MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 540 Gate to heaven

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"How is the situation"

Xiao Feng found Liu Qiang in the main hall of the dark city and asked.

"You came."

Liu Qiangwei was telling something on the union channel. After seeing Xiao Feng coming, he simply ended the call with a few sentences and walked towards Xiao Feng.

"Now the activity has only started for 12 hours, and the situation is still manageable. There are no major problems, although there are some shortcomings, but the sooner they are exposed, the better they can make up." Liu Qiangwei seemed tired and soft. It was attached to Xiao Feng's chest. Anyway, not everyone in the main hall could come in. She was not afraid of being seen.

"I just came back from the Imperial City, I heard something happened in the rear, and there is also a situation in the Iron Crusade."

Can clearly feel Liu Qiangwei's perfect body curve, soft and gentle, and her nose can smell the fragrance of her orchid, but Xiao Feng was not moved, but asked.

"There is currently no major chaos in the rear. Those people have attacked the Undercity once from the inside. The player cannot stop them, but there are nc guards, they have not succeeded, and the nc guard force of the Undercity is too strong, it is estimated that they are not Dare to come again for the second time. "Liu Qiangwei made Xiao Feng frown as soon as he opened his mouth. Unexpectedly, those who admired the foreigners had formed such a scale, and they all dared to move the idea of ​​the dark city. You must know that the dark city is a second-level main city. The defensive power is several grades higher than the third-level main city of other overlord-level forces.

In the setting of the myth, the architecture of the main city of the system is invincible, but the main city of the player or the main city of influence is different and can be destroyed, even if there is no declaration of war.

"Can't be careless, they can't bite in the Undercity, maybe they will start with other union main cities, such as your Midsummer City, or invite the Golden Dragon Knight to Midsummer City." Xiao Feng said.

Midsummer City recruits only ordinary human race nc guards. Compared with the temple guards of the Undercity, the quality is one grade worse, and as a third-level main city, the number of recruits is worse than that of the second-level main city. too much.

But the two are not the focus. The most important factor is that Liu Qiangwei does not have a level of 50, and she does not have three turns, so the nc guards of Midsummer City also have no three turns, so the difference in combat power is too great. Big.

The gap between the 49th and 50th level of combat power can be said without reservation, at least double the difference

Therefore, the guard force of Midsummer City is not strong. Once the player has formed a scale, it can pose a threat to Midsummer City. After the player ’s level and equipment catch up, the suppression force of the nc guard is not so strong, especially for the three. As far as the players are concerned, nc guards below level 50 can be singled out.

Due to the rules of national warfare activities, the players in the same theater forced the green names to cause no harm to each other, so if those foreigners attacked the Midsummer City, the players of the Midsummer Union could not stop it and could only rely on nc to guard.

What Xiao Feng can think of is to send the guardian of the forces of the dark city, that is, the Golden Dragon Knight. There is a special attribute between the Golden Dragon Knight and the Golden Dragon called the guardian ’s bond. As long as one of them stays in the dark city, the other can go out. Combat, and the guardians of forces also belong to the nc guards, which can attack foreigners.

The reason for choosing the Dragon Knight instead of the Golden Dragon is very simple, because the Golden Dragon is too large, larger than the midsummer city, and there is no way to expand it in the city, so it is still convenient for the Dragon Knight to deal with players.

"No, I have other arrangements for the guardians of the forces of the Undercity. I plan to transfer the Golden Dragon to the border crossing of the Iron Crusader." Liu Qiangwei shook his head.

Liu Qiangwei's intention was to let Xiao Feng nod his head, because the Golden Dragon is a mythical boss, plus the size advantage, it is indeed a strategic weapon on the battlefield of the national border channel. The terrorist's strategic effect can be known without guessing, at least one foot Thousands of people can be trampled to death, so that the Iron Crusade should be fine.

"How to do that midsummer city" Xiao Feng asked.

"The probability of being attacked in midsummer city is not high, because the teleportation array is not opened to the outside like the Undercity, so you only need to increase the combat strength of the nc guards, just in case." Liu Qiangwei said.

"Are you going to recruit powerful arms? Then I will take you to the Holy City, where the arms of the Undercity are recruited." Xiao Feng said.

"The price of the arms of the Undercity is too expensive, that is, the Undercity itself can only be made profitable. I ca n’t bear to spend the union development funds on it. I think I only need to go to level 50 and wait for the nc guard to make three changes. The combat power is enough. "Liu Qiangwei quickly refused. The nc arms of the Undercity are strong, but as the so-called penny pays for goods, the quality is exchanged for money, and each one is the same as wearing gold and silver. The price can make ordinary trade unions dare not think about it, that is, those who have more money and more big business can afford such sky-high consumption.

