MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-Chapter 192 Conquer the Sunbird

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The man in white was rescued by Long Yang, he knelt down at Long Yang's feet, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Shao Xia, for saving your life, I am the tree soul of Huoshu, and my name is Sushou Judge. I am willing to submit to your door, please. Help me collect these nine golden crows, and still have peace."

Long Yang saw that he was the owner of the fire tree, and thought that it would be good to collect these nine golden crows. This is the sun bird. The golden beads they spit out are very beneficial. If the disciples take the food, everyone's kung fu will soon make great progress.

Just say, "Okay!"

The judge Sushou led Long Yang to the fire tree. The bombed fire tree, seeing the old owner, immediately pulled out branches and leaves, and instantly grew into a towering tree.

As soon as the wind passed, the leaves clapped and cheered.

Seeing the new tree sprout, the Golden Crow stopped fighting and flew towards the tree outside the cave.

As soon as the Golden Crow came out, the fire tree burst into flames.

The judge Sushou was in a very bad mood. He watched the golden crows flying around his fire tree and cursed angrily: "You beasts, I won't let you go."

It turns out that this fire tree only ignites and burns when it is cold, so that the surrounding temperature is kept constant, so it is like spring all year round.

Strange flowers bloom all year round, exotic grasses are fresh all year round, all kinds of fruits mature in turn, and giant bees and honey attract monsters and beasts.

These are looking for flowers and grass, while maintaining beauty and fitness, and all of them prolong life.

But since the Golden Crow occupied the fire tree, the temperature here has been maintained all year round, the vegetation has not grown, and the monsters have been shielded.

The judge of the plain hand can't beat the nine golden crows alone, and he can only hide in the depths of the cave to avoid the high temperature.

Fortunately, Jin Wu saw that he was no longer a threat, so he let him live, and only made him survive until now.


Jin Wu shouted when he heard the scolding.

Jin Wu was angry, and the air seemed to burn instantly, making the hot person uncomfortable.

"What the **** is this?"

"The **** tree is alive again!"

"It's killing me! Water! I want to drink water!"

The people under the tree scolded and shouted loudly. The monsters who live here all year round know how powerful Huoshu is, and they all fled far away.

Only Long Yang and the others who were treasure hunters were left, and now there was no threat of monsters, but the scorching barbecue was killing people.

"You demon crows, go to hell, right?" Sushou Scholar's pair of fiery red judge pens grew longer in the wind, and both pens shot at a golden crow at the same time.


Jin Wu opened his huge mouth, grabbed one of the judge's pen in one mouth, swept the other tail, and swept the other one, hitting the back of the hand of the bound judge.

"Ah!" The judge Sushou cried out in pain, one hand was scalded, as red as charcoal.

Seeing that the judge Sushou was injured, Longyang waved his spirit of fire to save him.

"Boom boom boom!"

The war between Longyang and Jinwu is about to break out.

"Bang bang bang!"

The Golden Crow collided with the fireball in the air, and bursts of sparks erupted, splashing on the surrounding tree trunks, and suddenly made the sound of Zrazila.

Everyone and others were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

The soul of fire, although it has power in itself, is far from being so powerful. Only under the control of the peak of Longyangtian fairyland can it exert such a huge formidable power.

This kind of combat power is simply too amazing, and it is simply not something that ordinary people can resist. In this level of combat, even they can't get involved.

"What kind of power is this, it's so powerful, so terrifying!

When the Taoist Qinghai saw Long Yang's successful attack, he stood there with his hands behind his back, with a calm look, and he felt contempt in his heart. Isn't it because he looked more handsome, as for putting on such a stinky expression?


Long Yang snorted suddenly, and the Qinghai Daoist shuddered with fright.

Long Yang's divine sense actually read other people's thoughts, which shocked Qinghai Daoist, thinking how this guy did it, he knew what he wanted, it was really terrifying.

Long Yang ignored him and scolded the spinning Golden Crow:

"You ugly birds, let's compete today to see whose flame is more powerful!"

