MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 220 Moon Fox!

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After a burst of white light, Tang Tianfu appeared in a jungle.

The moonlight was bright and cold and lonely. Tang Tianfu looked up and found that there seemed to be a shadow on the moon.

However, after he looked over, the shadow disappeared.

The wind blew the leaves and made a rustling sound, and the leaves fluttered in the air, like some kind of devil, wandering in the forest.

Tang Tianfu felt a chill in his heart.

'What is this second level? ’

Tang Tianfu thought in his heart and slowly walked forward.

The crows whined, the leaves fluttered in the wind, Tang Tianfu's footsteps stepped on the ground, making a crackling sound, and a biting cold wind hit, making Tang Tianfu feel his body as if it was freezing.

He gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward.

‘Here, where is it? '

Tang Tianfu asked inwardly.

He couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, but he seemed to be able to see the surrounding environment clearly. Everything seemed to be within his line of sight and clearly visible.

His feet, stepping on the ground, made a creaking sound.

When he looked up, he saw the disc-like crescent moon hanging in the air.

In the depths of Tang Tianfu's eyes, something seemed to be beating, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch his chest. There, there seemed to be something agitating, as if calling him, as if calling him to return to that place.

'Where am I going? ’

Tang Tianfu thought in his heart, and couldn't help being a little at a loss.

"This place is so strange."

Tang Tianfu felt very confused, as if he couldn't see anything here.

Suddenly, a dangerous aura came from behind.

Tang Tianfu turned his head and saw a black figure, pounced towards him.


Tang Tianfu turned around with a stick, and he still looked like a giant at the moment. When he went down with a stick, he pushed down all the mountains and forests.

The black shadow was extremely fast, quickly dodging his stick and flying into the air.

Under the moonlight, Tang Tianfu could see the shadow clearly.

This is a woman, a beautiful woman.

Her face, like a suet jade carving, is beautiful and flawless, her eyebrows are curved and picturesque, her eyes are clear and bright, her skin is crystal clear, and her short hair is refreshing, which exudes a faint silver glow in the moonlight.

A pair of slender and soft arms, white as snow, her skin, as if made of water, was crystal clear, as if it would burst when touched.

She wore a black tights, which perfectly showed her graceful figure and outlined a seductive arc.

"Who are you?"

Tang Tianfu asked.

"Since you are here, why do you have to ask again?"

"It seems that you have passed the level of the beard."

"I am the guardian of the second level, Yuehu, testing your agility."

After Yuehu finished speaking, the figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Tang Tianfu.

In his hand, a silver dagger appeared and stabbed directly into Tang Tianfu's heart.

Yuehu's speed was so fast that Tang Tianfu couldn't escape.

Tang Tianfu hid subconsciously, the dagger stabbed a little, and a bloodstain was drawn on Tang Tianfu's back.

But Tang Tianfu was still in a cold sweat.

This woman is going to kill him!

"Too sluggish!"

Yuehu frowned, and the figure appeared on top of Tang Tianfu's head again.

The silver dagger took Tang Tianfu's head directly to the Tianling cave.

Tang Tianfu hurriedly blocked with his hand, and the dagger pierced into his palm, but Tang Tianfu ignored the pain, kicked his legs, and directly kicked Yuehu's lower abdomen.

However, the figure of Yuehu disappeared instantly, and this kick seemed to hit the air.

"So strong!"

Tang Tianfu was secretly surprised.

A icy cool wind blew past him, and in front of his eyes, it was dark, and even the moonlight was covered.

He was still standing there, surrounded by only his figure.

'what happened? Without light, how to fight this? ’

Tang Tianfu thought to himself, and suddenly felt a chill, and that chill passed from him.

The chill made him tremble.

At this moment, a terrifying aura erupted from the darkness, and Tang Tianfu felt that his mind was suppressed by the aura.

That momentum is like destroying the whole world, destroying everything, destroying everything, destroying everything.

