MTL - Don’t Covet the Beautiful System!!-Chapter 39

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In the sunny office, Xiao Jianping looked at the newspaper with the pictures of the basketball game in his hand, did not speak, but was obviously depressed.

Sun Peiwei, who usually choked with him, rarely relaxed his movements, and sat beside him stupidly, with a slightly complicated expression.

Today, he took the time to go to the admissions office to inquire about Pei Qingyuan. He thought that Xiao Jianping was just thinking too much, and he planned to go back to dispel his thoughts after asking, but he didn't expect that the teacher of the admissions office actually knew about this high school. pregnancy.

But in their records, Pei Qingyuan is not from No. 2 Middle School, but from Chengde Middle School.

Some time ago, Chengde Middle School reported the recommendation list for the new high school seniors, and this name was on the list. It had won the first prize in the National High School Olympiad Mathematical Competition, so it was eligible to be recommended for recommendation.

Originally, this group of students would come to Jiangyuan University to take the recommended admission exam at the end of this year. After passing this exam, which was not too difficult for them, they would no longer need to face the pressure of the college entrance examination and could directly become a top student. prospective students of the university.

However, just last month, Chengde Middle School specifically contacted the Admissions Office of Jiangyuan University, saying that it would cancel the recommendation of a student. The teachers in the Admissions Office had hardly encountered such a situation. When they asked the reason, they only got one sentence: Responses from students who have transferred schools.

Only after hearing this did Sun Peiwei understand why he found the name familiar.

It is not uncommon to be recommended on the recommended list, but it is rare to see a name that was originally removed from it. It must have been mentioned by a teacher in a chat.

All right, why did you transfer schools at this time?

He truthfully told Xiao Jianping what he had inquired about, and he couldn't help sighing: "If it wasn't for canceling the recommendation, maybe he could really become your student..."

"He is still eligible for recommendation." Xiao Jianping retorted, "What about No. 2 Middle School, do you have an application form?"

"No, I don't think No. 2 Middle School has ever produced Olympian students. They never thought of this..." Sun Peiwei thought about it carefully, "If Student Pei didn't say it, I guess No. 2 Middle School probably didn't know about it. After all, classmate Pei didn't win the first prize in No. 2 High School."

Xiao Jianping frowned when he heard this, and started pacing in the office again.

After much deliberation, he still felt that something was wrong, so he immediately called Chengde High School and asked if they had told Pei Qingyuan or No. 2 Middle School that he could still be recommended for admission.

However, there was only a cold reply from the other end of the phone: "Sorry, this is not within our scope of responsibility."

Xiao Jianping understood the implication, and said angrily: "This is related to a student's future and future! How can you be so irresponsible?!"

But the other party obviously didn't intend to give him any practical response with human touch, so he skillfully played in an official tone.

"Why did classmate Pei transfer to another school at such an important time in the third year of high school?"

"Affected by the student's personal family reasons."

"Family reasons? What kind of family can let the child suddenly change the environment at this time? And it is from Chengde to No. 2 Middle School! Is he willing?"

"Sorry, no comment."

In the beeping busy tone, Xiao Jianping put down the phone in disappointment.

On the table was the City Evening News a few days ago, which was given to him by his son Xiao Xinchen excitedly, saying that the match against the No. 2 Middle School had been published in the newspaper. Clear him, but still very valuable for collection.

Xiao Jianping originally looked at this newspaper and felt quite happy, but seeing this youthful picture now, he just felt dazzling.

There must be reasons behind the sudden transfer of schools and the extremely indifferent school that outsiders don't know, and no matter the reason, it makes a child's fate that was originally in his own hands suddenly get out of control.

This should be a very simple thing, and the hard work should be rewarded.

Why do people always make a simple thing so complicated?

Xiao Jianping gripped the newspaper tightly.

"Old Xiao, are you okay?" Sun Peiwei carefully observed his expression, "Don't be too angry, since he is really a good seed, then we can work harder..."

"I'm going to call No. 2 Middle School."

Xiao Jianping took a deep breath, raised his head, and said every word.

"He will definitely be my student."

Before Zhou Fang received the call from the school leadership, she had just finished a special home visit.

She didn't schedule classes this afternoon, so she sat in the office to sort things out. She glanced at the report card of the monthly exam. While feeling joyful, she also remembered her promise to Pei Qingyuan.

—I have the contact information of Ms. Luo, I will try to communicate with her, I hope she will not disturb you too much.

A few days ago, she was quite busy and didn't take care of it. Zhou Fang thought that this matter could not be delayed any longer, so she immediately dug out the address book and called Luo Xiuyun.

Knowing that Luo Xiuyun was resting at home due to illness and did not go to work, Zhou Fang decided to visit her directly.

After all, this kind of thing is not easy to communicate on the phone, and she also wants to see the situation in Luo Xiuyun's house with her own eyes.

Taking her bag, she found the old community according to the address, walked through the low corridor, and knocked on the door of Luo's house.

