MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 421 Whether the multiverse is chaotic or not, I, Garen, have the final say!

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The fourth floor of the Wind Howling Abyss.

Seal the tunnel.

In this fourth plane, countless narrower and narrower tunnels eventually return to nothingness, and behind these tunnels are countless closed spaces, filled with corrupt air, vacuum realms surrounded by countless fixed stones... .........

There is no better place for a prison than a sealed tunnel.

There is no energy in the space inside the airtight tunnel, and even powerful beings such as gods or god-like powers will be sealed in it after being defeated. Without the assistance of external forces, the possibility of escaping from it is very small, almost zero.


Rumbling...... The entire airtight tunnel, no, the entire wind howling abyss, is trembling non-stop.

The native intelligent creatures living in the Fengxiao Abyss looked up at the sky in fear.

The sky of Fengxiao Abyss, which is composed of layers of rocks, is actually extending gaps like lightning, and the crushed stone powder is falling down, and creatures with strong perception can vaguely feel the extreme pressure from these gaps. Great divine power, and terrifying and crazy power of the abyss.

The perception of most creatures has just been touched, and it is retracted as if electrocuted, and they dare not pry any more.

But there are also a small number of bold ones.

They mustered up their courage, opened their eyes wide, and fully perceived the terrifying battle between the gods.

Some creatures benefited from it, just glimpsed some superficial appearances, and the aura of their strength began to skyrocket, as if they had been enlightened and gained some kind of awakening.

But more, in the aftermath of the terrifying power of the gods and demons, he directly became a crazy guy with a mental disorder.

after a long time.

In a dark space somewhere in the sealed air tunnel.

Surrounded by countless dim stars, a gigantic figure covered in pitch-black and ferocious demon armor, with knotted upper body muscles, a shawl, and a giant scorpion-like lower body, was motionless, stretched out by the slowly rotating stars. The endless chains bound tightly, making it difficult to move.

The horror is.

On the face of this figure, pairs of blood-colored eyes are always bright, showing extremely violent eyes, as if they want to destroy the world.

It is Miska the tarantula.

Kacha Kacha... The endless chains kacha rattled and trembled.

Although it has been sealed for endless years, the consciousness of the tarantula Miska has always remained clear, fighting against the chain of stars that sealed him all the time. meaning.

Misca the tarantula was created after Chaos to win the war between Order and Chaos.

no doubt.

The tarantula Miska is not afraid of pain, fear of death, longing for violence, longing for war, longing to bathe in the blood of the enemy...... With this original intention, she was The demon prince created is a pure weapon of war.

In the battle between order and chaos.

No deity in the ranks of order would want to face a rabid tarantula head-on alone.

Even if the tarantula Miska was forced into the main material world, the gods were unwilling to risk death to fight it. In the main material world, the power of the tarantula Miska was smoothed with the death and blood of countless Dukes of Wind. , to seal it successfully.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Among all the powerful divine powers, the wisdom, mind, and variety of means of this demon prince may not be worth mentioning.

However, its combat effectiveness is definitely among the best.

Unlike many demon lords who are cunning and insidious in their madness, Misca the tarantula is more like a beast, a powerful terrifying beast that can only be persuaded by the Empress of Chaos and is willing to listen to the command of the Empress of Chaos.

Although it has been sealed for endless years.

But looking at Miska the tarantula's still violent and crazy **** eyes, it is clear that it has not lost hope of getting out of trouble.

In its chaotic and crazy mind, it firmly believed that its lover, its creator, would one day break through the seal with the boundless fire of the abyss and rescue it from here.

At that time.

It wants to kill all the gods who sealed it!

at the same time.

Miska the tarantula suddenly focused her eyes, and the extent of her struggle became unprecedented, causing countless chains to creak, and the stars to rise and fall and tremble, and at the same time, an unprecedented gentleness appeared on its ferocious face.

A familiar smell was captured by the tarantula Miska.

"My love, you are here."

Miska the tarantula roared loudly in the devil language, but there was no unexpected ecstasy in her tone, as if she had long expected this day.


The dark space is fragmented like a mirror.

A scarred, covered with marks of burns, freezing, lightning bites, cutting, hammering, etc., dripping with blood, it seems that the purple-red tentacles that have just experienced a war broke through the space, extended infinitely in an instant, and at the same time became bigger and thicker , sweeping towards the stars that blocked Miska the tarantula.

At the same time, an equally soft voice sounded.

"My prince, do you miss me here?"