That momentum made Tang Tianfu feel as if he was being stared at by a giant dragon, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The figure of Yuehu appeared in front of him instantly, and the silver-white dagger reached his neck!

Tang Tianfu tried his best to avoid this blow.

But his chest was also cut open, and Yuehu's dagger, I don't know what material it was made of, even Tang Tianfu's body couldn't resist it.

'How to do? '

Tang Tianfu shouted in his heart.

At this moment, Tang Tianfu's eyes suddenly lit up.

‘This is… moonlight? '

Tang Tianfu thought to himself and looked up at the sky.

It turns out that every time Yuehu makes a move, the moon will reappear. As Yuehu swings the knife, the brightness of the moonlight and the shape of the moon will change accordingly.

"I see."

As soon as Tang Tianfu's voice fell, the moonlight changed again,

This time, Tang Tianfu was ready. When Yuehu stabbed him again, he slammed down with a stick and hit the weapon in Yuehu's hand.

'Snapped! '

The dagger in Yuehu's hand slipped out.

"It turns out that she is only fast, and her strength is so weak."

Tang Tian buried his heart.

Yuehu was stunned for a moment, but she reacted very quickly, and her figure disappeared in the moonlight in an instant.

'How did he find me? Has my secret been discovered? ’

‘No, it must be a coincidence. ’

Yuehu said in his heart, hiding in the dark, ready to take action at any time.

At this time, Tang Tianfu was staring at the moon tightly, holding the golden stick in his hand tightly, and his whole body was tense.

Yuehu shot again, and the silver dagger drew a line and stabbed Tang Tianfu in the throat.

Tang Tianfu squinted his eyes and leaned back, easily dodging Yuehu's attack.

"So fast?"

Tang Tianfu was a little stunned, and secretly said in his heart: "This woman's speed is really fast. Even if I guessed her movements based on the changes in the moonlight, I couldn't fight back."

At this moment, Tang Tianfu felt a chilly feeling, his heart was suddenly startled, he immediately turned his head, and saw a cold light coming, he hurriedly avoided.

‘Whoosh! '

The silver light pierced Tang Tianfu's heart.

'boom! '

A muffled sound.

Tang Tianfu's right shoulder was pierced.

Tang Tianfu felt a sharp pain, he endured the pain, raised the golden stick again, and smashed it towards Yuehu fiercely.

Yuehu was startled and let out a light ‘huh’.

"I don't believe it, I can't deal with you!"

After Yuehu finished speaking, he disappeared into the darkness again.

This time, she didn't move for a long time.

Tang Tianfu held the golden stick tightly, looked around, and frowned.

He just wants his body to shrink a little bit, so that it can be safer.

In this way, he is like a living target at all, and can only be slaughtered by others.

It's a pity that he hasn't mastered the method of becoming smaller, so he can only stay in place like this.

The night is darker, the moon is brighter, and the stars are bright.

Tang Tianfu stood there and didn't dare to move, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

The future Immortal Burial Emperor actually had such a cramped time. If the future emperors knew about it, he would definitely laugh his teeth out.

But now, he really has nothing to do with this Miss Yuehu.

Suddenly, a wolf howl came from the dark forest.

Then, the howls in the forest came one after another.

'Um? This is? ’

In the darkness, a pair of green eyes appeared, staring at Tang Tianfu.

"It's a pack of wolves!"

Tang Tianfu's face was startled, and he quickly stepped back.

The creatures in this strange place, even with their feet, are different from ordinary wolves.

Sure enough, wings were born from the back of these wolves, and they rushed towards Tang Tianfu frantically.

'There are so many wolves, I'm afraid I have to explain it here this time. '

‘It’s a pity, I haven’t gotten along enough with Brother Longyang, it’s a pity. ’

Tang Tianfu thought to himself, but he kept waving the golden rod in his hand, and the golden light turned into golden halos, isolating the surrounding wolves.

The wolves surrounded Tang Tianfu, attacking frantically.

The golden aperture was instantly broken!

