MTL - Dragon Martial Emperor-v12 Chapter 1599 Prisoner's power

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When the multi-winged gods and stone statues confronted the gods and aquarium gods, Ye Ziwei was also preparing for it.

At the very beginning of her forehead, the lightning marks on her forehead really show the power of terror. After entering the gods, the power of the early prints has increased by at least ten times, and the strength of the power has increased. Power is naturally much stronger than ordinary gods.

When the early thunder was turned into a thunder, filled with the whole void, and toward the head of the aquarium, the **** of the aquarium became solemn, and even the multi-winged stone statue Rolling yellow sand has not been taken care of for the time being, but chose to deal with this horrible thunder first.

The gods of the gods of the aquarium directly condensed several water arrows. After these water arrows, a huge **** aquarium condensed from the void, which is the deification of the gods.

The illusion of the gods is the most visible sign of the magical power.

At this time, a total of seven geniuses existed in their respective means of display, and various huge illusions emerged from the void, and the imposing manner made it impossible for others to get close to their range.

The three alien gods brought the nine million people to control the army. At this moment, they did not dare to reach the area where the gods fought, and they stopped at a distance.

"We are going to play."

The dragon's mouth was slightly tilted, reminding everyone in the small world, and then rushed directly to the left wing of the other side, that is, the leftmost one of the gods and aquarium lords of the squadron flew directly past.

He is not incarnate, because there is a kind of **** in the field, even if he is incarnate, the other party can certainly be aware of it, there is no need to waste any slight power.

Long Yu flew straight and there was no one behind him.

The violent bear demon and other four demon races, at this moment can only choose to bypass the fierce battle area of ​​the gods, it is impossible to go straight through the center like Long Yu - this courage is too big!

However, Long Yu is very trusting to Yan, Ye Ziwei and Zhi Tao. Since they have blocked these three alien gods, the other party cannot be distracted to deal with Long Yu.

Even if the other party wants to shoot against the dragon, Long Yu can immediately fight back, at least to reduce the strength of the opponent's power by half while ensuring their own safety. In this case, they have no way to confront them.

Of course, the power density of the stenciled grain is weakened by half, and it can only last for a short period of time, but it is absolutely possible to let the other party fall into a disadvantage during this time.

Obviously, the three alien gods are still too lazy to pay attention to such a kid.

After all, what he looks like on the surface is just a seven-segmental guy who doesn’t pose any threat to them, even if they cross the combat zone of their gods.

Is this Terran still wanting to fight against the nine alien races alone?

Long Yu took the lead and flew past the other's dominant army.

The four sorcerer squadrons, such as the violent bear demon, circumnavigated from the side, and it was probably a late fragrant time. After all, it was in the void, and the squadron was a large force after all, and the speed of travel could not be as fast as that of the dragon.

When Long Yu was about to reach the other side of the dominant army, the dominant army did not pay much attention to him.

In the direction of the God Aquarium squadron that he flew directly, among the 10,000-strong squadrons, only the presence of three deputy heads of the seven-segmented squadron was dispatched to stop the dragon, and to rely on the quantitative advantage to Enemy one, kill the dragon.

However, the dragon's mouth is slightly tilted, he did not put the other three guys in his eyes.

Since the other party let the three heads and seven big masters take the shot, he will kill the three guys first, and during this time, he will release the 88 people in the ghost world in the small world.

These eighty-eight people, immediately fell into the void in the next moment, disappeared, disappeared from the front of the gods and aquarium army!

At this time, Long Yu was not afraid of those gods who went to complain.

Only when he was alone in the past, those gods are sure to remind him of his position.

But now there are a total of eighty-eight ghosts in the ghost department. Even if the gods can feel their existence, they can't tell the positions of their eighty-eight people one by one and tell all the members of the God Aquarium Legion.

Therefore, now the God Aquarium squad dominates the Legion. Only know that there are nearly a hundred people who are strong and scattered around, but they don’t know where to go. In order to prevent them from attacking, all the gods and aquarium masters are prepared. Various defensive barriers have condensed together to form a solid military barrier.

This made Long Yu laugh.

Because these gods of the aquarium do not know at all, the people in the ghost department are going to lay down the prison ban and block them from running away.