The Golden Crow was furious, it immediately sent out a fireball, the attack speed was faster than the spirit of fire, and the attack was sharper.


Long Yang saw the speed of Jinwu's attack, and his reaction was also very fast. The soul of fire sent out a lightning rune and struck Jinwu's back, knocking it back.

Long Yang finished using the Lightning Rune, and hit another rune. This time, a Golden Crow couldn't dodge and was hit in the back by Long Yang. The Golden Crow screamed and fell from the air, and the ground on the ground cracked. A few big pits were opened, and the soil was flying.

Seeing that the Golden Crow was seriously injured, several other Golden Crows rushed over and attacked Longyang.

Eight Golden Crows rushed over together.

Longyang waved the dragon's spine. The golden spear beam slammed into the 8 Golden Crows with overwhelming force.

However, there was a cunning Golden Crow that went around Longyang's back, became a fish that slipped through the net, and pecked Longyang on the shoulder.

Long Yang was in pain, and when he turned his head, he slapped Jin Wu's head with a palm.


Jin Wu was dizzy from being photographed, fell to the ground, and kept rolling.

The other Golden Crows, after being swept out by the Panlongji, are gathering strength to go.

The prime judge saw Long Yang's strength and applauded happily.

"Quack quack!"

Seeing that Longyang injured two of the same kind in a row, the seven golden crows went crazy.

The seven groups of fire were arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper, and with the whirring flames, they pressed down on Longyang's head.

Seeing Jinwu coming, Long Yang jumped up and rushed towards the fire tree.

Jinwu chanted the incantation, and the roots of the fire tree were bound towards Long Yang's ankle.

As soon as the Golden Crow came, Huoshu seemed to have lost his soul, and he could only be completely at the mercy of the Golden Crow, twisting constantly.

The Golden Crows were overjoyed when they saw Longyang rushing towards the Huoshu, and they all rushed towards him.

Long Yang continuously turned around in the air and swept his spear towards Jin Wu's head. At this moment, the seven Jin Wu spit fireballs at the same time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Long Yang flew into the canopy of the fire tree, the whole fire tree shook, and sparks flew.

The fire tree is burning

The fireballs of the Golden Crows and the flames of the fire tree were superimposed together, but suddenly all the flames went out, the residual heat was absorbed by the fire tree, and the burning feeling disappeared instantly.

"Quack quack!"

A group of Golden Crows jumped on the fire tree, making piercing screams in anger.

The people under the tree were all working hard to protect their bodies just now. Resisting the burning of the flame in the air, now the smoke of the fire is extinguished, and the temperature in the air suddenly drops.

Everyone sighed, as if they were resurrected.

The low-powered one just felt like he was going to be overheated to death.

If the skill is higher, if the temperature continues, it will not take long.

It turned out that Longyang was sitting on the canopy of the tree and carried the dazzling and concentrating magic art. The eyes looked at the nose, the nose looked at the mouth, and the mouth looked at the heart. At this time, the world was quiet, and the original soul of the fire tree returned to its place.

As soon as the judge of Sushou returned to his position, he immediately extinguished the flame and absorbed the flame of the Golden Crow.

Seeing that the flame was extinguished, the seven golden crows immediately fluttered their wings and flew high, and then the seven golden crows lined up in a row, head to tail, the second golden crow bit the tail of the previous golden crow, and the seven golden crows collided with Longyang. .

The giant beak of the first Golden Crow was like a sharp arrow, and it roared towards Long Yang.


Wang Dazhui has been staring at Long Yang nervously, watching the seven Golden Crows approaching aggressively, and immediately flew out an embroidery needle and shot the first Golden Crow in the eye.

The leader, Jin Wu, felt the embroidery needle attack, and quickly turned sideways to avoid it.

He turned to one side like this, and directly bumped into Immortal Bi Tao.


The ground was knocked out of a big crater, flames scattered everywhere, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

The Golden Crow's formation was torn apart by the collision and flew out scattered.

"Damn crow!"

