MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 35 MVP bonus

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PS: After tossing for a week, it was finally changed to A. The update speed will be accelerated as appropriate in the future, and I hope that book friends will support Odin as always. A book about fattening is like raising a loli, that is to go around and vote every day ...

The battle is now, unless the value of the equipment on Da Naga doubles, it may be possible to win.

But is that possible?

As far as her current development situation, without waiting for the next big piece to come out, the guards can break them all the way, and then the advantages of two elite soldiers will directly break the frozen Frozen Throne!

Scourge side is already unstoppable!

What's more, the equipment of the guard has ushered in a comprehensive improvement!

With the generous reward of breaking the defense tower in the lower lane, and the four heroes of the Scourge were killed by the regiment, the heroes on the guard side completely suppressed the guards on the equipment and level. Just two pieces of Mekansm and vampire sacrifice are enough to make the natural disaster a headache. Here, Zhao Dingguo made the ancestor war drums, and the purple grudges of the skeleton shooter were also fresh. Once team fights, Ziyu can silence any enemy hero for five seconds!

After everything is ready, the heroes of the Guards Corps launch a new round of shock!

Just by seeing these equipments, the hero of the Scourge has lost the courage to fight.


One of the few DOTAs in the whole DOTA, who has the title of "one sister", the snake-haired banshee, Naga, also stopped making money at this moment. Until now, she didn't think she could make a comeback. Fortunately, this game is only a regular season game, even if you lose, you will not be wiped out!

Under the consolation of such thoughts, the Scourge hero resisted for a while, and the guards again broke through the middle!

Victory has entered the final countdown!

The natural disaster side withdrew the resurrection spring water, and it was already ignoring what happened on its own high ground. The guard's heroes also spread out lazily, waiting for the two elite soldiers to push the frozen throne. However, Zhao Dingguo still relented and followed behind the Shuren soldiers, destroying the buildings of the Scourge.

"Save effort!"

The Gnoll TP returned to the guard base, ready to buy new equipment. Seeing Zhao Dingguo's actions, he could not help but persuade in the built-in voice channel.

都 Anyway, I won. As serious as that!

定 Zhao Dingguo smiled in his heart, but didn't tell him his true purpose, but just said: "I'm idle and playing."


Seeing that Zhao Dingguo didn't listen to persuasion, he was more lazy to say anything.

Soon, buildings and defensive towers on the Scourge Highlands were almost destroyed. Among them, the two highest defense towers in front of the Frozen Throne were all destroyed in the hands of Zhao Dingguo. Whether it was several other teammates or the Scourge hero across from it, it was unclear why he worked so hard. Only Zhao Dingguo knew the reason, he was silently waiting for the end of the battle, and planned to verify a secret message that Lao told him!

After about seven or eight seconds, this regular season ended with the destruction of the Frozen Throne of Scourge!

When the guard unit began to celebrate the victory on the screen, the Super God platform also promptly popped up the Super God battle report.

"The end of the ordinary game in the E04538 inning of the regular season, this game mode: random shuffle mode for the entire lineup!"

"The Guards Corps wins the final victory!"

"Because it is an ordinary battle, the Super God victory point reward obtained in the next battle after failure will be reduced by 10%, and certain **** points will be deducted. It is detected that the Super God user with ID 037205 belongs to the Guard and will receive 100 base victory points (Based on the current nameplate rating), gaining sacred points: +64 points. "

"The current epiphany is: 748 points."

If you only see here, then Zhao Dingguo's actions after the victory has been set seem a bit useless. But then, the last article of the Super God Battle Report made Zhao Dingguo achieve his wish and overjoyed!

"Congratulations to the Super God user with ID 037205 for obtaining this MVP and will receive an extra 100 winning points!"


This is a relatively hidden setting in the Super God platform!

