MTL - Editing the Marriage Scene of the Fan Game Was Taken Seriously-Chapter 65

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"He actually detonated the body of the shadow clone...!"

Said and quickly rushed to the water, ready to help.

Not only was she amazed, but at this time, in reality, countless people watching the video were equally shocked!

Although it can't compare to the earth-shattering situation when Hasuma vs Madara not long ago, this battle is also quite exciting. If Hasuma vs Madara is to let people see what it means to open and close, split mountains and crack the ground, then The fight between Casey VS Itachi vividly demonstrated what it means to be a master operation, to the extreme!

Every detail, every moment, is breathtaking and may directly change the outcome of the battle!

Whether it is Uchiha Itachi or Kakashi, they are all ninjutsu skills. Teacher-like operation!

They are all top-notch masters in the ninja world!

"Don't be careless." In the video, Kakashi took a deep breath and looked solemn, "That guy is a man who became the captain of the dark section at the age of 13. "

\"!!!\" Hearing this, Maoyue Xiyan was shocked.

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful."

"No, that guy's strength is far more than that." Kakashi said slowly.

As he said that, he looked solemnly at the pair of writing wheel eyes opposite Itachi.

The ability of those eyes, Itachi hadn't really used it yet!

On the opposite side, Itachi also looked at Kakashi's one-eyed writing wheel eye from his former friend Uchiha Obito.

"I didn't expect that you, who are not from the Uchiha family, can use the Shaker to such a degree."

Even seeing through a series of his own operations just now, Kakashi's level is also very good.

"However, your body is not the body of the Uchiha clan that suits those eyes." Itachi continued slowly, "Why the Uchiha clan is called the strongest and scary, just let you see. "

\"!!!\" Hearing this, everyone watching the battle couldn't help but be shocked again.

It seems that Itachi will show his true strength next!

But wait! The strongest is Uchiha? Are you Uchiha floating, or am I, Hasrama, unable to lift the knife?

Well, in this era, Hakuma is indeed long gone.

"Next, is the real power of Sharonyan and Xueji boundary." In the video, Itachi said slowly. "Could it be...?!!" Kakashi was also surprised.

"Oops! You two, don't look him in the eyes!" Kakashi quickly instructed Kane Yuhi and Yuzuki Yuyan next to him. "You must not open your eyes, now look into his eyes, and you're done!" "The only ones who can resist that move are those who have a wheel eye." "!!!" Xi Yan quickly closed her eyes.

But in this way, it is impossible to fight at all, and it becomes a one-on-one between Kakashi and Itachi.

"Indeed, if you have a Shaker, you can fight this [kaleidoscope Shaker]," On the other hand, Itachi glanced at everyone calmly, looked at Kakashi, and said slowly, "But..."

"This special Shaker Eyeball technique, [Illusion. Moon reading], cannot be deciphered." "The only people who can defeat me are Shakern Eyes users with the same [Xueji Boundary]." "Sasuke?" Kakashi quickly understood who he was talking about.

But the next moment. "Um...?!!"

Around, the space has changed rapidly.

With a whirlwind, Kakashi seemed to suddenly enter a blood-red space!

In the space, except the sky is blood red, other places have no color, only black and white!

Including Kakashi who found himself stuck on the cross at this time!

And on the opposite side, Uchiha Itachi with a long sword in his hand!

"How long can you last without the bloodline limit?" Itachi said lightly. "Ugh!!!"

The next moment, Kakashi involuntarily made a painful sound!

Because, when the voice fell, Itachi had stabbed the sharp knife in his hand directly into Kakashi's abdomen!

After a long time, Kakashi seemed to finally recover.

"It's illusion now..." Kakashi thought to himself.

This kind of thought may comfort him, because everything in the illusion world is just an illusion after all, and so are the hurt and pain just now.

But on the opposite side, I saw that at this time, the original Itachi had become several Itachi.

And everyone has a long sharp knife in their hands! "In the world of the moon reading." A Uchiha Itachi said.

As he spoke, the sharp knife in his hand stabbed into Kakashi's shoulder at once.

"Ugh...!!!" Kakashi couldn't help but let out another pained cry.

That pain, it doesn't look like a world of illusion at all, it doesn't look like fake pain at all! "Whether it's space, time, or quality, it's all under my control." In front of him, Uchiha Itachi continued.

While talking, he used the sharp knife in his hand to stab Kakashi again.

Beside him, other Uchiha Itachi, at this time, also stabbed Kakashi with the sharp knives in their hands. "Ugh....!!!"

Kakashi was hit several times at the same time, and he couldn't help but scream in pain! "For the next 72 hours, I'll keep stabbing you in the body."

Itachi said, and continued to stab mercilessly.

The other ferrets next to him also kept going, one knife, one knife. ..."Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!

