MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 754 The little thing about falling in love in a distant place~

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Sword Card Masters Association.

early morning.



"Get up now."

Xiao Bai Nuo Nuo's voice rang in his ears.

"it is good."

Lu Ming got up.

Stretching out, he calmed down the uprising.




Recover again.


Go on.


Little guy, it's naughty today.

noob:? ? ? What is Master doing?


"It's okay."

Lu Ming coughed, "It's just youthful."


Xiaobai seems to understand, "Master, have you eaten yet?"

"it is good."

Lu Ming smiled slightly.

A good day has begun again.

As for Xiaobai...

Looking at how the little girl was bouncing around, Lu Ming felt that the dark holy water or something, it's okay not to use it for the time being. Such a little white may be the most real little white.



of course.

Dark holy water cannot be taken in vain.

Therefore, the best way is to dilute the dark holy water and extract its effect, which can be supplied to Xiaobai in an unlimited amount.


In this case, it will be restored when the dark holy water is used.

No need, it will change back.


Thinking of this, Lu Ming laughed silly, in this way, you can sometimes * sometimes *

"Ha ha."

Xiao Xiaojian sneered: "You really are a hentai!!!"


Lu Ming kicked the goods off with a kick.

Gan Li Niang!

What's the matter with you? !

"My name is Respect Xiaobai!"

"Do you understand?"

Lu Minglang said, "Because I like a girl with a perfect figure, I must make Xiaobai look like this. That's not like it!"

"The most important thing is what Xiaobai likes!"

Lu Ming said.


Xiaojian is full of doubts.

Ghosts believe you!

This guy is a big hentai!


Compete with some guys in that small business!


Lu Ming's face was black.

What a mess.

After kicking the little sword, he stepped into the sea of ​​consciousness again.


A light curtain panel pops up in front of your eyes.


In order to let him better control the world and understand the status of the major games, Li Niang created a GM control panel for him.


Lu Ming is looking at the current situation of the consciousness sea.

As he added a new picture, more and more users came in, and now his sea of ​​consciousness is considered to be filled.


Overflow that kind.

The user online rate is always at the highest level.


From game users to variety users, the world's creatures have fallen.

Some people are happy and enemies in the new world, some people are instructed in the new world, some people put on women's clothes in the new world, some people finally get rid of their right hand and have a girlfriend, some people experience golf technology in the last days...

and many more.

Nothing you can't think of, only you can't do it.

Even your anger, your ambitions, and your desire for war can be interpreted in the new world, and you can even be in the middle of civilization.

in this way.

What else is not satisfying?


There is also the cp party.

——Smooth fire.

"Yu'er, did you follow me because of my title of "Taking the Wind to Yujing"?"

A man looks into the distance.

Taking the wind to climb Yujing, this is the title of the pure resources of krypton gold in the warmth.

"What's that? People don't understand this. They only know that the title of his brother is actually golden! Woooo, people like gold the most."

"Silly girl, I like you as a simple Asian child."


Similarly, in the world of Lily Love and so on, countless people have found their dreams, and everyone has found their own CP.

They enjoyed the happiest time in life.

of course.

What they don't know is.

It is in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

A sphere of avatars tentacle monsters, ten thousand avatars, countless light curtains flashing in front of them, and one-on-one communication with thousands of characters in thousands of worlds...

Sometimes she is called Youer.

Sometimes she is called Xiao Min.

Sometimes she is called Pyrrh.

Sometimes her name is Han Meimei.

of course.

In this sea of ​​consciousness, it has only one title-Li Niang.

That's right.

After seeing a successful CP case, Lu Ming's CP plan was launched, covering the world at a terrifying speed!


I didn't see you, right?


Since you can't see it, since you are destined to be online dating, there is nothing to fear.


Just P one.

Not to mention girls, you can give me a beautiful girl if you give me a donkey.


Do you know how to change voice?

