MTL - Dressed As a Grass-Chapter 48

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Zhou Zhouzi nodded blankly, suddenly felt very cold, Elder Wangyou was really cold.

What about her?

The Dreaming Grass on her left wrist moved, as if she had guessed what she was thinking, and rubbed the back of her hand left and right with its leaves.

Xi Zhou was busy shaking the leaves slightly, Master Sister, calm down, don't rush to agree.

For some reason, she always felt that Zhai Wangyou seemed to agree to help, but Big Sister still didn't know what was going on.

Why can't this elbow hold his breath? If he can't contact her, he won't contact her any more.

She hasn't told the big sister yet.

No, she hasn't figured out whether to tell the big sister.

Zhai Wangyou asked again, "Has Xizhou promised to help you?"

Zhou Zhouzi nodded and silently doubted his own judgment. Could it be that Elder Wangyou did not know?

However, the next moment, he heard Zhai Wangyou indifferently say: "I can help."

He watched the red figure go away in astonishment, feeling a little confused, did Xi Zhou say anything?

How do you feel that Elder Wangyou seems to know, but also does not know?

I should know, otherwise I wouldn't agree.

Zhou Zhouzi sighed in the bottom of his heart, the little friend is too reliable, but he can't let himself fall.

He has nothing to repay Zhai Wangyou, so he will try his best to help.

In the yard next door, as soon as Zhai Wangyou entered the door, Xizhou turned into a human figure.

That's it, there's no need to put the big sister in danger.

Zhai Wangyou looked up at her: "You can be with him, but can't I?"

Whatever she does, she doesn't want this person to always be alone with other people, not even credible ones.

Because, she also wants to participate.

She wants to participate in Xizhou's life, just as she expects Xizhou to enter her and her daughter's life.

Xi Zhou looked at Zhai Wangyou's serious look, and couldn't help but murmured: "Elder Sister, you... It's because I promised to help, so I didn't ask what it was. It's a promise, right?"

Zhai Wangyou's eyes flickered slightly, he looked away, and denied in a low voice, "No."

Seeing her obvious duplicity, a smile crossed Xi Zhou's eyes, she held Zhai Wangyou's hand: "Elder Sister, close your eyes."

Zhai Wangyou closed his eyes in response.

In an instant, the two came to the top of the mortal world.

The hands that were held together did not loosen.

Xi Zhou pulled the person in front of her into her arms, bowed her head, and whispered in a warm voice.

"Sister, let's practice together?"

Zhai Wangyou's eyelashes trembled, and he lowered his eyes to look aside: "You can practice swordsmanship.

Practicing swordsmanship?

What swordsmanship are you practicing at this time?

- Repair - Refinement."

"You can practice, I will protect the law for you."

Zhai Wangyou took two steps back slightly, his eyes still staring elsewhere.

Even the protector came out! Madam really...

Xi Zhou stepped forward and repeated the old saying: "You promised to help me earlier because I was right?"

Zhai Wangyou lowered his eyes and lowered his voice unconsciously: "No."

After she finished speaking, her heart felt inexplicably tight, and she looked up at Xizhou.

The person in front of him had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes dominated the romance, which was far from the clear eyebrows in memory.

Xi Zhou raised his eyebrows: "Master, do you really want to practice with me?"

Zhai Wangyou breathed slowly: "It's not right here."


Xi Zhou looked around, very empty and quiet.

The fault is probably the blue sky above, the rocks below, and the lack of a bed.

However, this is not difficult for her.

She waved her hand and summoned a bed from the storage ring.

It was the bed that I slept on at the outer door. It was a small, thin wooden bed.

If you are on top with Big Sister…

I am afraid that the wooden board will squeak, but it is not interesting.

A small wooden bed suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and then she looked at Xi Zhou with a special expression on her face.

Zhai Wangyou trembled and took two steps back: "You need to practice swordsmanship, the matter of practice... next time."

Xi Zhou seemed to have heard something funny, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger: "Last time, Senior Sister also said that next time, don't you want to know if I can improve my cultivation? ? Like you used to be."

Zhai Wangyou stepped back unconsciously until it hit a rock.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Xi Zhou was still stepping back, and the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly faded.

"Senior sister, if you regret it, you can say it bluntly, and I will not force it."

I only agreed last night to consider becoming a Taoist partner in the future, but today I regret it? But this morning's behavior doesn't look like it...

Xi Zhou's voice was faint, and it was clearly audible when it landed on a quiet mountain top.

Zhai Wangyou's fingers trembled lightly, he quietly shook it in his sleeve, and said solemnly, "No regrets."

She raised her head and looked at Xizhou.

I saw doubts in those eyes hiding temptation.