"Also, let me take you to level 50 first." Xiao Feng nodded after thinking.

"Well," Liu Qiangwei replied. In fact, she had originally intended this. As a pastor, she had no way to upgrade herself. Although she didn't need to fight monsters as the president of the trade union, it was enough to follow the experience of the trade union elite, but she was usually too busy. There is very little time for leveling.

So the best way is of course to follow Xiao Feng to get mixed up. With Xiao Feng's ability, taking her to a simple level is not a piece of cake.

"Exactly, you can go to the border crossing of the Iron Crusader and come up."

Xiao Feng summoned Xiaoxue directly in the main hall of the city. After turning over and riding, he said to Liu Qiangwei that Xiaoxue had common riding skills.


Liu Qiangwei sat behind Xiao Feng, said around the wind Xiao Xiao's waist, quietly put the side face on Xiao Feng's back.

Because space marks have been left in the major national border passages for a long time, it is much more convenient for Xiao Feng to go to the national border passage. There is no need to hurry, just take the ring of space from the backpack and replace it. The figure carrying Xiao Feng and Liu Qiang disappeared into the main hall of the city.


The familiar noise rushed to the sky, and Xiaoxue appeared directly above the battlefield, almost overturned by the sound waves.

Fortunately, neither Xiao Feng nor Liu Qiangwei has seen this kind of scene for the first time, so he is still calm.

"Team first."

Xiao Feng issued a team application to Liu Qiangwei, so that he could share his experience, whether it was killing experience or monster killing experience.

"Have you used your magic skills in the North American theater? The same is true of Xiaobai. How do you brush your experience now?"

Obviously, Liu Qiangwei is still more concerned about Xiao Feng, whether it is Xiao Feng ’s level change on the ranking list, or news that Xiao Feng smashed two magic skills in the North American theater, after accepting the team application, he asked curiously. .

"Who told you that I have only one magic skill"

Xiao Feng smiled slightly, looking at the huge battlefield below, the endless black pressure pressed against the ocean, then the hammer of the Holy Spirit waved in his hand, pointing to the sky dome.

"The Gate of Divine Power"

This is the first time Xiao Feng has used this skill, and he has never seen the right angel before, so the performance scene of this skill is also the first time.


The familiar sound of Hong Zhong in the Kingdom of Heaven, the scene of the dawn of the sky once again reappeared, the dazzling Holy Light projected towards the earth, and countless players on the battlefield looked up subconsciously.

"Dangdang Dang"

But the sound of Hong Zhong did n’t just sound, it was like a horn, like a drum of war, which sounded continuously

Immediately, the sky dome cracked, but instead of cracking a gap like using the lance Lankonus, a hole was broken

That ’s right, it ’s like a hole in the sky dome. The endless holy light is projected from this hole. From a distance, there is a point like a sun, so that people ca n’t look directly and ca n’t see the hole. What is it.

But immediately, within a few breaths, a figure began to emerge from the hole in the sky dome, as if coming to the world from outside

That is a two-winged angel

Xiao Feng could tell at a glance, much like Xiaobai was when he was a two-winged angel, but it was much more mature.

But the look of this two-winged angel made Xiao Feng frown slightly, because he was not unfamiliar with this look, that is, Xiao Bai's look when he entered the battle state, cold, ruthless, and indifferent, as if there was no emotional machine, let alone Have intelligence.

Obviously, this two-winged angel is just a pure killing machine, directly ignoring Xiao Feng, and then the two wings were shocked, and they killed the chaotic battlefield below in a blink of an eye.

"Dangdang Dang"

However, this two-winged angel was just a beginning. The sound of Hong Zhong did not stop. Instead, it became more and more rapid, as if the drum of drums was ringing. Then, one angel after another came from the hole in the sky dome. It ’s as cold and ruthless as it is mechanical, killing the battlefield below

"This is a new divine skill" Liu Qiangwei's eyes appeared a little dull, the Tan mouth under the snow gauze opened slightly, looking at the hole in the sky dome, one angel after another fell from it and killed the battlefield.

She has seen it with scouts. The angels killed are the weakest gold bosses and the number seems to be endless. They are coming down from the holes in the sky dome faster and faster.

What a terrible skill effect Liu Qiangwei guessed at the first time that this is another magic skill


Xiao Feng nodded, looking at the battlefield below, he is now at level 66, and his mental power is 3250 points, which means that a total of 3250 angels can be summoned.

And the duration is 325 minutes and more than 5 hours. What a terrible concept

The level of angels of killing is as high as that of Xiao Feng, and the quality is so amazing. In the chaotic battlefield, it is almost like a wolf entering the flock. Xiao Feng immediately sees his own experience prompts to start jumping fast