MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1586 Prisoner

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Long Yu stayed in the third floor of the core space of the Nine Prison Monument, facing the four black stone tables and four ancient temples, constantly comprehending the four-phase killing method.

Originally, he only realized one of the branches, which can condense many death lines to erode opponents and let opponents die.

But now, he gradually began to realize the other three branches, namely the three forces of hell, Huang Quan and Shura. When all four forces are realized and can be displayed according to the rules of four-phase killing, he can Successfully displayed a true four-phase killing.

Even if it is only the four-phase killing of the beginner stage, as the ancient **** ban, its power is much more than ordinary martial arts.

Even if compared with the **** martial arts, it must be much stronger!

This is precisely why Long Yu has temporarily handed over the power to the girl to know how to practice, and he did not cultivate the reason of the **** martial arts, because he can first understand the ancient gods.

During the cultivation process, the lines of comprehension in the brains of Long Yu Gu Shen continued to work, so that he was bathed in an extremely mysterious atmosphere, and his understanding of the four forces of death, Huang Quan, Shura and Hell continued to grow. And the growth rate is extremely fast.

After getting the insightful pattern, the dragon's cultivation speed was greatly improved, including the understanding of various forces, the initial mastery of martial arts, and the speed of imprinting the ancient gods, and many aspects have been improved. For him, the importance is absolutely no less than the embossed pattern.

It is only after the completion of all his comprehension that the effect of this engraving is not much. If you get the lines of other ancient gods, you must replace them.

As for now, in the process of cultivation, Long Yu is indispensable for the effect of the lines of comprehension. Without the lines of comprehension, he would like to realize the four-phase murder in a short period of time to the level of beginners.

Ancient **** ban, **** martial arts, its level of cultivation is similar to ordinary martial arts.

From beginner to Xiaocheng, to Dacheng, then to peaks, consummation, transcendence, and transformation.

Even if it is only the ancient gods of the beginner level, the four-phase killing, its power is more than the extent of the endless level of martial arts cultivation to the environment, so although although the cultivation is difficult, but if you get the ancient gods, it is best Still have to try to understand.

Even if you only understand beginners, it is already a great killer.

Before, it took a total of seven days for the Dragon God to engrave the heart of the magic dust, and then he spent more time cultivating the ancient gods to kill the four phases.

Unconsciously, Long Yu and the sunset dance together with each other for four months in the third floor of the core space of the nine secluded monuments.

During this month, the sunset dance, Shu Shu, Du Gu Yijian and Yan Huan Mo, the progress of the four people is also very large, they have almost completed their own revelation-level gods, death god, Shura God Wen, Huang Quan, and Hell God are still very important means of fighting for them.

The key is that after comprehending their respective apocalyptic gods, the four of them have a higher degree of integration with the ancient temples they own, and the four ancient temples have also begun to undergo some kind of transformation, because they absorb the power of the apocalyptic god. Therefore, the four ancient temples began to ascend toward a higher level of existence.

Even, faintly upgraded to the level of the beginning of the gods and the endless level, a bit similar to the existence of the now empty dragon blade!

However, this process is still far away.

If you only absorb the power of the corresponding gods of the apocalyptic level, these four ancient temples are at best only the soldiers who can become endless grades. If you want to truly become a special existence like the Nether Dragon Blade, I am afraid that it will wait until it absorbs the ancient level. God.

Once successful, then it will be no less than half of the source of the war.

Although the source of the gods is tyrannical, but for the dragon, if it is really late, it is still not comparable to its own emptiness dragon blade. You must know that he can wake up to the twelfth floor with the Nether Dragon Blade. Awakened to the second layer, so the power is not as good as the source of the gods.

Of course, if the masterpiece of the advanced transformation is fully mastered, its power will not be lost to the completely awakened emptiness dragon blade, but Long Yu wants to fully grasp the high-end source of 黯炎鬼索, needed Time, I am afraid more than to completely awaken the Nether Dragon Blade.

In any case, this month, the strength of the four dancers in the sunset is directly many times higher than before.

With the respective ancient temples, the fighting power is already very strong.

Compared with the Dragon King, there is no way to compare it, but it is absolutely easy for the practitioners in the same realm to crush each other.

For Long Yu, this month's time is even more important.

The comprehension pattern is always running, and the dragon is always shrouded in a layer of mysterious atmosphere, which makes his understanding of the four-phase killing prison reach an unimaginable speed. It is only a month, and he finally understands. There are three other strengths.