Zhai Wangyou closed his eyes and turned his head to explain: "As soon as I remembered that we were going to be felt that there was a pair of eyes watching us in the dark, I didn't willing."

After the explanation, there was silence in the air.

Zhai Wangyou felt lost and uneasy in his heart, and wanted to turn to look at Xizhou, but he was afraid that the pair of peach blossom eyes would be full of doubts.

She took a deep breath gently and slowly, a feeling of softness in her heart, which gradually spread to her whole body, as if everything became soft and sour.

Xi Zhou quietly looked at her profile and said softly, "That's right, it seems that I think too much."

There is no emotion in the indifferent tone, and I can't tell whether I believe it or not.

She opened her mouth, and finally her eyes darkened, and she said nothing.

However, she heard the words with a somewhat tentative tone.

"Since Big Sister feels unsafe, let's go to sleep, okay?"


Zhai Wangyou turned his head, a dark red appeared in the bottom of his eyes, and soon disappeared.

Xi Zhou couldn't help but think deeply, and looked around again, is there really someone hiding in the dark?

Senior sister is not someone who is aimless, it seems that you can't be completely relieved here.

She put away the small wooden bed, walked over and took Zhai Wangyou's hand: "Close your eyes."

Zhai Wangyou gently closed her eyes, but then found that she was not in a dream, but returned to Beishan Peak and returned to her room.

She couldn't help but wonder, looked at Xizhou and asked.

Xi Zhou stretched out her hand to remove the white jade hairpin from her hair, and said softly, "I don't think it's right there, so I might as well come back. You are together."

Surrounded by the bed mantle, only warm = hot, breathing = breathing…

Warm=hot, touch=touch, warm, sound=sound…

The clear and cold person raised his head slightly uncontrollably and kept his eyes closed.

Xi Zhou sat on his side, his eyes following his fingers.

Moving one inch by one inch is like admiring the treasured masterpieces, which belong to her alone, and there is only one landscape painting in the world.

And she is the painter holding the pen.

Add a few strokes of fireworks to this lonely landscape painting... smoke from cooking, small bridges, boats, people.

Until...the smoke fades away, the boat goes away, and the urchin goes home.

Xi Zhou smiled back and coaxed in a low voice, "Senior sister, I don't feel any change in my cultivation, I may need to try a few more times."

Zhai Wangyou's breath trembled.

Drowsiness followed. Before going to bed, she did not forget to murmur a rejection: "Enough... next time."

Xi Zhou smiled silently, covered the quilt, and got up.

She is still in the early stage of Jindan, and there is really no change in her cultivation. Maybe she really needs to try a few more times.

However, so long…

It's time to pick up Xiaoxing.

She came under the wall and jumped to Zhou Zhouzi's courtyard.

Zhou Zhouzi, who was wiping his sword in the courtyard, was startled and almost threw the sword out of his hand.

"Hey, what's your habit, I left a door in this yard."

How can a good girl not take the usual path.

Xi Zhou raised his eyebrows: "I haven't told you yet, why are you so anxious to look for Senior Sister...I just look for Elder Wangyou, I haven't figured out what to do?"

Zhou Zhouzi rolled his eyes: "What do you want to do? If you don't have the strength, no matter how much you want, it's just a fantasy. Let's recognize the reality. The big deal is that this life will be left to Elder Wangyou, let her go. How to call."

Xi Zhou sighed, the little friend said it well, but that is the big sister.

She had to change the subject: "In half a quarter of an hour, it's time to pick up the star, Elder Wangyou has something to do, you help us pick it up."

Zhou Zhouzi put away his long sword and asked subconsciously, "What about you? You can't go either? I'm going, what if she doesn't come back with me?"

Xi Zhou frowned, it makes sense.

Xiao Xinghui is not familiar with Zhou Zhouzi, although the little guy has always been very good, but what if he cried?

The two of them were dumbfounded and lost their minds.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Xi Zhou rubbed his eyebrows: "You go to Guanlan, please go."

Zhou Zhouzi was stunned for a moment, why does he feel that his friends are going around in circles?

At this moment, the courtyard door was knocked.

"Can Xizhou be here?"

Zhou Zhouzi looked at Xizhou, didn't he say that Elder Wangyou had something to do?

Xi Zhou was dumbfounded, wasn't the teacher just too tired? Why did you find it again?

She hurried over to open the door, looking at the person who couldn't hide the tiredness between her brows, she couldn't help but feel distressed: "Why did you get up?"

"It's time to pick up the stars." Zhai Wangyou looked light, and looked around between her and Zhou Zhouzi.


The author has something to say:


Writing and writing, inexplicable backache, so sour! (cover your face, see you tomorrow)