MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 6 First entered Fengfu

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Nine Emperors... Feng Yuqi suddenly was a glimpse, and he asked: "Sun Hao, you said before the Feng family picked us up, what is it for?"

Sun Hao got up from the ground and smiled. "Miss, it is for your family with the Nine Emperors!"

Yao also showed a smile that was difficult to see. "Auntie, the hardships are coming out. Now the nine emperors have military skills, even if they are higher than the other emperors, my aunt." I am blessed."

Feng Yuxi never believed that Fu was not blessed, and urged Yao and Sun Hao to get on the bus, and personally took Feng Zirui into the carriage, waiting for the army to enter the city, followed by the entrance.

Some things have been questioned in her heart, and some things have come to the fore, but they have no time to think about it.

The group drove the carriage to the Fengfu, but did not know, the eyes under the golden mask had already seen the little girl standing on the carriage with the tilt of the curtain. Thin and still, more wolf than in the mountains, want to come to the capital from the west of the land, eating a lot of suffering along the way.

"Check it out."

In one sentence, Bai Ze, who stood by the side, immediately understood and said, "I understand."


Finally standing in front of the Fengfu Gate, Feng Yu looked at the front of the plaque and wrote the four characters of "Zuo Xiang Feng Fu" in the middle of the sentence, and there was ironic laughter in his heart.

In the left-handedness of the court, I actually came to the point that I would like to protect my wife and abandon my children in the mountain village. She really wants to know what the father would look like when she faced them again.

Sun Hao took a sigh of relief and recited "I finally came back" and pulled a few people to buckle the door.

The doorman opened the door, seeing Sun Hao, obviously stunned, and then shut the door with a bang.

"Hey!" Sun Hao ate a closed door, and he was angry and didn't know where to go. He had to go back and comfort the other three people: "Mrs. Don't worry, it's the next person to report it inside."

Feng Zirui grabbed Feng Yu's hand and refused to spread it. This strange and with such a little familiar place made him both yearning and fearing.

Everyone waited at the door for a long time. Feng Zirui’s phrase “Does the father not want to see us?” has already been asked three times. Just after asking the fourth time, the door finally opened again.

Wearing a decent butler, He Zhong came to meet under the follow-up of two people. His face was full of doubts and bluntness, and he was a little embarrassed. He was about to speak, but he was robbed by Feng Yu’s words. The gates of Fengfu are really bad."

This He Zhong is also a person who used to see the scene. When he heard this, he quickly picked it up: "The second lady said that she is heavy, and the next person who keeps the door does not understand the rules. She also asked the second lady to go to the main hall with the old slave. The old lady still There are old ladies and masters waiting in the main hall. It is not good to delay. The next person who is not sensible is dismissed with the second lady." I have to clean myself in a few words.

Feng Yujun did not intend to care too much with a housekeeper. This Fengfujin came in. She went to see what this is like a monster.

He Zhong led the people to the main hall, bypassed the shadow wall, crossed the corridor, and passed through a golden pond, and saw the flowers and plants, and heard the birds singing.

There are no one hundred and nearly eighty people who have seen all the way. Everyone has doubts and whispers. With such a sentence, I flew down to Feng Yu's ear in the wind: "Miss Miss returned home, what about the Queen's affair?"

I have already had such doubts, and the Nine Emperor won the victory. The Fengfu thought of this marriage, and Baba sent someone to take her back to Beijing. Why do you have to send someone to kill her mother and daughter in the middle of the road? Now I want to come, 80% is seeing the Nine Emperor's military merits in the hands of the day, this is the marriage contract with the Fengjia prostitute, if her Feng Yu is dead, can climb up, it must be Fengfeng fish.

Phoenix fish... She searched the memory of the original master. The girl who was two years old at the time did have the appearance of a fish. Now the mother of the phoenix fish, Shen Shi, turned to sit on the throne of the master of the family, and the Fengshen fish became a prostitute of the Fengjiazheng Erjing.

I bypassed a piece of peony flower and finally arrived at the main hall of the Peony House in Fengfu.

There are well-dressed cockroaches waiting for the gauze in advance, but the smile on the face is hard to pile up.

Yao’s all the way is just a head down, and the appearance of a singer makes Feng Zirui also afraid. Feng Yu has no expression on her face. She is also a novelty to the more expensive scenery of Fengfu in recent years. However, she has been training her career for many years, and she has learned to selectively collect her heart emotions.

Except for Sun Wei who stood outside the door because of his identity, everyone entered the main hall and saw that he was sitting on the end of the first elegant old woman. It is said that the old woman is actually less than sixty years old and her hair is not all white. However, in order to highlight its status in the Feng family, these years have been carrying the shelf of the elders, the makeup on the head also emphasizes the rich and steady, even the hand of a rosewood stick, a large piece Jin Yuyu was the head of the stick, but I didn’t feel much good-looking, but it made the whole person look old-fashioned.

Sitting at the table with the old lady is a young man, about forty years old, with a serious expression, long body, wearing a brown robe, neckline cuffs and girdle are embroidered with silver thread, one by one. The seal hangs on the waist and the ambition is full.

Feng Yuxi knew that it was the father Feng Qiyuan, who was faintly searched from the memory of the original master. He was also overwhelmed by his father when he was a child. He used his half-length scorpion to rub his cheeks, but he couldn’t remember this kind of memory. The indifferent faces overlap.

Sitting next to Feng Xiaoyuan is a fat bear.

Well, bear. She didn't know what words she could use to make it easy for Shen.

At the age of forty, it is already fat and round, the neck replaces the chin, the stomach is higher than the chest, the waist is not rooted, and the palm is thicker than the bear's paw. She also loves to wear tight clothes, and the brocade material is wrapped around her. It seems like she can hear the sound of "Zhazi".

This Shen’s family was born in a merchant’s house, and even if he was married to the prime minister, he could not unload the innate wealth of the stock. She loves to show off, for fear that others don't know that she has money, and what kind of gold and silver jade jewels are all going to the body, and I can't see my hair on my head, and my wrists can't be seen in my sleeve. But each of the fingers is really true, and each one is covered with a ring.

Standing next to Shen’s is Feng’s parents and daughters, who are now prostitutes, fourteen-year-old Feng Shenyu.