MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 425 Evil fall, godhead promotion, newborn authority.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The Metal Dragon God did not continue to stay in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

After coercing the third-generation Goddess of Magic and forcing her to leave, he had a brief chat with Garen about the Queen of Wind Elements, and then returned to his nearby North Wind God Kingdom.

At this moment.

The silver dragon lowered its eyes and looked down at the female spellcaster in his bedroom.

The female spellcaster in the shadow of the huge dragon's body trembled and looked down at the ground made of mithril, not daring to look directly at the god. Wei Zhong still almost fainted, his mind was at a loss.

In general.

Believers who are the carrier of the will of the gods, although they can no longer control their bodies, words and deeds, can hear and see how the gods use their bodies.

However, this time, because it was a matter of its own sovereignty, the third-generation goddess of magic blocked the thinking of the believer's carrier.

The communication between the **** Gallon and the metal dragon **** was also at the spiritual level, and was not heard by the female spellcaster.

Therefore, the female spellcaster has no idea why she came here, or why the great goddess she worshiped left her behind.

Suddenly appeared in the kingdom of a dragon god.

She had no idea what she was going to face next.

The reason and calmness that should belong to the caster has disappeared in front of a dragon god.

Looking at the female spell caster who lowered her hair like an ostrich and was unwilling to face the reality, the **** Gallon restrained his divine power and dragon power, and said calmly: "Mortal, maybe you don't understand what happened, but I can tell you , the **** you believe in has abandoned you."

The body of the female caster trembled violently.

She raised her head, dazed and at a loss, and said incoherently: "I don't believe that the great goddess of magic will not abandon her followers."

God Gallon joked: "Oh? Then why did you appear here?"

"If I want to kill you, do you think the goddess of magic will come here to be my enemy?"

"If you don't believe me, start praying to her."

Dragon God's words were like a sharp sword, piercing through the chest of the female caster.

"Great goddess of magic, mother of all magic, your humble servant, your loyal believer, I pray here, begging for your response......"

According to the words of the Dragon God, the female spellcaster began to pray to the third-generation goddess of magic with a look of hope on her face.

no respond.

The female spellcaster did not want to believe this fact, and prayed again, again and again.

As time passed quietly, the **** Gallon looked at this poor spell caster who had been abandoned by the **** he believed in, and he was not in a hurry, allowing her to pray to the third-generation goddess of magic.


After countless prayers that went unanswered.

The female caster's expression turned gray, like a puppet without a trace of life.

Believers who can become the carrier of the descending of gods generally have a high level of belief. Such believers are abandoned by their own gods, which is an unbearable disaster for them.

However, in this case.

In addition to giving up on themselves, some believers will instead breed resentment.

"I am in awe of you and believe in you. Every morning when the sun rises and every night when the sun sets... I will pray to you and listen to your teachings."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"But why did you abandon me?"

"Did I do something wrong that aroused your anger and caused God's punishment?"

"No, my words and deeds are all in accordance with your teachings. I work hard and never violate your teachings."

"So, why is this? Why exactly!"

The female spellcaster with broken faith murmured in a voice like weeping blood, her complexion was pale, and at the same time she was at a loss, but also had doubts about the third-generation goddess of magic.

"Hehe, hehe, isn't my belief in this life meaningless? In the end, it's just the end of being thrown away at will?"

Doubt turned to anger, and anger turned to hatred.

In the slightly distorted voice, it seemed as if strands of black energy emerged from the body of the female spell caster, surrounding her, devouring the devotion of the believers of the gods.

Seeing this scene, the **** Gallon looked curious.

"Interesting, such scenes of faithful believers falling into evil are rare."

Due to the great stimulation, the personality, concepts, beliefs, etc. have changed drastically in a short period of time, and the believers of the gods have fallen into unbelievers or simply disgusting gods... this kind of thing I've heard of it a little bit, but haven't seen it with my own eyes.

"Humble mortal, go away and do what you want to do."

With a thought of God Gallon, the gate of the Kingdom of God opened, engulfing the female spellcaster.

In the next second, the female spellcaster returned to her spell tower in Yinhai. She remained silent and cast a spell to build a portal to a main material world she was familiar with.