They now condense the defensive barrier and there is no use at all.

Because of these defensive barriers, they are completely unable to withstand the killing of cockroaches.

The next moment, Long Yu raised his hand, and the four-phase prisoner directly shot. After his initial success, the speed of the ancient **** ban was very fast. The four **** powers of hell, Huang Quan, Shura, and death were instantly present. Interwoven into one, built a killing hell!

Four-phase prison, ancient gods ban.


The dragon slammed a low voice, and the three heads that rushed over to the three squadrons who dominated the gods of the aquarium were completely trapped in the four-phase prison.

工具s from the sag of the three-seaters are mainly stronger than those we have seen from the previous section. The various sacs are more than suffixed. The master is promoted to the seven-segment master.

Therefore, the four-phase killing prison, the breath of death enveloped the audience, and instantly engulfed the three aquarists who dominated the seven-segment.

This is a feast of death!

Without any suspense, Long Yu is just raising his hand, and the four-phase killing is released. Within a short period of three breaths, the three atoes and seven-segmented gods of the aquarium have been completely killed, even the dragon’s nine Parameter commonly lost by the ball of the secluded.

Under the four-phase murder, the gods and aquariums, who are dominated by the three heads and seven paragraphs, have no resistance at all, and they are completely killed. It is not only the killing of the spiritual soul, but even the flesh is completely dissipated, even dust and The **** did not leave a half.

However, Long Yu did not have any stagnation. When he launched the four-phase killing, he did not pay attention to the three atoes and seven-segment gods, but directly provoked the shackles.

The other party has a total of nine million people to dominate the legion. Long Yu must seize the time to kill all of them. Otherwise, there may be some problems in the aspect of confrontation.

Even for Long Yu, it is not a simple matter to kill these nine million people.

He can easily kill one of them, or if a legion of a legion of the other party comes over, how many of them can be directly destroyed, but if the other nine legionary regiments attack him together, he can’t bear it anyway. of.

If you are so powerful, you can only kill an alien ruled army in a short period of time. If you come to the second one, it will pose a threat to Long Yu.

At this moment, those who dominate the legion have no defense at all.

When the cockroach cockroach appeared, it was like a dragon burning with a black flame, and it was instantly enveloped above the sacred aquarium corps that condensed the defensive barrier. At the same time, the prison ban was also mobilized.

A seemingly translucent devil's weeping sorcerer's squad encircled the gods' aquarium's squadron, and the scorpion squadron easily sneaked through it and raged in the formation.

In order to prevent the defensive barrier of the ghost department, there was no resistance in front of the shackles, and it was completely destroyed!

The 10,000-strong squadron of the Shenshui family lost more than a thousand members in an instant, and the death rate was extremely fast. The horror power of the shackles made them unable to withstand even one breath.

This ghostly stagnation, just a glimpse, can kill dozens of gods of the aquarium to dominate the secret monk, and its spiritual soul is directly destroyed, burned by the sacred god.

Such a scene, for the existence of the Void Star River, has long been a very familiar scene, but I did not expect that Long Yu can be used in the face of the gods, and the courage is too big.

The fact is that when the three aliens felt the power of the stagnation, they all had a shock from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the source of the advanced transformation of the gods!

The three alien gods who are now shooting are relatively weak among their respective ethnic gods. Don’t say that the high-level transformation of the god-like source is not even an ordinary source of the gods. The horrible big killer, they suddenly moved.

In particular, it is only a seven-segment master of a human race that holds this high-grade transformational source of the gods. Even the gods are not. If they want to **** them, is it not easy?

It is a pity that these three interracial gods have just acted, and they are entangled in their opponents, and according to this flaw, they are awkward!

The silver-like family of the gods, the giant silver stone hammer in the hands of the whole was shot and flew out, and then was endlessly enshrined in the ancient ghost-level gods, so locked in the void, and then gathered the power of the light God martial arts motivated.

The ancient spirit of the shadow attribute, the strength of the gods, and the higher power density of the ordinary spirits, and the spiritual martial arts of the peak realm, this trick is displayed, let that The distracted silver-stone gods are so dumbfounded.

Now I want to use my strength to defend, it’s totally out of reach!