MTL - Doomsday’s Rabbit Essence-Chapter 160 ·?

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The group finally returned to the joint base station. The number of casualties this time was within their prediction, but they didn't expect Huazhi and Jinghuai to really not come out. However, he still had the factory video they shot in his hand. The zombies guarding the gate alone were of such a high level, and there were so many of them.

The wristbands of the returned power users were all taken back, and several people were seriously injured and were also rescued by power users and doctors.

The ability user who came back finally woke up, but the moment he woke up, he immediately grabbed the people around him, "Jiang Huai is dead!"

"I saw it with my own eyes, they were caught by the corpse emperor, the corpse emperor...corpse emperor..." He began to speak incoherently. It seemed that because he was too stimulated, his consciousness was a little disordered.

His wristband is rotten, and the chips inside are only some things that were just taken in.

Xu Qi frowned, "What else did you see?"

"There are many, very many zombies in it, there are zombies everywhere, there are still humans inside, those people stay with zombies..."

His words have been confirmed, and other powers have also seen humans inside, even in the video taken by Huazhi, in front of the factory, there are also humans guarding. They stand with high-level zombies, and they are not like natural enemies at all.

"This may be the people who ate the special crystal nucleus and were infected with the virus, just like Huanglong." Zhao Guo's wound has been bandaged, and he also saw the scenery when he was in the square. Huai and them , but it was too far apart at that time, and it was not easy to say hello to each other.

"But those people are still people, what's the difference with us? Eating those crystal cores will make people stronger! Why can't we eat them, why should we fight against zombies!"

Zhao Guo frowned and looked at the man, "What nonsense are you talking about, don't say it all, eating those crystal cores will eventually become infected and turn into zombies."

Zhao Guo stood up, "Zombies and people are natural enemies, don't you know what Huanglong did?" Many high-level abilities in their team died, and they were finally found out. It wasn't because of people like Huang Long that he was killed! He still has a wife and daughter, and even if he died, he couldn't let them turn into such monsters.

"Those people will eventually become zombies. It has been three years since the end of the world, and you still have illusions about zombies."

"This is not the same, if we go now, we are likely to die here immediately. Those zombies have intelligence, powers, and weapons, we have them all, even better than We are better, do you really think we can kill all those zombies this time?!" The man questioned Shen Guo, "Since those zombies can stay with those people inside, why can't we negotiate peace with the zombies? Coexistence, and then slowly figure it out in the future!"

His words made the power users who have entered Coastal City take it for granted. Only by experiencing it personally can I clearly feel the horror of these zombies. There are countless zombies, so many high-level zombies, and a corpse emperor who is in charge of the overall situation behind the scenes.

The words Xu Xutuzhi instantly resonated with many people.

"What can I use to live with them peacefully, power user? Send you or send someone else?" Zhao Guo glanced coldly at the seemingly moving power user, with a loud voice He said, "I'll put my words here, if any of you want to be in the company of zombies, the people of our beacon team will definitely kill you with our own hands."

Zhao Guo's words made the people around him swallow their saliva unconsciously.

Xu Qi looked at the tense atmosphere here, and said after a while, "Don't worry, everyone will find it scary at first glance, after all, there are so many zombies inside, and they are organized and disciplined. But think about it, so many zombies, does it mean that we can get more crystal cores?"

His voice was soft, with a quiet magic, "Everyone is a fourth-order ability user, usually doing tasks outside, it is not necessary to encounter a fourth-order zombie successfully beheaded. It’s easy, this time the major bases have brought the most advanced weapons, and there are so many zombies inside, as long as we work together to kill those zombies, it will definitely be easier for everyone to level up.”

? For zombies, humans will only be their food."

The man immediately wanted to refute, but he was already controlled by the psychic power user brought by Xu Qi, and it was difficult to even open his mouth.

Xu Qi looked at the man just now, "You may be too tired, go back to rest first."

He gestured to the psychic power user next to him, a soft white light quietly covered the man, the man only felt sleepy and crazy, he could not speak, and he was too sleepy, very sleepy. Consciousness soon became blurred.

