MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 567 Tiran 5 Tier Discovery

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"It's really weird between men and women. Forget it, I don't care about him, I just play my chess with peace of mind ..."

The elemental queen frowned and blinked, she really didn't understand the way in it, and finally shook her head, followed Zhang Che and walked out of the canyon.

Uh ...

The matter between men and women is like a layer of window paper. Once broken, it will become clear.

On this evening, Huang Tielan only lived in Zhang Che's sleeping bag after just two symbolic protests.

Then, in the middle of the night, the Queen of Elements was awakened by a strange sound, frowning and blurring her body shape. She personally drilled out of the cave in the mountain, found a place outside, and lit up in the void beside her. The flames of the regimen, delving with his own chessboard.

Although she couldn't tell what was wrong, she still couldn't stay in the cave anymore.

Uh ...

Time passed day by day, Huang Tielan no longer insisted on hunting strange beasts herself. After all, the mutant dolphin sword she uses now has a much worse attack power, even if some strange beasts are standing there and letting her cut. It took a lot of effort, and she simply obeyed Zhang Che's advice, and let Zhang Che's pets and Royal Beasts catch the strange beast back and fight for half a death, and she could make a final blow.

In this way, Huang Tielan's speed of gaining soul power suddenly became faster, compared with the previous one, it was not slow at all.

By the time of January 19, 37, in the new era, she had felt that she had reached the peak of the fourth-tier beastmaster.

"Zhang Xiaoche, I feel I will soon break through, it should be in these two days!"

With a sword stabbing a dying sixth-tier bronze-quality beast, Huang Tielan suddenly shouted excitedly at Zhang Che next to her.

"So fast?" Zhang Che froze slightly, then a bright smile appeared on his face, "That's great, we hurriedly work hard, waiting for you to advance to the fifth level, you can use the length of the jade cold light beast Sword. In that case, your strength can be improved again, and then we will continue to work hard to get you promoted to Tier VI Beast Master before returning! "

Huang Tielan was also very happy, nodded and replied:

"Well, let's go ahead and strive to break through Tier 4 today and become a Tier 5 Beastmaster. To be honest, I don't feel like using this long sword now, the physical defense of the alien beast is a little stronger. It's impossible to break defense, it's too bad. "

After Zhang Che heard it, he laughed immediately.

Speaking, it is indeed true. Only the second-order mutant dolphin sword has indeed failed to keep up with the growth of the strength of the iron boy and girl. It is too unsuitable to continue to use it.

However, this day until the night came, Huang Tielan still did not break through the fourth-order, so angry that she almost did not eat dinner, so Zhang Che coaxed for a while can be regarded as letting go of the knot.

"Don't worry, it ’s just the past two days. Anxiety is useless, come and come, have a quick meal, we will have the energy to exercise after we are full, hehehehehe ..."

"Go to you, thinking about these things all day long, I regret that I didn't hold it that day and let you succeed, otherwise I'll make you proud! Huh!"

Huang Tielan no longer blushed when she talked about the relationship between the man and the woman, as in the first two days, but her skin was still very thin, and she couldn't hold it. Wen Yan punched Zhang Che severely, but also After all, it's not that irritable, eat well.

The next day, the two still got up as early as they used to. After simply eating something, they set off again and went to the area with a large number of strange animals in the surrounding area.

This time, just killing less than a hundred strange beasts, Huang Tielan suddenly stopped the action in his hand, and 愣愣 stood there and stopped moving.

Zhang Che's eyelids jumped, knowing that she was finally about to break through, and quickly sent Xuansha Haolong and the Queen of Elements back to protect the surroundings, and quietly waited for Huang Tielan's breakthrough.

After a while, Zhang Che felt keenly that Huang Tielan's momentum suddenly erupted, which was several times stronger than before. At the same time, a bright smile appeared on her pretty face. Opening her eyes, it was full of Smile.

Zhang Che finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at her with a smile and applauded:

"Congratulations to my iron boy and girl, and finally promoted to the fifth-tier Royal Beast Master. It is really gratifying. I must add a meal tonight!"

