MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 23 Really dead

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Scourge Highlands, in front of the Frozen Throne.

Super soldiers have swarmed to destroy all the buildings on the Scourge Highlands. The ghoul soldier was vulnerable to the guard's super soldier and was easily leveled. Even without Zhao Dingguo's shot, the super soldiers have already attacked the frozen throne. After a maximum of ten seconds, this building, which has the same status as the Guardian World Tree, will be completely destroyed!

"It's your luck this time!"

The voice of the soul guard was not high or low, his eyes swept over the faces of Lao Li and Zeus one by one, and finally fell to Zhao Dingguo. His expression seemed calm, but his eyes were dark, making Zhao Dingguo shudder.

According to Lao Li, he has participated in four death team battles with the soul guard. This time he will be deducted by 400 points. It can be said that it is basically equal to two regular-season games, and it is not too much to say that the losses are heavy. Obviously, this guy hated all three of his side.

Unfortunately, reality is better than people.

Even if the soul guard is unwilling, no matter how he remembers to hate Zhao Dingguo, now he only has to give up.

As the magnificent Frozen Throne collapsed, this too hasty death battle for Zhao Dingguo came to an end. At the same time as the guard's Shuren soldiers began to celebrate, the Super God platform also gave a briefing in this field!

"The E01254 battle of the death team battle is over! The comparison of the points of the two sides in this field: 657VS663!"

"The Guards Corps wins the final victory!"

"Because it is a death team battle, 100/200 (based on the current hero nameplate level) + (50 * the number of death team users participating in the death team battle) will be deducted after failure. If the current victory point of the user is insufficient, it will be permanently erased. If you win, you can choose to bring any of your skills, equipment and props into the real world! "

"It was detected that the Super God user with ID 037205 belongs to the Guard, but did not experience any enhancement. The death team reward will be cancelled."

"Congratulations to the Super God user with ID 037205 for winning the first death team battle."

"Nameplate function upgrade, you can view the target equipment information (the level of detail of the information is related to the strength of both parties and the nameplate level), and it can be fully opened in the real world."

"The portal back to Super God Space will open in ten seconds."

Uh ...

After the countdown, Zhao Dingguo turned black. By the end of the scene change, he was already in the previous hall. Looking at it, the beam of light above his head was still bright. Looking at the Scourge team in the team battle just now, they found that there were only three people left, and the other two beams of light were all dim!

"Don't watch it, it's all wiped out!"

I may have just won a death team battle, and Li's tone sounded a little relaxed. Even when it comes to obliteration, there has been no change, and it is common to think of it.

定 Zhao Dingguo glanced and found that the three corresponded to the previous soul guard, poison dragon and dwarf musketeer.

The first two are senior SuperGod users, and it is normal to have a deducted victory point. It's a little strange that the terrible dwarf musketeer who has behaved but has not died. But after thinking it over, he understood. The experience of the Dwarf Musketeer was mostly the same as he had won a regular season game, but without any reinforcement. In this case, the victory points on the body should be enough to pay for this game due to the failure of the death team battle.

By the way, what about your own name, who slept in the spring of resurrection?

Thinking of this, he quickly looked back, but was surprised to see only four people. The last beam of light was also extinguished.

I really ... was killed?

定 Zhao Dingguo trembled in his heart, now he can't wait to rush back to the real world immediately, and then immediately call the person for verification. Although he asked the person for his mobile phone number, he didn't bother talking about it, but it was important. Zhao Dingguo felt that he had to confirm it himself!

Lao Li should have guessed his mind, just smiled slightly, but said nothing.

He always looks like this, and can only be sure of one thing if he sees it with his own eyes. At the beginning, he came over like this. After leaving for a while, Lao Li shook his head and got up to get out of the Super God space. But just as the figure was about to disappear, what did he think of, he turned around after hesitating for a while, and said to Zhao Dingguo: "Do you want to know something more useful?"

