MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 152 ·?

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Since it was agreed to leave the next day, everyone could only wait. The Wei'an base is still in a mess these days, so although they are free, they all stay in the villa obediently.

Shen Guo's speed is so fast that everyone can't believe it, can the truth be made public in just one day? Huang Long's few people didn't say anything, and the people who jumped a few words died, which is enough to prove how terrifying the forces behind them are.

Shen Guo made a notice in advance, and before the time came, everyone was waiting in front of the bracelet.

Qi Chaoyang slid the wristband, "He's too good, this is the investigation, it's not even 24 hours!"

The base has been investigating this matter for a long time, but they have no clue. After finally knowing the factory, there are only a few vague photos.

However, Huanglong's few people are still different, they obviously have access to people inside. Moreover, Shen Guo still has Zeng Yu in his hands. If he asks Huang Long's people one by one, maybe he can really investigate what?

"I heard that it was said by Han Ming. Han Ming is Huang Long's right-hand man. He knows everything about Huang Long."

Qi Chaoyang thought of the news he heard yesterday, and whispered in Jing Huai's ear: "Han Ming is not dead, I heard that the people around Huang Long were arrested to dig coal, and he was also thrown away. Coal is being dug underneath."

Weian base is rich and comfortable, but this is all based on resources. For people, use one less and one less, so people will not be killed easily. Many ordinary people are below, working ten to twenty hours a day, digging coal in three shifts.

But they have already negotiated that they will rescue Han Ming after leaving the Weian base. Han Ming has always been by Huang Long's side. There are many things Huang Yu doesn't know that he knows. What's even more difficult is that although he has always been by Huang Long's side, there is no black energy in his body.

Qi Chaoyang nodded indiscriminately, and looked at Jing Huai and Huazhi, "Shen Guozhen investigated it so quickly?" Why didn't he believe it?

Jing Huai's voice was faint, "Look at what he investigated."

The officer nodded, "Everything is ready, we will drive back overnight, there will be no delay on the road, and we will arrive in the early morning."

He already knew that Jing Huai and Huazhi would not go back with them, but Qi Chaoyang would follow them, plus the weapons on the car and the self-defense bell, it would not be too dangerous to drive back all the way .

Not only are they curious, but the flowers are also curious. In the living room, Huazhi is also looking at the bracelet. She watched while talking to the little gray rabbit.

[Flower, flower, I know what's in the oil painting! 】The little gray rabbit was bouncing around in her head.

Flower Branch instantly came to the spirit, "Have you analyzed it?"

Little Gray Rabbit nodded heavily, [Those oil paintings not only have abilities, but also the blood of zombies. 】

After the oil paintings were brought back, they were kept in the landscape space. Last night, they took advantage of the time and secretly painted them in the bell.

I wanted to take a closer look and see what the weirdness of the painting was, but I didn't expect that when they put it in, it was still full of black oil paintings, waiting for them to come out of the space again When I took it out, the black gas on it disappeared.

It's a pity that the flowers and branches would disappear. She would have sucked all the black air out of the corridor that night.

Her task progress bar is now approaching 90%. Below the progress bar, there is a treasure chest that she has not opened yet.

Little Gray Rabbit said that it is easier to trigger good things when it is in danger, so she has kept it until now.

In the void, the little gray rabbit wore glasses and changed into a small suit. It pulled out a panel to show the flowers.

[In that oil painting, there is blood mixed with zombies and people, and then the ability is sealed on it. 】

"The blood of zombies?" Huazhi recalled seriously, the zombies will indeed splatter blood, but it is not red, and it is blue, and it smells of carrion.

A picture of a zombie cutting his wrist and bleeding appeared in Huazhi's mind, "Is the ability you're talking about the black gas that materialized above?"

[Yes. 】

"Aren't those things alive, I think they seem to have an IQ."

Little Gray Rabbit scratched his head, [But I can't feel the breath of living things, they are dead, and the composition is exactly the same as the virus, so I think it is a kind of ability. 】

Huazhi nodded thoughtfully, Huang Long did say that it was necessary to pass these oil paintings in order to bestow the 'gift'.

Huazhi thought about Gu Su's bow and arrow, "Gu Su's body has no black qi, but he can condense a long arrow made of black qi out of thin air."

She herself is using the companion weapon as a guise, if the bow is really Gu Su's companion weapon, how could every arrow he shoots be black gas, then at first glance Zombies are related.

Huazhi finds it strange every time he sees him shooting arrows. If there is no black gas in his body, and there is no so-called 'gift', how can he shoot black gas? Could someone's ability really be a zombie virus?

