MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 557 Gold glitter

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The Sixth Universe has four Super Saiyan people, the strength can not be underestimated, and Gabe and Califula have a level of more than 2, can be considered a powerful force in all major universes, not to mention the outbreak of Kiel How much can it be reached.

They braved the golden arrogance, and the mighty energy swept through one piece and had already defeated several opponents.

Most of the players who participated in the Power Conference had some skills, but not many of them actually reached the Super Saiyan 2 realm. With the synergy of the four of them, they were enough to deal with most of the enemies.

"Too terrible, is this also so strong?" The people of the Eighth Universe fled and fled to the other side.

"Damn, how the audience is the kind of glittering figure."

They looked in all directions, everywhere Super Saiyan, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta all flashed golden flames, and the Saiyan people in the sixth universe just occupied the different directions of the ring, so it looked like it was all over The entire arena.

These golden glittering guys have amazing fighting power. They have already lost many players, and the most powerful characters dare not go forward and are busy avoiding them.

The Stone Man of the Eighth Universe continually rolled, leaving the sight of Gabe and others, and finally able to breathe for a while.

Suddenly, a green arm entangled him. The flexible and soft arm seemed to have a thousand strengths, and he was wrapped in death, and even the hidden rock blocks suddenly collapsed.

"I have been paying attention to you for a long time. I don't want to run to me if I want to escape." Bick said faintly, close to the enemy.

The stone man struggled without Beck's bondage, and his face was not depressed and lost. Instead, he smiled coldly: "Hey, do you think you trapped me? My ability is what petrochemicals have encountered, you are finished!"

As said, the stone man did not move, and spread a strange petrochemical fluctuation along his body surface, and Bic's hand became stiff and turned into a stone. And the petrochemical effect is always up the arm, it seems to turn the whole bill into a stone carving.

"Hahahaha..." The stone man laughed wildly. It didn't take long for the laughter to stop.

He found that Bick's arm had been cut, the incision was flat, and there was blood flowing, which was Bick's own hand. Actually so cruel to yourself, can short a hand, what to take?

The stone man showed joy in the surprise.

The next second, the situation changed suddenly, and Bick’s hand grew out! The way of growing is very different, so it is generated out of thin air, and the speed is extremely fast, and immediately flew to the front!

The stone man was caught in the throat, and the screams did not come out, and ran into the underside of the ring with his long arm.

Bickson retracted, and a qigong wave destroyed the stones on the ground. "Oh, the boring tricks, the eighth universe is no different."

"Uncle Bick, nothing!" Gohan jumped over, the spirit is excellent, and it doesn't seem to consume much physical strength.

"Of course, these wastes are not enough, but you have to be careful, some people haven't moved yet." Bick's eyes glanced, and Gohan immediately noticed.

The robes of the first universe and the Jilian of the eleventh universe did not move. They seemed to be waiting for the battle to spread, perhaps not wanting to waste their energy.

"Understood, I will take a break for a while."


"Dad and the people of the second universe are fighting," Gohan said.

Just now, the momentary movement master of the Second Universe was defeated by Gohan, and the leader of the Second Universe, Brian, led the beautiful girl group to come to the rescue, and was intercepted by Goku in the middle.

Wukong let Gohan go first, and he will deal with these people by himself.

"Hey, is he going to challenge the strongman again? Forget it, the 17th seems to be near Goku, don't worry about him." Bick understands Sun Wukong's character, smiles, not worried.

At the moment, the 17th is fighting with the witch warrior Bikar. Bikar itself is not strong, but it is very tricky to fly in the air flexibly according to the advantages of the wings.

Wukong alone faced the beautiful girl trio, Brian, Sanka, Su, these three opponents repeatedly attacked Wukong, and together they forced the Super Saiyan Sun Wukong to defend.

Constant qigong waves and dazzling cooperation make Wukong feel quite tricky, and the three people are very particular about the position. Anyone has a situation, and other companions can immediately help.

"It won't work like this." Wukong crossed his hands on his chest and suffered a rainstorm-like bombing. Although the energy intensity was not great, he slowly worn his physical strength.

"Only go further!"

The determined Sun Wukong violently withdrew his arm and no longer defended, but a silvery electric violent explosion broke out in his body. The electric light of the flashing air made a crisp sound, which instantly disintegrated the attack of the beautiful girls.

The inflated breath whipped up the violent airflow, and the gravel on the platform was lifted, so that the beautiful girls subconsciously used their hands to block the sand in front of them.

"He...has changed!"

In the beginning, people only saw the super sparkling Super Saiyan, but they did not see the electrified, and obviously the momentum and strength of the two are very different!

Wukong walked slowly: "This is a higher level of transformation."

"Yes, in this case, we are also showing real strength!" Brian was surprised for a moment, and did not show his fear, still confident, "Let us show it, the transformation of the second universe love!"

As they spoke, they danced a strange dance step.

Wukong glimpsed, he did not expect that the soldiers of the second universe would actually change... and the process of transformation was terrible, even if he could not bear to look straight.

In the stands, Billus saw a stir in his stomach, and the food he had eaten had to roll out. "Fast! Who will throw them down!"

Looking at Latiz again, I covered my eyes wisely and was not poisoned.

After the transformation, Ribrian, Luoji, and Ka Kunsha were very different in shape, especially Ribrian. From a beautiful girl to a middle-aged fat aunt, the ugly suit was even more difficult to look at.

Wukong did not dare to care about it. He felt that the strength of the other side was greatly enhanced.

"Look at the trick!" Ribrian took the lead, and the fat body was not slow, giving a very oppressive blow. Wukong thrilled to avoid, while Ka Kunsha and Luo Ji accumulated energy, and both palms emitted bright Qigong waves, chasing the figure of Sun Wukong.

Under the rainstorm-like bombing, Sun Wu air-conditioner turned in the direction, causing the three to be shocked at the same time, and the body shape of Wukong disappeared.


Wukong used an instant move, came behind Ribrian, and shot her down the rock!

Right behind the rock is the Browley standing up, Ribri's flying direction is straight and opposite, and it hits the Broly! Awkwardly, her obese body knocked down the standing Broley and slid over the ground and slid a distance.

Broly always remembers what Latiz said No one provokes him, he has been standing in place, someone hit him, he hits people!

Now Ribriin has collided with him and naturally begins to fight.

Broly looked at him. From the beginning, there was no one who was angry. It seemed to be alive again. He was a few centimeters away from the ground. It was not a flight, but a shield of energy lifted him up. Broly yelled angrily, and the black hair slammed up and turned into a green grass. His pupils gradually disappeared, and the muscles swelled at a non-human magnification, and the momentum was soaring!

From the beginning of the game, the most powerful gas show was on the ring, and the unprecedented hurricane swept from one end to the other!

"Hey, kidding, is this a golden warrior?"

"No, the colors are different, but look like..." The person who spoke has begun to tremble.

The whole game is Super Saiyan, the whole game is abnormal! Especially this one, the horror is hard to say Have to find the latest chapter yourself? You OUT, WeChat pays attention to the beauty Xiaobian to help you find a book! It’s really a good time to read a book sister!