MTL - Dragon Who Controls Time-Chapter 440 Challenge from the Giant God

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

"The relationship with the Eternal Dragon is broken, but not completely broken."

In the main timeline, the silver dragon who has returned to the plane of Dragon Court closed his eyes slightly, and concentrated on exploring the power of time into the long river of time. In this way, he established a connection with the eternal dragon in a different time and space.

After a while, Garen slowly opened his eyes, his eyes brightened slightly.

When he just returned to the main timeline, the connection between Garen and the God of Different Time and Space was instantly cut off by the long river of time. At the beginning, Garen was a little disappointed. He felt that the plan to create **** clones in other timelines was not ideal. .

However, with Garen's attempts again and again, he found that when he was concentrating, he could use the power of time as a medium to cross different time and space, and re-sensed Garen, the **** of different time and space, but he couldn't achieve synchronized thoughts anytime and anywhere. .

"In this way, although there are certain restrictions, you can still draw part of the supernatural power of the different time and space **** Garon when you encounter a need."

The dragon let out a breath.

Regarding this result, Garen was generally satisfied and could barely accept it.

"We need to open more gates of time and space in the future."

"If you want more **** avatars, or just take the godhead, you need to find a timeline with a sufficiently large difference in time flow."

The different time and space that Garen has been to are not many at present.

Because before he was promoted to a weaker divine power, traveling through different time and space was actually not so safe. Even when Garon was a demigod creature, he still needed the power of Yinmasca's secret weapon to be safe. Open the door of time and space.

Due to these reasons, the number of times Garen went to different time and space can be counted on the fingers.

However, after Garen was promoted to a superhuman power, his connection with the River of Time deepened again, and he could even control the River of Time in a small area. He could open the gate of time and space with his own strength, and it was difficult to travel through time and space. Dropped significantly.

"Although the Alphatia Empire is destroyed."

"However, I remember that the flow rate difference between that timeline and the main timeline is quite large."

"You can go and have a look in the future, and then build a Space-Time Dragon Cult."

"I just don't know, with Isaac and Chris messing around, what kind of ending will this Yinmasca and Nether empire in different time and space have."

Garen thought about it, and felt that there was a high probability that it would be destroyed sooner than the established history in the main timeline.

After all, the preference of the two rainbow dragons is to appreciate the end of the magical empire.

"By the way, it's still in Valoran."

"I have a part in the Four Pillars Sect in Valoran. Even if I'm not around, the elder brothers will not remove my temple. Could it be that the 'Eternal Dragon' has already condensed?"

Thinking of this, Garen thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

"It's unlikely."

"The time flow of Valoran is basically consistent with the main timeline."

"If you do the math, it's just that fifty years have passed. In such a short period of time, unless it is a very large belief, it is difficult to condense the belief in gods."

At the same time, the silver dragon showed a deep expression, examining itself.

"Fifty years......Before I knew it, I was already eighty-one years old in the main timeline, and I was in the stage of a young dragon, less than two years away from formal adulthood. Ten years."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Garen lowered his head and glanced at Yuna who buried herself at the bottom of the dragon's nest.

At this time, the energy contained in the powerful dragon girl's body became more docile and stable.

With the passage of time, the originally restless energy became tame, and after it was completely used for his own use, Garen concluded that Yuna could officially become a weak and other divine power.

"However, it seems that he will sleep for a year and a half."

Garen analyzed Yuna's situation and thought silently.

The time ratio of Faerun's different time and space to the main timeline is as high as one hundred to one. It took Gallon a hundred years to study magic and explore the mysteries this time, but the main timeline has only passed one year.

This year, still nothing major happened.

That's right, it's only a year, and for immortal beings like gods or demon lords, it's no different from an instant.

On the other side of Jiaoyan Hell, the Dragon God Department is still mobilizing its power to secretly search for the Lord of Terror's demon lair, but it has never been effective.

The strange moon city mentioned by the mechanical Tianzun also did not show up during this period.

Although Garen was curious, he didn't pay much attention either.

As for the bottomless abyss... the deepest and unfathomable plane is still chaotic, but there is a strange order in the chaos, forming a strange and stable situation.

Because Di Mogaogen has always been hiding tightly.