Xu Qi looked at them, "Let's go to rest first, but before we sort out the information, I hope everyone can rest in the place we arranged."

The group finally left, Xu Qi looked back at Zhao Guo, "Did you see the two of them inside?"

Zhao Guo nodded, "I don't think they will be alright. They didn't say hello to us before they went in." Although the man said that he saw Jing Huai die, but Zhao Guo didn't say anything. I don't think the two of them will die in it.

Xu Qi: "No new news has come out so far."

Zhao Guo: "There is no signal inside."

Someone came over and said, "Commander Xu, do you want to tell them the base for those who died and did not come out?"

Xu Qi frowned slightly, he knew how important flowers and scenery were to them. Huazhi should have followed Jing Huai and hadn't come out yet, everyone made a disguise, and the ability user was seriously injured again, so it's not necessarily wrong.

"Wait, don't tell anyone yet." The message can't get out yet. Zhao Guo was right, they didn't necessarily have an accident, and just based on the few words of the ability user, they couldn't conclude anything.

In any case, the power users entered this time, and finally let them get useful information related to the coast city.

The information recorded in everyone's wristbands was gathered together at the fastest speed and handed over to the Joint Base Command.


Huazhi still didn't know that the people outside had left, and just as they were about to leave, a black bead fell out of An Weijing's body.

She and Jing Huai looked at each other, Huazhi just wanted to reach out.

"Don't move." Jing Huai stopped her.

He used his power to pick up the bead. This bead was about the size of a normal pearl and looked ordinary, but the moment Jing Huai touched it, he felt the radiance emanating from it. weak energy.

This bead fell out of An Weijing's hand.

The flower branch also moved up, this bead, except that it exudes a weak energy, there is nothing else special. The two couldn't see what it was for the time being, and Jing Huai put the beads into the space.

They have other things to do.

Before going out, Huazhi sat back in the bell again. All zombies look different, but the zombies in the factory all wear uniform clothes, relying on clothes and weapons, enough to distinguish each other.

As soon as they went out, they encountered a large number of moving zombies. Jing Huai casually disguised as a zombie and joined the team smoothly.

They came in for several hours, Huazhi looked at the white fish belly exposed in the sky, and felt his whip again. One night passed, and her whip stopped moving again, and she didn't know how Bu Si's forging was going, or did he change the forging method and didn't need a crystal nucleus?

After knowing that Gu Su and the others had an internal response at the joint base, Huazhi did not contact Xu Qi again, but only contacted Qi Chaoyang, fearing that they really thought something had happened to them.

Qi Chaoyang looks unremarkable, but he is actually quite reliable, and he has a good relationship with everyone. Huazhi feels that the news will be passed on to him, and the rest should not be too worried.

King Huai was mixed in the zombie team, and soon knew what these zombies were busy with, they were transporting supplies.

This whole night, all the zombies were busy, but in an orderly manner.

The zombies outside are dividing the zombies into formations, distinguishing the low-level zombies from the high-level zombies. And the zombies in the factory are also busy before and after. The team they are currently in is dedicated to carrying supplies.

There is a car parked at the side door of the factory. As soon as the rear car door is opened, the zombies start to carry these materials in an orderly manner. As if they had done it a thousand times, they skillfully moved in a large number of boxes. A huge wooden box looks very familiar.


Huazhi blinked, suspecting that she was wrong.

"Look at these boxes, did we see each other when we went to the meeting last night?"

King Huai: "Hmm."

Blossoms: ! !

Little Gray Rabbit immediately found the photo for her, and with just one glance, the flower branch was confirmed. This was the material box they casually glanced at on the road when they went to the meeting.

After preparing to attack the zombies, the joint base was successfully formed. They asked each base to come up with corresponding materials according to its own strength. At first, Huazhi thought it was good and fair. Those who have money should pay more, and those who don't have less, but they do. It can be regarded as a concerted effort.