Before dying, Zhao Dingguo had doubts that the means to win the Super God platform was too few. There seems to be no other way but to expect the basic victory of 100 points per game. How many games do you need to win to achieve those top-level **** suits? What's more, even the most powerful master cannot always win? Once you lose a few more games, the time to put on the magic is even longer!

Even if the nameplate level becomes higher, the basic victory points will be increased accordingly, that is far from enough!

However, this question was answered after meeting with Lao Li.

It's not that the Super God platform only sets such a means, but some other hidden rewards, which are difficult for ordinary Super God users to do. For example, MVP is one of these settings!

Regardless of the name, MVP is the super user who performs best! However, this is not to say that someone must get this extra reward in a battle. The SuperGod platform will set a bottom line based on the God points and the nameplate level. If the SuperGo users of the two camps do not have any outstanding performance, and none of them exceeds the bottom line, then I am sorry, this MVP will not appear!

It is precisely for this reason that only a few people know this setting in the low-end war. Only in the high-end game, the level of Super God users is very high, and they have some experience on how to win MVP, which makes the appearance of MVP become frequent.

Normally, in battles without a pub nameplate, few people can trigger this.

Zhao Dingguo had good luck, he met some conditions, and with the little tricks that Li told him, he successfully won the additional reward of MVP. In this way, one took 200 win points, and one game was equal to two games!

This efficiency is too high!

So, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but look proud at the 200 winning points. He felt more and more that the business with Lao Li was a good deal. Although it would be extremely risky to kill him by then, without him, it would be difficult for him to obtain immediate benefits!

Because there are still many factors involved in MVP!

I really want to say in detail, every action of SuperGod users may involve MVP evaluation. According to the reasons why I didn't know where I heard from, there are roughly four most important points after induction-

First: Number of times to kill enemy heroes!

Second: the number of deaths!

Third: Destroy the number of opposing towers!

Fourth: Whether auxiliary behaviors such as sentry guards and animal messengers are in place!

Simply put, it means more kills and less deaths, and then more defensive towers are demolished. If the heroes are partial assistants, then some of the duties of the assistants must be fulfilled. In addition, there are some relatively less important factors, such as the total number of gold coins obtained, the number of times to kill Roshan to obtain the Immortal Shield, etc ...

赵 For Zhao Dingguo, in this somewhat easy victory, he undoubtedly satisfied the first two points: he killed the other six people, and he did not die at one time!

Based on these two points, it is undoubtedly difficult to get MVP. Because the warlock did not die at one time, and the werewolf later showed his might and killed no less than him. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo started desperately demolishing the tower according to Lao Li's ~ ~ with the victory set. Later, most of the various buildings and defense towers on the Scourge Highlands were destroyed in his hands.

It is for this reason that the final MVP fell into his hands!

To be honest, Zhao Dingguo is not sure of his actions and will definitely help him get this MVP. It now appears that he has undoubtedly succeeded!

By the way, according to Lao Li, in the regular season, in addition to the MVP can get an extra reward of 100 win points, he has been violently walked (successively killed five enemy heroes in a short time in a battle), surpassed The killing (killing enemy heroes a total of ten times, and he did not die in the process), both evaluations can also get 100 win points reward!

In other words, if Zhao Dingguo performed well enough, he could get a maximum of 400 victory points in that battle!

This number is four times the basic victory point of 100 points!

In the high-end game, there are excellent users, and it is normal to get one in the battle. It would be too difficult to get all three additional rewards. Out of the thirst for victory and the desire not to get extra rewards from opponents, once someone may achieve the above three, others will deliberately target it. Therefore, only when some strong players play particularly well, coupled with excellent luck, can they get all the rewards occasionally!

It seems that I should pay more attention to these three additional rewards in the future!

He can see that compared to the basic victory points of the victory, these additional rewards are the most outstanding super **** users should chase. Some people say that horses have no nightgrass, and this extra reward is the same!

混 Only rely on the basics to win the day, that is an ordinary super **** user.

If you want to be a real master, you have to work hard for more! MVP! Runaway! Super God!