MTL - Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!-Chapter 33

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The news that No. 2 Middle School was invited to participate in the exchange activities quickly spread on campus.

Although things are not yet fully finalized, many students are excited to imagine.

"I heard that Chengde School is very big, bigger than many universities, and riding a bicycle in school is tiring."

"My father's friend's son went to school there. He got a high score in the senior high school entrance examination and was attracted by the scholarship. He said that although Chengde was under a lot of pressure, the environment and conditions were not to be chosen. I’ve seen a photo of him with the peacock raised in the school, and the school uniform is also very beautiful, if I didn’t see the photo, I wouldn’t believe it…”

"I really want to go. Will there be more places for our first year of high school?"

The students in the lower grades talked a lot, while the senior grades were calmer, because it is estimated that such a good thing of public exchange will not be their turn, so let's not think about it.

Ji Tong seriously searched for a bunch of online news about Chengde, and read with relish: "Ruan Ruan, the pattern of this peacock is so beautiful, have you ever taken a photo with it?"

"No." Of course Pei Qingyuan would not do such a thing. He examined the peacock photo displayed on the watch screen and pointed out rigorously, "This photo seems to have been processed, and the actual color is not so bright."

"Why is this a P-picture!" Ji Tong resented for a while, and then cheered up, "How about putting a peacock tail on Huahua? Turning around after turning on the screen, it will be a red loving butt, it must be fun."

Pei Qingyuan: ...

Fortunately, Huahua didn't hear the bad news.

As a cyber cat with a mysterious origin, Hua Hua, like Ji Tong, can eat whatever he wants, but compared to ordinary cats, he has fewer troubles, such as not getting sick or growing worms, and even cat fur. They don't fall off, and they can understand the master's instructions, especially Pei Qingyuan's words, so it's easy to raise and doesn't need to spend too much energy.

As the head of the family, Pei Qingyuan has gradually grasped the essentials of establishing a healthy family relationship, and his attitude is very democratic: "Go back to ask Huahua for her opinion at night?"

"Okay." Ji Tong nodded confidently, "No cat can refuse a colorful peacock tail!"

Pei Qingyuan wisely kept silent.

He is just an ordinary human being who knows little about the cat's inner world, so it's better not to talk.

The watch kept displaying various pictures about Chengde private high school that Ji Tong found. While looking at the campus where the host once lived, he asked curiously: "Was the host the president of the student union before?"

Ji Tong knew that Pei Qingyuan had good grades in Chengde in the past, and was also excellent in other aspects. According to common sense, he should be very famous in the school and then hold some important positions, such as the president of the student union.

Chengde’s school uniform is much more beautiful than that of the No. 2 Middle School. The boys’ school uniform in autumn and winter is a textured white shirt and trousers with a light gray suit and a tie. It looks like the look in movies and anime. With this identity, it’s just imaginable It's handsome at once.

He hadn't seen the host in a suit yet.

want to see.

Pei Qingyuan shook his head: "No, not the monitor either."

"Why?" Ji Tong became even more curious, "Is it because the host doesn't want to be the host?"

Pei Qingyuan thought for a while, neither admitted nor denied, but said calmly: "The environment there is different from here."

Just like what he said to Zhou Fang just now, these students who grew up in an exceptionally favorable environment have a special sense of collective honor. Most of them have quite good family conditions and have lived in distant In a world that exceeds the average level of society, even if some people still have simple compassion, more people will be infected by the clearer attitudes of the people around them, and gradually believe that they are the elites who can determine the future of the world.

Pei Qingyuan belonged to the minority in this group since he was a child, and never really integrated into the social circle around him. Perhaps it was because of his grandfather's influence that he didn't feel that he should be proud of being born in Rome. Wealth and status are just a matter of The good luck chosen by the times can gather into a sea, or it can be overturned overnight.

He has always seemed to be different from others, he doesn't like to participate in the topics of luxury and money, and he doesn't show the proper arrogance to people outside the circle, so he doesn't have many friends. Among the groups with the most peer pressure, teens, it takes courage to choose to stand with the misfit minority.

When Pei Qingyuan was still in school in Chengde, due to his outstanding talent and ability, as well as his wealthy family, even if some people were dissatisfied with him, they would not express it in person, and mostly discussed in private, thinking that he was hypocritical and hypocritical .

But after the exposure of his life experience, those characters that could be regarded as a kind of personal choice immediately became the incompatibility and stupidity naturally brought about by blood and lintel.

Even though he completely stayed away from that world after leaving Pei's house, he also knew that the words that have been circulated with his name these days must be accompanied by contemptuous ridicule and contempt.

Ji Tong heard a few simple explanations from the host, and immediately became angry for him.