Even with the King of Bugs, After Chaos, a large number of demon lords including the tarantula, and even the Grand Duke of the Devil, they still couldn't find Demogorgon.

Even for the natives of the lower planes, the abyss is too vast.

In addition, Di Mogaogen himself is also a character who is very good at forbearance.

Many intelligent creatures have the impression of the demon prince as ferocious, cruel, bloodthirsty, and insolent... However, this is because people forget that before Demogorgon became the demon prince , has been forbearance, obviously has a strong reputation but is not well-known, until he successively killed more than a dozen demon lords including the king of insects, and then he became a blockbuster and established his identity as a demon prince.

During this period.

The only thing that caught Garen's attention was...

"The Lord of Wrath...Kostchurch."

"An abyss demon lord with the blood of a frost giant, and also a giant god, with weak divine power."

"It's interesting to actually take the initiative to issue a letter of war to me."

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly, pondering inwardly.

After the battle between chaos and order, many gods realized that the abyss is the most dangerous plane in the multiverse, and at the same time, it also contains unimaginable evil power.

Therefore, some evil gods settled in the bottomless abyss one after another, and occupied a certain level by virtue of their powerful authority and divine power.

For example, the Great Mistress of the Beholder Lord God, the Abyss Spider Queen, the Lord God of the Fallen Elves, and so on.

Some of these gods have transformed themselves into Tanari demons in order to better adapt to the abyss. The Spider Queen of the Abyss is one of them, and the angry lord of the giant pantheon is also this kind of god.

The Lord of Wrath is a frost giant.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

With attributes such as brutality, evil, and warlikeness, she conquered many frost giants who were also passionate about violence. She has a small but thriving church in the overall race of frost giants, which gave her a weak divine power.


Through the Frost Maiden's information, Garen knew that the situation of the angry lord had not been very good.

Because, the **** of the frost giant family belief has always been the **** of frost giants Solem, a giant **** of medium divine power.

With the growth of the Church of the Wrathful Lord, and because most of the giants who believed in her were extremely violent individuals, they would even attack the church of Solem, the God of Frost Giants. Therefore, the God of Frost Giants was beaten more than once.

Although both are giant gods, the two are in a state of hostility.

After all, it is a dispute of faith, and it is the origin of a god.

Also, the Wrathful Lord is at a disadvantage.

Between the desire to convert more frost giants to his church and expand his influence, and the cautiousness and fear of triggering Solem's massive revenge for this, Kostchurch is actually in a dilemma.

"What's interesting is that because of his warlike and violent nature, this guy even took the initiative to provoke Solem before, asking Solem to go to her kingdom of God to fight with him."

When an angry lord with weak divine power fights with a **** of frost giants with medium divine power in the Kingdom of God, it is not certain who wins and who loses.

The God of Frost Giant ignored the provocation of the angry lord. After all, no matter whether he wins or loses, it does not benefit him much.

If he wins, the opponent can say that he is relying on his divine power advantage, but if he loses, he will become even worse and become a stepping stone.

What the frost giant **** did was to brutally suppress the church of the angry lord. Once he found the believers of the angry lord, he would kill them mercilessly, even if they were his own frost giant's people.

"This time he took the initiative to provoke me again, and after learning that the mechanical legion is loyal to me, he even sent his forces in the abyss to target my mechanical legion on the **** battlefield."

The commotion caused when Garen captured the Lord of the Shadow Shoal let the demon lords know the master of the mechanical army.

According to their guess, even if Garen is not the master of the mechanical legion, he must have some connection.

"What does she want to do?"

Garen thought inwardly.

Do not think that God is all wise.

Especially evil gods, evil gods, some guys whose thinking is chaotic and crazy are no different from demons.

The Lord of Wrath was originally a violent and bloodthirsty evil god, and even transformed herself into a demon. If she went crazy, it would be perfectly normal for her to just want to fight Garon for no reason.

"However, the current giant **** system has the new Lord God of Storms, which is already a little different."

"It's hard to say whether the angry lord provoked me out of his own crazy ideas, or if he was instructed by the storm lord."

"The situation is sensitive now, so we should be more cautious."