What she will do next, God Gallon can predict.

According to the experience of similar things that happened in the past, she will spread words and deeds that slander and blaspheme the third-generation goddess of magic. If she is more ruthless, she will turn into an avenger in the dark, and instead believe in a **** who is completely hostile to the goddess of magic. With the help of the power of hostile gods, snipe and kill the believers of the goddess of magic, attack the church of the goddess of magic, etc.

Out of curiosity, the **** Gallon cast a glance at the caster.

At the same time, God Gallon closed his eyes slightly, focused more energy on absorbing the faith reserve of the Kingdom of God, and then rolled out with extraordinary divine power carrying the aura of time and destiny, leaving the Kingdom of God, and swept towards the Lords one by one like a storm. In the material world, it precisely passed the body of a real dragon.

All the real dragons that were brushed by the mighty power of the dragon **** trembled slightly, and then understood the oracle of the **** Gallon.

"All the people of my Dragon Clan can use themselves as the basis to unlock the authority of the Dragon Demon Net without belief or price."

The dragon magic net is based on the real dragon itself.

The more real dragons who are willing to use the Dragon Demon Net, the more perfect the coverage rate of the Dragon Demon Net will be, and the better the effect will be.

As God Gallon's extraordinary divine power continued to burst out, more and more real dragons in the main material world heard the oracle of the Dragon God, and after a short thought, tried to connect to the dragon magic net.

As time goes by.

In God Canon's dark vision, more and more star lights lit up, and then God Canon consumed extraordinary divine power, and silk threads stretched out from individual light spots and connected to other light spots, interweaving to form a three-dimensional network.

The main material world is innumerable.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The true dragon people distributed in different main material worlds are also numerous.

Even though the **** Gallon had almost used up all the faith he had stored in the kingdom of God, and consumed all his supernatural power, the darkness in his field of vision was still extremely vast, and the lit network was like sparks in the universe.


God Gallon let out a long breath, and his breath weakened.


A certain material world.

In a vast desert, the scorching and dry wind swept the sky with gravel all over the sky, and the red sun exuded high temperature, distorting the surrounding air.


An adult silver dragon with a body length of more than 20 meters spread its dragon wings and swept across the desert, staring at the sand sea on the ground vigilantly.


Just below its body, a whirlpool of yellow sand appeared like a yellow ocean. A body was about 32 meters long, with a bloated abdomen, heavy black armor on its back, and a pair of terrifying jaws in front of its head. The giant ant lion broke through the ground.

This is not an ordinary giant antlion, but a destroying insect, an ancient and powerful race of creatures, without much wisdom, keen to destroy all creatures in sight.

Most of the destroying insects can grow into legendary creatures in a complete state.

The one that the adult silver dragon was facing was still some time away from becoming a full body.

Several small countries in the desert were destroyed by the destroying ant lion one after another. Silver Dragon, with a sense of justice, wanted to kill this destroying ant lion, and had been chasing and stalemate with it for several days.

Under the control of the Destroyer Antlion, a sandstorm rose from the ground and rolled towards the Silver Dragon.

The body of the silver dragon soared nimbly, shuttling between the sandstorms, breathing out the dragon's breath at the same time, and went straight to destroy the antlion.

In front of the ice-blue dragon's breath, the Destroyer Antlion burrowed into the desert and disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye.

The dragon's breath fell into the dry yellow sand land, forming clusters of criss-crossing forests of ice crystals, which did not have the effect Silver Dragon wanted.

At this time, the vortex reappeared, and the carapace of the Antlion Destroyer opened, stretching out a pair of translucent film-like wings, buzzing and flapping at a high frequency, soaring into the sky surrounded by sandstorms, the terrifying giant jaws biting towards silver dragon.

The silver dragon dodged vigilantly, and at the same time, when passing by the opponent, a dragon claw slapped on the carapace of the destroying antlion.

Stab it!

The carapace as hard as iron was torn, leaving traces of dragon claws.

At the same time, the thick green insect blood came into contact with the silver dragon's claws, making a hissing sound, corroding the dragon scales one by one, even touching the flesh and blood, causing the silver dragon to suffer endlessly.

"Damn bug."

The silver dragon cast a healing spell to stop the injury of the dragon claw.

