MTL - Dwarf In The Future-Chapter 23 triple

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Georgia was lying straight on the bed with his eyes wide open, and he touched the position under the quilt before wearing the storage ring. It was empty and sensed again. In the case of the magic pool, his breathing was slightly short, and finally he shook his hand and found a completely cracked gray stone ornament from under him. He looked at it for a few seconds, suddenly raised his hand to cover his head, and beat **** the bed. .

Really! Not dreaming! intermediate! His qualifications for magic practice actually rose to intermediate! The original small pond has become the current small lake! It was full of pure magic! He was one step closer to home! The main thing is that the simple storage ring that his parents gave him turned out to be directly connected to his magic power after his qualification was upgraded to intermediate level. After being blurred, he got into his magic pool!

Reliquary! That is a relic that can be bound to the magic pool! His parents have given him such a big surprise! In other words, he no longer has to worry about the storage ring being discovered by others! Never lose it again! The storage ring will be his most secret secret! The dark space in which he dreamed was not a black hole at all, but a storage ring that had expanded its capacity countless times!

Silently excited for a while, he suddenly remembered the cracked ornament, and quickly lifted the quilt to sit up, frowning hard to think about yesterday, and then froze, looked around this strange spacious room, got out of bed and looked outward Run away.

In the conference room, Chu Rong nodded his head and said, "The mining team stayed, and strived to dig out all the mutated red tin mines in the ground within a month, and by the way cover up the traces left by the imperial warship. The investigation team divided half of them to take the warship back with us, and the remaining half cooperated with the mining team to investigate the surroundings to see if there were any traces of the activities of other empire personnel, and to protect the safety of the mining team by the way. "

The two principals responded in unison, writing down his order.

After making sure that there were no omissions, Chu Rong waved and announced the meeting, leaving only Zhuang Yu and Fan Xiangnan to stay alone.

The door of the conference room opened and closed. Zhuang Yu looked back, took out a small pocket and a small gray stone from his pocket, and pushed it to Chu Rong, saying, "This is what I found on the bed where Qiao Qiao lay."

Chu Rong glanced at these two things, reached out and picked up the small pocket, motioned to the gray stone, and asked, "What is this?"

"It's just an ordinary stone." Zhuang Yu said, feeling a bit funny, and reached out his finger and dialed the small stone. "This stone still has a pattern. It should be a gadget made by Jojo when he was bored. He seems to like the stone especially . "

Chu Rong thought of Georgia, who was uncomfortable but still holding on to looking for stones everywhere. He squinted his eyes, put away his small pockets, and shifted the topic to ask: "Do you know when he entered the medical room? "

Listening to him asking, Zhuang Yu put away a joke, clicked a video on the electronic file, and replied: "Monitoring shows that he came in shortly after you entered the medical room, while holding the small Pocket. Afterwards the surveillance is ineffective due to your mental strength and nothing is filmed. "

In other words, Georgia probably discovered that Chu Rong had lost the small pocket after practicing, and the medical room that came with him in order to return Chu Rong's small pocket was then suffered by this accident.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds. Everyone looked south to Chu Rong, who didn't know what he was thinking. Chao Zhuangyu asked, "Is there any reason to find out the improvement of the mental strength of the chief?"

Zhuang Yu looked back, shook his head, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and replied: "No, the instrument didn't detect anything. The sir's improvement this time is the same as last time, and there is no sign. I can only determine the repair bin and the repair fluid. It is not the reason that the sir has improved. "

"Is it affected by the special magnetic field of this planet?" Fan guessed southward.

Mine stars have more or less magnetic problems, which have negative effects on the human body in various aspects and are not suitable for long-term living. After the chief came here, his mental strength improved frequently. Combining with the strange energy storm response of the planet, he couldn't help thinking about it.

"No, aside from the energy storm, the planet's usual magnetic field is within safe values." Compared with their care and solemnity, the party, Chu Rong, was much calmer and neglected, and glanced at the two genera after denying this conjecture. Then, he said, "I'll leave you alone. What I want to say is my mental strength. I suspect my improvement is related to Georgia."

