MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 626 Seven strange, guardian, supply line

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Six hundred and twenty-sixth chapter seven strange, guardian, supply line

After listening to the words of Marshal Goron, the Tiandou Empire will nod and nod and agree with him.

On the right side, a veteran of about 70 years old stood up and said: "Marshal Gelong said that the Jialing Pass is a plain before and after. If we can break through, we will make the power of the army fully play. Even if the enemy is not successful. The large plains behind it are also suitable for our army to retreat. At the same time, on the plains, there are three main cities of my empire guarding each other. When retreating, it will never linger."

The avalanche nodded and said: "In this case, we all proceed according to the original plan. However, since we can think of attacking Jialingguan, the Wuhun Empire can naturally think of it. Jialingguan is steep and steep, built on the mountain, the city wall is as high as 100 meters. , a hundred meters thick, facing the army of the Wuhun Empire, we want to succeed in breaking the city is difficult."

Marshal Goron said: "Your Majesty, we are going to fight the war of the Wuhun Empire. At present, the Wuhun Empire seems to be a piece of iron, but they have a private heart soon after they founded the country. The war of consumption will certainly give us The losses, but their losses are in the army that belonged to the various kingdoms and the Principality. It is inevitable that there will be uneven damage. Once the loss reaches a certain level, the Wuhun Imperial Army is in chaos. What we have to do is to The control of the loss ratio between our army and the enemy. I have a vast territory, a million soldiers, a steady stream of logistics, coupled with the response of the Star Empire, such a war of attrition, the situation will only be more to us The more favorable it is, however, it is based on the fact that our soul teacher can resist the soul corps of the Wuhun Temple as much as possible. Guoshi, you give me a thorough understanding, you can probably resist the soul of the Wuhun Empire. To what extent?"

The national teacher of the Marshal of Goron is naturally a master.

Master said: "The Blue Dragon King has promised to His Majesty, with Tang Jiajun assisting our army soul division to resist the Wushen Empire Soulmasters. As much as possible to reduce the damage of the army."

"Oh? So, is the Blue Dragon King's Highness very confident?" The goal of Marshal Goron was transferred to Tang San.

Through the analysis of the marshal just now, Tang San could not help but secretly nod. He himself had no accomplishments in the military, so he only listened to it. At this time, he saw the marshal ask himself. In a light smile, said: "The battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is difficult to resist the extent of the soul of the Wuhun Empire. But as the teacher said, we will reduce the damage of the main force as much as possible. However, I have one now. Question, maybe the Marshal has a way to deal with it, but I still want to remind you."

"What's the problem?" Goron's eyes were a bit disdainful. In his eyes, Tang San was too young, even though he also knew that Tang San had won the elite of the National Soulmaster Academy and defeated Wuhun. The golden age of the temple. But in his view, Tang San is just a young talented soul teacher. Being able to sit in the current position is more because of the fact that he had saved the Snowy Emperor at the beginning and made great contributions to the present. If you want to talk about military command, what does he count? Actually sitting in the first place in this handsome account.

Tang Sandao: "I don't understand when I fight. I naturally follow the rules of the coach. But the war with the soul teacher should be very different from the general war. The personal ability of the soul teacher is tyrannical. It may not be enough for the steel master with you." Collision. But they are very easy to play a special role on the battlefield. For example, if I am the martial arts empire Bibidong, I will send a team of soul teachers to the back of our army. The coach is right, Fighting the war of consumption, we are not afraid of the martial arts empire, our army is on the bottom of the heart, and there is national support behind it. However, the consumption of the million army is also huge. If we are stationed in front of Jialing Pass, we will consume with the Wuhun Empire. At the time of the war, the soul teacher sent by Bibidong circled behind us and constantly attacked our army's logistics supply troops to influence the supply of grain and grass. Our time is long, I am afraid..."

Tang San’s way of thinking is entirely from the perspective of the soul teacher. When he said this, not only the face of Marshal Goron changed, but the face of the avalanche suddenly became very difficult to see.

"I sent four light cavalry regiments to guard the logistics supply. Although the soul teacher is strong, but I dare not conflict with my army. After all, the Wuhun Empire can not send a large number of soul teachers to touch the back of our army." Marshal Goron said with a frown. Although he thought of him in Tang San, he was also prepared. I don't know why, after listening to the reminder of Tang San, his mind clearly produced an uneasy feeling.

