MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1162 The horror of the gods

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"Nanny, we exchange positions quickly, and only then can we persist in breaking through the realm!"

Looking at the spurting of blood, Shen Yaotian, Ye Chenfeng’s nervous voice.

"But you..."

"Reassured, my body is not worse than the artifact, there will be no problem. If I can't hold it, we exchange positions!" Ye Chenfeng said anxiously.

"That's okay!" Shen Yaotian knew that there was no meaning in strengthening the support. When the idea changed, he immediately exchanged his position with Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng has just been in charge of the heart, immediately attacked by the gods, a force beyond the imagination of Ye Chenfeng, slamming on his body, let him have a feeling of being hit by the mountain, the body A tremor, a lot of blood was sprayed in his mouth.

"Morning wind, you are alright!"

Looking at the most attacks, Ye Chenfeng, who was vomiting blood, Phoenix God and others were tight inside, and asked quickly.

"Nothing! Don't worry about me, attack with all your strength."

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and merged with the chaotic method to inspire the strongest potential of the wilderness. He controlled the destruction of the gods and attacked the gods.

"Destroyed hands!"

Under the control of Ye Chenfeng, the eternal destruction of the gods instantly took away the power of the people, turning into a big hand covering the heavens and the earth, evolving the mysterious meaning, and suppressing the palm of the hand to the gods.

"Hey, these attacks also want to threaten the gods!"

The gods are attacked by the gods, and the gods screamed coldly, and the bombardment punched them up.

Although the martial arts that the gods blasted out, compared with the big-handed hands of the evolution of the ancient dynasty, the power is incomparably small, but the power is more than the gods.


The violent tremor of the devil's hand is broken like a broken glass.

"You, open up the power of the field!"

When the hands of the gods are broken, Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts are passed on to the phoenix gods, Taiyi and others, so that they have opened up the power of the powerful field and merged into the battle of the gods.

Incorporating the power of the people, the power of the eternal destruction of the gods has skyrocketed, but Ye Chenfeng, who controls the enthusiasm, has been under tremendous pressure.

Fortunately, he changed the transformation of the nine transformations into the perfection of the Eucharist, which inspired the potential of the wilderness and completely withstood the weight.

"Destroy the sword!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and controlled the rapid evolution of the ancient sacred squad to form a huge sword stalk that was formed by a splitting. It was like a waterfall that smashed and smashed the bangs. To the gods.


The brow of the gods' brows is slightly wrinkled, and the space that controls the evolution of the space gods has struck up, and the sword with a handle has been violently killed in the void.

Ye Chenfeng is in charge of destroying the gods in a long time, resisting the attack of Shenhuang in a short time, chaos and beasts, and Shen Henggu and others have also fought fiercely with the Tianzu.

In the fierce fight, the ancestors were unfortunately killed and the **** of death was hit hard.

If it is not the critical time of the evil spirits, the power of the gods, killing the enemy, the **** of death has long died under the siege of the gods.

There are more and more injuries, but the evil spirits, Dragon King and others have not retreated.

Because they know that this is a battle that cannot be afforded, if it fails, it will be devastated.


A phoenix has an absolute advantage in this fierce battle. They rely on powerful talents to constantly kill the power of the heavens and bring them fatal injuries.

"古千秋, Dragon God, you two old things, give this **** to die!"

Looking at the scene in front of you, Taishen violently screams, and continuously displays the supreme power of the heavenly people, completely suppressing the ancient Qianqiu and the dragon god, bombarding their retreat, and constantly spraying blood in their mouths.

The injury gradually worsened. In ancient times, the dragon **** not only did not retreat, but instead slammed it hard, and regretted it.

"Hey, Xu brother, do you say that I can laugh at the end?"

"I don't know! I hope God bless my people."

"Why don't the emperor appear in these critical moments? If the emperor comes, it may change the fate of my race!"

"The Emperor, he is an out-and-out hypocrite, the fate of my race, and rely on the Promise God!"

When the people are able to hide in the distance, witnessing this war of the world, they lose their patience and launch a deadly attack on the eternal battle of the gods, and they want to end the battle with a bang.

"Ye Wuji, if you don't come out again, don't blame the gods for killing!"

The arrogant roar of the gods, the whole body and the space **** wood merged into a red space, and in this space, constantly evolved the supreme power, such as the wrath of the fury, constantly bombarded Destroy the gods.


Although Ye Chenfeng’s body is strong, he continues to spurt blood by continuously attacking the magical evolution of the gods.

Fortunately, the chaos method is enough against the sky, helping the leaf morning wind to resolve most of the attacks.

"Morning wind, can you still stick to it? If not, let me control this old bone!"

Looking at the pale face without a trace of blood, Ye Chenfeng, who is getting heavier and heavier, said that the dragon **** was worried.

"Reassure the seniors, I can still insist, if I can't hold on, I will ask for help!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and insisted on biting his teeth.

However, as time passed, Ye Chenfeng finally couldn’t hold on and exchanged positions with the Dragon God.

After another day, Taiyi replaced the seriously wounded Dragon God, and took the lead in destroying the gods.

Time goes by.

The fierce battle continued, the thick blood filled the void, forming a thick cloud of blood, and the entire Kunlun Holy Land became a human purgatory.

After about ten days, Ye Chenfeng has rotated eight times, and with the endless attacks of the gods, their injuries are getting heavier and heavier, and they can't hold on.

"Scorpio, I am changing you."

Ye Chenfeng looked at the **** of life who couldn’t stand it and shouted.

"Do not worry, the morning breeze, I am okay!" The **** of life bit his lip and said hard.

"Scorpio, we still need your healing, you can't have anything!" Ye Chenfeng said anxiously: "And I have the blood of Hongmeng, I have the inexhaustible power, and the endurance is better than you."

"That's alright!"

The **** of life really couldn’t stand it. She took a deep breath and exchanged her position with Ye Chenfeng.

But the moment they exchanged positions, the opportunity was captured by Shenhuang, and the red space of evolution became a horrible meteorite rain. The continuous bombardment of the ancient annihilation of the gods directly led to a large number of cracks in the eternal destruction of the gods. There is a limit of collapse.

"Not good, everyone expands the field and defends!"

When the battle of the ancient annihilation of the gods broke, Ye Chenfeng and the crowds all opened up a strong field, and forced the stability of the eternal battlefield by the power of the field.

But the magical blow is too long.

After about three hours, the field that Ye Chenfeng and others opened up was broken.

In the moment when the eight major fields were broken, Shenhuang suddenly appeared in front of the eternal battle of the gods, blending the power of the red space, and hitting the cracked ancient ruins.


Under one blow, Ye Chenfeng and others were all injured, and the bases of the ancient annihilation that they guarded were broken.

Being waiting for Ye Chenfeng and others to have a chance to breathe, Shenhuang blasted a fatal blow, crushing the seven bases in one fell swoop, and breaking the biggest refuge of Ye Chenfeng and others.

"All is over, let the **** send you back to the West!"

Looking at the ones who fell to the Kunlun Golden Temple, wearing the Golden Temple, and seriously injured Ye Chenfeng and others, Shenhuang mobilized the supreme power and launched a fatal blow to them.


Under a blow, space is for nothingness, mountains and rivers are broken, sun and moon are broken, and endless ways of law instantly annihilate Ye Chenfeng and others.