Originally, he didn't really want the host to communicate in the past, but now, he especially wanted to see the appearance of those annoying guys who were restricted by the cumbersome reception rules and did not dare to mess around.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, I can only hold back.

piss them off!

"Ruan Ruan, do you think Chengde will agree to those requests?" Ji Tong asked impatiently.

Pei Qingyuan's tone was firm: "I guess so."


He closed another self-study super outline book in his hand, and calmly said: "People who are used to giving orders rarely think about being rejected."

At the beginning, some people thought of asking the No. 2 Middle School to communicate with them, most likely to target him, but after the No. 2 Middle School made these requests, the nature changed.

Chengde, who has been well-known since the establishment of the school, does not pay attention to other high schools in the city and even the whole province. How can he bear the rejection of a second-rate high school now.

There is no need for others to fan the flames, the school itself will hold back its breath and want to make this happen.

Who let the word out?

After Pei Qingyuan was called by Zhou Fang for the first time in the morning, he searched Chengde's official website and found that the list of exchange schools for this month had been announced on it, including No. 2 Middle School.

They didn't think about other reactions from No. 2 Middle School at all.

The usual arrogance turned out to be a good handle.

Under Ji Tong's reminder, Pei Qingyuan simply followed suit and made that suggestion to Zhou Fang.

Those were some reasonable requests, and they were not beyond Chengde's ability at all. They just implemented the due etiquette on paper. Out of the need to maintain their face, they had no reason not to agree.

Pei Qingyuan couldn't help but think, this is probably what it's like to ride a tiger.

He fastened the cap of the ballpoint pen and gently put it back into the pencil case.

Ji Tong seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection with him. The vivid little robot on the screen made a cute grimace, and took out a whip, and swung it at the sloppy tiger next to him. The clown fell off and fell violently on the ground.

Robots, tigers, clowns, whips.

What a strange idea and combination.

Pei Qingyuan's eyes couldn't help showing a smile.

As soon as the break came, Lin Zihai, who was sitting in the front row, turned his head and looked around. Seeing that the monitor finally put away the book in his hand, his expression seemed to relax.

So he quickly took the wrong question book that he had accumulated for two days, got up and walked over.

But when he walked to Pei Qingyuan's desk, Lin Zihai didn't know how to speak.

After he came here, the surrounding students occasionally looked through their eyes. Those eyes with completely different meanings made him unable to help but think of all the cruel words he swore before.

so awkward.

Lin Zihai tried to let his strong desire for knowledge overcome this embarrassment.

"Well, monitor, there are a few questions I haven't figured out." Lin Zihai lowered his head in embarrassment, embarrassed to look at Pei Qingyuan, "Are you free to help me? Thank you."

He lowered his head, anxiously waiting for the monitor's response, so he didn't see Pei Qingyuan's expression froze after a while, and immediately reached out to take his wrong book: "Let me see."

Pei Qingyuan saw a carefully recorded high-definition video on the screen of his watch.

"I don't want to be kind enough to help you highlight the key points. I really don't know good people..."

"Forget it, forget it, just wait until the day the test results come out and cry!"

The clear sound quality goes straight to the brain, and the precise capture of Lin Zihai's proud and annoyed expression is accompanied by close-ups and cruel slow-motion.

Ji Tong proudly claimed the credit: "This is the first video in the album "Dark History Ruthless Words". I didn't expect to use it so soon. Ruan Ruan, did I record it well? I also added A BGM often used to convey sad emotions, suggesting that this scene will usher in a severe slap in the face in the near future."

…is very good.

So good that he felt embarrassed for Lin Zihai.

His system's understanding and application of background music has reached a level beyond the reach of human beings.

Pei Qingyuan had no choice but to take the wrong book in Lin Zihai's hand in a hurry, trying to use complex mathematical formulas to overshadow that very brainwashed sad chant.

"This theorem is wrong, it should be used..."

Lin Zihai raised his head in surprise, and saw that the class monitor, who used to look unkind, was helping him with the lecture very seriously.

His heart was shocked, and he was suddenly overwhelmed by an overwhelming sense of shame and guilt.

Unexpectedly, after being targeted like that, the squad leader would help him so recklessly.

He felt that if it were him, he might not be able to be so tolerant and magnanimous.

"I'm sorry, monitor." Lin Zihai clenched his fists and apologized sincerely again, "I was too hateful before, not only did I want to isolate you without knowing the truth, but when you kindly helped me point out the wrong question, I didn't Thank you, it's really too much."

At the end of the reflection, he even said with high spirits: "In the future, I will definitely cooperate with all the arrangements of the monitor and strive to improve the grades of our class. I will clean the toilet next time!"

Pei Qingyuan: ...

not like this.

He wanted to explain, but he couldn't.

Ji Tong's joyful voice came from his heart again: "Ruan Ruan, I have created a new album called "Reformed Idiots Can Hatch Chickens."