Today's multiverse is still calm on the whole, but the undercurrent under the calm appearance is really turbulent, especially when it is related to the giant **** system as the old enemy, it has to be treated with more caution.

The giant pantheon is very quiet now, but the great things done by the Lord of Storms have not been forgotten by anyone.

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Garen stroked the scales on his chin, thinking quietly.

"The opponent's repeated provocations and targets, should I fight?"

In Garen's own thinking, the biggest possibility for the angry lord to challenge himself was to touch porcelain.

After all, it wasn't the first time she had done this kind of thing.

Although she was brutally suppressed to challenge the God of Frost Giants, she also gained more believers who recognized her. Because the church of the angry lord was already being suppressed, overall, she earned some more faith.

Now, if an investigation is launched within the giant family.

Ask all the giants which deity they feel is the greatest threat to their race.

There is no doubt that the name of Garon Aurelion, the dragon of eternity and time, will top the list.

There is no way, during the War of Glory, Gallon's performance was too eye-catching. It is said that some elves even suffer from the aftereffects of the war of fearing the silver figure.

Under such circumstances, the angry lord who provoked Garen would gain the favor of many giants.

If Garen takes up the challenge and is defeated by the angry lord, this guy will definitely be able to gain enough faith, and his godhead level will be greatly improved. At the very least, it will not be a problem to reach the middle-level divine power to rival the **** of frost giants.

The above, the premise of Garen's defeat, is unlikely.

However, even if Garen wins.

As long as the angry lord survives, she can also gain some faith, because losing to Garen is not ashamed, after all, the fighting power that Garen has shown is obvious to all.

At the end of the War of Glory, there were still intelligent creatures who were curious about what would happen if this powerful time dragon fought against a powerful divine body in the main material world, and whether it could still show its superpower.

Now, this question has an answer.

After the battle between Garen and Chaos in Aigu, it was slowly passed on.

Even the ancient and powerful divine power after Chaos couldn't help Garen at the same level, and almost capsized in the gutter.

In contrast, the prince of wrath will not be despised by the believers if he loses, and they will even praise her courage and fearlessness.

After careful consideration, Garon's will came to Lunia's heaven, where he merged with the **** Gallon.

"You should already know that the angry lord Kostchurch asked me to fight."

"Aurel, what do you think?"

Inside the kingdom of God, among the rolling winter mountains, the body of the **** Gallon emerged and descended, and asked under the veil of wind and snow.

The snowflakes rolled and solidified, turning into a saint who belonged to the goddess of cold.

Aurul still looked pitiful to me, with charming and seductive eyes on his pure and clean face.

"My lord, you haven't come looking for me for a while, don't you miss me?"

Aurul kept his posture very low, and said pitifully.

This saint hides in God Gallon's Kingdom of God, and usually sleeps in the iceberg, and will only show up when God Gallon comes here. UU reading

God Gallon smiled slightly, and said, "How could it be? It's just that as a dragon god, I have too many things to deal with when the dragon clan is revitalizing, and I have very little free time."

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【The Dragon Who Controls Time】【】

Yes, including having a good relationship with the Queen of Wind Elements for the sake of the Dragon Clan.

On this point, the **** Gallon was particularly fond of it.

"So it is. I thought you were going to forget me."

Aurul rolled his eyes and said.

The cold wind blew, and after a period of in-depth communication, Aurul told God Gallon what he knew about himself.

"Challenging you, it should be Koschurch who decides on his own."

"Because not long ago, Solem was very angry and wanted to go to the abyss to teach Koschurch."

"I asked Solem the reason, and Solem said that today's giant gods should not have a direct conflict with the dragon gods, it's not the time yet."

"Moreover, Kostchurch lived in the abyss and turned himself into a demon. He has never listened to other giant gods, including the Lord of Storms."

After listening to Aurul's words, the **** Gallon was thoughtful.

He wouldn't fully believe what Aurul said. Aurul's body was in the kingdom of the **** of the frost giants, and it was possible to rebound again. After all, he had a criminal record, and it was difficult to gain the true trust of the **** Gallon.

However, the performance of the giant **** system is indeed actively avoiding, forbearance.

Before the Lord of the Storm completely integrated the giant **** system, it was unlikely that he would think of conflicting with the dragon **** system.

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