MTL - Dumb Please Take a Seat-Chapter 18 Teenagers are picturesque, and the years are quiet

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  Chapter 18 Youth is picturesque, the years are quiet

   Putting the toothbrush into his mouth, Jun Gu closed his eyes slightly.

  This man is so white and thin.

  The swishing sound in the ear was not loud but sounded rhythmically.

  Speaking softly, Gong Jiu's silent eyes froze for a moment unconsciously when they touched the unobstructed face in the mirror.

   Without the obstruction of the frame, those eyes look even more profound and vast.

   It seems that in the next second, you can be trapped.

  The chief school grassroots of Beijing No. 1 Middle School is worthy of the name.

   Turning on the faucet, Gong Jiu lowered his eyes, rinsed the toothbrush and the cup and put them back in their original places, and left the bathroom.

   Not long after, the sound of the door opening and closing came from outside.

  When Jun Gu washed and tidied up everything and came out, the only thing that could be seen in the huge dormitory was a bump on Jiang Xiying's bed.

   Gong Jiu went out silently.

  Come to Jiang Xiying's window and stand still, Jun Gu's gaze is leisurely on the lump.

   Immediately raised his foot and kicked it.

   Hitting someone in the ass.

   Reflexively shrunk her buttocks, Jiang Xiying hadn't even turned her head when the voice came over first, muffled: "Who the **** kicked my ass?"

  With dim eyes, Jiang Xiying could only see a long figure in front of the bed.

  He is very sleepy at the moment.

   Can't let him make up for sleep after a night of sleepless nights? So wicked?

Barely opened his eyes to clear his sight, and when he saw who it was, Jiang Xiying wanted to cry for a moment without tears: "I said Gu Dashen, please let me go, I must lock the door next time I take a shower, okay? Let me sleep for a while Is it okay?"

  Jun Gu Wenyan just glanced at him indifferently, raised his hand to look at his watch, and slightly curled his lips: "I'll give you ten minutes."

   An elegant and noble atmosphere is scattered in the space.

  Jiang Xiying lay dead for two seconds, then quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom.

  Jun Gu pulled up a chair, sat down, brought the computer over and put on the frame at the same time.

   Inadvertently caught a glimpse of a piece of candy paper, Jun Gu paused.

  A small piece of candy wrapper was quietly placed beside the trash can.


   When Jiang Xiying packed up and came out, Jun Gu was looking at the computer with his cell phone next to him.

   Next to it, there is a piece of white tin foil.

   "Why did you put a piece of waste paper here?" Jiang Xiying picked up the tin foil, turned it over and looked.


  Jiang Xiying searched in his mind.

   Isn’t this paper the strange packaging of Gong Jiuhan’s chewing gum?

   Taking a closer look, Jiang Xiying always felt familiar.

  Take the tinfoil from him with one hand.

  Jiang Xiying looked up, Jun Gu had already turned off the computer and stood up, crumpled up the tinfoil and threw it into the trash can.

   Looking at Jiang Xiying shallowly: "Is it done?"

  Jiang Xiying nodded.

  With his hands in his pockets, he glanced at the trash can.

  Passing around him, Jun Gu walked out: "Let's go."

   Following up, Jiang Xiying suddenly remembered something, and a trace of uncertainty floated on Junyi's face: "Gu Shen, this wrapping paper... have we seen it before?"

  In my impression, Jun Gu seems to have picked up this kind of special candy wrapper and threw it into the trash can when he was chasing the robber.

  Jun Gu kept walking, opened the door and walked out: "That's right, it's her."

   After contacting back and forth, Jiang Xiying was surprised that the trace of drowsiness that was still left: "Was that man beaten by Jiudu?"

   Then how much hatred is there to beat people like that?

  Recalling the man's bruised nose and swollen face, Jiang Xiying smacked her lips: "I don't know how that man provoked Xiao Jiu, beat him so badly..."

  I saw Gong Jiuan eating so many candies and seeing so many candy wrappers before, why didn’t he notice it?


  Gong Jiuan went to the library.

  Because it was the weekend, but there were only a few people, it seemed very deserted.

  By the window, the teenager sitting at the reading table is lazily leaning against the recessed space formed by the back of the chair and the wall under the window sill with a book. His legs are on the outer edge of the chair, making a stand for the book.

  The hands that occasionally turn the pages of the book are long and beautiful.

   There is a mobile phone on the table in front of her, which is vibrating intermittently.

   There is a small humming sound at the lower amplitude.

   was turned a deaf ear by the master.

  When Lin Yao arrived at the library, she saw such a scene.

  Youth is picturesque.

  The years are quiet and good.

   I'm here~



  (end of this chapter)