MTL - Dragon God’s Dumb Lover-Chapter 153 The road is forged by people (Part 2)

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Although it is sunny on the snowy field now, the weather is still very toothache in general. Feeling the gusts of cold wind, Xiaoya rubbed herself in Ahda's arms, and put the dress on herself and Ahda. After wrapping his body a little tighter with a cloak made of thick monster skin, he held up a sign and briefly explained the purpose of himself and Ada coming here to Jialianna, then put away the sign and felt deeply Buried in Ah Da's arms, it remained motionless, like a little monster hibernating.

He stared blankly at the words on the sign that Xiaoya had just raised, what was "The reason why Ada and I went to the northernmost snowfield was to fulfill Kailian's great dream"? What is this all about? ! After reading it, Jialianna, let alone figured out what happened to Xiaoya and Ada, was just getting more and more confused by Xiaoya!

Looking at Jialian who was confused by Xiaoya, Kailian patted Jialian on the shoulder and took her aside, and gave a real explanation to Jialian in a low voice, telling that they followed Xiaoya for the past six months. All kinds of tragedies after traveling with Ada, as for Xiaoya, the devil in the world, he has already slept lazily in Ada's warm arms.

What is the best way to spend time in this icy world? Of course it is---sleep!

Of course, it is the kind of sleep that is not life-threatening.

The people who were worried about their own lives looked at Xiao Ya swaggering and sleeping in Ah Da's arms, completely forgetting that the place they were in at this moment was a world of ice and snow where unknown dangers could occur at any time, and A little bit beyond the border is the most northern snowfield that doesn't even know how to turn things into ashes. Everyone is speechless except for speechless.

No matter how tough Ada is, Xiaoya, you don't need to use such powerful practical actions to show how powerful Ada is, right?

And what shocked everyone even more was that Ah Da, who has always loved to sleep in and wanted to sleep until the end of time, did not sleep in uncharacteristically. It looked as if there was something in the northernmost snowfield that could attract his attention!

Seeing Adana's eyes focused on the northernmost snowfield as if he was looking at Xiaoya, everyone suddenly had a wonderful feeling...that their days would be dark in the near future. Ah Da, who loves to sleep late, doesn't sleep anymore, the world may really be coming to an end, and these people may really have no future to speak of!

Especially after listening to Kailian's explanation, Jialian looked at Ada and Xiaoya with eyes full of indescribable tragedy, but surprisingly, she didn't have any regrets. There was so much excitement in it, Kailian couldn't help but feel a little worried—this guy must have been stimulated too much, right?

Of course, Kailian never imagined that after knowing that she really had no way out, Jialian, who had never been timid in front of strong and great men, would be severely stimulated by Xiaoya's deeds. It can be said that Jialianna at this moment is ambitiously looking forward to how much surprise and excitement Xiaoya and Ada can bring him.

So, this world will always attract like. Since Jialianna and Xiaoya can chat like this in just one month, it is impossible for Jialianna to go anywhere normally.

After sleeping comfortably in Ah Da's arms, Xiaoya slowly raised her head and looked at Ah Da with sleepy eyes after she rubbed herself in Ah Da's arms. However, when she saw Ada staring at the northernmost snowfield with a vigorous look, Xiaoya was really taken aback, she lost all sleepiness, and waved to Ada nervously : Ah Da? ! What's wrong with you? You... why didn't you sleep? ! Are you sick?

As Xiaoya said, she stretched out her hand to Ah Da's forehead, thinking that it might be that Ah Da was asked by him to sleep in the snow overnight, but Ah Da, who was protecting him, was killed because he wanted to protect him with all his heart and soul. Gotta be sick?

Normally, I wake up Ah Da by myself, and it is only after three reminders and four invitations that Ah Da is willing to get up from the bed. Xiaoya never thought that after waking up, she would be able to see Ah Da awake. , This has never happened since Xiaoya liked to make breakfast by herself!

This situation really shocked Xiaoya severely.

Looking at the waving hand in front of him, Ada looked down at Xiaoya, thought for a while, and said, "It's okay."

Xiang Ada rolled his eyes, Xiaoya continued to wave his hands angrily: You don't look like you're all right? !

Or is it that he didn't actually sleep for a long time? Could it be that he actually just took a nap for a while? Xiaoya thought for a while, seeing that the body temperature on Ada's forehead was normal, and there was no abnormal change at all due to the surrounding environment, so she waved her hand and asked again: By the way, how long have I been asleep? It shouldn't be long, right? when are we leaving Or should we rest for another night before leaving?

Touching Xiaoya's head and smoothing Xiaoya's hair, Ah Da said slowly: "There is no need to rest anymore, since you have woken up, then we can start. You have been sleeping for a whole day, everyone I have been waiting for you to wake up so that you can set off to the northernmost snowfield at any time."

Hearing this, Xiaoya immediately turned her head to look at Kailian and the others. Sure enough, she saw Kailian and the others packed up their things a long time ago and rode on the monsters one by one energetically. Although their eyes were fixed on the northernmost snow field, But Xiaoya could still clearly feel that from the corners of their eyes, they were staring at him and Ada all the time.

This is how the same thing? Looking at the helpless look on their faces yesterday, but today they all rode monsters as if they were divinely assisted and waited to set off. It seemed that they were even more anxious to go to the northernmost snowfield than themselves! Seeing that it was only a day, Kailian's reaction was so huge, Xiaoya couldn't help frowning in confusion.

What happened to everyone while he was sleeping?

If Xiaoya could hear Kailian and the others at this time, his jaw would be so frightened that nothing happened when he was sleeping last night, but Ada hadn’t heard anything since yesterday. Just sleep.

That's right, Ah Da didn't sleep all night!

The completely abnormal Ah Da made everyone deeply understand the horror of being stared at all the time. Apart from looking at the northernmost snowfield, Ah Da who did not sleep, his eyes were deciding what to do. After continuing to set off to the northernmost snowfield, they rectified and rested in place.

Ah Da, who hadn't slept all this time, didn't show any distress at all. Instead, his golden eyes became the most dazzling color in the darkness at night, and it was also the color that frightened Kailian and the others the most. I clearly felt Ada's determination to win this trip to the northernmost snowfield!

So after getting up early in the morning, everyone packed up under Ada's watchful eyes, and all of them waited for Ada to take them to set off, and when things got to this point, even if Ada wanted to take them to die, they would definitely It's better than being frightened to death by Adana's emotionless but majestic eyes!

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is cruel.

Just when everyone was getting ready, Xiaoya was uncharacteristically like Ah Da. Xiaoya, who was always lively and active and woke up early every day, slept soundly and beautifully this time, and there was no sign of waking up at all. , making Kailian and her group, who have been watched by Ah Da, want to cry without tears──Master, it’s not that they don’t want to leave, but your baby hasn’t woken up yet!

Looking inexplicably at everyone whose faces were full of emotion after he woke up, Xiaoya really couldn't figure out what was going on and didn't want to figure it out. Anyway, what he was most curious about right now was the northernmost The matter of the snow field, so... let's go!


How to go this way?

Looking at the stone that turned into ashes before her eyes again, Xiaoya turned her head to look at Ada.

Gently stroking Xiaoya's head, Ah Da calmly took out the soul balm beads, so Xiaoya understood—the roads were indeed walked by people.