MTL - Divine Card Creator-~ End of this testimonial

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This is finished.

Thank you for your support for more than a year.

It’s a great honor to be with you all the way to the end, and feel the ups and downs of this book along the way, and the wind and rain is so great that river crabs are coming up...


of course.

I know that there are some places that have not been written.

So, if there is anything you want to see, you can write it here. If I have time, I will present some short, interesting, and inconvenient content in the book to you in an extra format. (Except for the continuation of the last chapter and Lu Ming's Dreamland.)

Thanks again everyone.

Thank you Xiaoxiaohu for the prototype Frozen Fox 2.

Thanks to the Dumas who are pulled out to whip the corpse every time.

Thanks to Bai Xue Jingying who provided the wonderful prototype Tian.

Thanks to the violent support of several silver leagues and all the leaders.

Thank you to everyone in this chapter who talked about crowdfunding this book.

Thanks for this book management.

Thanks to everyone who subscribed. (???)

See you next book.

Huh huh.

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