But aside from the transparent bow, Gu Su, as a sixth-order power user, is indeed extraordinary.

Huazhi was still thinking about this with Little Gray Rabbit. At 9:00 in the morning, Shen Guo appeared in front of the camera on time.

In the channel that was warmed up in advance, Shen Guo's face finally appeared, and everyone immediately quieted down, looking at their bracelets.

Huazhi quickly moved her bracelet over and looked at the scenery with Huai.

"Hello everyone, I'm Shen Guo, the head of the Wei'an Base. I believe that many people have watched the live interrogation yesterday..."

Shen Guo's opening remarks were very brief, briefly introduced yesterday's situation, and then went straight to the topic.

When the screen turns, there are photos and data related to this matter.

As soon as these data came out, the branches were a little surprised. These are the ones Shen Guo showed them before, and he showed them all without reservation.

Shen Guo reiterated what he had said to them. These things have been guessed by everyone for a long time, and now it has been confirmed, and the Internet has exploded in an instant.

"Grass the grass, so this is true?! So many power users were killed by them?!" Everyone was guessing before, and now it has been officially confirmed, and they are all shocked .

"So many powerful ability users died in the Dawning Base, wouldn't they be all theirs?"

"No, what do they want so many nuclei for?!"

Shen Guo quickly gave everyone the answer. As soon as the screen turned, another data analysis appeared.

"I thought it was strange before, Huanglong went to a place every month for the past six months, which is here—"

On the screen, a factory appeared!

"We investigated Huanglong's dash cam, extracted the bracelets of all their related personnel, and finally got some useful information."

The following are some pictures of the factory. From the angle of the photo, it is indeed taken by their wristband. There is also a specific time on it, which just coincides with the time when Huanglong left the base.

Give a big pension to the families of those with supernatural powers."

Everyone thinks that it is normal to have risks in doing tasks, so many bases have encountered high-level zombies. And Huanglong's pension is extremely high, so after several times, no one noticed that something was wrong, only that he was unlucky.

"Here, I can tell you responsibly that in that factory, there is a zombie with a very high level and IQ! Even, I think we can make it a 'zombie king' ."

Everyone went crazy, and even the live broadcast that was smooth just now started to freeze. Shen Guo's words are tantamount to stirring up a thousand waves with one stone!

"What do you mean? So Huanglong raised a zombie there?!"

"What is high level and IQ, is that what I mean?"

"Is Huanglong crazy! Feed a zombie with a power user, and raise a corpse emperor?!"

"Damn it, it makes sense, if it is a zombie cannibalism, of course there is no restraint! And, with so many powers to feed it, the level of that zombie —”

The level distinction is made, and the general zombies are divided according to the level of power. The standard that can be called "corpse king" is to control more than 300 high-level zombies at the same time.

Shen Guoxiang didn't know how terrifying what he said, he continued to show the evidence in his hand.

A clear photo of the factory was released, and everyone could clearly see that at the outermost periphery of the factory, in every corner stood a high-level zombie, dressed in uniform Clothes, weapons in their hands, each standing on the perimeter like a statue. There are zombies walking around and patrolling.

In other words, they have used the factory as their base! The lowest level of the zombies at the door is also the third-order. If the third-order zombies can be used so badly, how strong are the zombies inside? !

Qi Chaoyang looked at the photo and felt that his mind could not turn around. He bowed his head and sent a message in the small group.

"Shen Guo is too strong. The gecko ability user said that the guards are strictly guarded, and no one will bring a bracelet in at all. And we have also dispatched drones behind our base to reconnaissance. The man and the machine are broken, and he can take such a clear picture."

Are they not good, or is the base too good? Before he came, for nearly a week, what kind of drones and reconnaissance planes had been dispatched to their bases, and not a single photo was taken, but Shen Guo took pictures of the factory in one night?

Next, Shen Guo introduced the situation of the factory in detail. His analysis is well-founded, especially in conjunction with Huanglong's situation, it is more reasonable and appropriate. All kinds of evidence show that Shen Guo's speculation is correct, especially the photo he took is even more shocking.

"The reason we speculate that there is a corpse emperor here is that the zombies here are very organized and disciplined, and the outermost patrols are all third-order zombies, so we speculate that the corpse inside The emperor, must be above the sixth order!"

This series of news has shocked everyone without a word.

"So, I propose that we must organize troops to encircle and suppress this factory as soon as possible, and eliminate the corpse emperor here before it continues to grow!"