MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 423 Garen: Jie Jie Jie, you want to run away after offending Ben Long?

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"Master Dragon Lord, thank you for your response."

"When I was caught by Chaos, I thought I was going to die."

After leaving after Chaos, Garen let go of the suppression of the Purgatory Dragon's spiritual will. The Purgatory Dragon, who was still in his heart, came back to his senses and said to Garen in awe in his mind.

"The bottomless abyss has become more and more dangerous and chaotic recently. I'd better go to Dragon Court or the main material plane for the time being."

The Purgatory Dragon Queen said in fear.

Although it is an ancient dragon, its strength is considered high among the countless demons in the abyss, but it is far from comparable to the demon lords, especially the demon lords after Chaos. Once encountered, there will be no resistance .

Garen didn't communicate too much with this Dragon Court member.

"Whether it is the Dragon Court or the main material world, they are far safer than the abyss."

Garen said calmly.

At the same time, he warned in a deep voice: "After you leave the abyss,"

"I don't want any creature to know about the communication with me after the chaos."

After hearing Garen's serious words, Purgatory Dragon immediately shuddered.

Although Garen's will was suppressed when he communicated with the Empress of Chaos, he had no idea what Garon communicated with the Empress of Chaos, but it was just a secret communication between an ancient demon lord and the Lord of the Dragon Court , nor is it part of the secret it should know.

"I see."

"Dragon Lord, in case I accidentally leak the news, please erase this memory of mine."

The Purgatory Dragon understood, and instead of just making a verbal guarantee, he said this directly to Garen.

It's quite the way, and the age of nearly a thousand years is not in vain.

After getting the answer from the purgatory dragon, the phantom of the silver dragon entrenched in the mind of the purgatory dragon nodded slightly.

Next, after the Purgatory Dragon completely let go of its spiritual and soul defenses, Garen easily deleted its memory, inserted a false memory into it, and then quietly withdrew his will.

The dark red light shines down through the gaps in the luxuriant tree crowns, and falls on the scales of the purgatory dragon.

Purple and red intertwine and change together.

Purgatory Dragon raised his head, and first looked at the surrounding environment in a daze.

"What am I here for?"

After just a moment of confusion, it woke up and thought in its heart: "By the way, it is to see the majestic and towering Twelve Trees before leaving the abyss to go to the main material world."

Thinking of this, the purgatory dragon flapped its wings.

The dark purple body flew towards the nearest giant tree under the gust of wind, and gradually disappeared in place.


"With this transaction, there is one more hole card that can be used at critical times."

In the depths of the Eternal Palace, inside the vast Dragon Lair.

A pair of platinum dragon boys opened slowly, with a hint of a smile in their deep eyes.

The silver dragon stood up, shook its growing stronger and wider wings, and threw down some gold, silver and gemstones covering its body, jingling.

With a thought, one after another strange equipment runes were constructed out of thin air, and then disappeared in the air, blending with the surrounding space.

Under the influence of the strange equipment rune, a space gap connected with the metal world gradually appeared.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"My lord, what are your orders?"

The indifferent voice of Mechanical Tianzun without any emotion sounded from it.

"Escort this thing to Wanyuan Plain, make sure nothing goes wrong."

Garen put the last scepter into the space crack, passed it directly to the metal world, and handed it over to the mechanical Tianzun. At the same time, he designated a clear coordinate in the Wanyuan Plain.

"As you wish."

The mechanical Tianzun gave a simple and powerful answer.

"How is the development of the mechanical army in the bottomless abyss now?"

The silver dragon narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

Immediately, the Mechanical Heavenly Venerable slowly explained the recent situation of the legion, and it didn't take long before Garen had a detailed understanding.

The **** demon army in the Wanyuan Plain theater is huge, and at the same time, as the first level of the bottomless abyss, it is the home field of demons. Therefore, although demons and devils have been at a stalemate, overall, the demon army still holds a certain advantage.

This is still in the case that the Devil Legion has the support of many **** mercenaries.

Furthermore, because the Wanyuan Plain is too vast, and the mechanical legion lacks the combat power that can compete with the demon lord, although the development is good, there are more and more mechanical bases, and there are even bases that can compete with the large demon fortress, but it is still unable to play a role. The decisive effect is at most only to increase the advantage of the Devil's **** army.

