MTL - Dragon-Marked War God-v2 Chapter 5166 part ways

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Long Shisan had a murderous look in his eyes, he never liked being threatened, and no one could ever threaten him.

However, at this moment, he knew that he had no way to kill Pei Wanyong. If Pei Wanyong died, then maybe no one would tell him where Linger went.

"Calm down, Monkey, this guy's life is incomparable to Yuan Ling. Killing him or not is up to you."

Jiang Chen said solemnly that he was really afraid that Long Shisan would hit him with a single blow at this time, which would directly result in Pei Wanyong's life.

Long Shisan nodded. He was still very clear about which one was more important, but at this time, he was so excited.

"Say it, I will spare you a death, otherwise, I have 10,000 ways to send you to the eighteen layers of hell."

Long Shisan stared at Pei Wanyong without squinting.

"good good good good!"

Pei Wanyong could see that neither Long Shisan nor Jiang Chen was the kind of indecisive person, so at this time, he absolutely did not dare to continue gambling. If he failed, he might die.


Long Shisan shouted fiercely.

"Yuan Ling was... taken away by the boss. The boss said that this girl is the type she likes..."

Pei Wanyong said in a low voice, his face full of anxiety, because he was afraid that Long Shisan would kill him directly.

Ding Ding Deng…

Long Shisan took a few steps back, his eyes full of despair, extremely painful, thinking of Yuan Ling's splendid appearance that day, he really did not know whether Yuan Ling could withstand such a blow.

The faces of Jiang Chen and others were also ugly. Although Yuan Ling was alive, she was ruined by the owner of the building on the thirteenth floor of Tsing Yi. This was a huge blow to Long Shisan.

"Brother Thirteen..."

Mu Yibai grabbed Long Shisan's arm, she could feel the sadness and pain in Long Shisan's heart, even despair, he didn't care what Yuan Ling had gone through, as long as she was still alive, but he didn't know Yuan Ling Ling can not bear it.


Long Shisan kicked out with one kick, and Pei Wanyong was kicked out more than ten meters away, clutching his stomach, his face pale and very hideous, but he couldn't say a word. If there is a falling out, he is the one who suffers and suffers.

"Calm down, Thirteenth Brother, you can't change Ling'er like this. Calm down, killing him won't help."

Mu Yibai hugged Long Shisan tightly, and her eyes were already wet.

"She's right, Monkey, you must cheer up. If you don't give yourself a glimmer of hope, then Yuan Ling will definitely be more sad."

Jiang Chen patted Long Shisan on the shoulder and said.

"How can someone be rescued? If Ling'er has three strengths and two weaknesses, I want you to be buried with me."

Long Shisan's face was as cold as ice, and he said word by word.

"Find me to exchange it, and I will definitely be able to exchange it for her."

Pei Wanyong gritted his teeth and said.

"It seems that you estimate your own value quite high. Are you sure that you will be able to exchange for Miss Yuan Ling?"

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"As soon as you try it, you will know that I have been caught in your hands, and my life and death depend on you. I can't escape even if I want to."

Pei Wanyong said in a low voice, this is the only way to use it now. Although the boss likes women, he is a person with a very big picture. He knows this best. A useless woman, she will definitely not refuse in exchange for herself. of.

Jiang Chen and Long Shisan glanced at each other, and the two nodded slightly. It seemed that this time, they were going to risk themselves.

"Let's go first, this matter has nothing to do with you, go back to Chen's house first and see the situation."

Jiang Chen looked at Chen Yingying and Chen Dianya and said.


Chen Yingying hesitated.

"Don't worry about us, this guy is in our hands, it's fine. As long as we can exchange people, we will go to Chen's house to meet you as soon as possible."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Okay, let's go first, Senior Jiang Chen, you all take care!"

Chen Yingying said in a low voice, looked at Chen Dianya and turned to leave.

"Let's go, you'll have to lead the way for the rest."

Long Shisan stepped on Pei Wanyong's face with one foot, and the anger in his eyes could not wait to drown Pei Wanyong. No one knew how much torment and pain he had in his heart.

But the only good thing is that Yuan Ling is still alive.

Qingluan Mountain, closed Yuefu.

This is the residence of Tsing Yi, the main courtyard of the building on the thirteenth floor of Tsing Yi, and it is also the largest mountain spiritual place in a radius of 100,000 miles.

There are pavilions and pavilions everywhere, the peach blossoms are all falling, and the blue waves are rippling.

On the top of Qingluan Mountain, you can overlook hundreds of miles in the distance, the scenery is beautiful, and the Origin Qi is the core of the 100,000 miles, so Yuan Qingyi, the master of the building on the thirteenth floor of Qingyi, will build his palace here.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, in an antique pavilion, a young woman in a yellow robe is looking at the surrounding Feng Shui beauty from a distance, but there is no smile on the woman's face. .

I have been trapped here for a long time, and all around are trapped by the formation, and there is no escape, so this place is like a prison, in a dilemma.

There is no one to guard around, but in this pavilion, it is like a year.

"Brother Thirteen, where are you... Are you still alive? The day we will meet?"

In the eyes of the woman, there were tears of longing and sadness. The tears were red and shaggy. She leaned alone, her eyes were already red and swollen from crying. Although she couldn't help feeling sad, she didn't know whether the person she loved was alive or dead. , but her heart was very firm.


The door was gently pushed open, Yuan Ling wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and sat upright, looking at the mountains and rivers ten miles away, the blue waves and the clear river.

"How is it? Have you thought about it? I don't like to use strong, twisted melons, not sweet."

A Tsing Yi woman walked in slowly and slashed behind Yuan Ling, with a look of joy in her eyes.

And she was the owner of the building on the thirteenth floor of Tsing Yi, Yuan Tsing Yi.


Yuan Ling frowned, she never thought that she was almost taken by a woman.

But Yuan Lingning was unyielding, and this Yuan Qingyi didn't want to kill her, because Yuan Ling could also see that this Yuan Qingyi really liked her. This was the tenth time she came here, and she wanted to surrender herself to her. , be her woman.

"Smelly man, what's so good, what do you think, those men love you? Isn't it just greedy for your body? How can we be as sweet as jade? If you follow them, your whole life will be completely ruined. Lost."

Yuan Qingyi murmured, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.