MTL - Divorce: This is a Trivial Matter-Chapter 3 get along

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When Qi Qi opened the door with a smile, there was no one inside. He turned on the light in the living room and changed into slippers and went in. He habitually tied his hair behind his head. He looked around in the living room and walked into the study.

Chu Chutian followed him and glanced into the study. The room full of papers and research materials made him startled. Qi Xiaoyan was sorting out his things without saying a word. Chu Tian looked at his back and pouted, "Are you really separated from Yang Wei?"

Wu Qi laughed and threw the divorce certificate directly to him.

Chu Chutian looked at the purple-red book in his hand, and looked at Qi Xiaoyan, tentatively, "Reluctantly?"

Wu Qi smiled and didn't answer, just picked up a stack of books in the bookcase and packed them into a cardboard box. Chu Tian shut up silently. He still remembers how shocked he was when he suddenly received the wedding invitation from Qi Xiaoyan.

祁 For Qi Xiaoyan, women are the opposite of mathematics—no logic. Therefore, Qi Xiaoyan has never made a girlfriend for so many years. The only woman who can be regarded as an ambiguous object is still a school girl at Imperial University. The girl and he both belonged to the school basketball club, but Qi laughed and went abroad a year later, and then they didn't.

He never expected that Qi Xiaoyan actually had a day of flash marriage with others! It was only at Qi Xiaoyan's wedding that he saw Yang Wei for the first time. The girl did look beautiful and smiled sweetly, but ... Qi Xiaoyan was not like such a superficial person.

In his impression, when they were still learning double-digit addition and subtraction, Qi Xiaoyan had already won the first prize in the National Primary School Mathematical Olympiad; when they finally came into contact with the squared square, Qi Xiaoyan had won the international Mathematical Olympiad scores; the year before they took the entrance exam, this product has entered the university hall.

Fourteen-year-old Qi Xiaoyan is the youngest student admitted by Tedo University. After graduating from undergraduate, he went abroad to study for a doctorate. After four years, he graduated smoothly. Came back as a full-time professor.

The resume of Qi Qiyanyan is a golden life winner's growth history, but Chu Tian feels that Qi Xiaoyan's shameless person is that he has a very attractive face for women.

I have been friends with this man for 20 years, and he feels that he is not easy.

When he recalled the glorious life of Qi Xiaoyan, Qi Xiaoyan had already packed up the things in the study. He walked to the bedroom, glanced at the neat big bed, opened the closet and began to get his clothes. Chu Tian followed him into the bedroom, and a large wedding photo was hung in the most obvious position, but the first thing he saw was the poster next to the wedding photo ... Mo Zhen. He drew a corner of his eye and asked, "Yang Wei actually posted the poster of King Mo next to the wedding photo, wouldn't you just divorce her because of this?"

Qi Qi smiled for a moment, took out a few suits and threw them into the suitcase: "It is she who wants to divorce me."

"Then you agree?"

Wu Qi smiled and said nothing, but closed the closet door and dragged the suitcase out. Chu Tian glanced at the wedding photos on the wall and walked over to put his hands on his shoulders: "Both of your wedding photos can be hung directly in front of the photo studio as promotional posters. I don't know if they are two models. "

"The people in the photo studio say the same." Qi Xiaoyan politely lifted his hand from his shoulder and looked around in the living room. There are many small photo frames in the living room, all of which are photos of him and Yang Wei. He picked half of them into the suitcase and left the ones he thought were the most handsome in the living room.

"Let's go." Qi Xiaoyan zips up the suitcase and stands up, standing upright as usual. Chu Tian looked down, and just two cardboard boxes plus one suitcase: "Is your stuff like that?"

"Hmm." Qi Xiaoyan looked down at the door key in his hand, thinking about putting it in his pocket for two seconds. He picked up the two cardboard boxes on the ground and walked out the door: "You carry the suitcase."

Qi Chutian held his suitcase behind him with a grudge, one second before the door closed, Qi Xiaoyan suddenly asked, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"

For a moment, Chu Chutian answered, "I don't believe it."

Qi Qi laughed in an indecent way: "Before I knew Yang Wei, I didn't believe it."

After Yang Wei sent drunk Sheng Lei home, she also took a taxi home. When passing by the supermarket in front of her, she went in and bought some food.

Pushing the shopping cart and walking among the rows of shelves, Yang Wei was absent-minded. She remembered that when Qi Xiaoyan visited the supermarket before, her favorite thing to do was to let him guess how much the contents of the shopping cart totaled, and she would be punished if she guessed wrong. But Qi Xiaoyan always glanced at the shopping cart, and was able to accurately say the total price, not a penny, so she was always punished in the end.

咦 "Oh, your husband didn't come with you today?"