The Destroyer Antlion fell to the ground, sucking in countless yellow sandstorms, and the shattered carapace was also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After fighting with the Destroyer Antlion for a long time, the Silver Dragon was already feeling exhausted. It knew that the opponent's condition was not good, but in this stalemate, there was no doubt that even if he could win in the end, he would suffer serious injuries. .

"Forget it, I will spare you this time..."

The silver dragon intends to leave temporarily and come back when he is strong, or call friends and gather some metal dragon companions to fight and destroy the ant lions.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

At this time, the oracle belonging to the dragon of eternity and time descended, conveyed from the distant Heavenly Mountain.


"Dragon Magic Net...... What is this?"

Yinlong was taken aback for a moment, and after understanding the effect of the Dragon Demon Net through the Dragon God's message, his eyes immediately brightened, and he entangled his own magic power with the passing Dragon God's mighty power, and connected into the Dragon Demon Net.

in an instant.

It felt a new force emerging, and the surrounding elemental energy became orderly, easier to control and manipulate.

Looking at the ignorant Destroyer Antlion, Yinlong showed an eager expression.

The dragon wings spread out, and the magic power burst out.

Silver Dragon recited the highest level of spells he had mastered. While constructing the spells, he found that with the increase of the dragon magic net, its magic power consumption was indeed reduced by a level, and when the magic power was consumed, there was still a weak magic power to feed back. Backflow, so that the spellcasting continuity becomes higher.

Frozen land!

The spell was constructed successfully.

With the Destroying Antlion as the center, an extremely cold and low-temperature airflow erupted out of thin air, freezing the nearby yellow sand, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly.

The ice crystals quickly extended, covering the Destroyer Antlion's limbs, restricting its movements.

Regarding this, Destroyer Antlion didn't panic too much. While spitting acid at the silver dragon, he calmly struggled to break free from the ice crystal, causing it to rattle and crack.

This spell is not the first time Silver Dragon has used it.

But because of the high consumption of magic power, it cannot be used continuously, and it can't completely freeze the destroying antlion before it breaks free.

The silver dragon dodged the acid and watched the destroying antlion begin to construct the spell again.

Frozen land!

Frozen land!

Frozen land!

The silver dragon constructs the same spell consecutively. With the increase of the dragon's magic net, its spell is faster and easier to cast, and the power of the spell is also increased to a certain extent while the consumption is lower.

The suddenly strengthened spell caught the Destroyer Antlion off guard.

It struggled violently, but it was no longer able to stop the extended frozen ice, and the surrounding yellow sand land also turned into an ice crystal jungle, making it difficult to dive into the ground and escape.


Looking at the Destroyer Antlion that was frozen into a ball and lost the power to resist, Yinlong seriously thought about the performance of the spell just now, showing surprise on his face.

"Dragon Magic Net is so easy to use."

"This is only the most basic authority, but with this kind of increase effect, I successfully defeated the Destroyer Antlion, which was originally evenly matched."

The silver dragon flicked its tail, and began to carefully check the information of the dragon magic net that had appeared in the inheritance.

"Oh, belief in the Dragon God can increase the authority of the Dragon Demon Net."

"I see."

"Do you want to try it?"

Yinlong showed hesitation.

It began to waver because it thought of the heroic appearance of the dragon gods who protected the dragon clan during the glorious war, their extraordinary mighty power, and the temptation of the higher authority of the dragon magic net.

It already had a good impression of the dragon god, after much deliberation, it finally decided to try to believe in a dragon god.

"Which dragon **** do you believe in?"

"Belief in any dragon **** can obtain permission, there is no requirement for this."

"Dragon of Judgment, Dragon of Judgment..."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

The names and deeds of each dragon **** emerged one after another in Yinlong's mind.

After hesitating for a while, it decided: "Try to believe in the noble dragon of eternity and time first."

After all, the creator of the Dragon Demon Net is the dragon of eternity and time. Although there is no requirement to believe in oneself, when a real dragon has the idea of ​​believing in the dragon god, there is a high probability that he will immediately think of the dragon of eternity and time. Of course, if you are right Other dragon gods favor more, and it is normal to choose other dragon **** beliefs.