Tang Tianfu waved the golden long stick, turned into thousands of stick shadows, and swept towards the wolves frantically.

Several wolves were swept out, but more wolves rushed up.


Tang Tianfu roared loudly. He didn't expect that these wolves were so stubborn that they couldn't finish killing them.

'boom! '

At this moment, Yuehu suddenly jumped out of the bushes beside him, and the silver dagger stabbed at Tang Tianfu's chest.

Tang Tianfu hurriedly dodged, but the power of this sword should not be underestimated. A blood hole the size of the mouth of a bowl was stabbed out of his left arm, and blood kept pouring out.

Tang Tianfu gritted his teeth, his left arm was paralyzed, and he couldn't continue to attack at all.

"The vigilance is still not enough. These wolves can't penetrate your defense at all, but it is stupid to focus on them."

Yuehu snorted coldly, held the dagger in both hands, and drew sharp arcs in the air, stabbing towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu hurriedly dodged.

'call out! call out! call out! '

The speed of the dagger was so fast that it almost wiped the face of Tang Tianfu, leaving two red marks.

"It's too slow, it's terribly slow!"

Tang Tianfu roared angrily and was aroused bloody.

This woman played him like a monkey, even if he was a clay Buddha, he was a little more real.

He shook his body and disappeared in place.


There was a shocked expression on Yuehu's face. Obviously, she did not expect that Tang Tianfu could move instantly!

Could it be that he learned his tricks so quickly?

But, it's not, it's just that Tang Tianbu's rage has stimulated the infinite potential in his body.

After all, his physique, maybe this plane, few people can match.


Yuehu was hit in the chest by Tang Tianfu's punch, and his petite body flew upside down, knocking down a group of towering giant trees.

Tang Tianfu was also stunned, and looked at his fist curiously.

He didn't expect to actually hit the moon fox.

"You woman, I didn't want to hit you, you forced me!"

Tang Tianfu suddenly gained confidence and rushed towards Yuehu quickly.

Yuehu fell to the ground, clutching his chest, and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

She looked at Tang Tianfu with some heaviness and fear.

The moonlight changed, and her figure disappeared again.

And what followed was that the entire forest started to riot, and countless beasts flew out of it and rushed towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu's heart tightened when he saw this situation.

But he sneered instead, "You think I'll trip over the same stone twice??"

"These beasts can't break my defense at all."

Tang Tianfu stood there, protecting his body with golden light, and was not afraid at all.

These beasts cannot break his golden light at all.

Moreover, the intelligence of these beasts is not high, and they do not know how to attack and defend at all.


At this moment, a mournful wolf howl resounded from the darkness in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a behemoth appeared in the sight of everyone with dust in the sky.

This is an extremely large wolf, a hundred meters high, as thick as an iron pillar, with a white body, snow-white fur, a pair of sharp wolf horns on its head, and a pair of eyes like lanterns, full of Fierce and bloodthirsty.

Tang Tianfu shuddered when he saw this scene.

This is a wolf king!

Although this wolf king is huge, its movements are extremely sensitive and extremely fast, which is faster than Tang Tianfu's movement speed.

With a flick of its tail, it hit the ground like a whip, and the ground cracked with a long mark.

Tang Tianfu's body flicked to one side, and the wolf king's tail slammed on the ground. Suddenly, a huge pit was smashed into the ground. Countless stones sputtered and rolled down on the ground, and the dust flew in all directions.


The wolf king roared, and two rows of sharp fangs were exposed in its mouth, sharp and cold.


When the sound of wind came, Tang Tianfu raised his head and saw that the wolf king slapped him with a paw, and he hurriedly waved the golden rod to resist.


"Hey, why are you so weak?"

At this moment, the figure of Yuehu appeared behind Tang Tianfu again, and with a wave of the silver dagger, it stabbed towards Tang Tianfu.

Tang Tianfu hurriedly turned around to block, but was pierced by a dagger in his shoulder.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't trip over the same stone twice?"

Yuehu's charming voice rang in Tang Tianfu's ears.