While speaking, with the rolling abyssal fire, the giant tentacles slapped violently, turning a series of stars into powder with great force.

"every moment."

When the stars shattered, they burst into bright fireworks.

In the light of the flames, the violent look in the eyes of Miska the tarantula disappeared, and she spoke in a simple and innocent language of the devil.

"Very well, I like your answer."

The tentacles kept waving wildly.

"My prince, my love, my future king."

"I will destroy the place that sealed you and take you home."

"The bottomless abyss is waiting for you and me to ascend the throne together, countless demons are waiting for our rule, and the endless world is waiting to become the only abyss."

Respond after chaos.


Under the crush of her tentacles, the stars died one after another, and the chains were broken and shattered.

The purplish-red tentacles rolled up the weak-spirited tarantula Miska, savagely destroying the closed space until the space was completely shattered, and then disappeared in an instant with the tarantula Miska.

The war that lasted for a long time gradually ceased.

The Fengxuan Abyss, ravaged by the flames of war between the gods and demons, has returned to calm, but the various damages caused by the plane space will take tens of thousands of years to gradually recover.


Garen returned to the Dragon Court from the main material world, and has been in the Dragon Court for more than a year.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The long river of time flows quietly as always.

But the world surrounded by the long river of time is not peaceful.

It has been less than twenty years since the Glory War. After the Endless Plane of the multiverse has been quiet for a period of time, two major events suddenly broke out in succession this year.

First of all, after Chaos, many demon lords and armies gathered on the fourth floor of the Abyss of Wind Howling, and a scuffle broke out between Miska the tarantula and the gods of order who came to stop it.

It is said.

It is unknown how many of the endless spaces in the airtight tunnel were destroyed in this battle.

Treasures, artifacts, spells, knowledge, etc. that might exist, all completely perish along with the closed space destroyed by the gods and demons, and completely cease to exist.

As for the battle between the gods and the demons that lasted for several months and made the entire Fengxuan Abyss tremble, the final result was that... the demons paid the lives of countless spider demons, and more than a dozen The price of the serious injury of a demon lord was exchanged for the successful escape of the tarantula Miska.

Garen was not surprised by this result.

First of all, the determination of the queen of chaos to unseal her lover is far stronger than the determination of today's gods to continue to seal the tarantula Misca. Since the end of the war between order and chaos, after the chaos has been planning to unseal the wolf. spider.

Secondly, there are two scepters behind Chaos, and the seal coordinates they hold are clearer and more specific than those of the gods.

After Chaos, this ancient and powerful demon lord, once the master of the abyss.

After endless years, she finally reunited with her prince again.

There is no doubt that when Miska the tarantula, the first demon prince, returns to the Abyss and joins hands with the Alliance of the Queen of Chaos, the Abyss is destined to undergo earthquake-like changes.

But before that.

After the chaos, the demon lords who were still leading and supporting him fought against the gods in the Wind Howling Abyss, but the bottomless abyss had changed drastically ahead of time, and something incredible happened to all the demons.

The oldest demon lord of Obiris.

The first demon **** to control the bottomless abyss.

The king of bugs, Obox.

The demon prince who had been dormant for a long time and waited quietly under the deep prestige of Miska the tarantula and Demogorgon, after being killed by Chaos Empress and Demogorgon successively, after being silent for hundreds of thousands of years, he finally turned around !

The King of Bugs entered the abyss level controlled by Demogorgon alone, and after being provocative, he fought a fierce battle with the most powerful demon prince at present.

In the battle of two demon princes.

On the eighty-eighth floor of the bottomless abyss, the situation in the saltwater swamp changed, and the sky was turned upside down.

None of the demons thought the Lord of Bugs could win.

The King of Bugs had been killed by Dimo ​​Gogan before, but his strength was not as good as that of Demo Gogen. Moreover, it took the initiative to come to the salt water swamp and the enemy's territory. With the home court advantage, the demons don't know how the King of Bugs can win.

However, something unbelievable happened to countless demons.

The King of Insects completely defeated Demogorgen and occupied the eighty-eighth floor of the bottomless abyss. Now he has moved into the skeleton tower that originally belonged to Demogorgen. He is taking in Demogorgen's former subordinates and killing the resisters directly , to absorb defectors into their own legion.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

As for the defeated escaped.

Demogorgon fled while his defeated opponent was defeated and humiliated.

At this time, Demo Gogan is hiding in an unknown abyss level, or has left the bottomless abyss and is hiding in other lower planes.