"The main reason is the lack of god-level combat power."

Mechanical Tianzun concluded.

Its current strongest creations are still at the demigod level, including various types of mechanical angels, mechanical dragons controlled by Garen, and recently demonic machines created by smelting local materials from the abyss based on demons.

There are many types.

But without exception, all are at the demigod level.

In small-scale conflicts, the mechanical legion is omnipotent, but once it encounters a demon lord, if there is no corresponding devil general to help, even a large mechanical base is powerless to defend, and it will be destroyed if it is destroyed.

Because the mechanical legion has attracted more and more demon attention.

Now there are already four bases equipped with top-level barracks that can cast demigod-level machinery, which have been precisely destroyed by the demon lord.

On the other hand, the devil general, after seeing the advantages of the mechanical warriors, also realized the importance of the mechanical legion to the devil's **** army. If the mechanical base is too far away, it will not be able to provide timely support, and it is also a risky move for the devil general to leave the main front and go deep into the enemy area.

Not long ago, when a devil general rushed to rescue the mechanical base, he encountered the attacks of three demon lords at the same time.

It suffered a lot of injuries before it fled back to the devil's front.

After that, it will be even more difficult for the mechanical legion farther away from the devil's front to get shelter.

However, the development of the mechanical legion needs resources, and resources must be discovered all the time.

This also means that you can't just guard the area near the devil's front.

The demons didn't care much about small mechanical bases.

But the problem now is that once the mechanical base develops to a certain scale, it will attract the attention of the demon lord, attract the precise attack of the demon lord, and it will be difficult to survive.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Rebuilt again and again, destroyed again and again.

This is the embarrassing situation that the mechanical legion is facing in the bottomless abyss at this time.

The mechanical legion in the Wanyuan Plain was unable to resist the attack of the demon lord, not to mention confrontation, and could not even barely guard the base, so it fell into a bottleneck.

Garen nodded slightly, and at the same time asked casually: "Then, is your upper limit to create demigod creations?"

There was a moment of silence as if a plane had crashed, and the mechanical Tianzun continued to answer in a rational and indifferent voice without emotion.

"My lord, there is no upper limit to my mechanical creativity. What limits me are resource materials and microscopic autopsy research on divine-like creatures."

Garen asked curiously, "Your soldiers are all machines. What effect can researching flesh-and-blood creatures have on machines?"

Mechanical Tianzun explained: "The so-called flesh and blood body is also a machine in my opinion, and it is very precise, but it is different from the basic material composition of the machine I am currently good at."

It continued in a flat tone: "If you wish, I can change the focus of my research and create a machine in the form of blood and flesh."

With regard to the answer of the Mechanic Tianzun, Garen seemed to see a scholar whose ability was questioned, and was refuting for himself.

Garen was not surprised by this.

The Mechanical God is a collection of souls and rare treasures of ancient Yinmasca emperors.

Beneath the surface of cold rationality, it has a certain weak emotion.

"Sounds good, but I don't have time to wait for you to start all over again."

Let Mechanic Tianzun give up the metal machinery that has been delved into the depths, and start researching flesh and blood machinery. Maybe you can try it in the future, but it is not a good thing for now.

"My lord, as you can see, the mechanical legion has encountered a bottleneck at this time."

"In order to break the bottleneck and further develop, I want to carry out research on higher-level divine powers."

"Therefore, I decided to apply to you for the right to use the military exploits of the **** battle."

The mechanical Tianzun said solemnly.

The silver dragon's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "What do you want to exchange for using the military merit of the **** battle?"

Fight for the devil, be the enemy of the devil.

Every demon killed by the mechanical legion, or a demon fortress destroyed, is accumulating military merit, and because Garen has no idea what to exchange for military merit, he has never used it.

After all, military merit is a good thing.

After accumulating a sufficient number of military merits, you can even ask the Lord of the Nine Hells to take action.

This was recognized by the Lord of the Nine Prisons and clearly written on the contract of the **** battle.