"Related to Jojo ?!"

Zhuang Yu raised her voice unconsciously, and almost jumped up from her chair, stuttering: "Sir, sir, what do you mean? Qiaoqiao is miserable enough, you, you don't ..."

How important Chu Rong is to the Chu family and the Commonwealth, everyone in the Federation knows that if Qiao Qiao becomes his "medicine introduction", then Qiao Qiao's future ...

"I sensed his mental power vaguely when my mental power was out of control." Chu Rong Leng looked at her, suppressed her unease, and continued: "At that time, I recovered a little consciousness and noticed that there was a wave in the corner of the medical room The weak healing power is helping me to soothe my mental power, and it works well, but that power is too weak, and when I want to protect it, that power has disappeared. "

Fan Xiangnan was told by this, his thoughts instantly flowed, and said: "Last time when your mental strength improved, Joe was also lying in the hospital bed, and then you didn't wake up long, and he woke up. As far as I know There is a mental power with special effects. During the period of federal chaos, too many families secretly arrested special mental forces for research. Perhaps Joe's ancestors were one of them, and he lived in order to avoid persecution. "

"Zerg also prefers strong and special mental powers ..." Zhuang Yudi added, only feeling cold and paralyzed in a chair, muttering to himself: "How come, Joe is only seventeen years old, why did he experience These, if you let people know that his mental power is useful to you ... "

"So it is not a good thing that he lost his mental strength. The current federation is not much better than the chaotic period in history. There are a lot of small movements over the empire. In addition, the insects are twitching again. Now he has no mental strength but the most It ’s safe. ”Chu Ronghua said coldly and rationally, but his face was black and turned into a bottom of the pot. His tone was murderous:“ Conceal the special things of Georgia ’s spiritual power, and send him all the purification solution sent to me every month. The way to restore his mental power, I will be responsible for the consequences. "

Zhuang Yu's heart was full of sympathy and sympathy for Georgia. He heard the words and looked at him, hesitantly said, "In case he recovers, will you ..."

"What do you think of my Chu family?" Chu Rong interrupted her with a frown, her eyes clear, and she frankly said, "I'm not too mean to use a small child."

Knowing that he was measuring the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, Zhuang Yu rubbed his face to cheer up his spirit, and even uttered in his heart the expression of self-blame that the parent official had just wonderfully nodded. She will work hard to find a way to help Qiao Qiao restore her mental strength. "She still ca n’t have a master, and there is always a way to try to find a master. Since it is a special department's mental strength, maybe a miracle may occur.

Fan Xiangnan smelled another meaning and asked, "Sir, where are you going to put Joe after returning to the total star?"

He didn't ask the chief if he wanted to keep Joe, but instead asked him where to put Joe because he knew that from the moment Georgia was destroyed by the chief's mental strength, it was a foregone conclusion.

Zhuang Yu heard his words and became energetic. He looked forward to Chu Rong with anticipation and proposed: "It is better to raise Joe to my master? He is so smart that he will be a good pharmacist in the future. Junior pharmacists can take the exam without mental strength. With his talent and love for plants, he will not be able to achieve some achievements in the future when he concentrates on the primary medicine. "

"No, his S-class physique shouldn't be wasted in the laboratory." Chu Rong rejected her proposal mercilessly and ruthlessly, got up and said, "Be prepared, set sail for tomorrow afternoon, and adjourn the meeting!" Leaving, as if they were afraid to continue to stay, they will come up with unreliable suggestions.

Zhuang Yu stared at his back, patted the table angrily, and retorted in a low voice: "What's wrong with the lab, Joe is so cute, wouldn't it be suitable to mix with your group of stinky men, that's a waste!"

"Smelly Man" Fan looked at her south and decided to be rude once, and got up and left without saying hello.

Zhuang Yu became even more angry when she saw this. She almost couldn't help snarling. She stared at her eyes and became stuffy. When she suddenly thought of something, her eyes lighted up and she left the conference room after picking up the electronic file.