Huang Tielan moved his hands and feet, feeling a completely different feeling than before, and finally laughed out loud, then excitedly embraced Zhang Che and shouted:

"Zhang Xiaoche, I am finally fifth order, ha ha ha ha, I am also a fifth order beast master!"

I said, she couldn't wait any longer, and quickly asked Zhang Che to take out the beast card of the jade cold-light beast, hold it in the palm of his hand, activate it smoothly, and imprint the spirit brand.

Then, I saw the iron boy blinking, and a colorful light burst from her eyebrow, and then turned into a slender sword with a length of more than three feet in her palm.

长 This long sword has a greenish color, like a lush autumn water, without any flaws. With the slight shaking of Huang Tielan's hand, he immediately left a green ripple in the air, which was amazing.

Zhang Che quickly contacted the Xuansha Hades and Elemental Queen next to him, and asked them to quickly catch a few strange beasts, so that Huang Tielan could try the sharpness of the sword in his hand.

Xuansha Haolong and Elemental Queen moved very quickly. In just one or two minutes, they caught several strange beasts from the surrounding mountains and forests. The strengths were very good, and they were also four-star bronze quality. .

Especially, a monster like a tiger and leopard locked by the right front paw of Xuansha Haolong, has enough strength of five-star dark gold quality.

家伙 This guy is also unlucky, originally such a powerful strength, in this mountain forest that is also the strength of the king, usually you can bully which other beast.

However, Xun fell into the hands of Xuansha Minglong, but it did not even have the ability to escape, so he was caught alive, waiting for a while to die under Huang Tielan's sword.

来 "Come here, let's start with the poor strength and let you familiarize yourself with the sword."

Zhang Che first explained the attributes of this jasper cold light sword to Huang Tielan. After she memorized it, she was not in a hurry to let her start the sword test, but explained it, and then let the element queen capture her. Star-shaped bronze quality beasts are released.

However, this strange beast has already been frightened, even if it was released by the elemental queen, it is lying on the ground with weak legs, and it is impossible to climb up.

"What useless thing do you want?"

Zhang Che stepped forward angrily and kicked the strange beast fiercely, but the other party didn't even dare to resist, and lay on the ground pretending to be dead.

哈 "Hahahaha, it turns out that there are also such greedy creatures who are afraid of death in other beasts. It's so funny, forget it, Zhang Xiaoche, otherwise we let it go."

Huang Tielan, who looked aside, laughed and laughed, feeling more cheerful.

"Okay, listen to you, then it ’s too big, and bypass it today. However, with this guy's timid nature, he may not live long in the beast world."

He despised the terrifying beast, Zhang Che kicked it with his feet a few times, so that he could leave.

To say, this strange beast is also a very clever guy, as if he knew that Zhang Che would not kill it, and immediately crawled towards the jungle side by side, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and fast. It's simply amazing.

Zhang Che opened his mouth wide, watching that the strange beast had gone without any hair. It took a long time for him to react, and said in doubt:

"Hey, I said, this guy is not going to become a refined bar, even knowing that he pretends to win our sympathy. I see that this speed, there is no one among the four-star strange beast, the general predatory strange beast It's really hard to catch up with it, and I don't know how much mold it has reached, and was arrested by the Queen of Elements. "

I shook my head, Zhang Che no longer cares about it, turns to Huang Tielan and says:

来 "Come here, let's change another beast and start."

He said, the elemental queen on one side had let go of the other beast.

家伙 This guy will be much more straightforward. As soon as he is loosened and knows that he is not Zhang Che's opponent, he pulls his legs and runs towards the forest quickly.

"Hey, you still want to run, leave me!"

Huang Tielan had already felt itchy and uncomfortable, and she made a clean fit, and chased after her, and the turquoise sword in her hand stabbed directly at the weakness behind this strange animal.

Suddenly, the advantages of this jasper cold lightsaber were immediately revealed.

Huang Tielan only felt that his attack speed had improved a lot than usual. The whole person chased after it fluttering, and the sword in his hand directly penetrated the back of this strange beast. It was cut in two.