He laughed as he talked, and sounded extraordinarily happy.

...Forget it, whatever.

In the end, Pei Qingyuan just said yes calmly, and continued to help Lin Zihai read the questions, but the strange picture of the study committee member changing his ways and returning to hatching chickens was inexplicably lingering in his mind.

The classmates who were curiously discussing next to him were quiet for a moment when they heard his words, as if they were infected by his frankness and fighting spirit. Some people who were chatting just now consciously stopped talking.

The monitor of the first grade and the study committee member of the tenth grade not only won honor for the class in the monthly exam, but also raised the average score of the class as a whole, and won a good ranking that has never been achieved before. I am impressed by the third class, even when I give lectures in key classes, I will praise their class by the way.

I usually feel that the test scores are just my own business, and I want to learn if I don’t want to learn, but after these two days, they found that if they can use their own efforts to raise the ranking of the entire class like the monitor, they will be ranked second. It is really a cool thing to leave the name far behind.

When everyone looks at the squad leader now, they only feel that if only they can be that good.

There is no jealousy, just pure envy because of the honor.

Most people don't have the courage to admit their mistakes frankly like Lin Zihai, but they just feel a pang of apology in their hearts, and then silently open the exercise book.

The class monitor and study committee members with such good grades are continuing to work hard, how dare they slack off.

Don't wait until the top grades are all in their class, and the results of the others are still a mess.

What a shame.

When they stay in the comfort zone of dawdling, they feel that the teacher's praise belongs to the top student and has nothing to do with them. But after experiencing the dazzling aura brought by the extreme high score, they realize that they enjoy this feeling very much. So no one wants to be the one who is holding back.

When Zhou Fang walked into the classroom with the lesson plans in her arms, she unexpectedly found that the learning atmosphere in the class today was extremely strong. Most of the people were reading books with their heads down and doing the questions, which made her a little flattered.

She looked around the entire classroom in relief, and when her eyes fell on Pei Qingyuan, she showed a bright smile and gave him a thumbs up quietly.

Pei Qingyuan keenly grasped the meaning of the head teacher.

Chengde agreed.

Amid Ji Tong's cheers of "Put on a suit! Look at the peacock!", he turned his gaze out of the window. There were no disgusting moths in the security box at the school gate in the distance, only serious and responsible security guards patrolling the campus. Stepping on the fallen leaves with a crisp sound.

This fall is a brilliant golden yellow.

The cultural exchange week is arranged at the end of the month. Before that, apart from attending classes and working part-time on weekends, Pei Qingyuan has one more thing to do.

The city-level basketball league has begun.

On Saturday morning, before the morning call from Coach Xu, Pei Qingyuan got up early. He prepared three breakfasts, two toast and fried eggs belonged to him and Ji Tong, and one cat food belonged to Huahua.

At Ji Tong's request, this important pre-war breakfast was held on the bright and bright balcony. In the warm sunshine in the morning, one person, one cat, and one cat finished breakfast comfortably.

Then the short kid led the snow-white cat wagging its tail and waved goodbye to him.

"Goodbye Ruan Ruan, let's go for the game!"

"Meow meow meow!"

Pei Qingyuan responded, closed the door of the house in this ceremonial scene, and left with his bag on his back.

As soon as he went out, the originally dark watch on his wrist immediately lit up.

"The navigation target City No. 1 Middle School is planning the best route for you, and it is 4.7 kilometers away from the destination..."

Ji Tong kept his promise, and from the moment he left the house, he began to play Xiaomei seriously.

You must not be a stumbling block on the way for the host to do the main task and make new friends.

Today's game took place at the No. 1 Middle School in the city. As Coach Xu wished, when the group stage was drawn, they were indeed assigned to the No. 1 Middle School who had narrowly won the No. 2 Middle School last year, and the first match in Group A was No. 1 Middle School. The No. 2 Middle School played against each other, and the venue for the match was the No. 1 Middle School gymnasium.

Half of the team members at that time are now promoted to the third year of high school and will not participate this year. The rest of the team members are either freshmen and sophomores, or high school seniors like Fu Chengze who are going to college with their sports skills. Pei Qingyuan is one of the exceptions .

Although half of the team members have changed, the fighting spirit aroused when facing the No. 1 Middle School has not changed at all. After a group of people meet at the school gate, when they occasionally look at the passing No. 1 Middle School basketball team members, what is burning in their eyes is fierce fighting. meaning.

Coach Xu is serious today, with an intimidating aura, leading a group of players into the gymnasium with big strides.

There are more and more spectators around. There are students in the school and some parents of students. Seeing so many unfamiliar faces puts a lot of pressure on the away team.