Tang Sandao: "The speed of the soul teacher and the individual strength are not comparable to ordinary soldiers. Yes, the soul teacher of the Wuhun Empire is naturally impossible to confront the army. But they can be reduced to zero. I believe that as long as A fire attribute soul teacher, the strength to a certain extent, can cause great damage to our military logistics supply. This matter also asks the coach to pay more attention. The powerful soul teacher is not a ghost, if Bibi only use them to harass, But when I was with the army, I couldn’t keep it in Jialing. Just wait for us to break the grain and then attack it again. At that time, it would be difficult for us to retreat."

Goron himself is also a soul teacher. He is not too low. Although he has some disdain for Tang San, he listened to Tang San’s words and seriously thought about it. The more he thought, the more ugly his face was. Indeed, if Bibi Dong really sent a large number of soul teachers to harassment, then the Tiandou Empire, a seemingly powerful million-strong division, is likely to have big problems. In the unlikely event that the grain is cut off, it will take a few days for the army to break.

"His Royal Highness, if I dispatch some troops, I will be stationed in the heavy town where my grain transport team passes, and then escorted in a relay manner. How do you see it?" Marshal Goron asked Tang San. After listening to the suggestions of Tang Sanyan's possessions, he somewhat took a few contempt.

Tang San praised: "This is a good way. But I still have the sentence. If the army encounters a powerful soul teacher, the situation is still very difficult. Let me help the marshal to deal with this problem together. Only the rear is stable. The supply is sufficient, and we can fight with the Wuhun Empire.

"Teacher, are you going?" Avalanche looked at Tang San, and his eyes were confused.

Tang Sandao: "The Mintang disciple in my Tangmen is the best scout scout. I need to bring a hundred people, and they will scout in the air every day. Then I will lead a powerful, fast-responding soul teacher. The team, once found the soul division of the Wuhun Empire, immediately kills it. It ensures the safety of the logistics supply. In this way, with the army of Marshal of the Marshal Goron, we should be able to ensure the safety of our army as much as possible."

After listening to Tang San’s words, the master nodded again and again. “This idea is good. The logistics supply is too important for my million male teachers. It’s not to be missed. There is a blue dragon king assisting Marshal Goron, waiting for our army to stabilize at the front. After the situation. Establish a supply line, you are not afraid of this protracted war."

Marshal Goron said: "Then trouble the Blue Dragon King. I will dispatch the logistics supply force as soon as possible, build a stone fort along the road, station the army, and wait until this grain line is formed. There is no chance of sneak attack in the Wushen Empire."

Next, in the Chinese military account, a series of tactical discussions were held. The avalanche attached great importance to the logistical replenishment problem proposed by Tang San, and divided six legions. Together with the previous four light cavalry regiments, 100,000 troops were stationed along the grain transport to ensure the smooth flow of logistics.

Going back to his own camp, after Tang San discussed with the people, he had already determined the candidates for the grain protection. It was very simple, only they were Slack seven strangers and seven people. Cooperate with one hundred Mintang disciples.

Only Shrek's seven strangers can have the fastest response speed, and their strength is enough to cope with any Soul Empire empire, even can be divided into two or more. One hundred Mintang disciples are like their one hundred eyes, enough to report the various situations detected in advance.

Tang San proposed to complete this task of protecting logistics supply by himself, in addition to self-confidence, but also in order not to follow in this army. Among Shrek's seven strangers, only Dai Mubai has some research on the military. They follow the army, not only are they slow, but they can be said to have nothing to do. Instead of this, it is better to contribute to the army, skills to destroy the enemy to protect the grain team, they can also be comfortable. After all, they are free to use.

The next morning, Shrek’s seven strangers went out of the military camp. They didn’t want horses and stayed behind the army.

Looking at the millions of male teachers who are gradually drifting away, Ma Hongjun’s long-term export, looking at Tang San, said: "Three brothers, or you know us! With these troops, I really don't get used to it. It's boring. Every day, the road is practiced. I can't practice, I have nothing to do. I have to worry about being annoyed. It's not as good as fragrance. She can soar in the sky every day, scouting around. Every day in Poseidon, I live in intense cultivation or dangerous assessment. In the middle, back to the sky, this is nothing to do, it is really uncomfortable!"