The King of Insects mobilized his own forces and was constantly searching for traces of Demogorgen in the lower planes. He wanted to take advantage of Demogorgen's serious injuries and healed, and completely kill this confidant.

To be able to kill Demogorgon.

The King of Bugs even spread the news about Demogorgon.

It did not boast of its own strength, but told frankly that Demogorgen suffered a serious injury that could not be healed, so he was defeated by it. After all, the King of Bugs himself is actually very powerful. For the King of Bugs, except Getting rid of Demogorgon is the top priority.

This news made the entire abyss, no, the demons in the entire lower plane go crazy.

Countless demon lords dispatched subordinates, or simply left their own planes in person, and launched a large-scale search operation in the lower planes, trying to find Demogorgon, trying to seize the power of the demon prince.

Things like throwing stones into a well are normal in the bottomless abyss.

In addition, the devil's old enemy, the devils of the Nine Hells, also took action.

Whether you want to take the opportunity to kill the powerful demon Demogorgon and not give it a chance to make a comeback, or you covet the power of Demogorgon and want to get a chance to upgrade, the devil princes, with the acquiescence of the Lord of the Nine Prisons, also started to act.


Chaos returns with Misca the tarantula.

Because Demogorgon was hiding in the bottomless abyss, the situation in the lower plane, which had become chaotic, immediately rolled up a more turbulent vortex.

Demogorgon, who was badly wounded and hid.

The King of Insects whose reputation has soared.

Miska the tarantula returned from her hundreds of thousands of years of seal.

Among these three demon princes, who can win the final victory in the battle for kingship of the abyss, win the favor of the will of the abyss, and become the legendary demon king?

Now, the key point is Demogorgon.

The King of Bugs and Miska the Tarantula, no matter which one finds Demogorgon first, captures him or kills him directly, it is very likely that his strength will rise sharply, and then he will be able to defeat the other demon prince. Climb to the top of the abyss and become the demon king.

Countless abyssal demons are waiting for time to reveal the answer.

At the same time, there are also powerful demon lords such as the dark lord who are eager to fish in troubled waters, trying to take this rare opportunity to become a new demon prince and participate in the battle for the king of the abyss.

A major event due to two demon princes.

At this time, even the **** battle between the abyss and **** temporarily subsided.

Half of the Dark Eight Demon Generals on the **** side were no longer active based on what Garen learned through the Mechanical Legion. They were suspected to have left the Wanyuan Plain, most likely searching for Demogorgon's whereabouts.

The Lord of Avernas Hell, Grand Duke Bayer, who had dealt with Garen, also rarely left its bronze fortress, missing.

"First, the Lord of Thunder killed his father, replacing the position of Lord God of Giants, and then the battle for the kingship of the abyssal demon prince is in full swing...... This multiverse is about to become chaotic again."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

In the Dragon's Nest of the Eternal Palace, the silver dragon who had just sorted out the recent changes in the situation thought to himself.

After thinking for a while, the silver dragon raised his head, showing pride, and said to himself: "The situation of the two devil princes was all caused by This multiverse is not chaotic, It seems that I, Garen, have the final say."


"Bah bah bah, Garen, you're bloated."

Yuna's head emerged from the gold, silver and gemstones, and said.

"Huh? Are you teaching the great Lord of Dragon Court a lesson?"

Yuna blinked her lavender eyes and said, "Yeah, I'll teach you a lesson, what do you want?"

The silver dragon stared, and rushed to fight with Yuna.

After a period of time, the messy dragon's nest was restored to its original state. After playing around for a while, Garen began to close his eyes slightly, spreading his perception into the long river of time, exploring the mysteries of the long river of time.

In the past, he passively accepted the various forces of time.

However, after being promoted to the weak and other divine powers, Garen has been trying to unravel the mystery of the eternity of time, but so far there has been little success.

Not long after, Garen, who was immersed in the connection with the river of time, was interrupted.

One of the legendary dragon members of the Dragon Court, a purgatory dragon, sent Garen a message he had been waiting for for a long time through the Dragon Court Deed.

The Purgatory Dragon, also called the Abyss Dragon, is a type of dragon that lives in the bottomless abyss. It is rare, rare, and naturally powerful. It has much stronger power than ordinary dragons. There are not many members of the Purgatory Dragon in the entire Dragon Court.

"Dragon Lord, Chaos has found me and wants to communicate with you...... I hope you can respond."

From the mental fluctuations of the purgatory dragon, Garen felt fear and tension.

This is normal.

After facing the chaos in the abyss, it is not an easy task.

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