It's a very ordinary environment. It can only be said that it is different from Pei Qingyuan's previous life, but it is not too bad.

However, when Luo Xiuyun opened the door and asked her to come in a little helplessly, Zhou Fang was still taken aback.

The coffee table in the living room is full of empty wine bottles and melon seed shells, the ashtray is full of cigarette butts, and why is there a floor mat next to it?

Luo Xiuyun's complexion was not very good. Noticing her gaze, she hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, teacher, I forgot to clean up. I'm not feeling well today, and I don't have much energy."

Zhou Fang taught Lin Yan, and remembered that this was a single-parent family, but there were clearly many men's things scattered in the living room, so she asked politely, "Is this...?"

"It belongs to my younger brother." Luo Xiuyun showed embarrassment, covered her cough and said, "He was unemployed before, so he lived here. I wanted to let him rent a house after his job stabilized, but a few days ago he was caught by the school again. Fired..."

It turned out that Luo Zhichang also lived here.

Zhou Fang thought of that middle-aged man with poor qualities, and was secretly grateful for Pei Qingyuan's decision to move out.

It is said that those who are close to ink are black, how uncomfortable it must be to stay with such an uncle every day.

Zhou Fang sat down on the sofa Luo Xiuyun packed up, and said casually, "You are sick today, isn't he at home to take care of you?"

Luo Xiuyun was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect the teacher to ask such a question, and said in a low voice, "He...he went out to watch the game. I always cough and it's quite noisy."

Zhou Fang could hardly believe what she heard.

Even when she is old, she still eats and lives at her sister’s house, and she also dislikes her sister coughing loudly when she is sick, and goes out to play by herself as soon as she slaps her buttocks. The key is why is this sister so accustomed to accepting everything? !

... Forget it, she can't listen to these messy housework anymore, or she will have high blood pressure.

Zhou Fang cut to the point decisively: "Mother Qingyuan, I came to see you today mainly to talk about your son."

"That's right." Speaking of this, Luo Xiuyun also became excited, "How old is he, how could he run away from home like this? Mr. Zhou, have you advised him to go home?"

"No, I didn't." Zhou Fang was speechless for a second, then asked, "Before blaming the child, did you reflect on yourself? If it was a normal family, would the child want to leave?"

Luo Xiuyun looked at her in astonishment, was tongue-tied for a while, and then suddenly lost her breath.

"Yes, I did something wrong, but he always wants to give me a chance to make up for it, instead of walking away like this..."

"The opportunity to make up for it is not given by others." Zhou Fang frowned, "Senior high school students need a quiet and peaceful family environment. From what I know about your brother, he obviously doesn't care about this, and he will Are you watching the game?"

Luo Xiuyun didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

"Then why don't you let your younger brother move away? He is in his forties and should have the ability to live independently long ago. Isn't it what a mother should do to let his younger brother leave and provide a good family for his son who is preparing for the college entrance examination?" ?”

"But...but," Luo Xiuyun argued, "he didn't tell me that he felt noisy..."

"This is something that parents should take the initiative to consider!" Zhou Fang became angry, "Why do you have to wait for the child to speak before you are willing to change? Didn't he say that the problem of noise does not exist?"

After talking in just a few words, Zhou Fang already realized the situation Pei Qingyuan faced after returning to this home.

She couldn't help asking: "Is your biological son important, or a younger brother who can run out to watch football regardless of your illness?!"

Luo Xiuyun's face turned red when she asked her, and she murmured: "Qing Yuan...his grades are not good either, I think the influence of the environment may not be so great..."

"Bad grades?" Zhou Fang almost laughed angrily, "Who told you that his grades were not good?"

Luo Xiuyun raised her head and looked blankly at the stern teacher.

"Others, others told me..."

There is always such a specious hesitation and wandering in her eyes.

Others what others!

Zhou Fang immediately took out the documents she brought from her bag - she originally planned to praise Pei Qingyuan when the atmosphere was better.

"This is the score of the third-month high school exam. Qing Yuan is the first in his grade, and he is also the first in every single subject."

It listed a high score that Luo Xiuyun had never seen, even on the report card of Lin Yan, a former good student.

"This is a report about Qing Yuan's team going to the city to play a game. Because it was so exciting, it even appeared in the newspaper."

In front of these words that were completely beyond imagination, Luo Xiuyun couldn't turn her head around and could only stare at her blankly.

"Also," Zhou Fang felt that it was not enough, so she took out her mobile phone and showed her the photos in the photo album, "I took these photos secretly two days ago, and Qing Yuan was helping the students in the class to solve problems."

In the last row of seats in the classroom, several students crowded around Pei Qingyuan, lowering their heads and taking notes with a serious expression.

"He is a very good student and a class monitor who is very friendly to his classmates. I personally think that his score is very likely to hit the number one in the city. Why do you think his grades are not good?!"

"Basketball team... monitor..." Luo Xiuyun fainted from the fatigue caused by the cold and the impact of the teacher's words, and she muttered these unfamiliar terms.