The players behind them chatted in low voices in order to ease the tension. As a veteran player who has been in the basketball team for three years, the current captain Fu Chengze was still angry when he said it: "At that time, if they hadn't made a foul and the referee hadn't sentenced it, We must have won..."

"At that time, a teammate was injured. After returning home, he took care of him for a long time. Fortunately, there were no sequelae, but he couldn't be held accountable. I was so mad."

Ji Tong, who was forced to be silent for a long time, suddenly found his usefulness, and comforted him in a mechanical voice: "Xiaomei has a video recording function, which can prevent similar situations from happening again."

Fu Chengze sighed: "If there are cameras in the venue, it is useless to appeal after the game if it is not successful."

"Xiaomei's functions are even more powerful." The mechanical tone rose subtly.

Pei Qingyuan immediately thought of the 360-degree display, the incomparably clear Lin Zihai's proud expression, and the background music that sounded particularly sad and lingering for three days.

...he wanted to forget.

"For example?" Fu Chengze and the team members became curious.

Ji Tong began to make serious nonsense: "For example, with the intelligent locking and tracking function for dynamic faces, Xiaomei can recognize some distinctive facial expressions and body postures, mark them as dangerous objects, and continuously track and record the dynamics of the objects, and analyze them at the same time. By comparing a large amount of similar data stored in the database, we can predict possible dangers and give timely reminders."

The translation is that he will never let go of any opponent who deliberately fouls, and he can warn and stop in advance.

After all, the host is still on the field, so he must ensure the safety of the host.

Anyway, it is a powerful system, multi-threaded analysis focuses on the situation in a basketball court, and it can be easily carried out.

Under the shocking eyes of Fu Chengze and others, Ji Tong became more and more excited, Pei Qingyuan couldn't help but laugh, but let him go.

For a smart watch that is generally stuck in the stage of artificial mental retardation on the market, these functions are obviously exaggerated to an outrageous level.

However, it is enough to bluff nervous high school students, but it is not enough. Ji Tong can also say that the above is purely fictional, and his most powerful function is actually nonsense.

"Damn, it sounds awesome, like a secret agent." Fu Chengze smacked his tongue, "Brother Pei, is it true that you can't buy this watch?"

Pei Qingyuan shook his head, and the little robot on the dial also shook his head.

"You can't buy it." Ji Tong emphasized, "Xiaomei is unique."

"Damn it, I really want it."

"I don't want running shoes for my birthday this year. I'm willing to use the captain's five centimeters height to buy a little beauty before I turn 20..."

"Get out!"

After being interrupted by Ji Tong, the nervousness of the No. 2 middle school players in the away game faded a lot, and they somehow felt that there was a powerful artificial intelligence supporting them.

Before entering the rest area in the gymnasium, Coach Xu turned around, patted the shoulders of the players one by one, and encouraged: "I hope you can all show your best, but remember safety first!"

Everyone immediately responded loudly with concerted efforts, and even Xiaomei mingled in and secretly yelled.

Ji Tong quietly recorded this passage, the host's bright eyes are in the center of the picture.

It's great to be a high school student full of energy.

This kind of unadorned vigor filled the air. Even though it was a competitive relationship, the parents of the surrounding students couldn't help laughing.

But the reaction of one of them was a bit special.

A middle-aged man with square-rimmed glasses, thin body, but piercing eyes, stood where the No. 2 middle school team members had just stopped, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Did you hear that?" He asked his companions around his age, his tone full of disbelief.

"It's so noisy, what can you hear?" The companion took out his mobile phone to check the time, and urged, "It's time to enter, Lao Xiao, where is your son? Has he already changed his clothes?"

"Are we going to play two games today? Is there a team coming this afternoon? Can you still watch that game? The lab is so busy, do you want to go back at noon?"

Xiao Jianping ignored the chatter of the impatient colleague beside him, carefully recalling the few words he heard just now, completely immersed in his own world.

"Although I couldn't hear the specific content clearly, I have never seen the AI's response speed and the smoothness of the voice interaction just now... It shouldn't be. I haven't heard of any team that has made such a breakthrough."

The colleague rolled his eyes and knew that Xiao Jianping had committed an occupational disease again: "Don't think about it, you must have heard it wrong. Last time, you mistook a child's voice for AI. The best talents are here, and you can't do it." , How could others come up with something of this level? If you don’t leave, if you miss your son’s highlights and go back and be told by your wife, don’t blame me.”

Hearing the word "wife", Xiao Jianping woke up with a start, and had no choice but to follow his colleagues to the gymnasium, looking back at the open space just now, and always looking at the place where the group of children gathered together.

Seeing this, the colleague patted his head depressedly, full of helplessness for this old friend who only had research and his wife in his heart, and forced his head to turn in the right direction.

"Hey, your son is from No. 1 Middle School, why do you keep looking at the teams of other schools!"

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