"The great dragon of eternity and time, the dragon **** of time and destiny who protects the dragon clan."

"Please listen to my prayer and accept my faith."

The weakest level of power of faith grows, and in the eyes of the gods, it is like a small spot of light, crossing a long distance and entering the eternal kingdom of God.

The same scene happened in many places.

At this time, this kind of light spot is like a sky full of stars, flowing from various main material worlds into the eternal kingdom of God.

In order to build the dragon magic net, the **** Gallon, who had almost exhausted his extraordinary divine power, had a slightly brighter look in his eyes, showing joy.

Countless newborn powers of faith continued to flow into the mammoth body of the **** Gallon, quickly filling up with exhausted extraordinary divine power.


At the same time, there seemed to be a crisp sound that opened up the world, and it sounded and echoed in the mind of the **** Gallon.

God Gallon's face was solemn.

A trihedral crystal emerged from the center of the silver dragon's forehead.

This is the core part of God Gallon.


The godhead is irregular, each side represents a kind of authority, and the stronger the power of authority, the brighter the corresponding side, and the more divinity it contains.

The three-faced godhead of the **** Gallon represents the three kinds of authority he possesses.




The reason why it is said to be possessed, not mastered, is that these powers are not unique, and there are other gods with similar powers.

However, in the dragon **** system, the power of time and fate is unique to the **** Gallon.

As for the authority of the dragon...all dragon gods have it, and only the dragon **** has the authority. It is an important link between the dragon **** and the dragon people, just like the giant gods have giant authority , the elves and gods all hold the power of elves.

Under the delighted gaze of the **** Gallon, the three-faced godhead absorbs the power of the dragons' faith at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time connects to the dragon's magic net, causing strange changes.

Crystallinity Proliferation Evolution.

After absorbing enough power of faith, the three-faced godhead became the four-faced godhead.

The newly born fourth side of the godhead is currently the darkest, but it has a lot of potential, and it represents the dragon magic net just created by the **** Gallon.

Originally, the supernatural power of the **** Gallon had reached a bottleneck.

But at the moment when the fourth side of the godhead appeared, this bottleneck disappeared naturally, and the power of faith poured into the body of the **** Gallon continuously, turning into supernatural power.


God Gallon's godhead level is still ten.

But he had a premonition that it would not be long before his extraordinary divine power reached its original peak, and it would continue to grow until it broke through the limit of weak divine power, and further, reached medium divine power. At that time, his godhead level would also increase Break through, step into the threshold of medium divine power, surpass all dragon gods in terms of godhead level, and stand shoulder to shoulder with metal dragon gods and immortal dragon queens.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

It's just that the combat power of the **** Gallon still can't really compare with other dragon gods. UU Reading

In terms of age, the **** Gallon is too far behind, she does not have the terrifying growth rate of Gallon himself.

But even so, it was enough to make God Gallon happy.

At the same time, one dragon **** sent thanks to the **** Gallon through the authority of the dragon.

The rules for obtaining the authority of the Dragon Demon Net also benefited other dragon gods. Although it was not as beneficial as the creator of the **** Gallon, the faith gained was more or less improved.

And this is just the beginning.

In the future, it can be foreseen that more real dragons will fall into the arms of the Dragon God.

After all, the interior of the Dragon Clan is not peaceful, and the dragon gods are willing to encourage and support the moderate struggle between real dragons.

When a true dragon defeats an opponent who was evenly matched or even stronger than himself because of the higher authority of the Dragon Demon Net, there is a high probability that the opponent will try to believe in the Dragon God in order to win back face, and also obtain higher authority .

In the most ideal situation, if a wave of involution can be formed, under the general trend, even the originally reluctant real dragon will gradually change his mind and try to believe in the dragon **** in exchange for higher authority.

In this way, the dragon gods will no longer worry about their beliefs.

Of course, this is only the most ideal situation, and it is difficult to achieve, but in any case, the existence of the dragon magic net is good for all dragon gods. The reason for the goddess' face.

"This new authority is called the Dragon Magic Net, not the Magic Net."

"It seems that the divine power of the goddess of magic will not be weakened. She should be relieved now."

Looking at his four-faced godhead, the **** Gallon thought silently.

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