Unexpectedly, their hearts were given to zombies! These boxes are the symbols of Joint Base.

King Huai took a zombie into the space and took its place.

A large number of boxes were transported into the factory like this, and I don't know what was in the boxes. The high-level zombies are not weak, but there are also two zombies carrying a box, and there is a person beside them directing them.

Flower branches can also be seen, the black energy of Huanglong and several people can't be compared with it, the energy emitted by that gift is even comparable to a fourth-order ability user.

The two are already high-level separated, and now they are superimposed, and the ability of that person is instantly increased by nearly two steps.

"The higher the level, the higher the level of the 'gift'." Huazhi looked at the man thoughtfully.

He just exudes coercion like this, so that the zombies can be obedient.

A zombie staggered a step and fell to the ground, and the box immediately fell to the ground.

"Pa—" The man slammed the whip on the zombie, "What are you doing, do you know how important the contents are!"

The zombie is a third-order zombie, but it has been selected to come in. It was whipped violently and immediately let out a low roar.

"Not convinced?" The man threw the whip at it again, "Pop—" The whip made a crisp sound again.

The zombie rushed up!

The black air behind the man suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the zombie's head.

In a blink of an eye, only the corpse of the zombie was left on the ground, and the man fell to the ground with a whip, "Go ahead, don't waste time!"

The surrounding zombies immediately continued to move, and the missing positions were immediately filled by zombies.

Huazhi thought of Huanglong's dream for a moment. In the dream, he also ruled over these zombies.

"He seems to be enjoying it."

Jing Huai hummed, "In this way, humans and zombies have reached a balance here."

Humans and zombies rule each other. According to their strength, high-level humans can enjoy more privileges. When others see that they can enjoy this kind of treatment, they will naturally work harder.

Huazhi nodded, "Yes, being able to rule zombies like this and use crystal cores casually, no wonder it can attract so many ability users."

They soon followed the handling team into the innermost part of the warehouse, all the boxes were neatly stacked in a huge warehouse, the whole warehouse was more than ten meters high, the size of a basketball court, but half The locations are filled with boxes.

Jiang Huai stretched out his spiritual power, and his beautiful brows instantly wrinkled together, "It's arms and weapons."

Flower Branch sucked in a breath, "Is it all in this warehouse?!"


There are so many zombies, so many arms and weapons, zombies are not afraid of being shot through their bodies by bullets, but human beings are finished when they are shot through their bodies by bullets.

In such a large warehouse, the zombies that keep carrying things, it should have been going on for a while to see their movements.

Little Gray Rabbit cracked and calculated, [Flower branches, according to their speed, should have moved in from last night. 】

"Is it the time we came in?"

[Should be a little later than us. 】

Huazhi nodded. The production of arms is actually not easy and requires all kinds of metals. Most of the weapons they have now are manufactured before the end. Because before that, no zombies would use weapons or something like that, and the operation of weapons requires fine movements, and low-level zombies can't do it at all.

"They moved all the important materials here."

First of all, in the name of the joint siege of zombies to collect materials, and then take the opportunity to send people and materials to the vicinity of Coast City, and secretly send all the materials in. Wait until it really hits-

According to the speed at which they are transporting, it is not impossible to empty their supplies. No wonder Gu Su and Shen Guo are so relieved to let humans besiege the coastal city. Once the fight starts, there are no materials, not enough weapons, and there are so many high-level zombies here, even if humans are not killed by them, they will be consumed by them. Even if they escaped back to the base, the major bases would be severely damaged. At that time, they will have everything in their hands, and then they will besiege the base with the zombie tide, and the city will be easily destroyed.

Flower Branch sucked in a breath, "It's too scary. Those who can see black qi are their people, and those who can't see black qi are also their people."

King Huai: "When they are finished, take them back."

Huazhi suddenly remembered his space, right, right, the scenery is so big, and there are still a lot of vacancies.

And he can release a car out of thin air, and put these materials in, it should not be difficult, when they find that they have worked hard for so long, but there is nothing, and their expressions must be Very wonderful.