Georgia touched the medical room in a black pajamas that was obviously too wide, but regretted that it was empty, the white hair was not there, Zhuang Yu was not there, and no acquaintance was there. Nowhere to find someone, he staggered to the side of the bed and looked around, looking up and down, no small pockets found, ears moved, wondering.

Strangely, in order to avoid sucking up the magic stones in the small pocket at that time, he put the small pocket under the pillow, but now what is it, was it picked up?

He searched again, but still couldn't find it, so he shouted at the apparently busy medical assistant and whispered.

"Small pocket? Ah, I remember. After you were taken away by the chief, Shuang Zhuang cleaned up the beds and beds. If you left something here, it should be put away by her." The assistant replied, seeing his face flushed and breathy. Stable, a smile appeared on his face, and he cared and asked, "Do you feel better? Is there anything uncomfortable, do you want my brother to check you again?"

Georgia's ears were frightened, and she shook her head to express her needlessness. After thanking her again, she turned away from the medical room and panicked—how everyone around Zhuang Yu liked to check him, too, it was terrible.

After that, he went to the training room again, but he still didn't find the figure of Bai Maoguai, not even the most familiar Tan Shengwei.

He twisted his eyebrows and looked out of the area of ​​the conference room he visited last time after leaving the training room. Hesitated for a moment, still not running around, walking towards his room with some frustration-I don't know what the white fur monster is now That ’s it, as well as the ornament that was accidentally absorbed by him. That thing is very expensive at first glance. I do n’t know if the white fur monster will allow him to “borrow” it for a while, and then return it to him after he has money. ... and what happened yesterday, how to explain it will be suspicious ...

As he walked between the gods, a familiar old voice suddenly heard in front of him.

"Why not in the room? What a blind morning!"

He froze, stopped and looked up, his eyes brightened, and greeted him excitedly, and said happily: "Grandpa! Did you come here for me? Have you had breakfast? Would you like to eat with me?" — "

The old man Ren was uncomfortable with his "special" statement, interrupted him with a stern face, took out a nutrient and threw it over, and said, "Come with me."

He caught the nutrient, swallowed the rest, and followed up with a temper, asking, "Grandpa, are you stuck on the parts again? This is not always a solution. I will not be here in the future, you— — "

That being said, isn't he Ren Mo without this little ghost and no one can move parts?

"Shut up!" He glanced back at Georgia angrily, seeing him staring at him like a scared quail, stunned, and added dryly: "Yelling, disturbing people."

"That's the way it is." Georgia breathed a sigh of relief, rushed to him in complete remorse, and said in a low voice, "I thought grandpa, you don't like me anymore, let me lower my voice, this volume Do you think so? "

Old Ren: "..." Who likes you! Who likes it!

"Grandpa?" Georgia wondered.

"... Very good." Ren old man whispered back to him, speeding up his progress, his face even stronger.

Georgia was unaware of it, and also accelerated its speed. The good mood of magical qualifications was nowhere to be vented, and it turned from a silent baby to a chatter, saying excitedly: "Grandpa, I got a mech. Model, would you like to see it? It's beautiful, if only I could make such a beautiful mech. "

When the old man heard the words, his heart moved, and he looked back at him, his eyes softened.

The two again came to the small room where the parts were stored. Georgia familiarly helped the old man to move the parts to the instrument, then sat in the corner and pulled out the small mech.

"Come here, help me." Ren Ren stood in front of the instrument, his face full of dissatisfaction with him.

Georgia froze, seeing that he was impatient, and quickly picked up the mech and walked over, standing obediently to him, his gaze stuck to the parts.

"This part is the connecting shaft of the weapon slot." The old man, regardless of whether he understood it or not, had no foundation. When he came over, he opened the recorder directly, put out the perspective view of the part, and pointed out a few points. He watched and said, "I made three modifications to this connecting shaft. The first version of the conversion was very failed and was discarded directly. The last version you saw when you came over was the third version. You touched the first two. Version, now try to see how this version differs from the previous two versions. "

Georgia took a look at the perspective view, and another glance that the parts in front of him did not seem to be different from the previous two. He tried to recall the parts that he saw the previous two times, frowned, and made a circle around the parts. Zoomed in before seeing the perspective, hesitantly said: "It seems ... getting bigger and bigger ..."

