MTL - Dwarf In The Future-Chapter 17 Unhappy?

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The middle-aged fat man flew upside down with this punch, groaned and kept moaning, his face pale and sweating.

When the soldiers in white uniforms changed their faces and looked to catch Georgia, they were stopped by the soldiers in black uniforms and they were not allowed to take a step closer to Georgia.

"This is a contradiction between their slaves. We don't have the right to use violence against any of them until we know where they belong." The black uniformed soldier who had been stopped once said with a serious face that it was very obvious to protect Georgia Behind him, it was clear how to deal with them.

The soldier in the white military uniform was sinking, and wanted to be angry and jealous. It was on the other side's territory. He could only swallow his breath with relief, and separated one person to support the middle-aged fat man. He took a look at Georgia, who was being guarded. "He must go with us to see the Colonel and Marshal Chu. If he is determined to be an empire, he must be sent back, and he cannot remain in the Federation!"

Georgia heard that the expression on his face became more and more tense, and the moaning sound weakened, and he was resentful towards the middle-aged fat man who looked at himself. Suddenly he regretted that it was a white-haired place, and he took some strength when he punched. He simply turned his eyes away and stood next to a familiar soldier in a black uniform.

The soldier looked down at him, and gave him a soothing look vaguely, motioned him not to disturb, and then secretly sent a message to his captain.

Fan Xiangnan, who was sitting under the head of Chu Rong, noticed the vibration of the communicator and glanced at Xiang Hui, who was speaking with Le Rong Rong, and the officials who came from the Federation this time. He looked at Chu Rong and got out of the conference room.

Xiang Hui noticed his departure, but didn't care much, and continued to chat gently with federal officials. He virtually elevated Chu Rong from the seat and squeezed out of the conversation circle.

Chu Rong didn't look at his careful thought. He cast aside his eyes and gently clicked on the light brain shell in front of him, squinting and thinking.

Xiang Hui brought a group of troubled officials from the Commonwealth this time and took the order of the president's old man. Not only did he have to deal with the follow-up resettlement of slaves and escorting the robbers, he also checked the reasons of the robbers' nests several times Going around the red tin mine, it seems that the red tin mine was stolen this time.

However, it didn't take long for him to reach the planet. Most of the news was not reported in detail. The Xiang family came so fast and knew so many details. It was really weird. Someone must have leaked the news of the red tin mine.

His ship was full of confidantes and there were no problems; slaves and robbers were kept under guard. Even Georgia, who had initially gained trust, had no communication equipment in his hands, so they could not be them. The only thing he stole was the red tin mine. He only told the elder brother. Is it that the elder brother has leaked the wind?

No, Xiang Hui doesn't seem to know that there is something about mutated red tin mine under the red tin mine. If the wind leaked from the elder brother, it would not make sense to leave this alone.

Since the news was not leaked from his own side, nor from his brother, then there is only one possibility left-Xiangjia has long known that such a group of pirates are nested on the Chujia mine star, which is even more malicious. Perhaps this batch of pirates stole mines.

The Xiang family ’s "requiring for nothing" of the red tin mine and the mutant red tin mine has been going on for a whole year. With the stingy temperament of the current Xiang family, the dog jumped off the wall and it was not impossible to steal it if he could not buy it.

Combined with the rush attitude of Xiang Hui who proposed to hand over the pirates to the "corresponding functional department" yesterday ... It seems that the Xiang family came here to "help" to inspect the border is false, and to cover up the pirates true. And if these batches of robbers were really made by the Xiang family, the empire background that the robbers had previously explained is only a cover for hiding their true identity.

Thinking of this light-brained movement, Yu Guang glanced at Xiang Hui's polite manner, revealing taunts—the Xiang family who pretended to be elegant and benevolent, was actually engaging in a conspiracy with thieves and thieves in the back, extremely boring.

The atmosphere in the conference room was strange. Fan Xiang, who had gone out before, suddenly pushed in the door, and the volume slightly increased. "The slave who claimed to be an resident of the Empire has been brought, and there is a minor inside." A glance at the self-parent.

When Chu Rongwen said, she frowned and looked at the door—there was only one minor in the rescued slaves.

"There are still minors?" Xiang Hui frowned, grieving sadly: "The red tin mine is so special, they actually caught the minors and came over to mine, it was a complete loss of conscience!"

Other officials echoed, looking like dog-legged dogs.

Chu Rong was impatient to knock on the table. Lin Zhen, who had been sitting as the background board, received the signal, looked up and said with no expression: "Illegal detention of a minor for mentally damaging work and causing irreversible disability. According to federal law, when Imprisonment. Those who illegally extract and steal other people ’s minerals shall be sentenced to death penalty according to the value of the stolen minerals. Those who are illegally detained and cause slave deaths shall be sentenced to death. Multiple crimes will be punished simultaneously. These batches of pirates shall be executed immediately upon execution. ”

Xiang Hui froze his neck, condemned him, paused, and said, "This group of robbers is from the empire and cannot be directly sentenced in accordance with federal law. It will cause diplomatic friction."

"That matter should be pursued to the end." Lin Zhen flipped through the information in his hand and said in a fluctuating tone: "The empire condoned robbers across the border asteroid belt and stole them on Chu's privately owned ore star. Mine, if the empire does not give a reasonable account of the Chu family and the Federation, this friction may not be easy to calm down. "

Is this a trivial matter such as theft of ore into a major event between the Federation and the Empire?

Federal officials murmured and began to regret that they had just isolated Chu Rong with Xiang Hui. Although the young marshal was jeopardized by the president, the backstage was hard, the people had high voices, he had power, and there was a short brother on top of his head. They couldn't afford it, and stood opposite to him, and accidentally stepped on the big pit. .