Tang Tianfu lowered his head and glanced at the shoulder pierced by the dagger. He raised his head and looked at Yuehu coldly, his eyes full of angry flames.

This woman is just teasing him!

Tang Tianfu clenched his fists, and a huge wave of air suddenly erupted, overturning the group of beasts that rushed towards him.

'Whoosh! '

Yuehu's speed was very fast, Tang Tianfu just reacted when he saw her dagger swung towards him, startling him.

'Damn! '

Tang Tianfu hurriedly dodged, but the dagger still scratched his cheek, making him feel a little pain.

His eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't help it, he wanted to tear this woman to shreds!


The wolf king rushed towards Tang Tianfu again.

"Go away!"

Tang Tianfu was furious and kicked out and kicked the wolf king out. The wolf king knocked down a few towering ancient trees before he stopped, and his body was directly kicked in half by Tang Tianfu!

The look on Yuehu's face was full of shock. Although this wolf was created by her, it also had the strength of an immortal, but at the feet of Tang Tianbu, it was so vulnerable.

You must know that Tang Tianfu just used only physical strength!

He felt that although Tang Tianfu looked harmless to humans and animals, there was a beast living in his body, and once released, it would be extremely terrifying.


Tang Tianfu rushed towards Yuehu.

Yuehu hurriedly hid in the moonlight.

But this time, Tang Tianfu didn't give up, he looked at the moon on the horizon.

"Do you like hiding in the moonlight? I'll pluck the moon for you and see how you hide it!"

Tang Tianfu jumped up suddenly and flew towards the moon in the sky.

Seeing Tang Tianfu's actions, Yuehu's face changed greatly.

This bastard, is he crazy?


Tang Tianfu flew to the moon, the moonlight shone on him, and a dazzling golden light bloomed on his body.

Tang Tianfu punched the moon with a punch.


There was a violent explosion, the moon was smashed into pieces, and countless moonlight sprinkled.

"not good!"

The moon fox's body trembled.

This space is constructed by her energy, and the moon, too, is not a real moon.

And her body is also hidden in the moonlight, and now without the moon, she has nowhere to escape.

Tang Tianfu smashed the moon with a punch, and in the darkness, he frantically looked for the figure of Yuehu.

"Got you."

Yuehu was hidden in the bushes, but was spotted by Tang Tianfu at a glance.

At this time, Tang Tianfu seemed to be a different person, and his fighting consciousness and reaction became extremely terrifying.

A punch hit Yuehu, Yuehu hurriedly avoided, at the same time, Yuehua in Yuehu's body surged towards Yuehu's wrist, and the dagger in Yuehu's hand stabbed Tang Tianfu's abdomen again.

Tang Tianfu kicked the dagger away, waved the golden stick again, and smashed it towards Yuehu.


Yuehu snorted coldly, and when his body moved, it turned into a wisp of smoke and moved extremely fast.

Tang Tianfu's golden rod smashed into the air and hit an ancient tree. The ancient tree was directly broken and collapsed to the ground with a bang.

And Yuehu, on the top of Tang Tianfu's head, sacrificed a full moon scimitar and swooped down.


Tang Tianfu snorted coldly and swept out the golden hoop in his right hand, colliding with Yuehu's machete.

'Clang! '

With a loud bang, Yuehu's machete was smashed by Tang Tianfu with a stick.

What power is this?

Yuehu was horrified, took a step back quickly, and hid again, ready to wait for an opportunity to attack.

But Tang Tianfu had found her long ago, he jumped, jumped over the top of Yuehu's head, and smashed it down.

Yuehu hurriedly dodged, but Tang Tianfu's stick was too heavy, and the smashed Yuehu spat out a mouthful of blood. She was smashed and fell down, hit the ground, and fell a dog to eat shit.

"Ha ha!"

Tang Tianfu looked at Yuehu's embarrassed appearance, and couldn't help laughing wildly: "You temptress! I see where you are going! Tonight, I will let you know who is the prey!"