast as the primary goal. In any case, we must find you a powerful weapon-type alien beast, so as to fundamentally improve your strength. "

I heard Zhang Che say that Huang Tielan nodded quickly.

He is not. After all, he has undergone arduous training since he was a child. He cannot dare to say that he can win all the middle-ranked beastmasters, but it is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

But in the face of these strange beasts, even if your sword skill is so high that you can't break the opponent's defense, it is useless.

Therefore, when fighting with other beasts, the most important thing is the equipment level.

Next, the two will no longer care about those ordinary beasts, but will go deeper into this beast world and strive to find a suitable weapon-type beast one day earlier, so that the efficiency can be greatly improved in the later time. Already.

However, the weapon-type alien beast is extremely rare.

What Huang Tielan wanted was a strange beast card with long swords, which was even more difficult, and it wasn't something he could find immediately.

天 This day is about to pass, and the two walked hundreds of miles in the mountains and rivers of the Beast World, but eventually found nothing.

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