MTL - Dream is King-Chapter 19 gushing through you

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   Don't think that the former professional player Bai Haonan has any business plan or life plan, he just decided to continue to play in the medical university football stadium!

Every morning and evening, Chen Sufen teaches Taijiquan and yoga to a training institution at the east gate of the large park next to the Sports Academy. She is a certified 800-year-old qualified trainer. After graduation, she will also be a sought-after coach in a senior fitness center. This is the Sports Academy. Ordinary students are the best way out after graduation. It is this large landscape garden preserved from the Three Kingdoms period that blocks the physical education college on the other side, so several universities here are more crowded, and the provincial university is said to be bigger and stronger. The Medical University has been merged, so from a few years ago, the Medical University actually belongs to the Provincial University. A large area here belongs to a campus of the Provincial University. Only the Nationalities University and the Conservatory of Music are independent.

Bai Haonan knows that this province has a good school team, and once won the national college league, but the college system and the professional football system are basically two unrelated insulators, almost 99% of the professional Players should first be athletes affiliated with a certain sports association, not college students in these college leagues, so it is almost impossible to be linked to the professional football circle by playing here. The key is to avoid sports academies.

   In contrast, the University for Nationalities and the Conservatory of Music have a much different atmosphere and less fun, while the Medical University is a relatively remote campus in the provincial university, and not many people pay attention.

Yes, Bai Haonan really intends to continue to play, maybe in his mind he never thought about working to make money, or doing any serious work other than football, only gambling really seems to have thought about it, because Bai Haonan really doesn't know what he is. A unique memory ability that can be replayed, what use can it be used other than in the football field, it seems that it can only be recorded in the casino?

   This is due to the narrow thinking caused by the living environment. How can you expect a professional player with little culture to use his talents? Even if he has found his talent more fortunate than most people.

Anyway, playing all kinds of poker, mahjong, etc. on the team, Bai Haonan rarely has opponents, such as the popular Doudizhu, basically when he takes a card and bids, the opponent's card is clear. Zhang Zhang can tell what is left in his opponent's hand, whether it is mental arithmetic or verbal arithmetic, Bai Haonan himself can't tell, he stumbles when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

   It can only be said that in addition to the unique memory method, it still comes from playing a lot like picking up girls. In addition to training most professional athletes are playing cards, in addition to various trainings, after the coaches closed the base and were not allowed to go out, energetic athletes could only play cards.

However, Bai Haonan also knows that it is basically the last desperate way out, because once you want to make a living by playing cards, it is not entertainment with your teammates, friends, and acquaintances, but a real gambling circle, like playing wild football no matter how well you play. People, in the professional circle, there are many people looking for death. Bai Haonan has heard many legends in this area. The painful lessons of ten bets and nine losses are too many around athletes who have to deal with three religions and nine streams.

So Bai Haonan of the chicken thief only plays ball. After all, deep down in his heart, firstly, he still has one or two million deposits in his account, and secondly, there is Lao Chen blocking it. As long as it passes, you can go back slowly. Players can still eat if they are not successful. The point is that when the opponent is angry, don't get caught.

So from this day on, Bai Haonan learned how the students dressed, bought a pair of canvas football boots with rubber studs that he had never worn before, and bought two jerseys and a standard football for a few hundred yuan. A kind of high-end goods, I drive to several students of the Medical University every day, fool around in the Internet cafe dormitory during the day, walk to the stadium at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, jog along the stadium for half an hour, then simply practice with the ball, almost until the college students come to play. Wild Ball, he is mainly the leader and the big brother, he also enjoys this feeling very much, but he rarely communicates with the students after the game. At most, he will leave after eating, and then go to the bar to sit and drink in the evening. A few bottles of beer, and a girl from a bar every three forks and five would come to the back alley or even the bathroom for a quick chat, and I really go to pick up girls without any color, and I don’t contact Chen Sufen to meet, and then I go on time every day after two in the morning. The high-end bar called Daji picks up Qiao Yingna from get off work.

In fact, it was just walking 700 to 800 meters home. Bai Haonan made a joke here. At first, he told Qiao Yingna that the bar was called Danyi. The medical school girl confirmed it for several days before realizing that Bai Haonan really didn’t know No. 1. I don't even know this famous goblin in history, I almost screamed with laughter!

Originally from the behavior that morning, Qiao Yingna ignored Bai Haonan at all. The two of them went home side by side without speaking at a distance of one person. You must know that Bai Haonan's behavior can be regarded as obscene or even more hooligan. , but then I will not continue to provoke, what is it called?

   This is what women hate most!

   After confirming that this guy is illiterate and not a joker, Qiao Yingna laughed and couldn't take it back: "Fuck off! What else do you think you can do other than molest women?"

  Bai Haonan is proud: "Playing football..." It's still a bit gloomy here: "Actually, I don't know how to play football, so I just eat."

  Women can always feel the slightest change in their emotions, especially mature women: "I heard Xiaofen say that something happened to you and you came here to avoid the limelight?"

Bai Haonan didn't show it off at this moment: "Betting on football kills people. Although I didn't commit a big crime, but the road kills me, so I have to run." Not wanted by the police, Bai Haonan didn't think there was anything he couldn't say. And this kind of thing often has a huge attraction to stupid women, which is one of the lore of picking up girls.

When they said this, the two had already walked back downstairs. As a thousand-year-old city, many old towns in Rongdu are still far from being renovated, so this kind of old residential buildings with five or six floors can be seen everywhere, and Qiao Yingna is on the steps without elevators. Looking back, Bai Haonan was like a child who made a mistake under the dim street light, a little aggrieved and a little dejected, so maybe it was out of mother nature, Qiao Yingna naturally turned around and hugged his head softly: "Okay, I will. The past, learn from the lessons, will always pass..."

Sometimes the relationship between two people is so delicate, as if there had been a few minutes of stimulation, and now Qiao Yingna takes it for granted, but Bai Haonan's head is buried in the softness of her chest, without saying a word. Push her skirt up against the wall!

  Who told a girl less than 1.6 meters to stand on two or three steps, this mutual height is just right.

   This is still too exciting for Qiao Yingna. She struggled to resist being removed and put some fabric under her skirt, but the reason was vague: "Go away! No way! I saw you in a bar with someone... Who knows if you are sick!"

  Bai Haonan actually took out a bunch of flat packaging bags from his jeans pocket and split them with his teeth skillfully: "Come out, I've always wanted family planning..."

   As a result, Qiao Yingna objected again: "I'm not the kind of shameless woman..."

   Bai Haonan wouldn't foolishly ask whether he should wear it or not. Since it is advertised as a good family, let's start directly, from the corridor to the bedroom and bed!

   He is indeed skilled and physically strong, and his stamina is not bad. Qiao Yingna couldn't control her high-pitched voice, and finally had to cover her face with a pillow, and almost died.

In the dark bedroom after the passion, only two people could be heard breathing, and it took a while to recover from the burning embers. Qiao Yingna emphasized with a steady vibrato that she could not achieve with her hard work: "This is just an occasional physiological adjustment, absolutely It's not a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, eh?"

   The former athlete had already responded to her with steady sleeping breathing, and half of her body was still on the woman.

  Sometimes think less and sleep really well.

  Especially after maintaining enough exercise.