Zhou Fang suddenly said: "You don't know everything, do you?"

She has been a teacher for twenty years, and she has seen too many parents who don't care about their children and simply and rudely interpret education as beating and scolding for disobedience, but it is still rare to see Luo Xiuyun who is so indifferent to children.

In particular, Teacher Zhou also dealt with Luo Xiuyun, who was Lin Yan's parent. At that time, she was obviously normal. Even though her education level was not high, she would actively cooperate with the teacher's work and worry about the child's study and life.

"Have you really understood your son?" Zhou Fang's heart was filled with strong injustice, and she asked sternly, "This child who was sent away by you selfishly since childhood, and has experienced many changes since he came back , Have you ever treated him seriously?"

How can there be such a confused person!

Luo Xiuyun didn't dare to speak anymore, she couldn't answer this question, so she could only bury her head very low.

Zhou Fang is a teacher, but also a mother. After seeing the various mentalities of countless parents, she keenly guessed some of Luo Xiuyun's psychological activities.

"Most people don't like to accept changes. They prefer to escape rather than face them, so you chose to escape from your own son who came back to you. It seems that as long as you don't ask, the problem doesn't exist." Zhou Fang sighed, "But Have you ever thought about how he faced such a huge change by himself? What's more, the root of all these problems is obviously you, you are the one who caused this situation."

As Zhou Fang said, she cleared an open space on the messy coffee table, wiped it with a paper towel, and gently placed the report card and newspaper in her hand on it.

"This should not be said by a teacher to a parent, but I can't help it. If you want to complain to me, it doesn't matter."

Zhou Fang looked at the short, haggard middle-aged woman in front of her with a serious expression.

She is weak, hesitant, drifting with the tide, unable to distinguish right from wrong, and will live her life in a muddle.

This is not the worst and worst parent Zhou Fang has ever seen, but it is the type of person she least wants to see. Parents who are extremely bad may make people decide to escape after awakening, but such a seemingly simple and ordinary The mother will unknowingly assimilate the ignorant and innocent child into the next self, and pass on such a sad and hateful life from generation to generation.

"You are so confused. You have been confused since you switched children more than ten years ago. You have made a mess of your life and killed two innocent children. I don't know why the other family Your parents didn’t hold you legally accountable, but that shouldn’t make you feel like your mistakes just fade away, you’ve always been wrong, and you’re still doing it to this day.”

"Qing Yuan is living independently now, and teachers, friends and classmates will take care of him. I don't think it is suitable for you to contact him with your current mentality. At least, please don't bother him until you understand what you have done. .If you can’t love your child, at least don’t hurt him.”

Zhou Fang got up, looked at the smoky environment in the living room before she was about to leave, and finally said: "Ms. Luo, don't be led by others, life is your own, no matter what you experience later, you still remember what you have in your heart." Initial thoughts?"

"You worked so hard to conceive for ten months, and even took the risk to exchange your own flesh and blood to a wealthy family. Is it to make life like this? Is it to treat him like this more than ten years later?"

"Compared to raising a child who has never cared for you, you should reflect on your own life and stop making mistakes."

When the words fell to the ground, Zhou Fang closed the door without looking back.

After a long silence, Luo Xiuyun slowly stretched out her hand, trembling slightly, and picked up the few pieces of paper left by Zhou Fang.

In the black-and-white photo on the inside page of the newspaper, that familiar yet unfamiliar figure just jumped up and made a nice shooting pose.

Pei Qingyuan is very tall, much taller than her, and looks like an adult.

In a daze, Luo Xiuyun suddenly remembered that day many years ago.

The husband who was seriously ill was lying at home, and she was lying in the delivery room with clean windows and high cost. She heard the baby crying while sweating profusely. She smiled instantly, happily and nervously.

The newborn child is always wrinkled, but her child is very beautiful. Before she did that wrong thing, she was almost reluctant to let her son out of her sight.

She didn't have time to name him, because every day when she was about to give birth, she was thinking about whether the money left on hand would be enough to last until tomorrow, wondering how long her husband, who had been suffering all the way, could be with her, and struggling whether she should Should do that.

People walking in and out of the hospital walked at a leisurely pace, and they didn't need to worry about money. They happily walked into different wards with flowers and thermos buckets, except for the one where Luo Xiuyun was.

As long as she looked up, she could see a completely different world outside.

So she gradually stopped struggling, and obediently let herself be swept away by the increasingly noisy desire in her heart.

She secretly put down her unnamed son, kissed his forehead, and whispered in her heart: "You will live a very happy life, happier than your mother."

And now, eighteen years later, in this small house where only she and her younger brother were left, Luo Xiuyun, who was busy all day for some reason, often recalled a voice that seemed to suppress countless emotions.

"Mom, what will you call me?"

No, it shouldn't be Qing Yuan.

In front of the tear-soaked newspaper and in the lingering smell of cigarettes, she finally realized this very clearly.

She missed the day of naming her son.

I also missed the day when I called my son's name again.