Kakashi has completely become a fish to be slaughtered on the chopping block and stabbed at will!

And even the fish to be slaughtered will be given a good time, but at this time, Kakashi has been stabbed repeatedly, and it is impossible to have a good time! "Ugh...!! Ah...!!"

Kakashi is in pain!

People even fainted in pain.

However, in this world, people can't faint, and they can't even escape the pain by passing out!

And that's not all!

Amid the pain and haze that was close to fainting, but could not pass out, Kakashi panted and looked around.

At this time, I was surprised to find that there was another cross not far away!

On the cross, the other self, was also bound there!

And there are several Uchiha Itachi standing in front of him!

"In the world of Yuedu, whether it is time, space, or quality, it is all under my control."

One of the Itachi repeats what he just said.

Then, together with a few other Uchiha Itachi, ruthlessly stabbed that Kakashi again!


Kakashi suddenly felt a heart-wrenching pain again!

That self, the pain of being stabbed, I can fully feel it!

"Calm down... this is illusion..." Kakashi could only tell himself this repeatedly.

Otherwise, the pain would even make people nervous!

"You'd better not think it's an illusion and underestimate this move." In front of him, as if he had expected Kakashi's self-comfort, Itachi said lightly and slowly.

Saying that, he stabbed again and again. went in.

Kakashi: "!!!"


"This kind of pain is not an illusion. This kind of pain is exactly the same as the pain in reality." Itachi said.

Saying that, it was a few more stabs. go in!


Kakashi wanted to deny it, but his feelings told him that what Itachi said was the truth!

All the pain here is actually real!

And it still makes people taste the pain of lethal level repeatedly without dying!

"How long will your spirit last?" Itachi said calmly.

Said a few more knives.

He kept stabbing, his knife never stopped.

"Uh ah... ah ah...!!"

Kakashi wanted to shake his head in pain.

In the space, the blood-red sky and the blood-red full moon seemed to be dyed red by the blood of his heart.

At this time, when I looked around again, I saw that there were already countless numbers of myself tied to the cross!

Moreover, in front of each cross, there are several Uchiha Itachi with sharp knives in their hands!

"There are still 71 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds." In front of him, a Itachi said slowly.

"!!!" Kakashi was shocked.

"Since just now... has it been 1 second since just now?...!"

72 hours of continuous stabbing, and stabbing countless knives every second, in the space of monthly reading, only Kakashi's endless screams are left.


In reality, countless people who watched the video were already dumbfounded. Just because they glanced at him, they were stabbed by him for three days!

This Uchiha Itachi, can people still fight? !

Fighting against him is terrible! Once you miss it, it's simply better to die!

No, it's worse than life and death, and it's a hundred times more terrifying than life! !

Even Kakashi, who was considered a first-class master by himself just now, was staring at him in front of him! !

That Uchiha Itachi, once he meets his eyes, is completely finished!

Worse than dying a hundred times! !

In terms of attack power, maybe Uchiha Itachi is not the strongest.

But in terms of scariness and danger in battle, Uchiha Itachi is simply the best in the world!

This illusion, even if the five shadows come, can't bear it? !

"Mr. Itachi, your technique seems to have been fully demonstrated!"

In reality, opposite Yuri Hong and Uzuki Yuyan, the dried persimmon ghost said leisurely. "It's really terrifying!" "Aren't the two people on the opposite side stunned?" He said, looking at the opposite Yuhika and Uzuki Yuyan. Red Yuri: \"..." Yuyue Xiyan: "..."

That video, what was played, was actually the battle that was about to happen next!

Of course, the scene seems to be slightly different. Although they are all by the river in Konoha, the place where several people are in reality is not far from the street.

It seems that there are still some deviations between the future and reality due to various factors. After all, the future has already been changed in many places.

But even so, that video is still chilling!

Scared even thinking about it!

Now that the future has been changed, and I now bump into the two people on the opposite side, if Kakashi didn't come as in the video, and the two of them fought with the other side just now, and then I was hit by Uchiha Itachi's illusion your own words...

He must have collapsed immediately!

And even if Kakashi came, Uchiha Itachi's month reading was so terrifying, who could do to him? !


Kurenai Yuhi and Yuzuki Yuyan invariably thought of one person.

As if I don't know when, I have already regarded that guy as the biggest support in my heart.

But the next moment, the two of them quickly dismissed the idea in their hearts.

The person who he confessed to in the future, although he will be strong in the future, but now, as expected, he is still completely unable to face a terrifying guy like Uchiha Itachi? !

Let him come, and he too will be in danger!

It may even be regarded as a giant by the enemy. Big potential threat, and focus on!

The worries shown in the video of Hong Yuhi's confession are not unreasonable.

He's so good, so...

The big tree attracts the wind, unless he is invincible like the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, otherwise, it is indeed too worrying.

The better, the more worried!