MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 515 Big man

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"Regional Announcement of the end of the trade union war, the main hall of the city has been destroyed. The declared war party defeated the world trade union defeated, and the punishment of the trade union level was reduced by 1 level. The winners were the ancient labor union, the midsummer trade union, and the war soul hall trade union.

"Regional Announcement"

"Regional Announcement"

However, even if the battle world showed a strong background in this battle, investing millions of nc legions, the result of the failure can still not be changed.

Because the attacking party has more than one famine, and there is a midsummer, they are all forces of equal strength. This is an absolute strength crush. Even if the world has the geographical advantage of the defender, it still has to be defeated.

Is destined to be an unsteady day today. The eastern hegemony defeated in the battle day. Although it will not fall like a comet, it has also suffered serious injuries. It is destined to be stagnant since then and it is difficult to continue its glory.

And the former union of the Western Overlord Iron Crusader's union has now become the old site, leaving people empty.

"what did you say"

Han Feng stood inside the former site of the Iron Crusader ’s trade union station, looked at the ruins around him, unconsciously flashed a taunt, and then connected the nonstop call.

"Young Master, the old man just came back from the hospital" came a somewhat old-fashioned voice over the call.

"I agree to donate." Han Feng said bluntly.

"Uh, the hospital said it's just a sense of common sense" The old voice stuck.

"I agree to cremation, you sign directly for me." Han Feng interrupted again.

The voice on the other end of the conversation was silent for two minutes before it continued to come.

"The old man has made you the heir of the family property"

At the same time, at Chenghai Airport, a girl in a white dress quietly like a sister next door, and a blindfolded woman in Tsing Yi costumes also disembarked from the VIP channel.

Xiao Feng wrinkled his eyebrows when he woke up. He felt the strangeness of his body, and the strange heat flow began to wander in his body again, as if he had regained consciousness after a few days of silence.

Is also the reason for this heat flow, which gives Xiao Feng a slight sense of weakness. This is not the reason why the heat flow is devouring his physical strength. It is rather the opposite.

That unknown heat flow contained powerful energy, but Xiao Feng could n’t absorb it all, except that every time they packed up Liu Qiang, they seemed to be able to let out the heat flow, so that the heat flow would be quiet for a day or two. Walking around in Xiao Feng's body, like a wild beast.

When Xiao Feng entered the game, although he could not feel the discomfort caused by the heat flow, the body would automatically consume part of the energy to resist the impact of the heat flow in order to counter the chaotic heat flow, which is why Xiao Feng recently I often feel the cause of fatigue.

Otherwise, with Xiao Feng's strong physical quality, even if the mental energy is consumed too much, it will not be so short that it needs sleep to recover. To put it bluntly, it is all affected by this heat flow.

"you're awake"

Liu Qiangwei seems to have just come in, and naturally came to Xiao Feng's bed. Snowy feet were pulled out of the slippers and was about to go to bed. It seemed that after lying on Xiao Feng's bed for two days, she had already regarded this as her room. Seeing Xiao Feng suddenly opened his eyes, he said.

"There is leftover breakfast in the kitchen. I just saw that you slept too much and did not wake you up."


Xiao Feng stretched out his hand, grabbed Liu Qiangwei's delicate and soft waist, please pinch two, let Liu Qiangwei's body tremble, the beautiful cheeks involuntarily glowed red glow, half is shame, half is itchy.

"Hey, God Xiao, this is so sexual in the early morning"

A vinegar-flavored tone from the other side came from the other side. The Purple Soul in **** pajamas was showing her unparalleled body advantage. She looked at Xiao Feng's movements with a smile, and bit a word in her mouth. Very heavy.

"Let's go back to your room. I'm afraid that Xiao Ling will find out after a long time."

Xiao Feng shook his head. In fact, he really wanted to clean up these two stunning colors to suppress the heat flow in the body.

After some washing, Liu Qiangwei and Zhanyi Ziyi carried on a silent gaze, but still picked up their respective game helmets and returned to their respective rooms.

"Cocoa, take out everything you can eat and make 10 more servings."

Xiao Feng went downstairs like a grandfather, and sat down in the dining room, commanding Coco, who was busy in the kitchen.

"Yes, lord" Cocoa quickly responded nervously.

"Hum, stinky brother, are you about to become a creature called Paige, get up so late, and eat so much."

Xiaoling still chewed slowly in the restaurant. She was eating slowly, and now she was the only one left on the table, but she just waited until Xiao Feng murmured politely.

However, Xiaoling ’s food intake has not been large. The reason why she is still rubbing at the table, Xiao Feng estimates that because she ran out of game time last night, so she can only study today.