It is obvious that there is not only Ma Hongjun alone, listening to his complaints, others have nodded.

Xiaowu smiled and said: "It seems that we are really working hard."

Looking at the smile of the little dance, Tang San couldn't help feeling a good mood. He smiled and looked at the fat man with no good intentions. He said: "I don't mind giving you a Tangmen nine test. If you can pass, I will put it. The position of the sovereign, and what is the blue dragon king to give to you, how? Fat."

Ma Hongjun did not have a good spirit: "Three brothers, you are less tempted me, power is like me. I will never be fooled. You clearly want to escape responsibility, and are ready to give it to me."

Oscar said: "What is the story of the third test of your Poseidon? Now our brothers, but you and the little dance have not yet completed the assessment. Looking back, we have to go back to Poseidon Island, you When are you ready to go?"

Tang Sandao: "I have completed more than half of the eighth test of Poseidon. Now I have a few soul rings and the last piece of soul. If I want to finish it, it is estimated that I will go to a big star forest. However, the war is about to begin. Before the battle is not stable, we can't leave easily. We still need us here. Let's talk about it later."

Dai Mubai said: "Small three, you can resurrect the little dance, then say that your soul power should have reached the title of the Douro level. Yesterday, there are many people, you said vague, what is going on? ”

Tang San sighed and sighed at the pale dance that turned pale. "Is Daming and Erming, do you still remember the two great beasts? They are the partners of the little dance, when I and the little dance reach the Star Forest, Just happened to meet Bibidong to kill them. They were deeply hurt and could not be cured. At the last moment, they chose to sacrifice, so that my soul strength reached 90 or above. Their final expectation of death is small dance. Can be resurrected."

In front of the partners, he did not have to hide the need to detail the experience of himself and the little dance in the Star Forest. In particular, it elaborated on the two great martial arts that Bibidong showed at the time and her strong strength.

"If I didn't guess wrong, Bibidong seemed to be scrupulous at the time. The problem should be on her own, so she didn't go all out to attack me. Otherwise, I can escape even if I can't escape." It will be so easy."

Ning Rongrong said: "Three brothers, that said, now the strongest Wuhun Temple, should not be the peerless master of the thousand-way flow, but the peerless Dorobibi with the twin martial arts? If she came What do we do on the battlefield? Her poisonous field will undoubtedly cause fatal killings to the Tiandou army."

Tang Sandao: "Although I still can't beat Bibi, if she appears on the battlefield, I ask myself to have the ability to limit her. I won't let her join the battlefield. But you, once the war begins, you probably want The face is the opponent of the title of Douro. The battlefield is no more than when we passed the assessment on Poseidon Island. It will be the real fight. At that time, everyone will act in unison. The teacher is right, everything is based on his own safety. Yes, I killed the Ghosts and the Hunting Souls. I got a total of three soul bones. One of them is suitable for the little dance. She has already absorbed it. The other two are just for you to absorb now, so as to enhance the strength."

As he said, Tang San took out two pieces of soul bone from his twenty-four bridge moonlight night.

When the soul bones come out, the fluctuations of the soul force in the air suddenly become fierce. Within a few hundred meters, there is a strong ripple of soul power. With the strength of Shrek's seven strangers, nature is not afraid of people, so Tang San did not have too much cover.

The two soul bones that appeared in his hands were a black right leg bone and a white right arm bone.

Tang San handed the black right leg bone to Zhu Zhuqing and said: "This is what I got after killing the ghost. This soul bone is undoubtedly suitable for the Mind soul teacher. How is the specific effect? Feel. Ghost fighting's ghost ability is similar to your Nether, so it is best for you."

At the same time, Tang San gave the white soul bone to Dai Mubai. "Boss, this is what I hunted for a six- or seven thousand-year-old white-eyed tiger king. This guy is also considered to be in the sunset forest. It’s a hegemony. It’s the same kind as your martial arts. It’s definitely for you. You can absorb it now.”