Totally unprofessional answer.

The old man, Ren Zheng, asked for two more perspectives and asked, "What else?"

The three perspective views show the internal structure of the parts very intuitively. Although the differences between the three are subtle, they can also be seen by taking a closer look. Georgia contrasted the observation, and gradually saw the doorway, and then the more I looked at it, the more familiar a part transfer method of the third edition was. I couldn't help but approached it, and looked at the familiar place against the parts. Eyes widened: "This ..."

Seeing that he finally grasped the point, the old man nodded with satisfaction in his heart, turned off the perspective view, took out several small machine dolls from the space button and placed them in front of him, and said, "This is a gift you gave to a team The member's doll is modified from a broken home robot. You have retained most of its main body, changed its shape by smelting, and then added mechanical moving joints without moving the sound system. "

Georgia looked over, his eyes widened, and he couldn't speak at the familiar doll—how could the doll he gave Captain Tan be in the hands of Grandpa? And it seems to have been thoroughly researched.

"This is a gadget you gave to Fan, completely self-made. The mechanical structure inside is very delicate, and it does not belong to any existing mechanical design genre." Ren old man picked up a metal pendant and played it for a while, then put it down and took Put the electronic pen in the third place: "This is the object that you have changed the least, but also the most subtle. It is different from the rigid mode of the traditional electronic pen. You add some fun to it, but this is the With a little joke, you use a special part transfer method that has never appeared before. "

Georgia had understood what he was about to say, and he couldn't help turning his eyes to the parts in front of him.

"I used your transfer method on the third version of the part change. It turns out that my choice was correct. You are very spiritual and much stronger than me." Ren also looked at that part. His eyes were a little distant: "Eight years ago, a well-known master of frame design rejected the idea of ​​a purely manual driving mech proposed by an excellent mech warrior, and rebuked him as a madman trying to disrupt the existing order. He is ridiculed that he is useless, and he wants to drag the entire human race into the water. "

As soon as Georgia's ears moved, he looked sideways at him, faintly aware of the identity of the "excellent mech warrior" in his mouth.

"Later, he found me who secretly researched the manual driving of the mech and invested heavily." The old man touched the parts in front of him, and his eyes became firm. "Seven years ago, I abandoned all the traditional methods, whether it was with spirit or not. The fusion of strength is the mech manufacturing material of the judging standard. Using a batch of materials that are completely incompatible with mental power, the first purely manual driving mech was manufactured. Six years ago, the The mech warrior drove the mech that I designed and stepped on the foot of the empire at the time. "

Georgia depicts a white-haired monster driving a mech overlooking sentient beings with bright eyes.

"But the mech warrior and I both knew that the attempt was a failure. In that battle, he fought with mental energy violently, at the last moment, he used mental energy to make a winning lore." The old man's voice lowered and he turned to look at Georgia, his expression became serious: "Georgia, I have been trying these years, but I have only developed semi-finished mechas that coexist with manual driving and mental driving, and mechas with pure manual driving It is still a miracle where no one can touch the door. My thinking is limited, but you do n’t have it. You grew up in a completely free environment and received a completely different education from the public. Your thinking is free. "

Georgia looked at him, and Kanma felt like he saw the patriarch and grandpa who told him that he could be an outstanding dwarf warrior without magic. They were wise men, unwilling to let their minds surrender to the world, and worked hard to dig and cultivate each one Children outside the world become their beacon.

The two looked at each other silently, for a long time, when Georgia couldn't help but open his mouth to say something, the old man retracted his gaze, put all the dolls together, and threw him an electronic copy. The voice returned to the original indifference, saying : "Help me record the data, don't make mistakes."

Georgia was stunned, stunned-wasn't it just recalling the past, looking to the future, the atmosphere of choosing a young hero, what is the situation now?

"Hardness: worry; performance is good-what are you doing, remember!" Ren old man was less indifferent before he changed, and he slapped the parts without a word, exposing his bad temper.