Of course, if you want the assistance of the Lord of the Nine Prisons, you will need an astronomical amount of **** military achievements.

"The corpses of god-like creatures that are more advanced than demigods, and all kinds of advanced materials I need."

The mechanical Tianzun said simply.

"At least the corpses of the weaker gods... After all the military achievements of the mechanical legion are accumulated in exchange for the corpses, there will be almost nothing left."

Garen thought quietly.

He understood that what Mechanic Tianzun wanted was to break through the existing technical level through research on more advanced divine-like creatures, and create a true god-level machine comparable to weaker divine power.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

A few seconds later, the silver dragon raised its chin and said, "You can freely control one-third of your military achievements, and the rest cannot be stored."

One-third of the military merit, which can only be exchanged for some high-level materials.

At the same time, Garen grinned and said, "As for the corpses of weak and other divine creatures, it would be too wasteful to exchange them for military merit, so I will provide them to you. It just so happens that I want to deal with a guy who doesn't know how to live or die."

During the battle for the scepter, the main enemy Garen faced was the Empress of Chaos, but he was evenly matched with the Empress of Chaos, but he suffered a bit from the reptiles hiding in the dark like the Lord of the Shadow Shoal, which made Garen Even more displeased.

Lord of the Shadow Shoals.

This demon lord, who made Garen unhappy, lived in the shadow sea on the eighty-ninth floor of the abyss.

Before that, Garen was thinking about how to crush the Lord of the Shadow Shoal and make him pay for his wading in the muddy water.

The persimmons had to be picked softly, and the contract with Chaos Empress made Chaos Empress no longer Garon's enemy for a long time, and the only one left who wanted to avenge his shame was the Lord of the Shadow Shoals.

However, killing a demon lord is not something that can be done casually.

The Lord of the Shadow Shoals is the demon lord of the Shadow Sea, but the actual owner of the Shadow Sea is not it, but the ancient **** Dagon of the deep sea, an ancient and unfathomable Obiris demon lord, the Lord of the Shadow Shoals is originally Created by Dagon's experiments, technically a subordinate of Dagon.

"Dagon...... From what I know, it is a wise man, and he rarely provokes enemies for himself."

In the previous battle between order and chaos, Dagon was invited to join the battle after chaos, but was rejected by the other party. In addition, the alternate war between the Tanari demon and the Obiris demon, the battle between the demon princes... ...Dagon didn't participate in all of them.

It has been silently in the depths of the Sea of ​​Shadows, doing things unknown to itself.

Unless the enemy takes the initiative to provoke anger, Dagon seldom makes a move in the bottomless abyss, so he appears mysterious and unpredictable, and because of the short-lived confrontation with the enemy, he shows the terrifying power to crush and kill the demon lord who offends him. strength.

Through the previous communication with the Queen of Chaos, Garen already knew that the Lord of the Shadow Shoal was just coveting the benefits promised by the Queen of Chaos, and was willing to risk offending the Dragon God to help the Queen of Chaos.

There is no figure of the King of the Deep Sea behind this matter.

From the Lord of the Shadow Shoal's point of view, he was staying in the abyss anyway, and even if he offended the Dragon God, Garen, he would not be able to catch up to the abyss to do anything to it.

The Sea of ​​Shadows on the eighty-ninth floor, apart from the existence of the ancient **** Dagon, is also next to the salt water swamp on the eighty-eighth floor.

The saltwater swamp was the domain of Demogorgon in the past, and now it belongs to the king of insects.

Therefore, it was impossible for Garen to go to the Shadow Sea to attack and kill the Lord of the Shadow Shoal.

This will only put him in danger, and even Shi Long Niu Liu may not be able to guarantee safety.

"In this case, you need to lure the snake out of the hole."

The silver dragon grinned.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

At this time, I think of the Lord of the Shadow Shoal, partly because of the recent situation that the Mechanic Tianzun told him.

Wanyuan Plain is the largest war zone in the never-ending **** war, bar none.

Although many demon lords themselves are not in the Wanyuan Plain, they have subordinates who build fortresses and form legions in the Wanyuan Plain as part of the Demon Blood War Army.

The Lord of Shadow Shoal is also one of them.

