MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1147 Extreme means

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"How do you know that there are valuable information?"

Guarding the death of the lakeside mansion, seeing Ye Chenfeng return quickly, immediately asked.

"Your Master did come to the city of the gods hundreds of thousands of years ago, but I don't know if he is still in the city of God!" Ye Chenfeng said slowly.

"What should I do? The imprint I left cannot be contacted by Master!" The brow of the **** of death was tightly screwed together.

"It seems that we have to use extreme means!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes showed a hint of hot color.

"What extreme means!" A look of death.

"Initiating a chaos in the city of the gods, causing your master's attention, as long as your master pays attention to the chaos of the city of the gods, I will definitely find him!"

Although the city of the gods is shrouded in a strong ban, but if Shendi Jiu releases the soul and prying, Ye Chenfeng believes that he can feel his existence.

"Death, protect the sky, don't let anyone hurt her, and leave the rest to me!" Ye Chenfeng said: "I want to turn the city of the gods upside down."

Fenghua Xueyuelou, the most famous brothel in the city of the goddess, there are the most beautiful women of all ethnic groups, as well as the wines and delicacies from the north of the sea, which is the favorite place of the top of the city.

Eligible to enter the Fenghua Snow Moon Building, in addition to the high price, you also need to have a certain identity, otherwise you are not eligible to enter the Fenghua Snow Moon Building.

In the evening, wearing a dark gold robes, a waistband with a gilt belt and a dragon-scale boot, Ye Chenfeng came alone to occupy a large area. It is located next to a bamboo forest and is brightly lit. The magnificent scenery of the building is outside the building.

Looking far away, outside the wind and snow, there are two rows of women wearing big red cheongsams, full-bodied and round legs.

Every time there is a guest walking into the Fenghua Snow Moon Building, these women will bow down and salute.

When the bowel salute, the red cheongsam hollowed out just a white squat, hooking the eye.

On the path paved by goose soft stone, Ye Chenfeng walked to the wind and snow moon tower in a walk, and was influenced by the magical meaning of his release. Without a guard, he walked in with ease. In the wind and snow in the moon.

When you enter the Fenghua Snow Moon Building, the first thing that is printed into the eye of Ye Chenfeng is a huge fountain. Around the fountain, there is a rare flower that blooms in the plant. The faint aura spreads in the blooming flower, let People are refreshed.

When you walked into the hall, Ye Chenfeng saw a stage suspended in midair. A woman wearing a white tulle skirt was wearing a pair of small feet and dancing on the stage. The proud parts are displayed in front of everyone.

Straight legs, white smooth back, slender waist, crystal clear jade feet exude fascinating charm. In the future, the eyes of passers-by can't help but attract the past, catching the hot eyes of the people, women twisting More powerful, I can't wait to take everyone's soul away.

"This son, good face, is it the first time we come to us!"

Ye Chenfeng released a powerful soul, covering the entire Fenghua Snow Moon Tower, a woman wearing a white lotus cheongsam, revealing a character clavicle and white ditch, lightly painted on her face, and a variety of styles, swaying **** The waist, with a touch of aroma came over, slightly open the seductive red lips.

"Give me a great location, I want to listen to Miss Xueyue playing the piano!" Ye Chen Fengcai took out a hundred pieces of the best crystal, stuffed into the hands of the woman, looked proud and proud.

And Xueyue is the squad of Fenghuaxueyuelou. Not only is it beautiful, but also the piano is superb. There are many people who are obsessed with her in the city of the gods, but there are only a handful of people who are qualified to climb her bed.

Ye Chenfeng is interested in Xueyue, not to greet her beauty, but to listen to the relationship between the son of the fascinating city **** Tuoba Wanjian and Xueyue. Tuoba Wanjian often comes to the snowy moon to give the snowy month. In addition, some people say that Xueyue is actually a lover of Tuoba Wanjian.

"Don't you, are you satisfied with this place?"

The style woman arranged a position near the piano hall for Ye Chenfeng, revealing a smile.

"Yes!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Give me a pot of good wine and then accompany me to drink."


The style woman wanted to refuse, but saw a blood red color in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the blood jade with extremely high value, and the eyes suddenly brightened.

"Okay, my nephew is the son of the son tonight!" The style woman took the blood jade, and immediately ordered a beautiful wine to be collected, personally pour the wine for Ye Chenfeng, look charming and Ye Chen The wind is drinking.

Suddenly, there was a beautiful shadow in the piano hall. Then, a melodious piano sounded like a cheerful stream, flowing into the hearts of the people, and it was so lively and sultry.

"Sure enough to be a beauty!"

Through the white gauze, Ye Chenfeng’s sharp and powerful eyes saw the appearance of Xueyue. Although Ye Chenfeng had seen many beautiful women, Ye Chenfeng had to admit that Xueyue was very beautiful, especially It is her pair of eyes that will discharge, and it is even more important to get rid of the man's soul.

While watching the beautiful sound of the piano, Ye Chenfeng, while watching the snowy moon, a man wearing a gorgeous clothes, with a golden crown, a five-membered, and six-star ancestor attracted the attention of Ye Chenfeng. Through dialogue, Ye Chenfeng is basically affirmed, this person is the son of the city of the gods, Tuoba Wanjian.

Following Tuoba Wanjian, is a face slightly pale, but extraordinary, with special scales on his forehead, the eyes of the eyes from time to time, the two-star ancestors, through the two Dialogue, Ye Chenfeng accidentally learned that this person is the enemy's left hill scales.

"This snowy month is really a rare beauty!" The Lord appeared, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile: "I don't know how many crystals I need to be able to spend the night with her."

"The son said, laughing, the snowy month only sells art and does not sell the body!" The woman's look sighed and explained softly.

"The art of selling is not enough to say that the chips are not enough!" Ye Chenfeng took a sip of wine: "100,000 best sacred crystals, I don't know enough?"

"The son of this..." The style woman brows a glimpse, did not expect Ye Chenfeng so bold, but think of the relationship between Xueyue and Tuojian Wanjian, she is somewhat embarrassed.

"Millions of best sacred crystals, I pack her for one night!" Ye Chenfeng put down his hands, a green wine glass, said the rich and powerful.

"Millions of best sacred crystals..." The style woman took a sip of cool air.

After the incident, I will send you 100,000 best sacred crystals!" Looking at the woman in the wind, the heart of the woman swayed, and Ye Chenfeng said hot.

"Well, I try to arrange it, but the snow month identity is a bit special. Whether it is success or failure, the son must keep a secret!" The woman gently bite the seductive red lips.

"Of course!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "This kind of thing, I don't think anyone wants to preach."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took out a Qiankun ring with 30,000 best crystals and handed it to the woman.

"Thank you, son, I will send the snowy month to your bed tonight!"

Aware of the number of the best crystals in the Qiankun ring, the woman of the style is full of emotions, and kissed Ye Chenfeng’s cheek excitedly, whispering softly.

"Chaos, tonight I want to make the city of the gods mess!"

Looking at the back of the woman who was leaving the wind, Ye Chenfeng glanced at the sturdy Tuoba and Zuoqiu scales, and recited it in his heart.