There was nothing polite between Shrek and the seven strangers. Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai did not say much, and immediately began to absorb the soul bones in situ.

According to the calculation of Tang San, this level of soul bones should be very beneficial to both people. In addition to the newly acquired skills and the increase in the body, they should also be able to help their souls to go further. .

Sure enough, after two hours, when Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing completed the soul bone absorption, the soul power was upgraded to eighty-four and eighty-two.

The people did not move forward, and they sent information to Mintang disciples who were waiting for aerial reconnaissance. The location where they are now is the path that the logistics supply force must pass, and it is basically at the junction of the front line and the back of the Tiandou Empire. If the Wuhun Empire sends people to cut grain, it will not go too far into the Tiandou Empire. After all, that needs to go through several cities. Therefore, they are waiting here is the best way.

Soon, three days passed, and one hundred Mintang disciples were like a big net in the air. Unfortunately, although their ability to probe was unquestionable, after three days, everything was safe. Nothing happened.

"Three brothers, will your judgment be wrong? Wuhun Empire is overconfident, and there is no plan to cut the grain?" Ning Rongrong asked Tang San, who was leaning against the trunk and just woke up from cultivation.

Tang San smiled slightly and glanced at the little dance that was still practicing. He said: "If you are Bibidong, there is such a zero opponent who will not attack and even collapse, and will you let go of it? Jialingguan is not so good attack, even if it is a million army, it is impossible to break in a short time. As long as the commander of a little military mind, it will break the idea of ​​replenishment. Bibidong is not a fool. Moreover, the Wuhun Empire is the largest. The advantage is that the soul teacher is elite. Will she give up such a good opportunity? The commander of the Tiandou Empire can think of the Wuhun Empire forbidden to withstand long-term consumption and is prone to internal change. It is certainly clearer than Bidong. Overestimate the enemy. It’s better than underestimating the enemy. I guess Bibidong will not only move the idea of ​​replenishment, but also send a real master. The more she does not move, the bigger the action. She is waiting for us. The army went to the front line and then tried again when it was difficult to withdraw from the battlefield."

"In another two days, our army will arrive at the front line. Once the army is camped, it is probably the time for Bibi to send people to work. She is now rushing to the army, unlike the two empires, the preparations are sufficient, in a short time, It’s not easy to confront each other. The tricks behind this are used, but it’s normal. But you forgot, how did the Wu Hun Temple attack your Qibao glazed sect, and the blue electric Tyrannosaurus family? It is their usual means."

Listening to Tang San’s explanation, Dai Mubai, who is looking at Zhu Zhuqing’s head and looking at the sky, smiled and said: “Small three, it’s a waste to not go to school.”

Tang Sandao: "Boss, this is not a military law. It can only be said that I understand the Wuhun Temple. Wushen Temple is a country, but they are the Wu Hun Temple for many years. In military operations, it is a good place to use. The place, they will never face a collision. The frontal army of the Wuhun Empire can not afford large-scale consumption."

Oscar said: "I estimate that the number of people sent out by the Wu Hun Temple will not be too much. Because the low-level soul teacher is not conducive to guerrilla tactics, it is impossible to continuously and violently counter the logistical supply of our army. Therefore, the Wuhun Empire as long as it is Sending people to cut the grain, they are sure to come out with masters, and their ordinary soul masters stay in Jialingguan and confront the army. They don’t come, as long as they dare to come, we will give them a head-on blow. ”

Between them talking, a white figure suddenly fell from the sky, quietly falling on the ground, not someone else, it is the captain of the Mintang reconnaissance squad, Bai Shenxiang.

Bai Shenxiang followed Shrek's seven strangers. After returning, his strength and experience increased sharply. Baihe vaguely regarded his granddaughter as the future successor. This time, he participated in the army action. She has the best relationship with the seven strangers. Come over to investigate the squad.

"Three brothers. There are circumstances." Bai Shenxiang was down to earth and immediately said to Tang San.

"Oh? You said." Tang San’s eyes lit up.

Bai Shenxiang said: "Our Mintang disciple found that at least a dozen flight-level Mind Souls appeared in the sky and were exploring. It should be a scout sent by the Wuhun Empire. Would you like to cut them down? ”

Tang San Shen said: "Have they found you?"