"Ah? Oh oh." Georgia recalled, busy picking up the electronic pen to record, and his head was full of question marks-so what did Grandpa Ren just say for the chase? Too lonely to find someone to tell the story of the year?

The data for the semi-finished parts to be tested is very tedious. The two were busy in the morning, and there was no time to say something.

For the first time, Georgia was really exposed to mecha-making related things. I just felt that a brand new door was opened in front of me. As I got busy, I became more excited. In the end, I was even more excited than the leading old man. I kept a strong thirst for knowledge , Crazy absorbs everything he can understand.

Record the last number in the electronic book, Georgia touched the data on it, and returned it to Ren Ren, looking at him expectantly, ears moving, waiting for his evaluation.

The old man Ren did not even look at the contents of the electronic notebook, instead he reached out his hand: "What about the little mech you made, show it to me."

Georgia froze, busy pretending to touch the space button in his pocket, but actually took out the small mech from the storage ring bound to the eyebrow magic pool, put it gently into his hand, and said a bit embarrassed: "I later I changed the weapon slot again, but it was always bad. I still do n’t know much about weapons. "

The old man took a look at him, took the mech in front of him, then took a pen from his pocket, drew a few strokes at the mech's weapon slot and shoulder joint, and handed it back to him: "According to this size Change, and in addition, what do you want to eat in the future, go back and think about it. "After ringing the indoor communication, shouted an assistant, waved a hand to catch customers.

Before asking anything, he was "sent" by the assistant. Georgia glanced at the closed metal door and took out the small mech from the storage ring. It reminded him of the words that the old man said.

What do you want to eat?

He touched the lines on the little mech, his eyes were confused.

Before he came here, his dream was to be an excellent dwarf warrior, dig a lot of mines, build a lot of tools and weapons for the tribe, protect his own tribe, and help his parents no longer worry about him. Proud. The dwarves are diligent and diligent. There are foods everywhere in the forest. The dwarves never lack food.

But here, the family is gone, the clan is gone, and the parents ca n’t see it. It seems that the previous dreams can also be regarded as missing ...

"Standing in the middle of the road."

The back collar was suddenly lifted, he went back to his head, and was hit by a nutrient.

"Eat, we went out after eating, and stayed awake, wandering around, and sipping oil." Chu Rong, who had been looking for him for a while, frowned and shook him. After confirming that his breath is stable and normal, his eyebrows are loosened, he is put down, and his ears are squeezed-it is really not strong. It is estimated that this body training will be a loss, Bai Chang is so vigorous.

Georgia has become accustomed to his bad attitude, and remembers what happened last night. At this time, he finally saw someone, and he took the initiative to make a "destructive" for him, and Baba explained: "I went to you yesterday and accidentally The medical room fell asleep, and later, uh, later ... I fell asleep and would do some weird things, you, you ... That is, can you lend me the ornament you held for me temporarily, I will later I'll give you another style, and it's guaranteed to look better than this! Really! "After looking at him nervously, he put his pajamas on him unconsciously.

After falling into a coma last night, his consciousness was vague, all he knew was that the white-haired monster lifted his quilt, hugged him for a while, and stuffed him something. Today, he woke up in a strange room, and there was a magic stone that had been drained. He guessed that it was the white fur monster that he couldn't bear and could take him back to the room, and he robbed the magic stone.

Shame has done a lot, and now he just hopes that the other party doesn't find the weird situation that the magic stone in his arms is drained.

After hearing a word, Chu Rong stared at him for a few seconds. He couldn't help rubbing his hair and pinching him again, training: "Don't run away in the future, I'm afraid you'll be stupid."

"I didn't run around, I was going to help ..." Georgia was dumbfounded by him, some did not understand what he meant by this reaction, and retorted softly.

Still talking back?

Chu Rong gave him a slight glance, shook him again, and walked towards the exit of the hatch. He said generously: "Sent to you." Isn't it just a more expensive stone?

Georgia heard that his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help holding his clothes affectionately—the white-haired monster was really a good guy!