To say, this is also a four-star beast, even if it is not a scale armor that is good at physical defense, but the defense of the outer skin can not be underestimated. If it is replaced by the previous mutant dolphin sword, don't think so easily Kill it.

"Zhang Xiaoche, this sword is so sharp, I like it!"

铁 Huang Tielan looked at Zhang Che excitedly, and then looked at the turquoise sword in her hands, the joy in her eyes was beyond words.

I just chopped a piece of waist into two sections. There was no blood or blood on the blade of the same Hongbi water, just like a clear lake without a trace of pollution.

"Very well, this long sword really matches your strength, come, let's continue, and strive to use this weapon as soon as possible!"

Seeing Huang Tielan so fond of this long sword, Zhang Che was also very happy, shouted, and let the elemental queen release her last beast.

Next, Huang Tielan beheaded the two beasts that were captured by two pets one by one, especially the five-star dark gold-quality tiger-leopard beast that the Xuansha Heilong captured and took just three. The kung fu of the sword was successfully beheaded, but it was already thoroughly familiar with the new weapon in his hand.

Zhang Che couldn't help but be sighed, and it really is the origin of family learning. She has practiced swordsmanship since she was a child. Iron men and girls are really much better at using swords than themselves.

Zhang Che asked himself, at this strength point of Huang Tielan, with such a weapon, he would not kill a five-star dark gold quality beast so cleanly.

This person is really incomparable to others.

Uh ...

In the next two days, Zhang Che continued to let her pets and royal beasts catch all kinds of strange beasts, and returned to familiarize Huang Tielan with swordsmanship. At the same time, she could quickly accumulate soulpower and serve two purposes.

In the end, Huang Tielan felt that after he finally grasped the long sword in his hands, he was no longer satisfied with killing the existing beast, but like Zhang Che put forward, and wanted to go to the battle to see how it would work.

Zhang Che agreed with it.

After all, this will allow Huang Tielan's actual combat experience to grow the most. Otherwise, the effects of those strange beasts returned will be worse.

On this day, when the two were besieging a group of strange beasts in the mountain forest, the skin monkey suddenly ran back with his eyes open, ran to Zhang Che, and was ready to speak. Fortunately, Zhang Che stopped it in time.

This makes the skin monkey feel very uncomfortable. Since the host's father has a spouse (well, according to the skin monkey's thinking, that's how it is understood), it seems that he doesn't care much about himself, even depriving himself of his right to speak .

If it continues, it may even feel that it is necessary to forget what it feels like to speak.

Although the heart is very unhappy, but the host father is too harsh, it also has a way.

好 "Okay boy, did you find any high-grade elixir?"

Every time she saw this expression on the skin monkey, Zhang Che knew that the boy must have found some high-grade elixir, otherwise he would not be so happy and excited.

I heard Zhang Che's question, the skin monkey nodded again and again, and the extremely ugly face also showed a brilliant smile.

"Well, that's true. That's great. I'll just say, we've been in this area for almost twenty days. Why haven't we encountered any good things? It seems that we were doing good character before! "

When she saw the reply from the skin monkey, Zhang Che laughed immediately.

Speaking of them, although I was busy improving Huang Tielan's strength at this time ~ ~, the skin monkey did not fall, and the elixir I was looking for was not given up.

But things are so strange. In the past twenty days, although the monkeys have also found a lot of elixir, but the grades are average, which makes Zhang Che very puzzled.

It is said that this area is thousands of kilometers away from the safe area. It is impossible to find a better elixir.

不到 Unexpectedly, when Zhang Che was about to give up this matter completely, the skin monkey immediately gave him such a huge surprise.

High-grade elixir is too rare, and their medicinal value is far more than ordinary elixir.

I do not mention here in the beast world, even in Zhang Che's secret world, high-grade elixir is very rare.

You know, in Zhang Che ’s secret world, ordinary elixir is very dense. On the smallest floating mountain, you can easily find ten and eight strains. The richness of the product makes Zhang Che's tongue out. Endlessly.

But even so, he has not found more than one high-quality elixir in his secret world so far.

From this we can see that high-grade elixir is really a very scarce commodity.

现在 Now, there is such an opportunity before me, how can Zhang Che let it go like this?

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