MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 55 Submerged

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Seeing the trend of the outbreak of war, Panda Jiuxian also TP off the road to support the guard side.

他 After he left, only the resurrected ice girl was left on the front line and Zhao Dingguo. However, in the face of Zhao Dingguo, who has advantages in equipment and level, the ice girl did not dare to lean too far. She just tried to replenish her soldiers, and never interfered with Zhao Dingguo with her skills. In short, she did not want to let him develop smoothly!

For this kind of harassment, Zhao Dingguo fought back from time to time with the breath of flames, the other was tolerable, and try not to let his own rhythm be disturbed by the opponent.

He is waiting, waiting for his big move at the sixth level!

The dragon knight's big move is called true dragon form, which is a transformation skill that can transform human form into a real dragon, and it lasts for a minute. Without transformation, the role of the Dragon Knight is limited. But once transformed into a true dragon, his strength will be greatly enhanced, the movement speed and some skills and effects will be improved, and the attack type will become a long-range breath!

By then, it will be much easier to kill the ice girl!

After a new wave of soldiers was recruited, after successfully rising to the 6th level, Zhao Dingguo decisively learned the big move, and then began to play the ice girl's idea. He sneered in front of the screen and quickly pressed the skill button of the true dragon form.

Annoyed for so long, now is the time to recover interest!

After Xun transformed, the original gold armor warrior swelled sharply and turned into a huge green dragon. This is a first-class true dragon form, which allows the dragon knight to have a certain amount of poison damage in the attack, and it is especially effective for buildings!

When Xun just saw the abrupt transformation of the Dragon Knight, the ice girl didn't realize her danger. When the Dragon Knight came back and sprayed several breaths in succession, the Ice Lady was panicked and found that the Dragon Knight wanted to have her surgery!

But at this time, it's too late to escape!

The third-level flame breath was released, and the ice girl's health was instantly reduced. Immediately afterwards, Zhao Dingguo used the Ring of Souls and released the dragon's tail swinging skills with the extra blue. This stun ability was originally cast at a very close range and must be released before being released. After being transformed into a dragon, the casting range of this skill has more than doubled. The stun time of more than two seconds is enough for Zhao Dingguo to deal fatal injuries!

Kill the Ice Girl a second time!

多 The killing reward of more than two hundred gold coins naturally need not be mentioned, because it is a single kill, Zhao Dingguo enjoyed the experience gained by killing the ice girl, and the level was raised to 7 in one fell swoop.

Moreover, he took the line of soldiers under the tower and started approaching Weifang and hitting a tower.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo had the time to shift his attention temporarily to the bottom.

Unlike the one-on-one and mid-road peace on the upper lane, the lower lane brings together the two most heroes, which can be described as extremely fierce. When Zhao Dingguo double-slashed the ice girl, the heroes of the lower lane already fought twice, winning each other. Although from the scene, after the addition of Nocturne, the performance of natural disasters has improved to some extent, but the durability of a tower that has not been much has been removed by the guards!

He also noticed that the Dark Ranger already had artificial legs and a vampire mask in hand!

Although Zhao Dingguo himself is also a prosthetic leg, a ring of souls, and a few hundred gold coins, which is not worse than the Dark Ranger, the most powerful moment of the Dragon Knight is when he has a third-level move at level 16. But the Dark Ranger is different. Her big move is to passively increase agility, plus the powerful aura that can increase the attack, so her strong period is earlier than the dragon ride!

It is best to find a way to lead Xiaohei in equipment!

In this case, she can be blocked in the next battle! By the time you reach level 16, Zhao Dingguo's dragon knight can become an ice dragon, destroying the guards with the most powerful wave of team battles!

After Xu decided the plan in his heart, Zhao Dingguo ignored the fiery down road and continued to push the tower on his own road.

In the later stages of beating, we must have a lonely heart!

If you can't stop participating in the team battle, you will probably die by yourself, and eventually you will not develop at all. On the contrary, as long as his equipment can keep up, even if his own disadvantages in the early and mid-terms, he can finally rely on the strong power of the later stage to reverse it!

However, the guard side certainly noticed Zhao Dingguo's only later period, and would not let him make money!

