MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 57 Delay tactics

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PS: As usual on the weekend, there are three more recommendations in the new week. I hope book friends will support Odin!

A small-scale team battle with pre-planning by both sides turned into a one-on-one.

If the two-headed dragon can support the end of the panda's clone, it will undoubtedly win the final victory. If not, I am afraid that the natural disaster side planning the squat will lose money. Fortunately, the Crypt Assassin, who had followed the Night Devil to go down the road, saw that the situation was not good, and chose TP directly to help.

他 With his help, the natural disaster killed the Panda Jiuxian who ended.

I changed two for three, which was originally profitable, but among the dead heroes was Zhao Dingguo in this later period, it can only be said that it was barely tied!

I haven't waited for the two-headed dragon to say anything, and go to the bottom to catch the opponent's late night demon and give another life. He originally wanted to act with the Crypt Assassin, but the Crypt Assassin suddenly went away, and he became the Dark Ranger alone. This was nothing at all. With the strength of Nocturnal at night, she could completely kill her. Maybe, there is an ice girl behind Xiao Hei to help!

Under the latter's deceleration and ice-cold restraint, the Night Devil could only watch Xiao Hei, who was still blood, fight him back!

Although the two major legions were killed by three heroes, on the one hand, the late knight who got a head again, and on the other hand, the dragon knight who died on his own, the advantages of the guard began to become apparent!

Uh ...

Resurrection spring of natural disaster.

定 Zhao Dingguo, who had just been resurrected, bought Zhang's Teleportation Scroll and was ready to continue to make money on the road.

Jian Weifang has only one point of durability left on the road, and he is sure to take it down again.

At this moment, the shocking **** ox and night demon have also been resurrected. Probably feel that the situation is not good, neither of them is in a good mood. Coincidentally, at this time, the two-headed dragon also returned to the spring water supply state. Seeing that his own people were almost there, Zhao Dingguo controlled the dragon knight to walk in the spring water and felt that it was necessary to say something. Fight with the current morale, and the result is likely to get worse and worse!

"I said, a few!"

定 Zhao Dingguo spoke in the voice channel, and when they heard his own core hero speak, several people became quiet.

"Our situation in the early stages of this game is indeed a little worse, and the development of the Dark Ranger opposite is really good. But how about that? The battle is far from over, and we still have many opportunities! On the DPS output alone, I may not be too small Black, but you should also know that the strongest dragon knight is a wave of team battles when there are three big moves. It is a bit disadvantageous in the early stage. As long as it is not broken into the high ground, it is all clouds. When the opportunity comes, let ’s wave You can win back! "

"Really?" Crypt Assassin doubted.

Not long after he played DOTA, many things are really unclear. Just being told by Zhao Dingguo, the anxiety and lack of confidence in his heart had dissipated a lot. With Zhao Dingguo's goal of "Standing to the Sixteenth Level", he only needs to work hard towards this goal!

Others are what late knights should do!

With a specific goal to work hard, Night Demon and Shocking Divine Bull also felt refreshed and asked in unison: "What should we do?"

Zhao Dingguo combined some of the common strategies that he had mastered all day before, and came up with an idea: "I think you can try to catch Xiaohei as much as possible, but you don't necessarily have to kill her, as long as you can make her unable to spend money with ease. Then, the hero of the guard will dedicate a lot of energy to squat her. I try to change the belt and brush the money alone, and try to make a black king stick (BKB) before the 16th level, and then focus on the fire! You do n’t have to fight hard, just retreat when you see the situation is bad, what ’s important is containment! ”

No need to fight, just pretend to contain and delay time!

A few heroes of the Scourge have pondered for a moment, and they have a little understanding of Zhao Dingguo's tactical system. They whispered for a while, then assembled some new equipment and left.

Zhao Dingguo went to the road alone, and patiently swiped money.

The Dragon Knight is now equipped with prosthetic legs, soul ring, healing ring, not far from the more advanced equipment pioneer shield. If the vanguard is out, his resistance will go up to another level. In the future, you can consider making a black king stick, which can not only increase the strength and attack power, but also have the active skill of the heavenly god, and can enter the magic immune state for a short time. In that case, he doesn't need to be afraid of heroes such as Gorefiend, Ice Girl, and Wandering Swordsman!

Zhao Dingguo's teammates were still obedient. Within a minute, the four heroes set off.

The Crypt Assassin started his own move, walking in front of the road to hide, others hanging behind. It's a pity that around, the Dark Ranger didn't meet it, but the homeless swordsman who was alone in the jungle caught one!

Frustrated life need not say more, so the tramp swordsman was hugged by the heroes of the Scourge and fell to the ground!

After killing one person, the courage of the Scourge heroes was a little bolder.

They did not leave the first time, but continued to linger on the lower line. Such an action naturally attracted the heroes of the guard.

"Are they going to push it down? Want to take the initiative to fight with us?"

The dark ranger of the Weifang side, while guessing the intention of the natural disaster, summoned the rest of his teammates to prepare for a wave. She consciously has good equipment now. If she fights a group battle under the tower, she will win a lot!

However, the heroes of the Scourge did not swarm up as she thought, but left immediately. After a while to gather forward, it seems to want to start playing. But before the guard's heroes counterattacked, they dropped back after losing two more skills. There is a gully road that shakes the ground, and the guards can't master the rhythm of the battle. After all, the gully lasted eight seconds. When the gully disappeared, the natural disaster hero disappeared without a trace!

This procrastinating tactic did cause great annoyance to the heroes of the guard.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Dingguo re-brought the soldiers to a tower on the guard's upper road, and then opened the true dragon form.

In the case of transforming into a green dragon ~ ~ The dragon knight's dragon breath adds toxic damage, and it is much faster to disassemble the defense tower. Before long, Zhao Dingguo got rich gold coins to destroy the defense tower. His teammates also received a reward of two hundred gold each. With the money to win the defense tower and a few waves of Shuren soldiers, Zhao Dingguo successfully bought a vitality ball worth 1100 gold coins to form a vanguard shield.

Pioneer Shield: Increases the 250 life cap, increases the health recovery speed by 6 points / second, and has a 70% probability to block 40 points of damage when under normal attack!

According to Lao Li, in the Super God platform of previous years, the attributes of Vanguard are stronger than this. Although weakened, the effectiveness of Vanguard cannot be ignored.

With this thing, Zhao Dingguo's heart was settled.

Now that the guard wants to kill him, at least two or even three of them must come together to be sure, otherwise he can handle it calmly!

The next step is to work for the black king stick.

This is a piece of equipment that takes both survival and output into consideration. The most important thing is the magic avoidance skill. After all, almost everyone of the heroes on the guard side has control skills. Without such a piece of equipment, I am afraid that when the team fight starts, it can't stand. Without him, the meat shield would be there in the late stage, it would be difficult for the defender to fight!

At this time, the homeless swordsman has been resurrected.

Under the instructions of the Dark Ranger, he came to the road to find Zhao Dingguo's trouble, at least he couldn't get him to the second tower.

Seeing this guy appear, Zhao Dingguo didn't tangle with him, and flew back to the middle soldier line with the city. It happened that the enemy's Shuren soldiers had been pushed down the tower, and Zhao Dingguo took off a flame and started advancing in the middle. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to win one tower in the middle!

Zhao Dingguo's tactics began to achieve obvious results!