"Little zero, you have cream on your nose." Xiao Feng said suddenly.

"Have it"

Xiao Ling's beautiful blue eyes immediately showed doubts, and then stretched out her pink tongue, licking up hard, trying to reach the fair Qiong nose, the action is strange.

"Haha." Xiao Feng could not help laughing out loud.

"Smelly brother, you actually lied to me"

Xiaoling put down the bread in his hand in doubt, and stretched out his hand, suddenly realized that Xiao Feng was lying to her, and suddenly his flawless little face swelled up.

However, at this moment, Xiao Feng ’s pupils closed, as if feeling shocked to an unparalleled thing, his body stood up suddenly.

"Do you want to cheat His Royal Highness, stinky maid, will your Royal Highness be fooled this time?"

Xiaoling thought Xiao Feng wanted to tease her, and said dissatisfiedly.


But the doorbell of the villa just rang at this moment, let Xiao Ling open his mouth slightly, did something really happen?


Xiao Feng stood still, but his brows were closed, his expression was very complicated, with a little bit of grimace, it seemed to be suppressing something, but after a long absence, the doorbell rang again.

"Brother Fool, what's wrong with you"

Xiao Feng remained motionless, but Xiao Ling was frightened by Xiao Feng's reaction and asked cautiously.


"Three young masters, Qinger asks for advice."

Is another doorbell, accompanied by Qinger's calm voice, penetrated the villa and passed into the villa.


Ning Keke just took the breakfast out of the kitchen and heard the doorbell, so after placing the breakfast in front of Xiao Feng, he looked at Xiao Feng with his inquiry.

"Go open the door."

Xiao Feng's body slumped down like a discouragement, facing the opening of Ning Keo's voice, and then looked at the pile of breakfast in front of him suddenly, swallowing heavily, the movement was very mechanical, and he was almost choked.

"Three young masters, Qinger is polite."

The dining room and the living room are adjacent to each other, and only a decorative wall of empty walls is separated. You can clearly see the situation in the living room. Rather, you will lead the two figures into the villa. There is no change compared to it, and the other person is a girl who is as quiet as a girl next door. The white dress and white dress are full of aura.

"Little maniac, you are hiding in the gentle township, life is very moist."

After entering the villa, the girl in white dress was always looking at the environment inside the villa with curious eyes. At this moment, she walked from the living room to the dining room and smiled at Xiao Feng with a voice like a lark .

Xiao Feng's gobbling movement was stagnant, but he didn't stop. He continued to eat and didn't look back.

"Scunk brother, you are going to hook up with wild women again"

Instead was Xiao Ling, staring at the white dress girl, suddenly said nervously, but her words made Xiao Feng's eyelids jump, and it was too late to stop

This is great disrespect

"Hey, what a pretty girl, let me see."

Sure enough, the smile of the white skirt girl was even sweeter, and waved gently at Xiao Ling.

An unexpected moment happened

Little Zero's petite body floated like catkins, and after a while, she appeared in the arms of a white dress girl.

"Master Uncle Zu"

Xiao Feng was finally no longer able to stay calm, got up suddenly, and burst out of his body, and then disappeared without a trace, just Shen Sheng said, "She is a child, not sensible."

"Yo, little madman, I haven't seen it for so many years, I have a good temper, I just planned to shoot me" white girl in white dress asked with a smile.

"Dare not." Xiao Feng nodded, then turned to Xiao Ling, who was embraced by the girl in a white dress, and said, "Xiao Ling, don't be afraid, it's okay."

"Wow, what was that? Why did I come here suddenly and can you teach me?" Who knows that Xiao Ling didn't have a trace of panic on his face, but instead was full of excitement, staring at the girl in a white dress staring at the stars, let Xiao Feng burst for a while Speechless.

"What happened what happened"

The movement downstairs had apparently been transmitted upstairs, and I saw Liu Qiangwei, War Soul Ziyi, Si Yejing and Qianduo walked out together.


Immediately, Liu Qiangwei saw the girl in the white dress below in surprise.

"How can't you recognize me?" The white dress girl smiled sweetly.

"Dare not dare to say hello to me" Liu Qiangwei stuttered suddenly, with a very respectful attitude.

"Sister Liu, who is she"

Seeing Liu Qiangwei's attitude, Qian Duoduo asked strangely.

"She is a big man of the Zhang family. I saw her once when I was a child. She looks exactly the same as she does now, without any trace of change." Liu Qiangwei said cautiously, lest there be any abruptness and disrespect for her words.


Without a single word, Zhan Soul Ziyi and Si Yejing still have a lot of money, and their expressions are immediately dull.