The problem of the cashier made Yang Wei look up at her and looked at her. She didn't remember the cashier, but the other person seemed to recognize her. She responded perfunctoryly, and then listened to the cashier saying, "Then how much money do you guess?"

Yang Wei: "..."

I guess your sister.

But she remembered the cashier. Once Qi Xiaoyan reported the total price, the cashier sneered and said that they had been counted on the phone in advance. As a result, Qi Xiaoyan glanced at what the man put on the checkout counter at the back and said it accurately. The total price, she immediately looked at Qi Xiaoyan with two eyes bright.

Yang Wei packed her things and decided not to come to this supermarket in the next month.

When I came home and opened the door, Yang Wei felt that the room was very empty for the first time, but if you look closely, there is nothing else except a few frames. She put the shopping bag on the coffee table, thinking that Qi Xiaoyan must be back to move things. She opened the door of the study, where most of the contents were removed, and only some of her professional books and novels were scattered in the bookcase. The computer on the desk was also gone. Yang Wei originally thought Qi smiled and left the house to himself. He would take at least some home appliances, but he only took his computer.

She stood at the door for a while, turned off the light and went into the bedroom. The clothes in the closet were indeed a little less than a half. She closed the closet door and slammed herself heavily on the bed.

Until this time, she had the real feeling of divorcing Qi Xiaoyan.

I glanced at some drawing paper on the computer table, Yang Wei crawled over and grabbed the drawing paper, and flipped it. On the face are several sketches of human bodies, and the model is naturally Qi Xiaoyan. Although Qi Xiaoyan is a university professor, he will exercise whenever he has time, so he also exercises very well. Whether it's a perfectly curved waistline or a tight back line, Yang Wei is very much loved, of course, his long legs and abdominal muscles. It's just that Qi Xiaoyan never had the patience to be her model. These sketches were quickly drawn after she usually captured them. The accumulated amount in one year is enough to produce an album.

But Qi Xiaoyan never knew how many Yang Wei had painted him.

Yang Wei turned a few pages back and saw a beautiful row of pen characters.

Find all integer solutions of x square plus y square equal to z square.

Yang Wei's mouth could not help but smoked. Some time ago, Qi Xiaoyan was only writing a dissertation. Yang Wei ran to the study to find him, saying that she was bored by herself, so Qi Xiaoyan came up with an equation for her to solve.

Yes, there is an equation for her to solve!

Yang Wei now thinks that she is stupid. When she really studied the equation for ten minutes, she felt that she was being played by Qi Xiaoyan. When Qi Yanyan pushed open the door of the study room in anger, Qi Xiaoyan only raised her eyes and gave her a quiet look: "Assuming z and y are two consecutive natural numbers, try again."

Then Yang Wei really tried it, and after half an hour of joy, she suddenly realized: "Qi Xiaoyan! I didn't invite you to be my math tutor!"

Thinking of this, Yang Wei put the drawing paper back on the computer table with some distress. Why is Qi Xiaoyan everywhere?

She turned up, went into the bathroom, took a shower, and decided to go to bed early. She didn't believe she could dream of Qi Xiaoyan when she fell asleep.

She did not dream of Qi Xiaoyan, because she couldn't sleep at all.

I didn't sleep with Qi Xiaoyan beside her, the bed under her suddenly seemed so large that she felt empty. Their wedding photo was hung on the opposite wall. Although she hadn't turned on the light, she could see the corners of the two men's upturned lips. This wedding photo was taken very beautifully. Even the owner of the photo studio wanted to hang it out as a promotional photo, but was rejected by Qi Xiaoyan.

Yang Wei covered herself in the quilt and stopped looking at Qi Xiaoyan's smiling face. Reached out a hand to look around the pillow, and touched his cell phone.

It was ten o'clock, but she was still sleepless. She clicked on the app, and was looking for a novel. There was an article on the gold list called "Quit Marriage". Yang Wei felt that it was in line with her current state of mind, and poked in.

Only one sentence was written on the introduction of the article-quit marriage, just to quit you.

Yang Wei woke up in her heart and looked up with interest.

The hostess's family was killed by the host's father because of a certain research result. The hostess intentionally approached the host to get revenge. The male lead fell in love with the female lead, the male lead married the female lead, the female lead killed the male lead's family, and the female lead killed the male lead. The heroine regretted it, the heroine desperately resurrected the male hero, the male hero finally survived after hard work, the female hero burst into tears with joy, and opened the eyes of the male hero and stabbed into the female heart.

Yang Wei: "..."

She was silent for a full three minutes before they touch the comment area, the life of the first -2 dedicated to the author: "Life has been so difficult, why bother even hurt each other goodbye [manual]."

退出 She exited the app and found it was 2:30 in the morning. She opened the list of contacts, looked at the top of the "volume", flattened the corner of her phone under the pillow of Qi Xiaoyan.

第一 On the first day of divorce, she must have a good dream.

Good night, myself.