Immortal Bitao was accidentally injured, vomited a mouthful of blood, and cursed in anger.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and used his sword to block out, otherwise he would be seriously injured this time.

At this time, the two previously injured crows were almost healed and returned to the team.

"Huhuhu!" The nine crows stepped on the nine celestial fire wheels and flew in the air, as if nine days were the same sky, igniting the clouds in the sky.

The flaming clouds, like pieces of burning broken brocade, fell from the sky and flew towards the crowd on the ground.


In an instant, the crowd scattered and fled in four directions, but there were too many clouds in the sky, and everyone could not escape.

Seeing this, Long Yang waved the dragon's ridge and groaned: "Er broken Longquan!"

See the water overflowing, like a horizontal burst, Longquan rushing.


At this time, the nine crows reunited. This time, the golden crow in the middle was the head, the four on the left and the four on the right were wings. The wings were connected, and the feathers lit fire, and rushed towards Longyang in the shape of a giant eagle.

"Haha!" Long Yang sneered, the Panlong Ji in his hand violently stabbed towards Jinwu's giant claws.

"Bang bang bang!"


The dragon's spine in Longyang's hand is like the fangs of a dragon. Every time it stabs the tip of Jinwu's claws, there will be a dull sound, and the tip of Jinwu's claws will leave a deep dent.

The Golden Crow Bird Formation was beaten by Long Yang and took three steps back.

Jin Wu looked at Long Yang angrily, and flew towards Long Yang again.

"Boom boom boom!"

Long Yang kept waving the Dragon's Back, pushing Jin Wu back again and again.

One by one, the Golden Crows were unrelenting, ignoring Longyang's attack and flying all the way to the top of Longyang's head.


Long Yang raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl.


The nine Golden Crows also chirped at the same time. They opened their mouths one by one, revealing sharp teeth, and the flames in their mouths became more and more vigorous.

A wave of scorching hot air rushed towards him.

The temperature of this air wave is very high, several times higher than the temperature of the sun's flame. Long Yang's skin feels scorched, and the clothes on his body are also blown up by the air wave. sound.

However, the True Qi in Long Yang's body was rapidly activated. It turned out that some True Qi required high temperature activation to improve martial arts.

I saw Long Yang jumping up, standing in the void, his blond hair fluttering, and a lazy smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. He was dressed in the style of a king, like a **** descending, and an illusory dragon shadow appeared behind him. Many people have seen Long Yang's real body. Happened, but still amazed.

Can not help but make people envious and jealous.


A thunderous thunder shook the sky and the earth, and in an instant, the clouds were dense, and the huge lightning ripped apart the sky.


Heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the flames.

Nine wet golden crows, their feathers were like steel needles, piercing the sky, the black beads in their eyes stared wide, and looked at Long Yang doubtfully: "What the **** is this manipulation?"

The leading Jin Wuguai laughed and said, "You have a second chance! Come again!"

Long Yang smiled arrogantly and said, "Am I afraid of you again?"

This time, each of the nine Golden Crows held its own tail with its mouth, circled its head and tail into a circle, and then stretched out its wings on both sides to connect with its left and right companions to form a large circle.

That is, the nine small rings are perpendicular to the ground, and then the outstretched wings are connected to a large ring on the plane, and then the large ring is surrounded by Longyang and pressed down on the top of the head.

This move is called Nine Rings Swallowing the Sun.

When Longyang entered the encirclement, he was hugged by nine crows, fell from the sky, and smashed into the ground.


The ground shook and the mountains shook, and Long Yang's body slid into the ground, ploughing a deep ravine on the ground, and the soil and gravel flew into the air and splashed around.

A ravine ten meters wide was plowed out of the ground, spreading in all directions, burying people far away.

When the nine golden crows saw Longyang falling to the ground, they ignored him, spread their wings together, and flew away into the distance.

"Ha ha!"

King Yasha and the others laughed when they looked at Long Yang, who was covered by mud and stones.

"Brother Longyang!"


"Palace Master!."