With his heart down, he finally noticed that the two people seemed to be moving in the wrong direction. He tightened the nutrient in his hands and asked, "Would you like to take me out? Where should I go?" Did he think he was picking up the ornaments? Too wayward, do you want to throw him out?

Thinking of this, his ears could not help but straighten, his body stiffened, and he began to panic again.

Chu Rong looked at the nervousness and counseling on his face. He couldn't hold his ears, squeezed the corner of his mouth slightly, and then quickly pressed down. He deliberately said with a tiger's face, "Tomorrow we will return to the total star. Stay on the road for a few days, and today I will take you out to bask in the sun, lest you grow mold in the house every day. "

Basking in the sun?

Georgia's straight ears relaxed quickly and shuddered excitedly, expectantly—although the ship was good, but the dwarf was a race that loved nature, and he missed the feeling of being surrounded by nature.

So again, the white-haired monster is indeed a good person posted by individuals!

The two came to the hatchway they had visited when they took the mech to the red tin mine last time, and Chu Rong took off a mech-style space button from his neck and waved it towards the open space. A tall and thick pure black with golden lines Mech appeared on the open space.

Georgia looked up and held his breath unconsciously.

Domineering mech!

Different from all the mechas that I have seen before, this mech in front just shakes off the previous mechas. I do n’t know how many grades, it stands there, like lying down after drinking blood. The beast, despite all its aggressiveness, was **** and aggressive, but it was impossible to ignore.

The full magic felt the breath of the strong, and fluttered to it, and then a very sharp idea blocked the magic back, and seemed to swallow the bite of the magic that he flung over. He was startled, and he was busy withdrawing his magic power. His eyes fell on the dark golden lines on the armor, and his eyes became more curious.

This pattern seems to be more than just decoration, it feels like a material extracted from some kind of beast.

"Don't be dazed."

The familiar breath leaned over, then his waist tightened and his body emptied. The next second, he was already standing in the mech's cockpit.

Unlike the black mech driven southward, the cockpit of this mech is even more narrow. Although it also has a co-pilot, it is behind the main driver ’s seat. It is very small and probably only enough to stretch a leg. .

Chu Rong found a protective cover and put it on him. He looked puzzledly at the mecha space button necklace that seemed to be wrong in his hand, and quickly ignored it. The seat belt, patted the top of his protective cover, and instructed: "Don't move, look at my movements carefully." After speaking, I went to the main driver's seat and sat down.

Georgia glanced at the space button necklace he placed on the console, glanced over the two earth-based small magic stones that had completely lost their luster at the junction of the necklace, and silently added another debt to his heart.

A slight start-up sound came, and the lights in the cockpit were lit in sequence. A circular translucent screen that almost surrounded the entire cockpit was projected into the air, directly showing the scenery around the mech.

Georgia was immediately distracted and couldn't help whispering—it was so clear, it was as if they were standing in the surrounding scenery instead of mecha. With so many screens, almost all the mecha to the south Several times!

"Don't take it away."

Chu Rong's cold voice came from in front of him, and he looked away and should have a good reputation.

The slender and powerful hand was placed on the complicated operation button of the button. Georgia noticed that the operation plate of this mech was completely different from the one operated by Xiangnan, with more buttons and some strange weird levers. Device.

"let's go."

The slender fingers clicked a button, and the mech flew up into the air, and flew towards the outside of the warship at an unprecedented speed. At the same time, Chu Rong's cold voice sounded in the cockpit.

"In the past, Mecha was identified as being able to be driven only by people with mental level B or above, but that was actually wrong. As long as you work hard, even a person without mental power can become an excellent mech warrior."

Georgia looked at his fast beating hand on the manipulator, remembering the words of the old man, faintly understood his purpose of standing up mech this time to bring himself out.

