MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 563 The lonely Chu Mengying

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   "No one would think that way." Xiao Feng laughed.

   "But I would think so!" Si Yejing was a little stubborn.

   "Then do you have any goals or plans, I will try my best to help you." Xiao Feng shook his head, Si Yejing would not talk to him for no reason, there should be some plans.

   "I heard my cousin say that the future game world is the world of god-level players, so I want to be a god-level player." Sure enough, Si Yejing said immediately.

   "Do you want to become a god?" Xiao Feng was slightly surprised.

   "Can't you?" Si Yejing asked back.

   "It's not impossible, you have the foundation and understanding..." Xiao Feng touched his chin for a moment, and found that it is not impossible.

   "Then you have to help me!" Si Yejing couldn't wait to say.

   "It will be very difficult." Xiao Feng said.

   "I'm not afraid!" Si Yejing stated.

"If you want to become a god, you must first understand what kind of existence a god-level player is, and you must have a recognition that you can become a god-level player without a **** outfit, **** pet, or magical skill." Xiao Feng led Si Ye Walked quietly to the periphery of the venue, away from the crowd, "There are billions of players in the whole server, and there are already thousands of artifacts and favorites on the rankings. Naturally, magic skills are not rare, but the **** level of the whole server There are only a few players, which suffices to show that external factors are not a necessary condition for deciding to become a god. On the contrary, if you have the strength of a god-level player, it will be easy to obtain these external conditions."

   "Then what are the necessary conditions for becoming a god?" Seeing Xiao Feng sit down at a small wine table for two, Si Yejing quickly sat on the opposite side and asked.

   "You are like me, come to draw a circle." Xiao Feng did not directly explain, but used his finger to put his finger in his wine glass and use the wine to draw a random drawing on the wine table.

However, seemingly random, the water stains left on the wine table have formed a circle, and it is a perfectly round circle, as if it were described with the most accurate compasses, and even the width of the water stains has always been consistent. Symmetrical!

   "How did you do it!" Si Yejing's pretty eyes widened.

   "Try it too." Xiao Feng flicked out the drink at his fingertips.

  Si Yejing thought for a while, and put his white index finger into the wine glass, and also drew a circle on the wine table.

   But the circles she drew were not only crooked, but also wide on one side and narrow on the other, just like a regular pancake.

   "Yes, at least it has a round shape." Si Yejing blushed a little, but Xiao Feng nodded and said.

   "Does painting have anything to do with becoming a god?" Si Yejing asked embarrassedly.

"Yes, this is the first condition for becoming a god. Operation, I call it nuanced. In games, it can also be called **** exercise. Only when the control of the body achieves the unity of mind and mind, the body moves with thoughts, and it does not matter. It’s the first step if it’s poor.” Xiao Feng said, most ordinary people can only do macro exercises, such as giving instructions to the body to take one step, while masters can do micro exercises, the distance taken each step. They can all be the same, but for a god-level player, they can make every step of the action can be re-engraved as accurate.

   Si Yejing nodded with enlightenment, "So in the game, the masters are all open free modes, right?"

  "Yes, the game world is a reflection of the real world, only the assistance and correction of the system is discarded.

   Really rely on oneself to be able to reach the height of magical exercise. "Xiao Feng said, turning his eyes to Han Feng, who was walking around in the venue, and asked Si Yejing, "Have you seen him use the Arrow Rain skill?" "

"That dog spray? I have seen it several times during the national war. His arrow rain is very exaggerated. It is like every arrow has eyes and will automatically lock the target. It is very powerful. If the enemy is me, I can't find any way to escape other than sneaking." Si Yejing looked at Han Feng from a distance. Although she was disdainful of Han Feng's character, she still had to agree with Han Feng's skills.

   "That is the effect of magical exercises. The same skill is range coverage in the hands of ordinary players, but precise strikes in the hands of god-level players. This is the difference in operating height." Xiao Feng explained.

   "Are you saying that he is also a godfuck?" Si Yejing looked incredible.

"Almost, he has the qualifications to become a god. Whether it is manipulation or consciousness, he has a first glimpse of the door, but unfortunately he doesn't have that heart." Xiao Feng shook his head and retracted his gaze, "And consciousness is the second thing I want to tell you. Conditions."

   "Now I want to loosen this cup, you have to catch it in mid-air, and see if you can do it." Xiao Feng said, raising the wine glass in his hand, and said to Si Yejing.

   "I'll try!" Si Yejing took a deep breath, moved her shoulders again, and made a ready-to-go action.

   "I'm loose." Xiao Feng said, but he didn't let go of his hands, making Si Yejing who had been prepared a moment of surprise.

   But while Si Yejing was stunned, Xiao Feng suddenly let go, and the goblet with half a glass of wine slipped down instantly, leaving Si Yejing with no time to catch it.

