MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 581 Time flies

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I saw a sudden change in the space barriers of the Mercury world, and then a gap suddenly opened.

These avatars actually broke the gap of the plane barrier of Mercury world directly by the power of the formation method.

A wave of dark energy surged from the dark world on the other side of the gap, breaking the gap even larger.

However, the faces of the powerful avatars of the Demon Clan did not show the slightest joy.

Sure enough, as the cracks opened, the powers of the Mercury world planes launched together, drawn from the endless void, trying to make up for the torn gap.

In this regard, the avatars have already done their best. At this moment, they can only stare tightly at the other side of the space crack, hoping that the demons over there can react and at the same time, they will increase the force that tears the space gap. Extend this dimension crack for as long as possible.

As for the long-term maintenance of this dimensional crack, it is impossible.

After all, this is just a trivial gap, and it is extremely unstable. The power of the Mercury world will be repaired crazy, and the final healing is just a matter of time.

Seeing the power of the Mercury world, the gap was to be repaired as before, and the faces of the demons were extremely disappointed, but at this moment, in the gap that was only insignificant, A small amount of black energy, but with a very high energy level, suddenly infiltrated from the opposite world.

It looks like nothing but the inextricable black energy, has actually supported the gap that is about to be closed, so that the power of the Mercury world can no longer repair the gap.

"It's done!"

Seeing the emergence of that black energy, the avatars could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, knowing in the end that the effort and adventure this time did not go to waste, everything went as expected.

That black energy is increasing, and gradually, it even expands the dimensional crack that was about to heal again.

Although the process of cracks becoming very slow and almost invisible to the naked eye, the trend is irreversible.

I do n’t know how long, when the dark night gradually receded, and the horizon of the east began to show a white fish belly, the originally weak crack had grown to an amazing extent, the width reached half a meter, and the length exceeded Over ten meters.

Such a huge dimension crack hangs in the air like a shocking wound.

However, the people who witnessed this wound at this moment had an extremely excited smile on their faces.

It was getting brighter and brighter, and in a red sun leaping from the towering ridges of the east, a strange limb full of scent, filled with horror energy, also slammed from the other end of the crack in that dimension. Come over.

The strangeness of this limb is difficult to describe in words. Ordinary people watch it, and may be taken away from their minds, absorbed in it, and finally die silently.

Seeing this limb appeared, all the anxious waiting avatars, the last trace of anxiety on their faces disappeared, and they opened their mouths, sending out a depressive laughter that was brisk and excited, as if the devil's hissing, Along the surrounding forests permeated away.

For a while, it should have been a morning in the mountains and forests that were full of business, and it was like dead silence. All the creatures converged their voices, and even stopped all activities, and did not dare to make a sound.


The Demon invasion incident has not continued to deteriorate. In addition to Huaxia, Mercury's major regions also gradually controlled the situation after the initial chaos. First, they resolutely eliminated those ulterior motives who followed the chaos, and then concentrated all their forces. Fight against invading forces of the Demons.

For more than half a year, this quietly went away, and the entire Mercury world restored to its former peace, at least on the surface.

As for the undercurrent under the surface, this matter that is not related to ordinary people, even if it is the vast majority of powerful people, if they do not have a certain social status and super strength, they do not know at all, the entire world has begun to happen some fundamentally Change.

No one knows everything that happened in the unknown area of ​​Heizhou District. In the following time, there was no abnormality in it, even ordinary creatures and strange beasts living in that area. No change.

However, the change has already taken place, but no one knows it for the time being.


Time flies, and three years pass by inadvertently.

In the past three years, Zhang Che's strength has changed dramatically.

All of his pets and royal beasts have grown to the limit. There are only two super-super pets, namely Shadow Wind Leopard and Xuansha Hades.

The strength of these two pets has stood on the top of the strange beasts. Based on them alone, Zhang Che has been able to explore wildly in the strange beast world without having to worry about encountering any danger.

Zhang Che also owns a lot of god-level pets and royal beasts, the number of which has reached the palm of his hand, which has improved his strength by almost half.

As for the imperial beasts and pets under the **** level, those are not important anymore, and for Zhang Che today, there is no help at all.

Of course, Zhang Che is a nostalgic person. Even if the potential of those pet beasts is not enough to grow to a strong bottom, he still keeps them all, and often releases them when there is no fierce battle.

In three years, it was not only Zhang Che's strength that had been dramatically improved. The strong men in the entire Mercury world have made a qualitative leap than before. Although few people can reach the height of Zhang Che, they have a **** The super-powerful of the super-quality Royal Beast is still much improved than before.

However, this does not make humans have the slightest pride, because time has quietly come to the new era 40 years later, the fifth tide of the beast will come, and by then all the doors of space on Mercury will be open and turbulent. The alien beast will sweep out like a tide, raging the entire Mercury.

According to past experience, each beast tide will be stronger than the last.

Even at the third and fourth beast tide, supernatural beasts of divine quality began to appear sporadically. At that time, a large number of human casualties were caused. Finally, some super powerfuls died with their lives to fight. Driving these super-beasts back to the beast world will not completely destroy them.

So this time?

Ten years later, the number of super beasts emerging from the space gate will definitely be even greater. Even if the entire human race now has more super powers, no one can guarantee that they will be able to defeat these upcoming ones. Super strange beast.

Nowadays, although it has not been time for the space door to formally open, but there is not much peace in the various beast worlds. No matter what kind of beasts they are, they begin to stir up inexplicably.

The Beast Master has long been experienced in this. At the beginning of the restless beasts in the other beast world, they would no longer go to the other beast world except for some powerful characters who are conscious and will not encounter danger.

The entire Mercury world is beginning to face the enemy, and the forces of all parties have united and started to arrange defense issues.

Of course, in the face of a powerful offensive wave of beasts, the traditional fortifications of ~ ~ certainly have no effect. This has been proven in the previous several beast waves.

No matter how strong the fortifications, coupled with the fierce firepower, they can only resist some low-level beasts. In the face of the powerful existence of the beasts, these fortifications are just paper-like, and they simply cannot survive. Destroyed.

Even low-level beasts, once the number reaches the order of magnitude, can completely push the strongest fortifications to the ground.

Therefore, in order to resist the tide of alien beasts, it is still necessary to rely on the beast master.

As the most powerful Royal Beast Master in Huaxia District at the same time, Zhang Che, who also has close ties with the military, naturally needs to contribute his own strength for this.

He was sitting in an office in the military headquarters at this moment, surrounded by military gangsters, and the house full of stars.

The big brothers called him, of course, to discuss his arrangements.

After all, Zhang Che is not an ordinary beastmaster. In the coming tide of alien beasts, it is naturally impossible to use it like an ordinary beastmaster.