MTL - Divine Rune Awakening: Starting With Various Divine Runes and Dominating the World-Chapter 187 Luoshui City

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  Chapter 187 Luoshui City

   Luoshui City.

   In the middle of the city, there is also an eye of a talisman floating.

   Judging from the experience of Chaoge City, this eye of the talisman is the proof of obtaining the right to control the city.

   Chaoge City and his party, Gu Changqing did not get the power of the **** pattern.

   Instead, he harvested a magical Feather Arrow.

  In contrast, by absorbing the crystallization of the power of the **** pattern, the potential index of the men under him all exceeded 20,000, and they all reached the level of the ninety-ninth rank of war emperor.

  Going one step further is the realm of detachment.

   It can be said that the harvest is not big.

  Just after arriving in Luoshui City, I and the Yellow Emperor gained two heaven-defying abilities, Lingyan and Guishui, through challenging the space.

   Each also increased their potential index by more than 2,000.

   Just these two points are already a huge gain.

   Next in the city, what kind of harvest can I get.

  Everything is full of expectations.

   "Successor! You are finally here!"

  A spiritual thought came from Luoshui City.

  Gu Changqing sensed for a moment, and his figure disappeared instantly.

   In the next second, he appeared outside a quaint building.

  The architectural style is solemn and solemn, revealing the brilliance of treasures vaguely.

  Two gates made of unknown materials, engraved with tiger patterns.

  Just taking a look at the tiger pattern, Gu Changqing felt a tiger roar in his mind.

  If it weren't for the powerful soul, ordinary people would be crushed by the terrible coercion even if they stood at this door.

   "It seems that outside Luoshui City, the challenge space has obtained spirit flames and strengthened the soul. Everything is arranged. Otherwise, if you can't pass the challenge, it's useless to come here."

  Gu Changqing thought about it for a while, and realized something in his heart.

  On the gate, there is a plaque.

  The two big characters "Arsenal" were written sloppily.

  Gu Changqing was overjoyed.

  The arsenal in Luoshui City should have been left by the sages of the human race.

   There must be many magical weapons.

   It's just that there are all kinds of weapons and equipment in the image of the gods, so what will remain in this arsenal?

   Gu Changqing strode to the gate, trying to push open the gate of the arsenal.

  Unexpectedly, with this push, Gu Changqing's hands seemed to stick into the void.

   There is no entity touching the gate of the arsenal.

  Gu Changqing frowned, poking out his thoughts.

  Unexpectedly, due to the divine sense, the existence of the arsenal in front of him could not be detected.

"How can it be!"

  Gu Changqing's expression changed slightly, and the tiger's stripes on the gate resounded in his spirit again.

  However, under the detection of divine sense, nothing can be detected at all.

  Gu Changqing walked a few steps forward in disbelief, and was surprised to find that he was indeed walking forward.

   However, no matter how he walks, he cannot move one step forward.

   "Is it? The space where the arsenal is located is not in the same dimension as the space I am currently in?"

   Gu Changqing had a hypothesis in his mind, but the deterrent from the tiger stripes was not fake.

  After thinking hard for a while, I still haven't come up with an answer.

  Obviously, he can already skillfully control the space laws of the city of the universe.

  However, an arsenal can't help itself.

  It seems that my understanding of the laws of space is still not deep enough.

  At the same time, Gu Changqing also thought of another possibility.

   was trapped in the wasteland by a giant beast before.

   Behemoth uses space folding.

   Today's Gu Changqing can already easily apply the supernatural power of space folding.

   As for the arsenal, it is very likely that the powerful sages used formations to design a complex folding space.

   This created such an incredible effect.

  Even if his guess is wrong, Gu Changqing has a lot of respect for the sages of the human race.

   "I've waited too long for this day!"

   Spiritual thoughts came again, Gu Changqing turned to look at a stone lion outside the gate of the arsenal.

"Who are you?"

   Gu Changqing asked.

   "I am the guardian spirit of this city, and my number is L9526."

  The stone lion lay quietly on the ground, inconspicuous.

  Even when Gu Changqing came here following his divine sense, he inadvertently ignored its existence.

  Gu Changqing thought of L9527, the guardian spirit of Chaoge City.

  He didn't understand why the two guardian spirits were so different.

  However, Gu Changqing also discovered another important piece of information.

   From 9527 to 9526, such labels seem to be arranged in order.

  By analogy, the guardian spirit of the next city should be L9525.

  What does the L before the number represent?

  Blue Star's first letter?

   There are only twelve main cities in the city of the universe. They are arranged in order, up to L9516, but what identities do those numbers represent?

   Gu Changqing withdrew his mind, now is not the time to think about these things.

   "How to get control of Luoshui City?"

   Gu Changqing didn't talk nonsense and asked directly.

   "As long as the successor completes the trial, he can gain control of Luoshui City!"

  The spirit of the stone lion came out.

   "Let's get started!"

  Gu Changqing is eager to see what is in the arsenal of Luoshui City.

  The current control right is in the hands of Shishi L9526.

  The next second, the stone lion's eyes lit up with golden light.

  Gu Changqing's eyes blurred, and he came to an unfamiliar space.

  Standing in the void, Gu Changqing waited for the trial to begin.

  In the void, a figure gradually condensed.

  Wearing a military uniform of the lord of the empire, the slender and tall figure stands upright. On the sharp-edged face, a pair of deep eyes seem to be able to swallow all the glory of the world.

  Gu Changqing narrowed his eyes, he never thought about it.

  One day, my opponent will be me.

  Looking at the figure in front of him that is exactly the same as himself.

   Gu Changqing is somewhat used to it.

  I just hope that the other "self" will not be too outrageous.

   Without any words, both sides broke out at the same time with the power of the **** pattern that shocked Xingyu.


  Behind the two Gu Changqings, a Taiji diagram emerged at the same time.

  The four dragons roared out, entangled with each other in an instant.

  On the heads of the two, a figure of death waved a sickle, and the power of breaking through the starry sky poured down.


  Gu Changqing and the other self both took half a step back.

  Reaper's sickle slashed on the Bone Emperor's shield. In an instant, at the point of confrontation, the space was shattered, and the terrible aftermath scattered, setting off countless space storms.


  Even if it is not his real body, whether it is his fighting habits or the power of the divine pattern.

  The other self has almost achieved a perfect restoration.

   "Try this again!"

   In the void, the **** of the underworld descended, and raised his hand, a kingdom of death shrouded another Gu Changqing.

  On the other side, the Tai Chi diagram is reversed, and the power of Yin and Yang reverses to wipe out the power of death in the kingdom of death.

  In the starry sky, vitality and death compete with each other without compromise.


  The breaths of the four dragons collided together.

  The terrifying dragon flames caused an explosion in the entire starry sky.

  The two figures of Gu Changqing were submerged in the brilliance of the explosion.

  Gu Changqing never thought that "myself" could be so difficult to deal with.

  At this moment, he somewhat understood his opponent's feelings.

  It turns out that I am really strong enough to make people despair.

  (end of this chapter)