Zhao Dingguo didn't understand why Lao Li suddenly told him this, but he realized that this was an opportunity.

Despite some doubts, Zhao Dingguo nodded heavily.

Lao Li said, I don't know where to come up with a personal business card: "It's okay today, call me at noon tomorrow!"

He said, his figure gradually faded, and then disappeared into the Super God space.

Other senior users such as Zeus and Duron have also left this place and returned to the real world. Only the soul guard strolled in front of him, looked at him carefully, and finally said, "You better pray that you don't hit me in the real world! Otherwise ... hum!"

This is the threat of red fruit!

From childhood to big, what Zhao Dingguo hated most was such a threat. He looked at each other without flinching, trying not to expose himself to timidity. He let out a sigh of relief after the disdain of the other side turned and disappeared.

Perhaps, becoming a super user is even more dangerous than he imagined!

Whether it is in Super God Space or ... the real world!

Thinking of this, he sighed helplessly, holding the nameplate re-emerging on his chest and meditating to return. Soon, with the vaguely visible ripples in the space, he smoothly returned to reality, that is, the family home of the abandoned old bus station! Everything was the same as before he entered, the only change was the time on the phone: six minutes had passed since he entered!

In the Super God Space, the speed of time is actually different from the outside world!

If put in peace, Zhao Dingguo who knew this magical method would be shocked for a long time. However, from the contact with the Super God platform yesterday to the victory in the death team battle just now, Zhao Dingguo has seen too many amazing things, and was a little numb. He just stood there for a while, then picked up the cell phone and dialed the remembered number!

"Drip ... Drop ..."

The sound of waiting sounded so long. Although it only turned on three times, Zhao Dingguo seemed like a criminal waiting for the judge's trial. Every second was several hours!

The end of the mobile phone sounded a bit noisy. The person connected was a female voice, roughly in his thirties.

喂 "Hello, may I ask Jiang XX's home? How is he now?"

刚 As soon as the phone was connected, Zhao Dingguo couldn't wait to ask.

"You are?" The female voice sounded a little Zhang Jian, as if something unexpectedly difficult was encountered.

"Oh, I'm his friend!" Zhao Dingguo lied without changing his face.

The female voice on the other side of the phone hesitated, and stuttered: "It was just fine, I lost sight of it at a glance. We thought he was out and didn't care ... But just now, he suddenly appeared Come, jump down from the balcony on the fourth floor without saying a word ... Why is it so young that you can't think of it? Well, wickedness! "


The other party ’s words seemed to be a big hit, making Zhao Dingguo's head buzz ~ ~ The next words, he didn't hear what he was saying, and when he was awake, the opposite party had hung up.

it is true!

The eradication of the Super God platform is a real death, not a small means such as disqualifying the game and eliminating memory!

After a while, Zhao Dingguo calmed down again. He called again and asked the other person's address. Coincidentally, the man was actually in his presence. If you take a direct ticket, it will take more than two hours. So, Zhao Dingguo went straight to the bus station, and got on the bus to Linshi!

At about noon, Zhao Dingguo came to the man's home.

This is a very ordinary working family, that is, their son, the young man who was obliterated by the Super God platform, is a bit fucked. On weekdays, there is not much trouble for the family, and there are few true friends. Therefore, they were quite relieved to see Zhao Dingguo personally come to "greet" him.

"The police have been here, and after a long time, they said they committed suicide. 120 also came, and the further results have not yet come out, but they should not think about it ... Strange to say, I haven't heard how he is these days Ah, it's hard to imagine that with his personality, he would jump off the building without a word! "

He was asked by Zhao Dingguo, and his family explained the situation at that time in detail.

On the face of it, this is a perfectly normal suicide case. However, only Zhao Dingguo knew that this was the energy of the Super God platform. Except for the abrupt jump from the building, which seemed a little unexpected, everything else was normal, and there was no trace of the Super God platform in the computer. No one in this world knows the true cause of his death except for those involved in the death teamfight!

It made him cold.