The place of Wanyuan Plain, because of the melee between demons and demons, and many foreign **** mercenaries, mixed with fish and dragons, has never been under the control of demons.

For nondemonic creatures, the deeper the abyss, the more dangerous it is to go.

Gallon didn't dare to go to a deep realm like the Shadow Sea, but he still wouldn't hesitate to go to the first level of the Plain of Myriad Abyss.

"Collect information about the Lord of Shadow Shoals, and send troops to attack its demon fortress."


With the goal of ambush and kill the Lord of the Shadow Shoal, Garen communicated with the Mechanical Celestial Venerable, and soon formed a meticulous plan to lure the snake out of the cave and ambush him.

"If you don't show your face, its demon fortress can't resist the attack of the mechanical legion. First break its demon fortress to collect some interest."

"However, it will dare to show up when the time comes, hum."

Between the dragon's upper and lower jaws, the sharp dragon teeth flickered coldly.

After another period of time, Garen and the Mechanic Tianzun ended the communication.

Whether it is collecting information on the Demon Fortress of the Lord of the Shadow Shoals, issuing tasks to Artificer players, gathering troops to attack the Demon Fortress, etc., it will take a certain amount of time to complete, and it is definitely not something that can be done in a short while.

Therefore, Garen temporarily put aside the matter of the bottomless abyss.

When the preliminary work is ready and the plan is officially implemented, the mechanical Tianzun will naturally contact him.

"Hey, if only I could go kill that nasty demon with you."

At this time, with the sound of clattering, pieces of gold, silver and precious stones spread out in all directions like drops of water, revealing Yuna's figure emerging from it. While speaking, she shook her head and shook the precious stones on top of her head. open.

The silver dragon turned his head and said gently: "For you, the abyss is too dangerous, I can't bear to see you get hurt."

Under Garen's sweet words, Yuna's expression immediately jumped up.

She threw the silver dragon to the ground, then stretched out her nimble tongue and licked Gallon's faceplate as a reward.

After playing around for a while, Yuna blinked, the lavender eyes reflected Garon's increasingly gigantic body, hesitated for a while, and said: "Garon, in the inheritance of our power dragon , records a way to improve one's own strength by leaps and bounds."

"I want to try."

Garen's eyes moved slightly, he looked at his partner, and said, "What way?"

Yuna considered the language for a while, and said: "The tempering of the star core... is to go deep into the core of the large planetary world, and absorb the power of the planet's core while resisting and resisting, so as to strengthen one's own power."

"According to the inheritance records, this was created by our ancestors, and it is the most efficient way to improve the strength of the power dragon."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Garen wrinkled his dragon face and said, "This sounds dangerous."

Yuna nodded, and said: "It is indeed dangerous, but don't When the minors perform star core refining for the first time, there will be powerful elders to assist the Dharma protectors, and there will be no accidents big problem."

Under Yuna's gaze, the silver dragon flicked its tail and said, "I respect your decision."

"However, I will also be present when you refine the star core."

Although Yuna said that there are powerful elder guardians, Garen is still a little worried.

In case of accident, he can provide some help.

Yuna nodded quickly, and said, "Then it's such a happy decision."

Garen asked, "When are you going to start refining the star core?"

If it is to start immediately, then he will order the mechanical Tianzun to postpone the plan for the Lord of the Shadow Shoal.

Yuna thought for a while, and pondered: "At least a year later, before starting, I will sleep for a while, and adjust myself to the peak and perfect state."

For dragons, one year is actually a very short time.

However, this period was enough for Garen to implement the plan, so he didn't stop the mechanical Tianzun.

"Okay, you can sleep well."

Gallon said.

Immediately, Yuna's body rolled and squirmed, got into the deepest part of the dragon's nest, buried herself with layers of gold, silver and precious stones, and fell into a peaceful slumber.

Restoring the silence in the dragon's lair.

The silver dragon closed its eyes, and all the information related to resonance casting appeared in its mind.

This is derived from the powerful spellcasting method of the Alphatia Empire. Garen wanted to try to improve it himself. He was not sure before, but after being promoted to the weak and other divine powers and greatly improving all aspects of attributes, Garen felt that he should can do.

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