MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 146 growing president

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In view of the particularity of the experiment, Lu Xian's team selected high standards for the subjects. Only 5 patients were selected out of thousands of patients with leg disabilities for the first experiment.

The number of people who will have access to an experiment is very small.

As a result, many people have evil thoughts and want to steal the core secrets of the therapeutic instrument from Jingteng and imitate it.

However, Jingteng's confidentiality work is very strict, and it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain internal information.

Many small workshops launched their own Sanwu products to pretend to be "disabled people's treatment instruments". They were severely punished by the relevant departments within a few days of being put on the shelves, and gradually no one dared to imitate them. .

And this time, the treatment device used as the "killer" is obviously a very high-level imitation.

Lu Xian's brows furrowed.

I just don't know if the person who copied the instrument was for profiteering, or...just to frame Jingteng?

If the man hadn't made a scene at the entrance of Jingteng Building immediately after his wife's death, Lu Xian probably wouldn't have thought of the possibility in the first place.

But the video is all over the place, it's too deliberate.

The police also acted very quickly. It didn't take long to find out that the man owed gambling debts. hole.

The veteran of the Criminal Investigation Department quickly noticed the abnormality in the middle.

Before they judged it to be a case of accidental death by a medical device, but now the husband of the deceased has a big suspicion that someone has collected money to murder his wife. The nature is worse.

If that's the case, the payer should be a very discreet person.

After the police found out that the incident had nothing to do with the medical equipment of Jingteng Group, they immediately issued a statement, so that the people concerned should not panic.

The mainstream media also followed up on this incident, so that everyone can believe in science and technology, have more confidence, and look forward to a better future together.

If Lu Xian's team hadn't added that special protective lock to the instrument before, I'm afraid it wouldn't be clear if they jumped into the Yellow River.

Because of this alarm bell, Jingteng Group quickly set up a special investigation team, with the assistance of Detective Jia who had cooperated before, to investigate every person who had handled the project.

Unexpectedly, all the clues pointed to the public relations employee killed by Fang Tan.

Jing You leaned on the dissection table in the laboratory and stared at Lu Xian without blinking: "Doctor, are we caught in some big conspiracy?"

Lu Xian touched his chin: "Agou, the owner is very pleased that you have such a keen sense of smell."

Jing You frowned: "You are the dog."

Lu Xian: "Cursing is something bad boys do, Xiao Jingyou can't be good!"

Jing You whispered: "Why was that person killed?"

No need for Jing You to say more, Lu Xian knew that the other party was talking about the employee who was killed by Jing Teng.

"You don't know this. After watching too many movies, you can guess that it is killing people." Lu Xian opened his hands like a tiger to frighten Jing You, "You know too much. will be silenced!"

I thought that person was just innocent, and even discovered his murderer because of his accidental operation.

It now seems that nothing is accidental.

Each individual event can be chained together in a large web.

Jingyou Nunuzui: "Does the doctor have anything else to tell me? You only told me that Horch is not a good person, you haven't told me what your dream is."

Lu Xian said softly: "My dream is very simple, to be an ordinary person."

Jing You: "Isn't the doctor ordinary? Compared to those great men who are known to everyone, they are very ordinary."

Lu Xian: "I think you are very unusual. Ordinary people have been beaten to death for talking like you!"

Jing You glanced at Lu Xian, did not speak, and looked elsewhere.

Jing Teng has been in her grandmother's hands for so many years and has not been in her own hands for so many years, because the research and development of new technologies is far from being known to the public. degree of news.

It will be a little frustrating.

"Xiao Jingyou, I envy you." Lu Xian lowered his head and his voice became very soft.

"Do you envy me for having a fiancee?" A smile appeared on the corner of Jing You's lips, "It's getting closer and closer to my engagement ceremony."

Lu Xian shook her head: "I envy your simplicity."

Jing You: "Doctor, this is because jealousy started to attack me." The tone was affirmative.

Lu Xian lifted the sleeve of his left arm and pointed to the red dot on it.

"What does this look like?"

Jing You: "A mole."

Lu Xian said: "No imagination."

Jing You: "Science shows that red moles are no different from ordinary moles, and it does not mean good luck."

Lu Xian pulled up a professional smirk: "Don't you feel like the mark of the chosen person?"

Jing You frowned and thought for a while: "Then this is a mark made by aliens?"

Lu Xian: "What does it have to do with aliens?"

Jing You: "You said, the chosen one. Science shows that there is no heaven above the clouds, it can only be aliens."

Lu Xian sneered: "Then what scientific basis does your fairy sister have?"

Jing You was annoyed: "I was still young at that time, don't take what children say!"

An ungrateful woman!"

Jing You frowned: "What strange TV show did the doctor watch?"

Lu Xian: "I'm not you."

Jing You turned his face to one side and refused to continue communicating with Lu Xian.

Lu Xian: "Do you really want to listen to me tell you a story?"

Jing You: "It's you who haven't spoken well."

Lu Xian: "I can bear to be your friend for so long."

Jing You gritted his teeth: "Does the doctor say anything?!"

"Be gentle with me, my heart is not very good recently." Lu Xian patted his heart, "The elderly are always prone to chest tightness and shortness of breath, and need care."