Bai Shenxiang said: "There should be, among those people, there are eagle martial arts owners, their vision is very strong, although their speed can not catch up with us, but there is no obstruction in the air, we find it is not difficult. However, even if I found that at most, I only have a few disciples."

Tang San’s eyes were slightly moved, “Tell the disciples of Mintang, and expand the scope of the exploration. As long as you can’t find the soul teacher who can appear on the ground, the detective soul teacher in the air will let them scout. You should hide yourself as much as possible. Don't be discovered by them. Don't make conflicts with them. Don't let Bibidong see clearly, how can she be willing to shoot masters. The 100,000 army protection supply line is not so easy to move."

"Yes." Bai Shenxiang responded with a sigh of relief and turned away. But he was caught by Ma Hongjun.

"Xiangxiang, let me go with you. You see that they are all paired. Do you have the heart to leave me such a lonely man?"

White agarwood is not good-hearted: "Your flame is so obvious, it is not fully exposed in the air. Losing you is still a martial arts master, now it is a war period, not talking about children's personal feelings. You harass me again, I will go to the third brother. I have complained."

Ma Hongjun had no choice but to loosen the white agarwood. The two men are now entering the period of love. Looking at the heroic and handsome girlfriend, he is really sad.

Bai Shenxiang smiled and suddenly got together and kissed him on his face. "Stupid. You should practice it. If there is a situation, I will come back to report." After that, once again, it will disappear in the blue. In the sky.

Ma Hongjun touched his face and was kissed, and his heart was warm. The longer the contact time, the deeper his love for white agarwood.

"Hey, fat man, can you be a little silly when you laugh?"

Ma Hongjun said, "I, I laughed?"

Looking at him, everyone could not help but laugh out. Dai Mubai said with a feeling of excuse, "This is the men and women in love!"

Soon, three days have passed. According to the speed of the Tiandou Empire, it is now time to complete the station in Jialingguan. Tang San ordered Mintang disciples to strengthen the scope of the investigation, and also informed the army that guarded the grain and grass to be alert to the enemy's sneak attack.

Two days later, when Tang San thought that his judgment was wrong, the investigation of Mintang’s disciples finally brought good news.

"On the west side, the unidentified soul teacher appeared. The number is fifty, and the speed is very fast. It is going around the rear of our army supply line. Please give instructions to the lord."

The return of a Mintang disciple made Shrek's seven strange spirits strong. Tang San thought about it and said, "Fat, you are going with me and the little dance. Boss, you are here to continue waiting for news. The Wuhun Empire has started. When you act, you will not send only one person. If you find out, you will act. After we kill the people of the Wuhun Empire, we will come back here to meet. Mintang disciple, lead the way ahead."

"Yes." Mintang disciple vacated, Tang San and Xiaowu hand in hand, Ma Hongjun released his own Phoenix wings, three people vacated, under the leadership of Mintang disciples, headed west to fly away.

Ascending into the air, Tang San immediately saw the supply line of his own army. The supply line was pulled for a long time. In order to supplement the daily consumption of the millions of troops, such supply must be carried out in an endless stream. At the same time, he also saw the stone fort built. Every ten miles, there is a stone fort. Can be stationed in the army, and equipped with city defense. That is a weapon that even the soul teacher should be extremely jealous. Once these stone castles are built, the grain supply line is truly safe. At that time, as long as a certain scout is sent, once the enemy is attacked, the supply team can immediately enter the stone fort to avoid. Unless the other party is able to break the power of the stone castle, it can only be returned without success. Moreover, even if you break a stone fort, can you break through ten or 100 seats? Loss will only be a small amount.

What Tang Ge and Shrek have to do is to ensure the safety of the logistics supply team before the completion of these stone fort.

The scenery under the feet continued to pass, and for a while, the three had already flown nearly fifty miles. Mintang disciple stopped and opened his wings and flew to Tang San. "Returning to the lord, they are coming in this direction. According to the speed of their previous travel, there are still about twenty miles from here. We can no longer Flying forward, otherwise it will be discovered by the other party. According to my observation, although the number of enemies is only 50, the strength should be at least 60 or above. Because the number cannot be too close, the specific level is unclear. Please be careful. ""

The people of Min's family are not the soul teachers who are the best at scouting. The report is simple and effective, and with their own judgment, it saves a lot of trouble for Tang.