For a super-intelligent world-class consciousness AI like Li Niang, changing thousands of forms is simply not easy, so...

It's the sauce purple.

"Isn't this good?"

Xiaoxiaojian was worried.

Always feel...

Will roll over.

"I can hold on."

Li Niang said domineeringly.

Although in front of Lu Ming, she is just an ordinary AI blame, but don’t forget, she embodies the super consciousness of this world!

She is very strong.

"Does this conflict with the goddess plan?"

Xiaojian is puzzled.

"how is this possible."

Li Niang shook her head, "The goddess plan is to make the ultimate dog licking, so that the literal words of the major countries become dog licking, so as to subtly change the perception of humanity."

"And CP plan..."

"It's stability!"

"Don't you understand? Will there be that kind of invisible connection that secretly connects all the people of the seven nations together to maintain stability."


Xiaojian seems to understand.

It sounds very advanced anyway.


The goddess plan has been implemented and taught almost over there...that is faith, and the group of licking dogs feel that humans are advanced...

It's from the main world.

Is perfect.

The CP plan is to face another user-level stabilization strategy.


have to say.

Although Lu Ming's strength is not good, his personality is not good, no Bilian, but playing these dirty tactics, it is a real old silver coin...

Never mind.

This is not what it should worry about.

Anyway, it works, right?


No one thought.

Just a week after the CP plan was executed, an incredible thing happened-a black dragon, tearing a crack, came to humanity! ! !


Just to see Xiaomin in his heart!

Lu Ming:? ? ?

Little Sword:? ? ?

Foggy grass.

Did it really come over? !

What about online dating? Don't you love it? !

"what happened?"

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

"I do not know either."

Li Niang panicked, "He said he wanted to see me..."

End mess.

Online dating is about to roll over!

The other party actually came to face!


Lu Ming frowned.


He contacted the Nine Star Alliance for the first time.

To this.

The Nine Star Alliance attaches great importance and says that they are now solving another gap. Once they are done, they will come over immediately. Before that...

"You try to hold back."

Summoner Shen said.

"How did he cross over?"

Lu Ming has some doubts.

"Black Dragon's words...I probably know why."

The summoner sighed.


"The Black Dragon itself has the power to cross."

The Summoner sighed, "My Duma also has the blood of the Black Dragon, so I know some, but this is limited to normal space shuttles, but let's..."

"Each dragon has different bloodlines and different abilities."

"Do you understand?"

"Then there will be new abilities after mating, that is the kind of dragon string..."

"Then, some mates will mutate when they have more mates, just like washing babies, ghosts know what will eventually mutate..."

Speaking of which, the summoner was somewhat envious, "The black dragon I cultivated at the time did not have this ability."

Lu Ming:? ? ?

and many more.

Have you ever bred a black dragon?

and many more?

And Duma...

He now has some doubts about how the rumored Black Dragon Duma came doesn't sound very beautiful...

In short.

This is why Black Dragon may appear.


Extremely rare variation.

This may be a mutated species with rich black blood vessels and countless other blood vessels that will eventually cause a chain reaction before it has the ability to travel through the world.

It is a special case.


Lu Ming sighed.


CP plans to radiate hundreds of millions of people, and one of the mutations is normal.



Damn it!

Can't you really let Li Niang go? Li Niang is a conscious body! Not a real person! !

Change person?

Do not.

No way.

The other party is not a fool, it is a black dragon, a terrifying existence that can traverse the gaps of the world, nine star boss, you may die miserably if you change individuals.

"Would you like to be Lu Min..."

Little sword reminder.


Lu Ming went down, and Xiao Xiaojian was honest.

"Let the Nine Star Alliance take people away?"

Li Niang whispered bb.

"They're not finished yet."

Lu Ming rubbed his head. "Besides, it will take time for them to come over. Now that the black dragon has run to your house..."


"It's the address you wrote online."

Lu Ming said.

"What about then?"

Li Niang frowned.