Jing You: "Why didn't Secretary Ying come to see the doctor recently?" The topic was diverted again.

Lu Xian raised her eyelids lazily: "Why did she come to me?"

Jing You: "She used to always come to you, the frequency dropped sharply, from a scientific point of view-"

"Stop talking!" Lu Xian waved his hand impatiently, "I've been very annoying recently, don't hit the muzzle."

Jing You was stunned.

I always feel that today's doctor is very different from usual.

Lu Xian rushed to Jingyou to drive away: "I want to rest, you go."

Jing You thought for a moment: "What did the doctor say to me just now?"

Lu Xian recalled something and said, "I'm not in the mood today, let's do it another day."

"Because Secretary Ying didn't come to you?" Jing You asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Lu Xian raised his hand and hit Jing You's head hard.

"Are you sick?!" Jing You almost jumped several feet high.

The hit just now made her eyes dizzy.

"It's just that I don't like you." Lu Xian shrugged, "If you don't agree, just call back."

Jing You stood up, walked around Lu Xian several times, and smelled her several times.

Lu Xian narrowed her eyes: "You look like you are not a dog?"

Jing You came close to Lu Xian's ear, and his voice was as light as a ghost: "Doctor, I think you are lovesick."

Lu Xian patted Jingyou on the head again: "Did you not get enough beatings as a child?"

Jing You's eyes almost popped out.

Lu Xian pointed to the red spot on his arm: "I have analyzed it in the laboratory of a foreign university, and it is the pigment left by the injection of a special agent, which cannot be absorbed by the skin. "

Jing You's expression became serious: "What disease did the doctoral student have?" There was still love in his voice.

Lu Xian calmly said: "What's wrong with me? I don't know. But I know I'm not easy to get sick, let alone lovesickness. Have you ever seen anyone who has no heart? Do people suffer from lovesickness?"

Jing You looked at Lu Xian's beating chest, and had a dangerous thought that he wanted to touch it for confirmation.

But as soon as this idea came up, it was cut off by Jing You.

Lu Xian asked very humbly for advice: "What is the meaning of love, hate, infatuation between you two?"

"What do you mean?" Jing You was stunned when asked.

In the past, she also felt that the movies played were boring.

But since being with Jiang Shengyan, no matter what you do is interesting, as long as the two are together, even if they are together in a daze.

Jing You's lips curled into a smile.

Lu Xian: "...I'm not here to show your affection."

Jing You: "do you know if you try it yourself?"

Lu Xian: "I am a person with my own moral standards, and one of them is not to hurt children's hearts at will."

Jing You stared at Lu Xian for a while, and said, "If I remember correctly, the first time the doctor helped me drive away the bad boy, it seemed that there was no moral standard."

An adult smears a child's face to pretend that the other party has fallen, and threatens other children to lie together. Where is there any moral standard?

Lu Xian lost interest in this topic and returned to the topic: "Fang Tan's arm has the same red dot as mine, You Yin also has the same red dot on my hand, Xu Zixi We have it on our hands, we all have the same injections on our arms, do you know what that means?"

Jing You shook her head, she didn't want to make unfounded guesses.

Lu Xian: "The big boss behind him must have obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Jing You's lips twitched a few times: "Isn't the doctor talking about important things? Don't always show a sense of humor that is meaningless."

"What I said is very important." Lu Xian narrowed his eyes, "This is about the dignity of a villain."

Jing You finally gave Lu Xian a foolish look and walked out.

"Can't you be a little patient with me?!" Lu Xian's voice was vaguely wronged, "I'm so pitiful!"

Jing You: "Is it pitiful to have lovesickness?"

Lu Xian: "It's said that I can't get that kind of disease."

Jing You: "What's the scientific basis?"

Lu Xian: "It's very simple, because my genes were deleted."

Jing You and Lu Xian looked at each other silently, and blinked slowly: "The currently known medical level is not that advanced. Doctor's lovesickness is too serious."

Lu Xian used two hands to trap Jing You between himself and the dissection table, like a show of forced love by a domineering president's petite wife.

"I can kiss you forcibly one second, and then pretend nothing happened the next."

Jing You looked at Shang Lu Xian, and immediately confessed: "I have no doubts about what the doctor just said."

Lu Xian did not mean to retreat.

Jing You thought: "As expected of a doctor, I can see at a glance that I don't believe it."

"What are you doing?"

The door of the laboratory was unlocked, Ying Jian saw the two people in love again.

Seeing Ying Jian, Lu Xian's eyelashes trembled imperceptibly.

"We are cheating, can't the secretary see it?" Lu Xian said.

Jing You was annoyed: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Xian: "Xiao Jingyou is very flustered, don't tell her fiancee."

Ying Jian gritted her teeth and said, "Why are you so close!"

Jing You quickly cleared himself: "It's the doctor who suddenly got nervous, I'm innocent!"

Lu Xian: "I forced Xiao Jingyou, I like to be strong."

Ying Jian stared at Lu Xian's eyes: "Are you serious?"

Lu Xian paused and nodded.

Ying Jian: "Then you lied to me when you said you wouldn't like anyone?"

Lu Xian: "You can believe this, too stupid."

She doesn't know what she is talking about now.

It is like a bug in a compiled program, and the output results are all garbled.