"Well, you continue to explore. Fat, let's go down."

The three people quietly landed, Ma Hongjun put away his own Phoenix wings, followed by Tang San.

Tang San simply observed the surrounding terrain and said: "We have a forest on the left and a hill on the right. Since the enemy has already acted, I don't know how many soul teachers have been sent. We should save as much time as possible. They. Fat, you don't leave my body within 20 meters."

As he said, Tang Sanshou’s forehead was painted, and a circle of light blue light spread out quietly, covering the bodies of the three. Suddenly, they have lost their sight on the ground. What better than the Bohai Bodyguard for ambush?

At the same time as the release of the Bohai Bodyguard, Tang San also spread his spiritual power and explored the past in the direction provided by Mintang disciples in a fan shape. His unbridled spiritual exploration is based on his own vast level of spiritual power. The sneak attacking team of the Wuhun Empire will not have the same level of strength than Bidong and Qiandao. It is impossible to find their existence in nature.

Soon, Tang San found the goal, with Ma Hongjun and Xiao Dance, quietly greeted him.

Fifty soul-souls in full-length black are quietly moving forward in complex terrain without roads. Although they had fifty people, they did not make a little extra voice. During the march, no one spoke.

The first person who walked in the front was handsome and looks very young. It was just a bit of a haze between the eyebrows. It is one of the elders of the Wuhun Empire, and the daisy Luo Yueguan.

These days, the mood of the moon has been very bad. Since the death of Ghost Doro, his position in the Wuhun Empire has fallen sharply. Other elders who were usually polite to him are now a lot of indifference. Wu Hun Temple is a realistic place, you have enough strength, and everyone respects you. On the individual strength, the moon is not too strong among the elders of Wu Hun Temple, and it is also inferior to the ghost fighting. The reason why he is respected and ranked in the front of the Presbyterian Church is because of his existence with the martial arts of the Ghost. Now that Ghost Fighting has passed away, he will be left alone. Although the status of the Douro is unchanged, it can be among the elders, but it is plummeting. Especially in the Star Forest, he annoyed Bibidong. The result was that this time it was only the task of Contra to destroy the logistics supply of the Tiandou Empire. He was also sent out to lead this team of soul teachers.

Of course, due to the identity of the moon seal, the soul teacher he brought out is only the soul level. The other detachments are coming from the soul of the Contra.

The Wuhun Empire is a profound soul in the soul division. It is extremely important to Bidong’s action. A total of 500 powerful soul divisions were dispatched and divided into ten teams, quietly bypassing the Tiandou Empire army. rear. Tang San’s judgment is quite correct. Bibi Dong not only wants to harass the logistics supply of the Tiandou Empire, but also wants to block the supply as much as possible.

While marching forward, the figure of the man could not help but appear in the mind of the moon. Even after a short period of time, he still couldn't forget the scene of the ghost trio being worn by the golden trident.

His Majesty said that the man is Tang San, but the moon is not very confident, how big is Tang San? But how can he have the power to kill Ghosts in his twenties? Where is that person? If he is a man of the Tiandou Empire, he will definitely follow the army this time. Old ghosts, old ghosts, I wonder if I can have a chance to avenge you.

"All attention, acceleration. We are still about sixty miles away from the target. At that time, don't entangle with the army, burn the grain and grass, and then check the oil that you carry on it. Remember, listen to my orders after the battle begins. Can't fight."

The month was cold and cold.

"Yes." The voices of the forty-nine replies were uniform and unified, demonstrating the elite qualities of these martial arts empire.

At this point, they have entered a forest, the moon knows, according to the map, after passing this forest, and not far ahead, turned over a hill, you can see the Tiandou Empire supply line.

Suddenly, there was a slight feeling in the moon's concern. I didn't wait for him to feel it carefully. Every moment around him turned into a blue ocean. The heavy tree shadow blocked him to a separate world in an instant. In addition to the blue-shadowed tree shadow, he can no longer see a subordinate.

"The enemy - attack -." The moon is almost crazy and shouts.