Seeing that Longyang was smashed into the ground,

King sledgehammer, Kristina exclaimed loudly.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was another huge explosion, and a large pit was blown out of the ground, and a golden shadow shot out from the soil.


Longyang is like a golden bird, soaring into the sky.

"Come on!"

When the nine golden crows saw Longyang come back to life and crossed out from the ground, they were not nervous, frightened and frightened, and they hurriedly chased after him.

Long Yang flew high into the sky and saw the nine Golden Crows chasing after him.


With a long roar from Longyang, the dragon scales on the Coiled Dragon's spine fell off and turned into nine coiled dragons, circling and dancing, drawing a graceful arc in the air and swooping down.

When the nine golden crows saw the shape of the nine coiled dragons, they immediately flew upwards.

Long Yang's Coiled Dragon Back flew halfway, suddenly changed the direction of flight, bypassed the bodies of the nine Golden Crows, and flew behind the Golden Crows.

"Puff puff!"

The nine golden crows were hit by the nine coiled dragons, and they were all knocked out more than ten feet away. They rolled on the ground a few times before they stopped.

The remaining force of the nine coiled dragons flew all the way to mid-air, then stopped, and flew downwards.

At this time, Long Yang had also reached the ground.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Nine Coiled Dragons returned to Longyang's Coiling Dragon Back.

Nine Golden Crows got up from the ground and were stunned for a while.

How did you become so weak?

There have been several times just now, and he was almost able to kill Long Yang, but whenever they were about to kill Long Yang, he would save himself at a critical moment, as if Long Yang Yang was their natural enemy.

Moreover, the attributes of their demons are disappearing little by little, and it seems that they are completely attributed to the attributes of birds and beasts.

"What the **** is going on?" A Golden Crow said to himself.

"What on earth is this kid from?"

"Then he is a real dragon?"

"We must kill him, or years of cultivation will be in vain!"

The Golden Crows were talking at length.

"True dragon bloodline, not bad! This kid is this kind of true dragon bloodline, and this bloodline is only possessed by the dragon family."

"Great, the inheritance of the dragon family, I must get it!"

"No matter what the price is this time, we will get him!"


For a time, all the Golden Crows went crazy and attacked Longyang one after another.

Long Yang looked at these Golden Crow's actions, and there was a deep contempt between his eyebrows.

"If you want to catch me, you are still a little tender!"


Long Yang raised his arms, and a coiled dragon appeared on his fists, causing two afterimages.

A huge fireball spread out in all directions.

This fireball is exactly a spell called "The Furnace of Heaven and Earth" that Longyang learned when he was studying fire spells.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fireball hit the ground, and the explosions continued one after another.

These fireballs can not only burn anything, but even the stars in the sky.

In this sea of ​​fire, the Golden Crows not only didn't hurt Long Yang in the slightest, but were burned by Long Yang's fireball, screaming and screaming again and again.

Long Yang waved his arms out.

Fireballs flew down and landed in the fire, making a crackling explosion.

"Sun Fire Control!"

The leader of the Golden Crow shouted.

The nine Golden Crows' wings were collectively instigated, and the fire turned back towards Longyang in an instant.

Seeing that the fire was getting stronger and stronger, swallowing Long Yang inside, Wang Dazhui rushed forward desperately to save him.

Long Yang seemed to be under the spell, unable to break free from the fire, and coughed violently by the smoke of the fire.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, since the nine golden crows used to be the nine suns, and the martial arts they are using now is the sun fire fighting technique, then there is a way.

I saw Long Yang exerting his skills, holding his breath, and quickly took out the Eye of the Sun from Na Jie, and saw a dazzling golden light, the golden light of the Eye of the Sun illuminating the sky and the earth, magnificent and dazzling.

The nine Golden Crows froze on the ground for a moment, staring straight at Long Yang.

Seeing that the Eye of the Sun was working, Long Yang shouted, "Don't kneel down yet!"

Nine Golden Crows were confused, lost the ability to resist, and knelt down obediently.

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