Xiang Hui jumped up in his heart. What did Chu Rong mean? Want to delve into the robbers?

While they were talking, Georgia and his team had already entered the door. Before that, the middle-aged fat man who looked at Georgia hung an impetuous and arrogant look, and his eyes turned on several high-ranking federal executives who looked extraordinary at first sight. Go, finally fell on the first seat of Chu Rong, guessing his identity in his heart.

In the Commonwealth, only one of the four members of the Chu family who can wear black military uniforms does not know which class of the Chu family this person is.

"what happened?"

Chu Rong's eyes only glanced lightly on Georgia, and finally fell on the officer in black clothes headed by.

"Sir, sir, this is the case. This person is my child and accidentally separated from me in the explosion. He is also an empire. I want to take him home. Thank you for saving him. Thank you, thank you. "The middle-aged fat man jumped out without waiting for the officer's reply, and stretched out his hand to pull Georgia's arm.

Georgia stretched his face and looked at the upper seat as if he didn't know his own white fur monster. His heart was dull, and his arm moved, and he turned to the middle-aged fat man's face and punched him again-disgusting guy! Kill you!

Fans flicked southward.

The upper seat Chu Rong changed her sitting position, her mouth turned up and down, posing a look of coldness and impatience, motioned her subordinates to pull Georgia away, and then looked at the middle-aged fat man lying on the ground, yelling and yelling. , Said, "Your child? How can I look different?"

In fact, it wasn't just him. The people in the conference room didn't feel like it. Georgia looks exquisite and pure, middle-aged fat man with fat, big ears and greasy facial features. The two stand together. They are normal IQs and would not think they are a family.

"The child looks like a mother, not quite like me, but he is really my child! Don't believe you look at his back, there is a leaf-shaped birthmark on his butterfly bone! He is still dumb, born! He beat I did it because I didn't protect him. He blame me, the children in the rebellious period are like this. "The middle-aged fat man got up steadily, no longer trying to gather around Georgia, but began to sell miserably in a state of pain and regret:" also I'm wrong. I can't give him what he wants. I'm not a qualified father. I'm sorry for his mother ... "

Xiang Hui received the attention handed over by his family members, and after turning his mind, he began to show his generosity and kindness, and said, "So you do n’t have to blame this father, the child is betraying—"

"You are dumb, disgusting lewd!"

The mark of the elf praying for blessing was said to be a birthmark. Georgia was so angry that he finally found a suitable vocabulary to explain the behavior before the middle-aged fat man. He broke open the officer's hand and flung at the middle-aged fat man.

These punches were used with half success, and the middle-aged fat man was beaten painfully and shocked. He couldn't believe it-what happened? This little ghost is not dumb? !

Birthmark, dumbness, obscenity, these words smashed Chu Rong's breath, he remembered the first paintings in Georgia, and deliberately didn't speak, and when Georgia vented a cool wave, he waved his hand to make him pull him again Open, look at Lin Zhen: "Check their identity."

Lin Zhen opened the information and quickly found the file of the middle-aged fat man, saying: "Bart, a member of the Chamian family of the Empire B-class planet, was removed from the family by illegal detention and **** of a minor. He escaped during the arrest and was arrested. The robbers deceived the quarry star, unmarried, childless, and are now wanted by the empire for stowaway. Georgia, federal F-class planeter, orphan, never left his hometown before being arrested. "

The middle-aged fat man was shocked when he heard his words. He didn't expect that his background was checked so quickly that he was suddenly stunned, but he could only speak out because of the pain in his body.

"An empire's **** actually wanted to take away the residents of my Confederacy." Chu Rong frowned, commanding: "Drag him down, contact the empire and let them extradite the prisoners back, don't dirty the Confederate land."

The soldiers of the Chu family stepped forward without saying a word, and they were welcome.

Federal officials are sitting side by side as quietly as chickens, and they dare not intervene anymore-such a powerful investigative ability, they are now more honest on others' sites.

When Xiang Hui saw his heart turn, before the middle-aged fat man was completely dragged out, he said, "Since it is necessary to contact the imperial extradition prisoners, it is better to send the robbers and other imperial slaves together. Marshal Chu, you have to give the After the aftermath of the earth, let me do the work of handing over to the empire. "

Chu Rong looked at him with unpredictable eyes.

Georgia over there, while everyone didn't notice, stepped on the hands of the middle-aged fat man secretly. The black officer saw his face twitched, pretending not to see it.

The middle-aged fat man was shouted with a squeak of "嗷", as he woke up at first, rushing to the door and shouting, "I, I know the background of these robbers! They are not the people of the empire at all! They are the Federation Yes! Please do n’t send me back, I can make atonement! Do n’t send me back! "

Xiang Hui heard a change of expression, looked sharply at the middle-aged fat man, and secretly winked at his subordinates.

The soldiers in white uniforms hurried forward to help drag people out, and wanted to cover the mouth of the middle-aged fat man.

Chu Rong hooked his lips coldly and ordered: "Take him back."

Georgia, who was on the side, heard the words, and said nothing, pulled the middle-aged fat man's feet, pulled him back easily, and threw him directly to his feet, then stretched his face to look at him, and turned his head to Fan Xiang's back.

Everyone with a low throat coughing to the south pressed a smile and thoughtfully closed the door of the conference room, "Just right" Xiang Jiajun who was too late to respond was closed outside the conference room.

Xiang Hui was stunned by their behavior, looked sideways at Georgia, and murmured in the air—is this child a monster? Such a big fat man actually dragged people with the force of dragging out a few adult men Pulled back! hateful!

Chu Rong glanced at the fat man on the ground, and another eye socket was in Georgia behind Fan Xiangnan, raising his eyebrows without any trace, his mood fluttering-is this bald chicken unhappy?