"The only advantage of mental driving over manual driving is that the mental power can synchronize with the mech, sense the surrounding environment with the fastest speed, and respond with the fastest speed in battle. But when your eyesight and hand speed When it reaches a certain level, the advantages of mental driving can actually be drawn infinitely by efficient manual driving. When the two are completely equal, the battle experience and combat awareness are the keys to determining whether you can win. "

Chu Rong had so many rare words, Georgia listened carefully, glanced around the ring-shaped screen that clearly reflected the surrounding environment, and the mood was surging-mech is a weapon of the strong, whether it is a mentally strong or a strong physical.

"Georgia, you have to remember that the third disability is just a yoke that someone puts on you. In fact, it is nothing, and it can become strong without mental energy."

Since the birth of Mech, spiritual power has been the only criterion for determining whether humans can drive it. In the past, even physical waste materials rely on excellent mental power to become mech warriors. When things turn around, someone When you have physical strength but no mental strength, you will be directly classified as a third-level disability, not to mention driving the mech, even daily life will be affected.

In this age when even newborn babies have mental power, the role of mental power has penetrated into almost every aspect of life. Entering Xingwang requires mental power, using teaching software to go to school requires mental power, and operating various instruments requires mental power. Even applying for an identity card requires leaving a trace of mental power for identification. It can be said that a person without mental strength is almost impossible to move in this era.

When the first person proposed the concept of purely manual mech driving, everyone laughed at him ruthlessly, saying that he was whimsical and trying to change the world. But when someone really stood on the peak by pure manual driving, and stepped on the feet of the mental genius that everyone thought, they were silent and went crazy.

It turns out that it can! Purely manual driving is not a joke! Pure physical qualifications are no longer representative of barbarians, but the possibility of another hero!

Unfortunately, this madness has only existed for a few days, because people have found that manual driving requires too much physical strength, and most people fail to meet that requirement. Even if it is fortunate to achieve, manual driving has a problem with dynamic vision and The demand for keen senses also frightened a large number of people.

"That's their waste, don't think about it!"

I do n’t know when the robot stopped, Chu Rong took off his protective cover, walked up to Georgia and looked down at him with his hand on the top of his protective cover. Shen Sheng said: "If you do n’t have enough qualifications, you have poor dynamic vision. Just look at it, go to the actual combat and slow progress, physical strength is the easiest qualification to upgrade, as long as you pay sweat, you will be rewarded. "

Georgia looked up at his proud and confident appearance, feeling that he seemed to be glowing.

"So Georgia." Chu Rong helped him to remove the protective cover, bent down to look up to him, and pressed his finger on his forehead: "You have the qualification to become a strong person, and later enter the society, that ridiculous level three disability identification, you can directly Ignore. "

His eyes were serious, full of trust in him, as if he had shattered the definition given to him by his strength and climbed to the top to become a true strongman.

Georgia thought of himself who used to run freely in the woods, and glanced at this fascinating cockpit. The magic was boiling in the magic pool, his emotions were completely mobilized, and his face turned red with excitement.

"Georgia." Chu Rong's hand moved down and landed on his shoulder. He squeezed gently and said, "I can give you everything you need to be stronger, so are you willing to follow me? As long as you work hard, there will always be One day, your name will be engraved on the list of federal mech warriors, and the military will have your place. "

Georgia looked into his deep eyes, bewildered by the **** future he had promised, and almost asked to accept his invitation, but he suddenly remembered the old man asked him that, like his time bomb, Thinking of the identity of the soldier required to stay by his side and the inconveniences that this identity represents, thinking of the joy of searching for ore and making tools and weapons with the clan in the past, thinking of the shock when I first saw the mech, thinking of his storage ring The little mech lying in it remained silent for a few seconds, raised his eyes, met his gaze, shook his head firmly, and said seriously, "No, I don't want to."

Compared to fighting, he really likes the feeling that various machines are slowly taking shape in his hands, and he still has a lot of things to do. He is destined to be unable to focus on responding to the expectations of the white fur monster, which is unfair.

The determination on Chu Rong's face was frozen, he looked at him deeply for a few seconds, and then seemed to hear something incredible. He grabbed his collar to lift him up, shook it hard, his bad temper rose again, and asked fiercely. Said: "Damn bald chicken, what did you just answer? You said you didn't want to?"