MTL - Eight Desolate Sword God-Chapter 1186 Thousands of giant snakes

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"What to do, you can't get rid of the emperor!"

In order to get rid of the chasing and killing of the emperor, Ye Chenfeng almost made all the stops, but he was still caught up by him. This made Ye Chenfeng anxious and constantly thinking about ways to get out.

"Well, that's..."

Flying and flying, Ye Chenfeng found a black swamp in front of him, and a lot of black fog floated over the swamp, covering everything.


Although there is a great possibility of hidden danger in the swamp, Ye Chenfeng has not taken care of it at this time. He did not hesitate and flew in the past without speed. He entered the black swamp of unknown danger. in.

"Good quiet!"

Into the black swamp, Ye Chenfeng felt a quiet piece around him, and the spirit of the gods sealed in his arms shook inexplicably.

Obviously, this black swamp hides a big danger and hides a big chance.

However, Ye Chenfeng can't take care of the big chance in the black swamp. At this time, he only wants to get rid of the killing of the emperor before the power of life is exhausted.


Flying in the air, the speeding brain of the brain suddenly detected danger in front, and the hair of Ye Chenfeng’s body was straight.

"Mirror avatar!"

The danger was discovered. Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to split the three mirrors, but his body was hidden in the Qiankun, hidden in a large mirror.


When the three mirrors were very fast and close to danger, a shrill squeaking sounded. In the thick black fog, Ye Chenfeng saw a huge figure breaking through the swamp.

"There are thousands of giant snakes in the wild."

Seeing the true body of the huge black shadow, Ye Chenfeng was not shocked, he did not expect that in the black swamp, there was such a huge monster hidden.

And from the horror of the thousands of serpents, the battle of thousands of serpents far exceeds their own, comparable to the virtual gods.

"Three mirrors are split, attack!"

In order to provoke a thousand giant snakes, Ye Chenfeng immediately ordered the three mirrors to launch a fierce attack on the thousand giant snakes.

"Awful human beings, you dare to offend this god, I swallow you!"

Thousands of giant snakes made a fierce roar, and thousands of snakeheads opened at the same time, spurting out the horrible demon light, and attacked the three mirrors.


The three mirrors of Ye Chenfeng's split are horrible, but their defense is not strong. They can't resist the attack of thousands of giant snakes, and they are smashed by a horrible demon.

When the three mirrors were broken, the chasing man appeared.

"Human, what I hate most is humanity!"

Thousands of giant snakes in the eyes of thousands of eyes shot a thick fierce light, twisting the huge body like a mountain, attacking the emperor.

Thousands of giant snakes are horrible, and thousands of snakeheads attack together, covering up the entire space, making it impossible for the Emperor to avoid it.

When the Emperor and the Thousands of Giant Snakes fought, Ye Chenfeng controlled the broken Qiankun, and quickly moved to escape from the black swamp.

"Where to escape!"

The powerful soul of the Emperor captured the fast-moving environment, and with an angry roar, he wanted to force a thousand snakes to fight back and kill Ye Chenfeng.

But the strength of the Thousand-Headed Snake is too horrible, and the big killings of the Emperor’s continuous display can’t force him to retreat. He can only watch as Ye Chenfeng flies farther and farther and disappears in the swamp covered by black fog. in.

"Huh, finally get rid of the emperor!"

With thousands of serpents, the defeat of the emperor's pursuit, Ye Chenfeng controlled the fire to temper the body, melting the imprint of the emperor on him.

"It seems that I must get the blood of Hongmeng as soon as possible, and continue to improve the combat power, otherwise I will encounter the Emperor, Shenhuang, I am afraid there is no such good luck!"

Ye Chenfeng hides his breath and hides in a slab of stone in the Shenxu. He has served several fruits of life, restored the power of life and physical injuries, and flew to the place where the gods of the gods got the blood of Hongmeng. go with.

With the experience of being chased by the emperor, Ye Chenfeng took care of a lot. With the mysterious bead flower, he completely concealed his breath and flew in the **** market.

At the same time, there is another person who is being chased.

And that person is a good relationship with Ye Chenfeng, who helped his Phoenix God many times.

The pursuit of the phoenix **** is a mysterious origin, known as the ancestor of the ancestor of Wanshu.

In fact, the Phoenix **** who set foot on the peak of the virtual gods is still above the tree ancestors, but the phoenix **** in a fierce place, almost exhausted all the cards, tried everything, and killed one. The horrible death **** of war has received a lot of sources of God.

But before she refining the source of the gods, she was attacked by the ancestors of the tree, further aggravating the physical injuries and only able to escape.

"Phoenix God, I don't want to kill you. If you are willing to share the source with the ancestors and promise to be the cult of the ancestors, I will let you!"

The tree ancestors stepped on a green cloud while chasing the phoenix **** while hoarse and scorpion.

"Hey, you are also a Taoist god!" Phoenix God snorted: "You still look in the mirror and see what you are doing."

"Phoenix God, to the realm of you and me, are you still so heavy on this stinky skin?" Shuzu is not moved: "Be my double monk, double repair with me, we will discuss the true meaning of life is not more it is good."

"Tree ancestors, I advise you to die this heart, this God is dead, and will not be your double monk!" Phoenix God gnashed his teeth.

If it wasn't for her injury, she really wanted to do everything, and the tree ancestors stunned.

"Hey, this ancestors can see you, it is your blessing. Since you don't cherish it, don't blame the ancestors for their enthusiasm and **** your blood!" The tree ancestors said, control the green clouds to continue chasing Kill the phoenix god.

The phoenix **** is too heavy, and she flies in the air. She can't suppress the serious injury, and a lot of blood is sprayed in her mouth.

Slowly, Shuzu catches up with her, intertwined with a long dragon-like ancient vine, and beats the body of the phoenix **** from the air, adding to her physical injury.


The phoenix **** with severely damaged clothes has suffered tens of thousands of ancient vine attacks. He can no longer bear it. The whole body slammed down to the ground and pulled a large pit from the ground. A lot of blood was sprayed in her mouth.

"Tree ancestors, don't you know that you want these sources of God?" Seriously injured, the phoenix **** took out the source of the **** that had just been desperately killed, and all of them swallowed their stomachs: "I will not let you do so."

"Phoenix God, why are you suffering? Even if you drink these sources of God?" Shuzu said indifferently: "When I kill you, I have refining you, these sources, and you." The blood, not still belongs to my ancestors, but before killing you, my ancestors will let you enjoy it, let you experience the wonderful taste of being a woman, maybe you will fall in love with this feeling."

Speaking, the tree ancestors broke a lot of roots in the body, like a dragon with a hole out, and the hole penetrated the phoenix god.

"Phoenix fire, burn!"

Swallowed a lot of gods, the phoenix **** only felt that his body was about to explode. She strove out a lot of phoenix fires and melted the roots of the trees.


Phoenix God tried his best to melt the roots of the tree ancestors, and the tree ancestors quickly condensed a mysterious big handprint, which was printed on her chest and printed her hundreds of meters away. .

There was a heavy blow, and the phoenix **** could not suppress the source of the explosion, and the whole body swelled up.

Just as she was angry and looked at the tree ancestors who came step by step, trying to blew the source of God and launch a fatal blow to him, a familiar figure appeared in front of her.