After stalemate for a while in the lower lane, the heroes of the guards found that pushing one tower was their limit, and it was impossible to successively push into the second tower. So, the blood demon took advantage of his cool to cool down, ready to go on the road to grab Zhao Dingguo. For reasons of concealment, although he chose TP, he didn't teleport directly to the first tower, but to the second tower in the hinterland.

Here, Zhao Dingguo has no vision.

The Blood Demon is very clever, knowing that once he flew directly under a tower and saw the teleportation array light up, most of Zhao Dingguo would directly turn around and leave. In that case, he may not catch up. But you can go back to the second tower by yourself, and then use the advantage of the field of vision to rush up. Most of them can have an unexpected effect!

Zhao Dingguo was really caught by him.

Because the duration of the first true dragon form was about to end, Zhao Dingguo was anxious to push off the defensive tower, so he stayed under the tower for a little longer. It was such a negligence that he was exploited by the blood demon. The moment the horror cannon fodder of the Scourge died, and Zhao Dingguo was about to turn around, the Blood Demon protruded from the darkness, giving him a big crack!

If you walk away, continue to drop blood!

If he does not leave, he is not far below the tower now, and he is still within the attack range of the defense tower!

I saw Zhao Dingguo startled when he saw the blood demon, but he didn't panic, but immediately made the most correct choice. It was definitely impossible to stop under the tower, so he ran down a few steps and ran out of the scope of the tower. Once there was no tower attack, Zhao Dingguo stopped immediately. Although the split had an initial damage, and he ran a few steps and lost some health, the dragon knight itself was a powerful hero, and his life recovered quickly and his defense was high. In his current state, there is still a battle against Gorefiend!

If you run away without asking and cover your head, that's your own way!

Obviously, the blood demon did not expect Zhao Dingguo to wait so calmly for him. He hesitated, and gave Zhao Dingguo the skill of forbidden demon-Blood Rage!

As a silent skill and early blood consumption skill, the effect of blood rage is undoubtedly very strong. At level one, there is a terror duration of up to six seconds. If a mage whose goal is to rely on skills to eat, hitting this trick is equivalent to abolishing it directly. However, it has a sequelae, that is, after hitting it, it will increase a certain basic attack power because of the **** rage!

每 Each level of skill increases an additional 20% base attack!

In the previous battles, the Blood Demon added it to two levels for the sake of restraining the heroes such as Divine Bull and Two-Headed Dragon. This is a 40% increase in base attack, and the duration is also one second longer. . Although Zhao Dingguo's dragon knight was silent for seven seconds ~ ~, he was rough and thick, and was not particularly dependent on skills. Moreover, after an additional 40% base attack, his attack power has been greatly improved!

In the face of such a dragon knight, the blood demon attacked a few times, and he found that he could not beat!

If you are not silent, Zhao Dingguo has a breath of flames and a dragon tail, and can kill him!

Silence, the attack power of the late heroes of the others soared, he can still kill him!

When the amount of blood is easily reduced to half, the blood demon knows that he has grown up and must run. Otherwise, once the time for banning magic is over, he won't be able to leave. He regrets it now, and he should have asked another teammate to help. The blood-stained dragon rides him alone, and it seems he can't kill it, even if he has a big move!

"Dragon riding boss, how about the road? Is it stressful?"

At this moment, he noticed that the two-headed dragon that Dragon Riding and the Blood Demon briefly met spoke.

After two fights in the lower lane, his level reached level 6, but he also died once. Although the level is okay, the equipment on the body is very ordinary, a few branches, a small magic wand, and a pair of speed boots. However, although the secret shoes did not come out, if the state is complete, the magic on the body is enough to support a round of skills.

The two-headed dragon felt that the blood demon came to GANK Zhao Dingguo once and was not likely to come again. At that time, there may not be only one person coming, so I want to come and squat Zhao Dingguo!

PS: The so-called squatting means protection and ambush hidden in the dark. Sometimes, you can see a single person making money alone on the front line. If you rush to catch it, a group of people will suddenly emerge from behind the other side, on both sides of the woods, and fight back. This is a tactic used by auxiliary heroes to protect later money, and it can also seduce the enemy.