"You have no feelings?"

Little Sword is pleased with misfortune.


Li Niang sneered, "I am a world consciousness, and my feelings are meaningless to me. Since serving Lord Lu Ming, my body and my heart have been Master Lu Ming's."

Little Sword: "..."

What kind of loyalty do you show at this time?


Lu Ming had no time to take care of these two goods.

Black Dragon...

Big brother...

Online dating...


At this time, there may be only one way to solve it!

"You do this..."

"That's it..."




In an old block, the sky suddenly turned black, a behemoth appeared, and then suddenly turned into a man in black.


The man in black looks somewhere, full of tenderness.

Xiaomin, here I come!

He and Xiao Min did not get along for too long, but felt that they had met a confidant in this life.

Love at first sight, okay?

What human.

What dragon family.

What world, in his eyes, is shit.


He got up and walked to the apartment.

Since coming to this world, even for Xiao Min, he must abide by the rules here. However, what he did not expect was...

No one in the room.


He was a little stunned, and Xiao Min was not there?


Maybe work has gone.

I heard that humans need work.

Thinking of this, he was not in a hurry. Looking around, he found a recorder on the table.

It was something that could record the image. When he opened it curiously, he finally saw Xiao Min's appearance, which was much better than in the photo.

In the image, it is registered every day.

It records the days when Xiao Min was with himself, but when he turned to the last page, he suddenly stunned...

"Little Black, I miss you."

"But I know this is impossible, because we don't belong to a country! I also know that you dragons must look down on humans."


"I just want to meet you and see how you look."

"and so."

"I am going to find you today!"

"I'm very strong now, I want to visit your country, wait for me!"


The image disappears.

"this is……"

The black man's face changed dramatically, "Go to the Yunyi Kingdom..."

"not good!"

He was horrified.


At that moment, he turned into a dragon and rose into the sky, rushing towards the junction of the world, however, when he arrived, it was too late.

There, blood is like sea.

It is said.

A human woman tried to cross the border and step into the kingdom of Yun Yi, but was beheaded by a dragon...


The angry black dragon killed him back.

of course.

Lu Ming couldn't control the rest of the plot.

It is said that--

Black Dragon killed Yun Yi Kingdom.

After he went back, he fought the guarded dragon for 300 rounds and completely left the kingdom of Yun Yi. It is said that he was hiding in the human world.

Since then.


His and Xiaomin's stories have also become legends, circulating among online games, everyone is moved by their love stories that can sing.


That day.

Also known as **** festival to commemorate them.


"Aren't we not so good?"

Little sword bb whispered.

"Then do you have another way?"

Lu Ming sighed.


"So online dating is a risk, and you need to be careful when you meet."

"But this too..."

"What about then?"

Lu Ming was also helpless.

Can't you say you went back to the country to sell tea with grandpa?

If it is good for human beings, for the dragons, people may kill the country...



This situation is a special case.

There is only one black dragon with this ability.

Online dating...

Still stay online.


Taking into account the consequences of the Black Dragon this time, Lu Ming thought about it, or let these CP parties have some higher-level evolution.


Li Niang’s CP plan and Green Dragon’s environmental protection plan began to link up.

That's right.

The two plans are linked.

Through some mysterious interaction and mysterious influence, and some mysterious stimulation, these people finally embarked on a path of no return...



Lu Ming is very satisfied.

In this way, the risk of seeing light is much less.


The Black Dragon matter is resolved.

Lu Ming's small days have finally stabilized. Next, he only needs to implement other plans step by step to stabilize the world.


Unexpectedly. UU reading

At this moment, Li Haoran pushed the door in and came in, "Master, there is a senior who wants to see you."


Lu Ming was surprised.


Let Li Haoran personally ask...

for a long time.

The office door opened.

A familiar figure came in, Lu Ming looked at it and felt cold in his heart.

Gan Li Niang!

Why is that black dragon? ? ?



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