Death, Shura, Hell, Huang Quan, the four forces to comprehend together, is not a big problem for Long Yu, these four revelation-level gods have been comprehended by him, and then according to the four-phase jail jade By stimulating the way, you can initially construct a four-phase killing prison!

In the four-phase prison, no matter which kind of power is essential, the four forces complement each other and promote each other. Is the lethality more than a hundred times stronger than the single death line at the beginning?

Long Yu estimated it for himself.

As long as you condense the four-phase prison, build it, trap your opponent, the lethal power of the four forces, and even surpassed the mad war dragon fist that superimposed nearly two hundred layers of mad war!

At this point, Long Yu can clearly determine that the martial arts martial arts tactics, it is time to eliminate.

Of course, it is essential for the improvement of physical strength, but this is passive, and Long Yu does not need to use this martial arts.

As for the endless level of martial arts, that is, the unbounded grip, it may be useful for Long Yu, but there are not many places that can be used.

The four-phase killing prison is a ban on ancient gods. In addition to its strong lethality, it even has the effect of binding seals. The four forces alternately entangle the opponents, making it extremely difficult for opponents to cope, in the process of being bound by seals. Among them, four forces alternately erode to death.

When the four-phase prisoner was successfully learned, Long Yu felt that his realm was consolidated.

He has been at the level of the five-segment mastery for a long time. Now it is time to raise the martial arts realm again. From the five-segment master to the six-segment master, you can let Long Yu’s basic physical strength and basic strength. Tripled again.

The promotion of the martial arts realm has brought about the improvement of the basic strength. It is the simplest and straightforward reinforcement. For Long Yu, the current martial arts realm is only a matter of time.

It took only one more day, and Long Yu’s martial arts realm was successfully upgraded to the realm of the six-segment master. He had already had enough cultivation resources, and he had collected a lot of creations. Now it took a day to absorb one. The creation of the Tianjing class is directly expanding the small world by 10 billion miles, and then raising the realm.

After being promoted to the six-segment master, Long Yu temporarily stopped the submersible.

Because the news came from the outside world, the situation of the Nether Star River seems to have been discovered by the aliens. There is an alien patrol squad that is trying to explore near the Nether Star River. This situation makes everyone in the entire Nether Star River all the first time. Be alert.

Because everyone knows that the location of the Void Star River is between the three alien territories of the Silverstone, the Shenshui and the Soul.

If the position of the Void Star River is exposed, it is likely to be besieged by these three!

The consequences are definitely not as simple as they can be handled.

Therefore, this first interracial patrol squad must be handled with the utmost security. First, they must not discover the existence of the Terran and the Yaozu in the Nether Star River. Second, if they have discovered the situation in the Nether Star River, then You can't let them go back alive.

This incident was notified to Long Yu by others, but did not want to let Long Yu deal with it.

After all, the major forces in the Nether Star River are already very strong, and an alien patrol squad in the district has not been seen by them.

However, Long Yu is actively proposing to take the team to attack.

He is mainly skeptical about one thing, that is, the people in the Nether Star River have never left this area. On the edge of the Nether Star River, there is a guardianship of the enchantment of the gods. The average person can't get in, and can't get out. .

Unless it is the 12-year-old veteran level character who got the miracle fragments.

Soon after they discovered the Nether Star River, they got a total of twelve miraculous fragments, and then opened the enchantment defense barrier, blocking anyone's entry and exit.

Under such circumstances, the aliens will find anomalies here, and it is sure to find the defensive barrier of this deity.

This emptiness of the galaxy, extremely ridiculous, has not been ignored by the three aliens before. After all, such a ridiculous galaxy is too much in the sky, who has that mind in the endless nothingness?

Even if there is, it will not be so coincidental to find the miracle fragments, knowing that this is a void star river.

That is to say, I have been to such a hollow star river, and I have been able to know the special features of this area.

When the miraculous fragments are united and the defensive barrier created, the place can still be kept for more than a year without being discovered by the aliens, it is quite good, and now, the overall strength of the Void Star River is enough to withstand the aliens. !

Knowing that the squad squad of the Shen Aquarium is approaching, Long Yu is ready to lead the team.

He didn't know the specific strength of the patrol squad, so he still brought some people, and he just happened to practice the four-phase killing practice, just go out and practice the hand, try the power!