The goblet did not break. When it was about to fall to the floor, Xiao Feng stooped to catch it firmly, and then placed it on the table. Because of the reason that Xiao Feng just drank it with his fingers, Xiao Feng did not Planning to drink again.

   "This is consciousness, which includes reaction power, anticipation, and so on. I call it consciousness in a unified way. It is the second necessary condition after operation." Xiao Feng said.

   "You, you shameless! Suddenly dropped it!" Si Yejing was a little unconvinced, because she felt that she should be able to catch the cup with the falling speed, after all, she was also a top player!

   "During the battle, no enemy will remind you before the move." Xiao Feng laughed.

   "I...I see, is there anything else?" Si Yejing had to be convinced, and then asked.

"For the time being, these two are enough for you to put in a lot of effort. Your pk experience is very rich. This is your advantage, but it is also your limitation. Fixed fighting methods and fixed enemies will become your shortcomings. "Xiao Feng said, shaking his head.

In fact, there is another important condition for becoming a god-level player. He did not tell Si Yejing, that is mental power. The more powerful the skills, the more difficult it will be to control. There are so many players in the whole server, with god-level consciousness and god-level consciousness. No matter how small, you can catch a lot, but these two things can't become gods either.

To give the simplest example, the god-level confrontation between Thor and Ximen Fuxue, Ximen Fuxue can use countless tens of thousands of sword lights to meet Thunder, but how can an ordinary person have that powerful mental power to control countless tens of thousands of swords? Light.

   So Xiao Feng knew a long time ago that players who can become gods will not be ordinary people, as early as in the Korean war zone.

When he played against Kim Jong Han, the top player in the Korean theater, Xiao Feng had already determined that Kim Jong Han is the ceiling that ordinary people can reach. At most, he is called a pseudo-god player. If in a game world where there are only ordinary people, it is definitely The existence of the pinnacle crushes all top players.

   But when you encounter a god-level player, it's like the liver emperor or the krypton gold boss encountering a deadlock. This is a hammer.

   However, Si Yejing's profession is an assassin. What he needs is focus and ambition, and he doesn't need much mental power, so Xiao Feng is sure to train her into a god-level player.

   "Then I'll mix with you, you have to be responsible for teaching me these things, do you need me to call you a master?" Si Ye nodded quietly, and then half-joked.

   "It's a bit strange, let's go." Xiao Feng was speechless.

   "The cousin is really welcome." Si Yejing said suddenly, her gaze looked at the center of the venue, where Liu Qiangwei had almost become the center of the banquet. Of course, Liu Qiangwei could afford the treatment no matter her appearance or identity.

However, it can still be seen that Liu Qiangwei is not suitable for this kind of occasion, which is inconsistent with her cold personality. Fortunately, the soul of war, purple clothes, accompanies her all the way to help, but she can handle it, not to mention the money is also playing treasures. Looking at the amount of money, the age is not old, but the head is shrewd and scary, making many bigwigs who want to take this opportunity to get involved in relationships are sweating profusely.


   Xiao Feng suddenly felt that the light was blocked from behind, and at the same time there was a soft snort, which seemed to be dissatisfied with him, which made Xiao Feng couldn't help looking back.

   But I didn't expect it to be Chu Mengying. She was also dressed up to attend. She was not beautiful, but she was alone, a little lonely, and a little bored, otherwise she would not come to Xiao Feng's uncomfortable.

   "Oh, isn't this the goddess of the nation? If you don't go to the center of the banquet, how can you hide from the edge?" Xiao Feng suddenly said in amusement.

Si Yejing also turned her head when she heard the words, she naturally knew Chu Mengying, nodded as a greeting, and did not say anything, but looked back and forth between Xiao Feng and Chu Mengying seemingly random. .

"The dignified milk gods are all drinking in the fringe area. Why can't I be a little girl." It can be seen that Chu Mengying is indeed a little depressed. After nodding to Si Yejing in response, she dragged a stool by her side. Sitting down at Xiao Feng's small wine table gracefully.

   "Now I know that no one will pay attention to being a vase." Xiao Feng smiled.

   As a national goddess, Chu Mengying's appearance is naturally beyond doubt. Not to mention she is a first-line celebrity, she is also among the top popular in the anchor circle. It stands to reason that this kind of occasion should be her home court and will definitely be invited continuously.

  The problem is that the main parties who come to participate in the banquet are the bigwigs of the various forces. In the eyes of these people, everything is for the benefit, and they will only communicate with the bigwigs of other forces and have equal dialogues.

Therefore, the crown prince clearly invited well-known anchors and well-known businessmen, but the group of anchors basically formed a circle to communicate, and they did not get into the big environment of the banquet. Even Chu Mengying was no exception, even if he took the initiative to interact with those The big guys talk, but they can only get a polite response, unless there is an exception for personal relationships.

   The business circle is similar, because businessmen are a non-communicating group, even if they have a cooperative relationship, there is nothing to talk about.