Flower Branch: "Then let's go to other places first, and come back and take all these materials away!"

"You contact Qi Chaoyang first, don't let them continue to move materials."


Huazhi immediately took the photo of the arms to Qi Chaoyang. When Qi Chaoyang saw the photo, he almost lost his eyes.

But he resisted the swear words he almost blurted out, and quickly replied Huazhi.

Huazhi looked at the bracelet, "Okay, he already knows about it."

"I also told him that Zeng Yu can come to help." I heard that Zeng Yu came this time, but she didn't see it casually, and I don't know why Shen Guo wanted to Bring her here too.

Huazhi felt that he must have a guilty conscience and was afraid of accidentally seeing Zeng Yu's eyes in the base!

Qi Chaoyang encrypted the photo and hurried to the Dawning Base station. He was still a little bit imposing by himself, and called the people from the Dawning Base, who looked fierce and vicious when they stood there.

. It's another photo of a supernatural being, and it's materials that were smuggled in. There must be some insiders at the top of the joint base!

The more Qi Chaoyang thought about it, the more angry he became. It's too immoral. There are countless zombies in it. I don't know if it can be cleaned up. Now there are so many traitors in the human race. They really want to turn everyone into zombies!

When he rushed over, the people at Dawning Base were quarreling.

After Su Xiong protected Han Meng, the rest of the Dawning Base began to get a little restless. Especially when they were close to the coastal city, the opinions of several parties were not unified, and Wei'an Base, as the leading base this time, would ridicule and suppress them every time they met them, and sent people to come to the door many times, asking them to deal with Han Meng.

The contradiction inside and outside the Dawning Base is rapidly intensifying, and Han Meng is like a fuse, which completely detonated this contradiction. For a time, all the spearheads were directed at Han Meng.

Han Meng looked at them, her face was completely different from before, and the bright red nails on her hands also looked more coquettish. "So you think, you should hand me over."

The man in front of him was stunned by the aura emanating from Han Meng, he was stunned, and quickly said: "Otherwise, what other solutions do you have?"

"Shen Guo has been hurt like that by you, don't you feel ashamed at all?"

"If it weren't for you, would the people in other bases treat us like this? The war is coming, and you still cover her up like this. Are you really not the accomplices of zombies?"

Besser slashed to the ground with a knife, "I'm bored, you bunch of rubbish, if you don't agree, just come and do it. A group of men are more rude than pheasants."

Besser is more powerful than them, the group of men moved their mouths and turned to look at Su Xiong, "Su Xiong, are you pampering your team members like this?!"

Good guy, he also caught up with the base plot drama. Qi Chaoyang felt that it was too time for him to appear.

Qi Chaoyang stepped into the middle of the two sides, "Everyone is quiet! I have one thing here. After finishing it, the prestige of Dawning Base will return to its peak!"

They just need to walk around the factory, Huazhi looks at the zombies and black air everywhere, "I don't know how many people have gifts and these strange things in their bodies."

King Huai: "If these are related to the corpse emperor, kill the corpse emperor and it will disappear."

Huazhi nodded, "I haven't seen the zombie emperor until now."

According to her original idea, the Zombie Emperor should control the overall situation here, and the prestige and sense of existence cannot be compared to Gu Su, but so far, they have only seen Gu Su. With a group of high-level zombies, the Corpse Emperor has not yet appeared.

Every time Scenic Huai enters a new place, Huazhi will write down the map and scene, and make detailed notes. In case of a real fight, these things will be useful.

Flower Branch: "According to the map, turn left there, there will be a church after entering, and then there will be that gate."

Starting from the front aisle, it is divided into two parts, the front and the back, obviously close at hand, but the zombies here are busy and in full swing, but there is not even a shadow of the zombies.

At this moment, Gu Su, anyone could see that he was in a very bad mood at the moment. The low air pressure was like the eve of a storm, causing the surrounding zombies to shiver.

He looked gloomily at the bell in his hand, the bell was actually crushed by his bare hands!